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5  Use casesp. 10

5.1  Forewordp. 10

5.1.1  Key Performance Indicators and Key attributes for positioning use casesp. 10

The following KPI apply to the definition of the use-cases positioning requirements:
  • Position accuracy: describes the closeness of the measured position of the UE to its true position value. The accuracy can describe the accuracy either of an absolute position or of a relative position. It can be further derived into a horizontal position accuracy - referring to the position error in a 2D reference or horizontal plane, and into a vertical position accuracy - referring to the position error on the vertical axis or altitude.
  • Speed accuracy: describes the closeness of the measured magnitude of the UE's velocity to the true magnitude of the UE's velocity.
  • Bearing accuracy: describes the closeness of the measured bearing of the UE to its true bearing. Both the measured and the true bearing are defined in a common base coordinate system, using yaw-pitch-roll as for aircraft principal axes. For a moving UE, the bearing is a measure of the velocity's direction and this KPI can be combined with speed accuracy into the velocity's accuracy.
  • Timestamp accuracy: the position-related data (e.g. position, velocity) are usually associated to a timestamp, marking the time when the position-related data has been determined. The timestamp accuracy describes the closeness of the timestamp value to the true instant when the related data was computed.
  • Availability: percentage of time when a positioning system is able to provide the required position-related data within the performance targets or requirements.
  • Latency: time elapsed between the event that triggers the determination of the position-related data and the availability of the position-related data at the positioning system interface. At initialisation of the positioning system, the latency is also defined as the Time to First Fix.
  • Time to First Fix (TTFF): time elapsed between the event triggering for the first time the determination of the position-related data and the availability of the position-related data at the positioning system interface. TTTF is greater or equal to Latency.
  • Update rate: rate at which the position-related data is generated by the positioning system. It is the inverse of the time elapsed between two successive position-related data.
  • Power consumption: electrical power (usually in mW) used by the positioning system to produce the position-related data.
  • Energy per Fix: electrical energy (usually in mJ per fix) used by the positioning system to produce the position-related data. It represents the integrated power consumption of the positioning system over the required processing interval. It considers both the processing energy and the energy used during the idle state between two successive productions of position-related data. This KPI can advantageously replace the power consumption when the positioning system is not active continuously (e.g. device tracking).
  • System scalability: amount of devices for which the positioning system can determine the position-related data in a given time unit, and/or for a specific update rate.
The aforementioned Key Performance Indicators can be dependent of the UE's dynamic and/or dependent of its location in the cell. The KPI defines a target either for each dependence, or for the worst-case.
Furthermore, some applications can have specific needs in terms of insurance of the quality of service, usually addressed in dedicated certification process and standards outside 3GPP. Most of the time, these applications are safety-critical or liability-critical applications.
For the purpose of this document, the following additional KPIs can be considered on a case-by-case basis.
  • Continuity: likelihood that the positioning system functionality will be available during the complete duration of the intended operation if the positioning system is operational at the beginning of the operation.
  • Reliability: measure of the ability of a positioning system to provide the position-related data under stated conditions for a specified period.
  • Integrity: measure of the trust in the accuracy of the position-related data provided by the positioning system and the ability to provide timely and valid warnings to the UE and/or the user when the positioning system does not fulfil the condition for intended operation.
  • Time to alert: time elapsed between a change of the integrity (as defined above) and the information to the UE and/or the user.
  • Authentication: provision of assurance that the position-related data associated with the UE has been derived from trusted and authorised sources (e.g. real signals and not falsified signals). This KPI is different from security, which defines the measures to ensure that the position-related data is safeguarded against unapproved disclosure or usage inside or outside the positioning-system. Because it cannot be summarised and quantified as a scalar target, this KPI is managed as a binary field in the present report: yes or no provision of positioning authentication is needed.
  • Security / Privacy: measures to ensure that the position-related data is safeguarded against unapproved disclosure or usage inside or outside the positioning system and/or to ensure that a non-authorized party cannot access information relating to the privacy of the user. Because it cannot be summarised and quantified as a scalar target, this KPI is managed as a binary field in the present report: yes or no security and/or privacy is needed.
In addition to the aforementioned KPIs, the use cases' description can consider the following key attributes, because they affect significantly the positioning performances and operating conditions of the related technologies:
  • Environment of use: the physical environment in which the UE operates. It describes the service area or volume (e.g. building, cell or network coverage, regional, global coverage) as well as the high-level properties affecting radiofrequency propagation and positioning such as the nature of the service area (open i.e. no obstruction, aerial, sub-urban, canyons urban or natural, indoor including tunnels). In case of multiple environments, the attribute shall also define whether the use case is expected to operate seamlessly in all these environments.
  • 5G positioning service area: a service area where positioning services would solely rely on infrastructures and positioning technologies that can be assumed to be present anywhere where 5G is present (e.g. a country-wide operator-supplied 5G network, GNSS, position/motion sensors). It corresponds to the so-called "identical communication and positioning coverage area" in 5.55 from TR 22.891e20 (Feasibility study on New Services and Markets Technology Enablers). This includes both indoor and outdoor environment, and for the latter, any outdoor environment (rural with low density of node but little obstruction, urban with high density of node and obstruction by building, etc.). The 5G positioning service area can be considered for use cases that must work in any 5G environment, for example in any building - commercial, public or residential alike - e.g. to localize a patient getting a heart attack in an apartment building
  • Bounded service area or Dedicated service area: a subset of the 5G positioning service area where specific positioning services can be provided (e.g. enhanced performances when compared to the performances achieved in the whole 5G positioning service area).
  • Enhanced positioning area: a subset of the 5G positioning service area that is assumed to be provided with additional infrastructure or deploy a particular set of positioning technologies to enhance positioning services. It corresponds to the term "Enhanced positioning coverage area" in 5.55 from TR 22.891 e20 (Feasibility study on New Services and Markets Technology Enablers). For example, a hospital (campus) could be equipped to enable tracking of patients, personnel and assets throughout the hospital with improved accuracy and availability (e.g. using a higher density of small cells, nodes or WLAN access points). This additional infrastructure could use a combination of 3GPP technologies and non-3GPP technologies, and cover both indoor and outdoor environments.
  • UE dynamic: the UE can be either static or moving. In the latter, the attribute shall also provide some elements about its motion, e.g. maximum speed, trajectory.
  • UE density: defined as the number of UEs per km².
  • Consideration on positioning sources (or reference nodes) density with impact on positioning KPI: for example, some use case may consider a specific density or deployment to improve KPI target in a well-defined service area (e.g. hospitals, factory floor, etc.).

5.2  LBS-related use casesp. 12

5.2.1  Accurate positioning for shared bikesp. 12  Descriptionp. 12

The shared bike service allows a rider to rent a bike via a mobile app and drop it off anywhere for the next user. The accurate locations of shared bikes are available in the mobile app for the riders to find the nearest bike.
This service offers the citizens a cheap and convenient way for city trip. However, the ruthless management of bike parking will cause the problems such as blocking sidewalks. Electronic fence is used as a tool for regulating the parked bikes, and it requires high accuracy positioning of shared bikes.
Up  Pre-conditionsp. 12

Tom downloads an app on his smart phone, which allows him to locate and unlock a nearby shared bike.
The shared bikes are equipped with 5G communication modules, smart lock as well as a 5G positioning module. This positioning module can use a combination of 3GPP technologies and non-3GPP technologies. This includes, but not limited to, GNSS (e.g. BeiDou, Galileo, GLONASS, and GPS), Terrestrial Beacon Systems (TBS), Bluetooth, WLAN, RFID, and sensors.
The parking areas are categorized as strictly parking-controlled areas and non-strictly parking-controlled areas.
For strictly parking-controlled areas which are mainly near bus hubs, subway stations and shopping centres, riders who park bikes outside the allowed areas (i.e., electronic areas) cannot lock them and will continue to be charged.
For non-strictly parking-controlled areas, instead of being forced, riders are just encouraged to park at any public bike rack or public location that does not interfere with pedestrians or traffic.
Up  Service Flowsp. 12

  1. Tom locates a nearby shared bike and unlocks it to start the trip. 5G provides positioning service with 2m horizontal position accuracy, 90% availability, less than 1s latency.
  2. Tom rides the bike to the destination at the speed of 15-20km/hour, and during the trip the bike will report its location to the server frequently. 5G provides positioning service with 2m horizontal position accuracy, 90% availability, less than 1s latency.
  3. Tom has completed his trip.
    1. If the parking area is non-strictly parking-controlled area, Tom could park the bike freely at any public location and then lock the bike. The bike reports its location to server. 5G provides positioning service with 2m horizontal position accuracy, 90% availability, less than 1s latency.
    2. If the parking area is strictly parking-controlled area, the mobile app will indicate him to park the bike in a designated electronic fence nearby. Otherwise, Tom cannot lock the bike and will continue to be charged. The app needs to check if the bike is precisely parked into the dedicated area. 5G provides a positioning service with 0.2m horizontal position accuracy, 99% availability, less than 1s latency.
Up  Post-conditionsp. 13  Potential Impacts or Interactions with Existing Services/Featuresp. 13  Potential Requirementsp. 13

The 5G system shall be able to provide a positioning service with 2m horizontal position accuracy, 90% availability, and less than 1s latency for the moving UE at the speed of 15-20km/hour outdoor.
The 5G system shall be able to provide a positioning service with 0.2m horizontal position accuracy,99% availability, and less than 1s latency for the static UE in a enhanced positioning area outdoor.
The 5G System shall be able to provide a positioning service with a TTFF less than [10] s

5.2.2  Accurate positioning to support Augmented Reality (AR)p. 13  Descriptionp. 13

Augmented reality (AR) goggles and Head-up displays (HUD) superpose contextual information relating to the user's position and motion on the user's field of view. AR goggles allow, for instance, the user to navigate, record video, identify targets and gather information about the surrounding environment for improved performance. They also allow the user to communicate with other users by sharing location and sending messages or communicate with those at home privately or on social media by sharing live video.
AR is enabled by the knowledge of the user's position, motion and eventually, direction of view, and by access, with low latency, to databases of contextual information and geo-localized information systems (GIS). All users willing to interact with each other in an AR application should be equipped and communicate among each other with low latency.
In the field of LBS, AR supports multiple applications, including outdoor sports and leisure activities (skiing, motorcycling, sailing, surfing, rally, aviation and gaming) as well as social networking. Information about the weather conditions such as strength of wind or depth of snow layer may improve performance and help prevent dangerous situations such as avalanches. AR may also support "Blue forces", like firefighters, that need to know real-time information about the fire such as temperature and severity of smoke, identify targets, safe location, etc. This area is not covered is the current use case.
At least for gaming and sports applications, the position-related data need to be secured and protected against tampering to dissuade from any attempt to fraud or cheat.
Up  Pre-conditionsp. 13

The UE comprises at least a self-powered AR goggles, associated to a 5G communication module and a 5G positioning module. The 5G modules can be integrated in the goggles or held by the user and connected to the goggles.
The users have access to the AR Application Server through a 5G Network. The AR Application Server has access to all relevant contextual information, including maps of the user's surrounding. Mapping and establishment of contextual information database are done beforehand.  Service Flowsp. 13

The user turns on the UE, and allows the system to initialise and eventually calibrate (e.g. heading, field of view).
The 5G positioning module enables the 3GPP system to determine position, velocity and goggles heading at a high rate. The frequency of the determination may vary according to the application requirements. This information is reported to the AR Application Server to provide the AR goggles with contextual information.
While moving, the user visualises messages and contextual information on the screen of the goggle. He can use the navigation feature to find a specific location or a target, follow a friend or pursue a track (for instance, a ski track, a route, etc.). He can use the communication feature to find out where friends or colleagues are and what they want to do next. He can also share live video to social media, or to a hospital in the case of an emergency.
The user can use the additional information available on the screen of the goggle to find out where it is best to go next for a safer and more enjoyable journey. This information can be a weather report, heart rate, steepness of slopes, altitude, temperature of the surroundings, etc.
Up  Post-conditionsp. 14  Potential Impacts or Interactions with Existing Services/Featuresp. 14  Potential Requirementsp. 14

The 5G system shall be able to provide positioning service to support AR applications with [1-3] m horizontal position accuracy, 80% availability, for static or UE moving at speed below 50km/h outdoor.
The 5G system shall be able to provide positioning service to support AR applications with better than [10] m horizontal position accuracy, 80% availability, for UE moving at speed up to 130 km/h outdoor.
The 5G system shall be able to provide positioning service to support AR applications with [0.1-3] m vertical position accuracy, 80% availability.
The 5G system shall be able to provide positioning service to support AR applications with better than [2] m/s horizontal velocity accuracy and [10]° bearing accuracy, 80% availability, for UE moving at speed up to 130 km/h outdoor.
The 5G System shall be able to provide positioning service to support AR applications with a TTFF less than [10] s.
The 5G system shall be able to fulfil the requirements of the positioning service using less than [5] % of the UE's power consumption on average and less than [10] % of the UE's power consumption in the worst case.
The 5G System shall support mechanisms to protect positioning-related data against tampering and spoofing.
The 5G System shall support mechanisms to detect tampering and spoofing attempts on the position-related data.
The 5G System shall be able to ensure the positioning related data are secured, and shall allow the protection of the user's privacy.

5.2.3  Power saving mechanism of wearable devicesp. 14  Descriptionp. 14

Wearable device applications are becoming more and more grateful. Some of the top wearable device manufacturers are constantly providing new features, such as smart watches. For some areas, smart watches can replace mobile terminals to provide basic services, such a tracking, activity monitoring and emergency messages, especially for minors or the elderly people. Smart terminals focus on providing location services and provide better positioning and monitoring functions for these populations. But these wearable devices require higher power durability.
Up  Pre-conditionsp. 14

Ryder is a minor, and his parents want to monitor his location by a smart watch. His range of motion is regular but calls for different working point of the monitoring function:
  • When Ryder is in school, his environment's security is relatively high and there is less need for continuous monitoring of his location.
  • When Ryder is outside school, in various environment less secured than the school, it is desirable for his parents to monitor continuously his location.
Ryder wears a smart watch. As a 5G UE, it is equipped with 5G communication and 5G positioning modules.
  • Wearable devices, such as smart watches, can be accessed into a macro network or any 5G enabled access network.
  • Intelligent control terminals, such as mobile phones and pad, access to the same network, and to monitor the location of the selected wearable devices. They run a monitoring function making them a monitoring terminal.
  • A security range set, Ryder's parents using the monitoring terminal may access the 5G network and set the security area on the positioning modules.
Up  Service Flowsp. 15

  1. The monitoring terminal (that is an intelligent control terminal) sets one or several security ranges through the network. The security ranges are stored in the positioning modules of network.
  2. Ryder enters his school, identified as one of the security range in the positioning modules of the network. His current location is determined and available to the network. The smart watch is informed to switch into the power-saving mode.
  3. The position update rate of the smart watch is reduced, lengthening the update interval to save power.
  4. Ryder arrives at the school boundary or crosses the boundary. The smart watch returns to its normal position update rate, according to the network instruction.
Up  Post-conditionsp. 15

Power normal mode, is that the smart watch provides the nominal positioning update rate in areas where continuous monitoring is needed, with an update interval of the position between 1s and 10s. And if the UE is in the normal mode, the positioning service update is 2m horizontal position accuracy, 99% availability, and less than 1s latency.
Power saving mode, is that the smart watch switch to power saving mode with lower update rate when the user is in secured or trusted ranges, with an update interval of the position between 30s and 300s. By adapting its positioning update rate to the effective monitoring needs, the smart watch lengthens its battery lifetime. And if the UE is in the power saving mode, the positioning service update is 2m horizontal position accuracy, 90% availability, and less than 1s latency.
The use case could be expanded to other verticals and categories, for instance e-health for patient tracking, industry for mobile security monitoring, etc.
Up  Potential Impacts or Interactions with Existing Services/Featuresp. 15

None identified.  [Potential] Requirementsp. 15

The 5G system shall be able to provide positioning service with 2m horizontal position accuracy, indoor [1-3] m vertical position accuracy, 90% availability, and less than 1s latency for the UE in the location power saving mode.
The 5G system shall be able to provide positioning service with 2m horizontal position accuracy, indoor [1-3] m vertical position accuracy, 99% availability, and less than 1s latency for the UE in normal mode.
The 5G System shall be able to request the UE to provide its location periodically with an update rate ranging from one location every [1s-10s] in location normal mode to one location every [30s-300s] in location power saving mode.
The 5G network shall be able to request the UE to provide its location wherever it is indoor or outdoor.
The 5G System shall be able to provide positioning service with TTFF less than [10] s.

5.2.4  Location-based advertising pushp. 16  Descriptionp. 16

Data mining has been widely used in OTT (over the top). However, operators do not have a flexible mechanism to apply location data. People's activity is regular and causal. According to the records of the UE's location in a period of time, comfort active areas can be formed. People don't want to be bothered by unnecessary advertisements, except things that are closely related to themselves in the comfort active areas. Therefore, data analysis based on human activity location needs to be introduced into location-based advertising push.
Up  Pre-conditionsp. 16

Users of the 5G network are equipped with 5G communication module, as well as a 5G positioning module. This positioning module can use a combination of 3GPP technologies and non-3GPP technologies. This includes, but not limited to, GNSS (e.g. BeiDou, Galileo, GLONASS, and GPS), Terrestrial Beacon Systems (TBS), sensors, WLAN, and Bluetooth-based positioning.
In the network, there will be user location analysis equipment. Users of the 5G network periodic send location to the network. Their daily location habits will be recorded into the analysis equipment. The analysis of equipment will form a comfortable area of activity.
Operators have business location and advertising information in the comfort active area.
Up  Service Flowsp. 16

  1. Ryder uses 5G terminals, and often goes to the local supermarket near home.
  2. He also plays football every week.
  3. And stick to the training centre to learn Spanish.
  4. His locations form the triangle region at the top of these three places.
  5. The network analysis the comfort active area according to his locations and residence time.
  6. The operator extracts the location and advertising information of shops in his comfort area based on the analysis of his locations and residence time.
  7. For example, Ryder often stays on the football field. Therefore, the network extracts the advertising information of some football related stores.
  8. The network pushes him discount information on nearby local supermarkets and drink price tips for use during the football match in bars in the neighbourhood.
Up  Post-conditionsp. 16

None identified.  Potential Impacts or Interactions with Existing Services/Featuresp. 16

None identified.  [Potential] Requirementsp. 16

Subject to regulatory requirements and user consent, the 5G System shall be able to provide the UE's location information, with less than 3m horizontal position accuracy, [3 m] vertical position accuracy, over 90% availability, and less than 1min latency.

5.2.5  Flow management in large transportation hubsp. 17  Descriptionp. 17

Airports are getting bigger and busier which calls for efficient flow management to maximise punctuality to the benefit of passengers and airline companies. By using a location-based mobile application, the passengers can easily find their way around, even in unknown airports and in a hurry, reducing time of transit in the airport and lowering risk of delays and missed connections. In the eventuality of work or maintenance performed in the passengers' halls, the application will propose alternative routes to passengers.
Airline companies can be informed, by the airport and the application server, of their passengers' situation in near real-time: they can use the information to optimise their embarking operations and reduce risk for last minutes call to gate, flight delays because of one passenger, etc.
Using passengers' location information, the airport will be able to elaborate statistics on passengers flow to optimise their organisation and signalling to passenger.
By extension, the use case may encompasses applications for any transportation hub (metro or rail station, etc.) facing large passenger flows, connection and transit time issues.
Up  Pre-conditionsp. 17

The passenger has a UE equipped with 5G communication modules, and 5G positioning module.
The passenger downloads a mobile application to his UE allowing him to find the quickest way to the gate, define a transit route accounting for his personal needs and matters (shopping, lunch, etc.) as well as for the need to proceed with security controls.
The application server has access to all relevant contextual information, including a map of the airport, flight information, and estimates transit time between different locations in the airport, including waiting time of security lines.
Mapping and establishment of contextual information database are done beforehand and updated in near-real time with the information reported by the users.
Up  Service Flowsp. 17

  1. The passenger turns on the application as he reaches the airport.
  2. The application will suggest an itinerary to the gate of departure depending on preferences of the passenger (as quickly as possible, as little walking as possible, wheelchair friendly, shopping friendly, etc.).
  3. The passenger will be notified of the estimated time to reach the gate, if there is a change of gate, time of departure or congestion or queues in some areas. The application will suggest a new route if relevant. The information in the application is provided in the language of preference of the passenger.
  4. The passenger can use the app to find specific locations in the airport such as information desks, bathrooms, elevators, restaurants, shops, taxis, etc.
  5. Based on the location of the passenger, the app can mark an alert if he is short of time and needs to proceed to the gate immediately.
  6. In real time, airport and airlines operations are notified if passengers are delayed within their transit into the airport, or if they face risk of being delayed (security control, shopping, etc.). They have access to estimations of the expected time the passenger will need to reach gate (considering its effective position and real time flow estimation). They can use the information to organise individual call to gate (last minute calls, etc.) and make the overall flow more fluent.
Up  Post-conditionsp. 17

Passengers can get to their gates more quickly, which reduces time of transit and time of travel in general. This will reduce delays, improve customer experience and optimise airport operations.
Airport authority and airline companies optimise their operations thanks to low management and improve their punctuality and efficiency.  Potential Impacts or Interactions with Existing Services/Featuresp. 18  Potential Requirementsp. 18

The 5G system shall be able to provide positioning service with better than [10] m horizontal positioning accuracy, [80] % availability and update rate of [0.1] Hz in a enhanced positioning area, primarily indoor.
The 5G system shall be able to provide positioning service with better than [3] m vertical positioning accuracy, [80] % availability and update rate of [0.1] Hz in a enhanced positioning area, primarily indoor.
The 5G System shall be able to provide positioning service with TTFF less than [10] s.
The 5G System shall be able to ensure the protection and the privacy of the user's position-related data.
The 5G System shall be able to provide indication of the user's motion (velocity, bearing).

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