
Content for  TS 23.273  Word version:  19.1.0

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A  Differences with TS 23.271 [4]p. 174

A.0  Generalp. 174

Differences with TS 23.271 are described here where these may impact service to a target UE, LCS client, or client AF or NF. The differences are restricted to those applicable to a UE with EPS access in the case of TS 23.271 and do not include all differences applicable to GERAN or UTRAN access.

A.1  Differences in Parameters for a Location Requestp. 174

Table A.1-1 shows a list of parameters applicable to a location request sent by an external LCS client to a GMLC which are defined in TS 23.271, differences if any with this TS, and comments on these including any significant consequences.
Location Request Parameter Difference Comments
Target UE Identity GPSI, SUPI or pseudonym in this TS
MSISDN, IMSI or pseudonym in TS 23.271
Supported GAD shapesNone
LCS Client typeNone
Called Party NumberNot supported in this TSIf provided, this parameter should be ignored by a GMLC
APN NINot supported in this TSIf provided, this parameter should be ignored by a GMLC
Service IdentityNone
Service coverage informationNone
Requestor IdentityNot supported in this TSIf provided, this parameter should be ignored by a GMLC
Type of Requestor IdentityNot supported in this TSIf provided, this parameter should be ignored by a GMLC
Type of a deferred location requestNone
Periodic Location parametersNone
Area Event parametersNone
Motion Event parametersNone

A.2  Differences in Information Storage in the UDR/UDM versus HSS/GMLC for EPSp. 174

Table A.2-1 shows a list of LCS information storage items for a UE in the UDR and UDM defined in this TS and for the HSS and/or GMLC defined in TS 23.271, differences if any between this TS and TS 23.271, and comments on these including any significant consequences.
Information Storage Item(s) Difference Comments
UE Privacy Universal ClassNot supported in this TSThis privacy class should not be supported for 5GC capable UEs on the EPS side to avoid differences in LCS privacy support between EPS access and 5GS access for the same UE. (Note 1)
UE Location Privacy IndicationNot supported in TS 23.271This indication can create differences between LCS client access to a UE which has 5GS access versus EPS access. (Note 1)
UE Privacy Call/Session related ClassNot supported in this TSThis privacy class should not be supported for 5GC capable UEs on the EPS side to avoid differences in LCS privacy support between EPS access and 5GS access for the same UE. (Note 1)
UE Privacy Call/Session unrelated Class Supported as defined in TS 23.271 with the following differences:
  • Information related to an RGMLC is not included
  • An optional time period is not supported in TS 23.271
  • An optional geographic area is not supported in TS 23.271
This privacy class can create differences between LCS client access to a UE which has 5GS access versus EPS access. (Note 1)
UE Privacy PLMN Operator ClassNone
UE LCS Mobile Originating DataNone
A PLMN operator can avoid any difference in UE privacy support for EPS access versus 5GS access by only storing information for UE privacy (in the UE LCS privacy profile) in a UDR (and UDM) and not in an HSS or GMLC.

A.3  Differences in Information Storage in the GMLCp. 175

Table A.3-1 shows a list of information storage items in the GMLC for an LCS Client defined in this TS and in TS 23.271, differences if any between this TS and TS 23.271, and comments on these including any significant consequences.
Information Storage Item(s) Difference Comments
LCS Client TypeNone
External identityNone
Authentication dataNone
Call/session related identityNot supported in this TSThis information item can create differences between LCS client access to a UE which has 5GS access versus EPS access. (Note 1)
Internal identityNone
Client nameNone
Client name typeNo difference except that this TS adds a Client Name type in the form of a GPSI. A GPSI can be an MSISDN or External Identifier in the form of "username@realm" as defined in TS 23.003.
TS 23.271 allows an MSISDN but the External Identifier is not included.
Override capabilityNone
Authorized UE ListNone
QoS parametersNone
Service CoverageNone
Allowed LCS + Request Types TS 23.271 includes the following items which are not in this TS:
  • Non-call related CS-MT-LR/PS-MT-LR/EPC-MT-LR
  • Call/session related CS-MT-LR/PS-MT-LR/EPC-MT-LR
  • Specification or negotiation of priority
  • Specification or negotiation of QoS parameters
  • Specification or negotiation of Service Coverage parameter
This TS includes the following items which are not in TS 23.271:
  • Request of deferred location for the UE available event
  • Request of deferred location for UE periodic events
  • Request of deferred location for the Area Event
  • Request of deferred location for the Motion Event
This TS should take precedence (Note 1)
Local Co-ordinate SystemNone
Access Barring List(s)TS 23.271 includes a list of MSISDNs.
This TS includes a list of SUPIs
This TS can take precedence (Note 1)
Service IdentitiesNone
Maximum Target UE NumberNone
A PLMN operator can avoid any difference in LCS Client support for a target UE with EPS access versus 5GS access by only storing information for an LCS Client in a GMLC as defined in this TS.

A.4  Differences with TS 23.271 [4] on Privacyp. 176

A.4.1  Differences in UE LCS Privacyp. 176

Table A.4.1-1 shows a list of UE LCS privacy features defined in this specification and in TS 23.271, differences if any between these, and comments on these including any significant consequences.
UE LCS Privacy Feature Difference Comments
Privacy Override Indicator (POI)None
UE Privacy Universal ClassNot supported in this TSThis class allows a UE to subscribe to location by any LCS client. For such a UE, a 5GC GMLC will not support such location.
Location Privacy IndicationNot supported in TS 23.271
UE Privacy Call/Session related ClassNot supported in this TS This class permits location by LCS clients to which the UE has established a PS session.
A 5GC GMLC will not allow such location. However, the location can be allowed as part of the Call/Session unrelated class.
UE Privacy Call/Session unrelated Class Supported as defined in TS 23.271 with the following differences:
An optional valid time period is added.
An optional valid geographic area is added
The optional valid time period and valid geographic area allow more precise control of location reporting. For example, tracking of employees by an employer can be restricted to a work location and/or normal work hours.
UE Privacy PLMN Operator ClassSupported as defined in TS 23.271

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