
Content for  TR 22.989  Word version:  20.2.0

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0  Introductionp. 21

The railway community is considering a successor communication system to GSM-R, as the forecasted obsolescence of the 2G-based GSM-R technology is envisaged around 2030, with first FRMCS trial implementations expected to start around 2020.
The Future Railway Mobile Communication System (FRMCS) Functional Working Group (FWG) of the International Union of Railways (UIC) have investigated and summarised their requirements for the next generation railway communication system in the Future Railway Mobile Communication User Requirements Specification (FRMCS URS) [10]. The present document is based on this input given by the UIC/ETSI TC-RT

1  Scopep. 22

The present document analyses FRMCS Use cases, system principles of FRMCS and Interworking between GSM-R and FRMCS in order to derive potential requirements.

2  Referencesp. 22

The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of the present document.
  • References are either specific (identified by date of publication, edition number, version number, etc.) or non-specific.
  • For a specific reference, subsequent revisions do not apply.
  • For a non-specific reference, the latest version applies. In the case of a reference to a 3GPP document (including a GSM document), a non-specific reference implicitly refers to the latest version of that document in the same Release as the present document.
TR 21.905: "Vocabulary for 3GPP Specifications".
TS 36.213: V14.0.0, Technical Specification Group Radio Access Network; Evolved Universal Terrestrial radio Access (E-UTRA); Physical layer procedures, 2016.
TS 23.179: V13.3.0, Technical Specification Group Services and System Aspects; Functional architecture and information flows to support mission critical communication services; Stage 2. 2016.
TTA TTAK.KO-06.0437: LTE Based Railway Communication System Requirements (Conventional and High Speed Railway), Dec. 2016:
TTA TTAK.KO-06.0370: User Requirements for LTE-Based Railway Communication System, Oct. 2014.
TTA TTAK KO-06.0-369: Functional Requirements for LTE-Based Communication System, Oct. 2014.
Y.-S. Song, J. Kim, S. W. Choi, and Y.-K. Kim, "Long term evolution for wireless railway communications: Testbed deployment and performance evaluation,": IEEE Comm. Mag., Feb. 2016.
J. Kim, S. W. Choi, Y.-S. Song, and Y.-K. Kim, "Automatic train control over LTE: Design and performance evaluation,": IEEE Comm. Mag., Oct. 2015.
UNISIG Subset-041: ERTMS/ETCS Performance Requirements for Interoperability
UIC FU-7100: "FRMCS User Requirements Specification".
UIC MG-7900: "FRMCS Use Cases".
UIC CODE 950: "EIRENE Functional Requirements Specification (FRS)".
UIC CODE 951: "EIRENE System Requirements Specification (SRS)".
TR 22.990: "Study on off-network for rail".

3  Definitions, and abbreviationsp. 23

3.1  Definitionsp. 23

For the purposes of the present document, the terms and definitions given in TR 21.905 and the following apply. A term defined in the present document takes precedence over the definition of the same term, if any, in TR 21.905.
Addressed area:
The multi-train voice communication and REC (Railway Emergency communication) are based on the concept of predefined initiating area and predefined addressed area. Based on this initiating area, the FRMCS system will determine a corresponding predefined addressed area where the users are eligible to be addressed. The eligible users will be addressed depending on their location and functional identity. Associated to this addressed area, a list of predefined additional users (e.g. controllers) will be also addressed.
Automatic Train Operation (ATO):
Automatic Train Operation applications are responsible for acceleration to the permitted speed, speed reduction where necessary due to speed restrictions and stop at designated stations in the correct location.
Automatic Train Protection (ATP):
Automatic Train Protection applications are responsible for giving Limit of Movement Authority to a train based on the train's current speed, its braking capability and the distance it can go before it must stop.
An electronic beacon or transponder placed between the rails of a railway as part of an automatic train protection or operation (ATP/ATO) system.
Business communication applications:
communication applications that support the railway business operation in general, such as wireless internet, etc.
Controller (Train Controller):
A Ground FRMCS User provided with special capabilities by the FRMCS System.
Driver (Train Driver):
A Mobile FRMCS User provided with special capabilities by the FRMCS System.
External System(s):
A general category of stationary FRMCS Users. For example, External Systems could be systems monitoring for trains passing a red light to initiate a railway emergency call.
FRMCS Application:
The application on a 3GPP UE offering railway specific communication services to the FRMCS User by making use of the communication capabilities offered by the 3GPP UE and the 3GPP network.
FRMCS Equipment Identity:
The identity by which a FRMCS equipment can be addressed.
FRMCS Equipment Type:
Indicates the purpose the FRMCS equipment is being used for, FRMCS equipment of different equipment types do have different capabilities.
FRMCS Equipment:
The FRMCS Equipment consists of a 3GPP UE and a FRMCS Application residing on it. It may be combined with legacy railway communication equipment (e.g. GSM-R or TRS)
FRMCS Functional Identity:
The identity related to a user or related to the equipment, as specified in clause 9.3 "Role management and presence" indicating its special Role (e.g. as Driver of a specific train, usually a train number) can be addressed.
FRMCS Network:
this is a sub-part of the FRMCS System.
FRMCS Roaming:
The ability for a FRMCS User to make use of FRMCS Applications in a Visited (FRMCS) Network.
FRMCS System:
The system providing railway specific communication constituted of the FRMCS Equipment, the 3GPP transport and the application servers in the network. Legacy networks are not included in the FRMCS System.
FRMCS User Identity:
The identity by which a FRMCS User can be addressed.
A human user or a machine making use of the railway specific communication. FRMCS Users can be connected via 3GPP RAT, wired connectivity or other radio technology
Ground FRMCS User:
A general category of FRMCS Users that are predominantly stationary. Mostly they are connected via wired connectivity but may be using also wireless in certain conditions.
Home FRMCS Network:
The Home FRMCS Network is the network in which the FRMCS User is engaged in a subscription.
Initiating area:
Predefined geographical area where the initiator of a communication is located and which determines the addressing rules used for the selection of the users to be included in the communication. The initiating area is used for the establishment of a multi-train or a REC communication.
Mobile FRMCS User:
A general category of FRMCS Users that are mobile. Thus, they are connected via wireless connectivity all the time.
Mobile Intelligent Assistant:
5G enabled robot with autonomous movements and artificial intelligence to support passengers in the Railway Smart Station.
Off-Network communication:
direct communication between FRMCS Users in proximity.
On-Network communication:
indirect communication between FRMCS Users connected to FRMCS Network(s).
Performance communication applications:
applications that help to improve the performance of the railway operation, such as train departure, telemetry, etc.
Radio Block Centre (RBC):
A train sends its position and speed information periodically to the RBC. The RBC uses the received information to decide movement authority of the train.
Rail Infrastructure Manager:
A company that owns or manages rail infrastructure; within this document the Rail Infrastructure Manager owns, administrates and operates the FRMCS Network.
Railway Smart Station:
a train station where the 5G-based services such as IoT and AI, are used for providing assisting railway services.
Railways Undertaking:
A company that offers train freight or passenger transportation services, making use of FRMCS network for their operational communication needs that is operated by a Rail Infrastructure Manager.
Role (Functional Role):
The function a FRMCS User or a FRMCS Equipment is currently performing. Examples of Roles are Driver, Controller or shunting staff, etc. This is indicated by the FRMCS Functional Identity.
manoeuvring trains in order to change their location or composition.
Trackside staff:
Staff working as trackside maintenance and/or shunting members
Trainborne equipment:
FRMCS Equipment which is physically embedded in train
Visited (FRMCS) Network:
A Visited (FRMCS) Network can be either another FRMCS Network than the Home FRMCS Network, or a Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN).
A 2-dimensional region of a pre-determined size.
Zone resolution:
The pre-determined size of the given zone.

3.2  Abbreviationsp. 24

For the purposes of the present document, the abbreviations given in TR 21.905 and the following apply.
An abbreviation defined in the present document takes precedence over the definition of the same abbreviation, if any, in TR 21.905.
Automatic Train Operation
Automatic Train Protection
Assured Voice Communication
Denial of Service
Global Navigation Satellite System
Land Mobile Radio
Multi Access Core Network
Naming Authority
On-board Automatic Train Protection
Public Safety Answering Point
Radio Block Centre
Railway Emergency Communication
Trunked Radio System
Wayside Automatic Train Protection

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