
Content for  TR 22.989  Word version:  20.2.0

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6.4  Railway emergency communicationp. 59

6.4.1  Introductionp. 59

6.4.2  General overviewp. 59

6.4.3  Use case: Initiation of the railway emergency alertp. 61

6.4.4  Use case: New entry to the railway emergency alertp. 64

6.4.5  Use case: Changing of the railway emergency alertp. 66

6.4.5a  Use case: Merging of Railway Emergency Alertsp. 69

6.4.6  Use case: Leaving of the railway emergency alertp. 70

6.4.7  Use case: Termination of the railway emergency alertp. 72

6.4.8  Use case: Initiation of railway emergency voice communicationp. 73

6.4.9  Use case: Termination of railway emergency voice communicationp. 76

6.4.10  Use case: Initiation of Data communication during railway emergency alertp. 78

6.4.11  Use case: Service interworking and service continuation with GSM-Rp. 79

6.4.12  Use case: Interface to train borne recorderp. 84

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