
Content for  TS 23.038  Word version:  18.0.0

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6  Individual parametersp. 14

6.1  General principlesp. 14

6.1.1  General notesp. 14

Except where otherwise indicated, the following shall apply to all character sets:
  1. The characters marked "1)" are not used but are displayed as a space.
  2. The characters of this set, when displayed, should approximate to the appearance of the relevant characters specified in ISO 1073 [16] and the relevant national standards.
  3. Control characters:
Code Meaning
LFLine feed: Any characters following LF which are to be displayed shall be presented as the next line of the message, commencing with the first character position.
CRCarriage return: Any characters following CR which are to be displayed shall be presented as the current line of the message, commencing with the first character position.
SPSpace character.
  1. The display of characters within a message is achieved by taking each character in turn and placing it in the next available space from left to right and top to bottom.

6.1.2  Character packingp. 14  SMS Packingp. 14  Packing of 7-bit charactersp. 14
If a character number α is noted in the following way:
  b7  b6  b5  b4  b3  b2  b1
  αa  αb  αc  αd  αe  αf  αg
The packing of the 7-bit characters in octets is done by completing the octets with zeros on the left.
For examples, packing: α
  • one character in one octet:
    • bits number:
      7  6   5   4   3   2   1   0
      0  1a  1b  1c  1d  1e  1f  1g
  • two characters in two octets:
    • bits number:
      7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
      2g  1a  1b  1c  1d  1e  1f  1g
      0   0   2a  2b  2c  2d  2e  2f
  • three characters in three octets:
    • bits number:
      7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
      2g  1a  1b  1c  1d  1e  1f  1g
      3f  3g  2a  2b  2c  2d  2e  2f
      0   0   0   3a  3b  3c  3d  3e
  • seven characters in seven octets:
    • bits number:
      7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
      2g  1a  1b  1c  1d  1e  1f  1g
      3f  3g  2a  2b  2c  2d  2e  2f
      4e  4f  4g  3a  3b  3c  3d  3e
      5d  5e  5f  5g  4a  4b  4c  4d
      6c  6d  6e  6f  6g  5a  5b  5c
      7b  7c  7d  7e  7f  7g  6a  6b
      0   0   0   0   0   0   0   7a
  • eight characters in seven octets:
    • bits number:
      7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
      2g  1a  1b  1c  1d  1e  1f  1g
      3f  3g  2a  2b  2c  2d  2e  2f
      4e  4f  4g  3a  3b  3c  3d  3e
      5d  5e  5f  5g  4a  4b  4c  4d
      6c  6d  6e  6f  6g  5a  5b  5c
      7b  7c  7d  7e  7f  7g  6a  6b
      8a  8b  8c  8d  8e  8f  8g  7a
The bit number zero is always transmitted first.
Therefore, in 140 octets, it is possible to pack (140x8)/7=160 characters.
Up  CBS Packingp. 15  Packing of 7-bit charactersp. 15
If a character number α is noted in the following way:
  b7  b6  b5  b4  b3  b2  b1
  αa  αb  αc  αd  αe  αf  αg
the packing of the 7-bit characters in octets is done as follows:
               bit number
               7    6    5    4    3    2    1    0
  octet number
  1            2g   1a   1b   1c   1d   1e   1f   1g
  2            3f   3g   2a   2b   2c   2d   2e   2f
  3            4e   4f   4g   3a   3b   3c   3d   3e
  4            5d   5e   5f   5g   4a   4b   4c   4d
  5            6c   6d   6e   6f   6g   5a   5b   5c
  6            7b   7c   7d   7e   7f   7g   6a   6b
  7            8a   8b   8c   8d   8e   8f   8g   7a
  8            10g  9a   9b   9c   9d   9e   9f   9g
  81           93d  93e  93f  93g  92a  92b  92c  92d
  82           0    0    0    0    0    93a  93b  93c
The bit number zero is always transmitted first.
Therefore, in 82 octets, it is possible to pack (82x8)/7 = 93.7, that is 93 characters. The 5 remaining bits are set to zero as stated above.
Up  USSD packingp. 16  Packing of 7 bit charactersp. 16
If a character number α is noted in the following way:
  b7   b6   b5   b4   b3   b2   b1
  αa   αb   αc   αd   αe   αf   αg
The packing of the 7-bit characters in octets is done by completing the octets with zeros on the left.
For example, packing: α
  • one character in one octet:
    • bits number:
      7   6    5    4    3    2    1    0
      0   1a   1b   1c   1d   1e   1f   1g
  • two characters in two octets:
    • bits number:
      7    6    5    4    3    2    1    0
      2g   1a   1b   1c   1d   1e   1f   1g
      0    0    2a   2b   2c   2d   2e   2f
  • three characters in three octets:
    • bits number:
      7    6    5    4    3    2    1    0
      2g   1a   1b   1c   1d   1e   1f   1g
      3f   3g   2a   2b   2c   2d   2e   2f
      0    0    0    3a   3b   3c   3d   3e
  • six characters in six octets:
    • bits number:
      7    6    5    4    3    2    1    0
      2g   1a   1b   1c   1d   1e   1f   1g
      3f   3g   2a   2b   2c   2d   2e   2f
      4e   4f   4g   3a   3b   3c   3d   3e
      5d   5e   5f   5g   4a   4b   4c   4d
      6c   6d   6e   6f   6g   5a   5b   5c
      0    0    0    0    0    0    6a   6b
  • seven characters in seven octets:
    • bits number:
      7    6    5    4    3    2    1    0
      2g   1a   1b   1c   1d   1e   1f   1g
      3f   3g   2a   2b   2c   2d   2e   2f
      4e   4f   4g   3a   3b   3c   3d   3e
      5d   5e   5f   5g   4a   4b   4c   4d
      6c   6d   6e   6f   6g   5a   5b   5c
      7b   7c   7d   7e   7f   7g   6a   6b
      0    0    0    1    1    0    1    7a
The bit number zero is always transmitted first.
  • eight characters in seven octets:
    • bits number:
      7    6    5    4    3    2    1    0
      2g   1a   1b   1c   1d   1e   1f   1g
      3f   3g   2a   2b   2c   2d   2e   2f
      4e   4f   4g   3a   3b   3c   3d   3e
      5d   5e   5f   5g   4a   4b   4c   4d
      6c   6d   6e   6f   6g   5a   5b   5c
      7b   7c   7d   7e   7f   7g   6a   6b
      8a   8b   8c   8d   8e   8f   8g   7a
  • nine characters in eight octets:
    • bits number:
      7    6    5    4    3    2    1    0
      2g   1a   1b   1c   1d   1e   1f   1g
      3f   3g   2a   2b   2c   2d   2e   2f
      4e   4f   4g   3a   3b   3c   3d   3e
      5d   5e   5f   5g   4a   4b   4c   4d
      6c   6d   6e   6f   6g   5a   5b   5c
      7b   7c   7d   7e   7f   7g   6a   6b
      8a   8b   8c   8d   8e   8f   8g   7a
      0    9a   9b   9c   9d   9e   9f   9g
  • fifteen characters in fourteen octets:
    • bits number:
      7     6     5     4     3     2     1     0
      2g    1a    1b    1c    1d    1e    1f    1g
      3f    3g    2a    2b    2c    2d    2e    2f
      4e    4f    4g    3a    3b    3c    3d    3e
      5d    5e    5f    5g    4a    4b    4c    4d
      6c    6d    6e    6f    6g    5a    5b    5c
      7b    7c    7d    7e    7f    7g    6a    6b
      8a    8b    8c    8d    8e    8f    8g    7a
      10g   9a    9b    9c    9d    9e    9f    9g
      11f   11g   10a   10b   10c   10d   10e   10f
      12e   12f   12g   11a   11b   11c   11d   11e
      13d   13e   13f   13g   12a   12b   12c   12d
      14c   14d   14e   14f   14g   13a   13b   13c
      15b   15c   15d   15e   15f   15g   14a   14b
      0     0     0     1     1     0     1     15a
  • sixteen characters in fourteen octets:
    • bits number:
      7     6     5     4     3     2     1     0
      2g    1a    1b    1c    1d    1e    1f    1g
      3f    3g    2a    2b    2c    2d    2e    2f
      4e    4f    4g    3a    3b    3c    3d    3e
      5d    5e    5f    5g    4a    4b    4c    4d
      6c    6d    6e    6f    6g    5a    5b    5c
      7b    7c    7d    7e    7f    7g    6a    6b
      8a    8b    8c    8d    8e    8f    8g    7a
      10g   9a    9b    9c    9d    9e    9f    9g
      11f   11g   10a   10b   10c   10d   10e   10f
      12e   12f   12g   11a   11b   11c   11d   11e
      13d   13e   13f   13g   12a   12b   12c   12d
      14c   14d   14e   14f   14g   13a   13b   13c
      15b   15c   15d   15e   15f   15g   14a   14b
      16a   16b   16c   16d   16e   16f   16g   15a
The bit number zero is always transmitted first.
Therefore, in 160 octets, is it possible to pack (160*8)/7 = 182.8, that is 182 characters. The remaining 6 bits are set to zero as stated above.
Packing of 7 bit characters in USSD strings is done in the same way as for SMS (clause The character stream is bit padded to octet boundary with binary zeroes as shown above.
If the total number of characters to be sent equals (8n-1) where n=1,2,3 etc. then there are 7 spare bits at the end of the message. To avoid the situation where the receiving entity confuses 7 binary zero pad bits as the @ character, the carriage return or <CR> character (defined in clause 6.1.1) shall be used for padding in this situation, just as for Cell Broadcast.
If <CR> is intended to be the last character and the message (including the wanted <CR>) ends on an octet boundary, then another <CR> must be added together with a padding bit 0. The receiving entity will perform the carriage return function twice, but this will not result in misoperation as the definition of <CR> in clause 6.1.1 is identical to the definition of <CR><CR>.
The receiving entity shall remove the final <CR> character where the message ends on an octet boundary with <CR> as the last character.

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