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5  Use casesp. 15

5.1  Use case of intruder detection in smart homep. 15

5.1.1  Descriptionp. 15

Sensing in smart home is a kind of the typical scenarios of indoor/local-area sensing [8]. Considering people spends most of lifetime indoor, how to improve the user experience for indoor scenario is important. Nowadays, various 5G UEs, e.g. wearable device, sensor, smart phone and customer premise equipment (CPE), are deployed at home. In order to enjoy more comfortable and convenient indoor life, various devices are connected via wireless signals to build a smart home platform.
In addition to communication purposes, wireless signals can also be used for sensing, e.g., monitoring the home environment continuously.
For intruder detection in smart home scenario, due to the activities of indoor object or human, the 3GPP signal measured by UE or network would be influenced. By analysing and collecting the sensing information such as Doppler frequency shift, amplitude change and phase change, the behaviour of indoor object or human could be detected as shown in following Figure 5.1.1-1 which takes sensing entity that transceives (transmits and receives) the signal case as example.
Copy of original 3GPP image for 3GPP TS 22.837, Fig. 5.1.1-1: An example of sensing operation of UE

5.1.2  Pre-conditionsp. 16

Mary and her husband Tom live in a house with little daughter Alice.
On every working day, Mary and Tom have to leave home to work, and Alice needs to go to school. Since the community where the house is located is not stable, Mary and Tom have concern on the safety of their property.
In order to address their concerns, considering protecting the personal privacy and save family cost, Mary sets up some 5G CPEs (i.e. UE) in each room at home, which support sensing functionalities.

5.1.3  Service Flowsp. 16

Mary and all her family members travel to Hawaii in a holiday. At this time, her house is empty. Since she worries about the safety of property, she enables the sensing service on intruder detection of the 5G CPEs (i.e. UE) at home.
Mary's CPE (i.e. UE) in the living room is activated to perform the sensing operation. While the 5G CPE transmit 5G signals to provide communication services at home, the reflected signals are also received and measured at the CPE as sensing information. The CPE reports the sensing information to 5G network or further process locally. Via the analysing the differences between the 5G signals and the received reflected signals provided by sensing service performed by 5G system, any potential intruder will not be missed.
Also, Mary's CPE in the living room can work with other 5G UEs in other rooms. The CPE discovers that the living room has another 5G device (i.e. UE) which could assist the sensing service as secondary device via direct device connection. The connectivity used in this case is direct device connection, and CPE and this 5G device play as the role of transmitter and receiver, respectively. The receiver measures the 5G signal (e.g., number of detected transmission paths), then provides sensing information to 5G network or further process locally. Via the analysing the differences between the 5G signals and the received reflected signals provided by sensing service performed by 5G system, any potential intruder will not be missed.
An intruder breaks into Mary's house someday. The sensing service provided by 5G network system assists detecting that the presence of an intruder based on analysing the change of collected signals is aligned with the known feature of the activities of indoor human, and the alarm of intruder is sent to Mary's smart phone. Mary calls the police for help, and the property is protected.

5.1.4  Post-conditionsp. 16

Thanks to the sensing service provided by 5G UE and network, an intruder is found when Mary is out of home.

5.1.5  Existing features partly or fully covering the use case functionalityp. 16


5.1.6  Potential New Requirements needed to support the use casep. 16

The 5G network shall provide a mechanism for an operator to authorize a UE for sensing, e.g., based on location.
[PR 5.1.6-2]
The 5G system shall support a UE to perform sensing measurement process based on the trusted third-party's request.
[PR 5.1.6-3]
The 5G system shall provide mechanisms for an operator to only collect or expose the sensing information requested by a trusted third-party according to agreement.
[PR 5.1.6-4]
The 5G system shall support UE to perform sensing measurement process using signals received from other UE(s).
[PR 5.1.6-5]
The 5G system shall support UE to perform sensing measurement process in licensed or unlicensed band.
[PR 5.1.6-6]
The 5G system shall be able to provide the sensing service with following KPIs:
Scenario Sensing service area Confidence level [%] Accuracy of positioning estimate by sensing (for a target confidence level) Accuracy of velocity estimate by sensing (for a target confidence level) Sensing resolution Max sensing service latency[ms] Refreshing rate [s] Missed detection [%] False alarm [%]
Vertical [m] Horizontal [m/s] Vertical [m/s] Range resolution [m] Velocity resolution (horizontal/ vertical) [m/s x m/s]
Intruder detection in smart homeIndoor95≤10≤10N/AN/AN/AN/A<1000< 1< 5< 2
The terms in Table 5.1.6-1 are found in clause 3.1.

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