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RFC 6545

Real-time Inter-network Defense (RID)

Pages: 84
Proposed Standard
Obsoletes:  6045
Part 3 of 4 – Pages 39 to 62
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Top   ToC   RFC6545 - Page 39   prevText

7. RID Communication Exchanges

The following section outlines the communication flows for RID and also provides examples of messages. The possible set of message exchanges include: o Request: Asynchronous Request for assistance and/or action to be taken, MAY involve multiple systems and iterative Requests MsgType set to 'InvestigationRequest' or 'TraceRequest' Possible responses: + Acknowledgement (OPTIONAL for InvestigationRequest) + Result (REQUIRED unless Acknowledgement was set to 'no') + Report (OPTIONAL; zero or more; Report can be sent unsolicited)
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   o  Query: Synchronous request for information

         MsgType set to 'Query'

         Possible responses:

         +  Acknowledgement (OPTIONAL if yes; REQUIRED if no Report will
            be sent)

         +  Report (REQUIRED unless Acknowledgement was set to 'no')

   o  Report: Asynchronous information report; may be pushed to systems
      or may be a response to a Query

         MsgType set to 'Report'

         Possible responses:

         +  Acknowledgement (OPTIONAL)

   Processing considerations for the IODEF document and any IODEF
   included elements or attributes MUST follow the guidelines specified
   in [RFC5070], Section 4.  [RFC3023] and [RFC3470] specify
   requirements and best practices for the use of XML in IETF
   application protocols.  RID and IODEF documents MUST be well-formed
   (see [RFC3470], Section 4.1) and MUST be validated against the
   appropriate schema.  Internal or external DTD subsets are prohibited
   in RID; see [RFC3023], Section 3.

   Comments can be ignored by conform ant processors for RID or IODEF
   documents (see [RFC3470], Section 4.6) and are included below for
   informational purposes only.  The first example demonstrates the use
   of a detached digital signature.  Subsequent examples do not include
   the detached signature required for some message types.  The
   signature is applied after the message is created as demonstrated in
   the first example.

   Note: For each example listed below, [RFC5735] addresses were used.
   Assume that each IP address listed is actually a separate network
   range held by different SPs.  Addresses were used from /27 network

7.1. Upstream Trace Communication Flow

The diagram below outlines the RID Request communication flow for a TraceRequest between RID systems on different networks tracing an attack. The Request message with MsgDestination set to
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   'TraceRequest' is represented in the diagram by "TraceRequest".
   SP-1, SP-2, and SP-3 represent service providers that are involved in
   the example trace communication flow.

    Attack Dest      SP-1            SP-2        SP-3        Attack Src

    1. Attack    |  Attack
       reported  |  detected

    2.              Initiate trace

    3.              Locate origin
                    upstream SP

    4.              o---TraceRequest----->

    5.                              Trace

    6.              <---Acknowledgement--o

    7.                              Locate origin
                                    upstream SP

    8.                              o---TraceRequest--->

    9.                                             Trace Initiated

    10.             <----------Acknowledgement----o

    11.                                            Locate attack
                                                   source on network   X

    12.             <------------Result----------------o

    13.             o- - - - -Acknowledgement- - - - - >

                 Figure 8: TraceRequest Communication Flow

   Before a trace is initiated, the RID system should verify that an
   instance of the trace or a similar request is not active.  The traces
   may be resource intensive; therefore, providers need to be able to
   detect potential abuse of the system or unintentional resource
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   drains.  Information such as the Source and Destination Information,
   associated packets, and the incident may be desirable to maintain for
   a period of time determined by administrators.

   The communication flow demonstrates that an Acknowledgement message
   is sent to both the downstream peer and the original requestor.  If a
   Request in a traceback is denied, the downstream peer has the option
   to take an action and respond with a Result message.  The originator
   of the request may follow up with the downstream peer of the SP
   involved using a Request with the MsgType set to
   'InvestigationRequest' to ensure that an action is taken if no
   response is received.  Nothing precludes the originator of the
   request from initiating a new Request with the MsgType set to
   'TraceRequest' thereby bypassing the SP that denied the request, if a
   trace is needed beyond that point.  Another option may be for the
   initiator to send an 'InvestigationRequest' to an SP upstream of the
   SP that denied the request.  This action assumes enough information
   was gathered to discern the true source of the attack traffic from
   the incident-handling information.

   The proper response to a TraceRequest is an Acknowledgement message.
   The Acknowledgement message lets the requestor know if the trace will
   continue through the next upstream network.  If there is a problem
   with the request, such as a failure to validate the digital signature
   or decrypt the request, an Acknowledgement message MUST be sent to
   the requestor and the downstream peer (if they are not one and the
   same) providing the reason why the message could not be processed.
   Assuming that the trace continued, additional TraceRequests with the
   response of an Acknowledgement message would occur, thereby passing
   the request upstream in the path to the source of the traffic related
   to the incident.  Once a source is found, a Result message is sent to
   the originator of the trace, as determined by the SP path information
   provided through the document instance of EventData, where contact is
   set to 'infrastructure'.  The SP path information is also used when
   sending the Acknowledgement messages to the first entry (the trace
   originator) and the last nested entry (the downstream peer).  The
   Result message is encrypted [XMLencrypt] for the originator providing
   information about the incident source and any actions taken.  If the
   originator fails to decrypt or authenticate the Result message, an
   Acknowledgement message is sent in response; otherwise, no return
   message is sent.  The final Acknowledgement to the Result message is
   depicted as optional in the diagram above.  If an Acknowledgement
   message is sent with the RequestStatus set to Denied, a downstream
   peer receiving this message may choose to take action to stop or
   mitigate the traffic at that point in the network, as close to the
   source as possible.  If the downstream peer chooses this option, it
   would send a Result message to the trace originator.
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7.1.1. RID TraceRequest Example

The example listed is of a Request message with MsgDestination set to 'TraceRequest' based on the incident report example from the IODEF document. The RID classes were included as appropriate for a Request message of this type using the RIDPolicy class. The example given is that of a CSIRT reporting a DoS attack in progress to the upstream SP. The request asks the next SP to continue the trace and have the traffic mitigated closer to the source of the traffic. The example Request message is the first step of a TraceRequest as depicted in the previous diagram, where 'Attack Dest' is represented by (and SP-1). The 'Attack Src' is later identified in the Result message example as and initially as tracing closer to SP-1 is identified in the Request as CSIRT-FOR-OUR- DOMAIN, and SP-2 is identified in the RID document for the Request as the 'RIDSystem' in 'MsgDestination' as using the Node class. SP-3 is later used in the Result message and the administrator is identified as 'Admin-contact@' as they searched for; the administrator may be different than the constituency contact (an additional Request with MsgDestination set to 'TraceRequest' occurred between SP-2 to SP-3 that is not included). SP-3 is the service provider for and was able to take the action to rate-limit their traffic. The SP-1, SP-2, and SP-3 information would be replaced with the appropriate (and valid) email and other contact information in real usages. The Node class enables multiple methods to identify a system, such as a fully qualified domain name or the IP address to be provided for the SP. Any mapping of existing relationships from the SP Node information to the name, contact, digital signature verification information and other identifying or trust information is provided at the application layer to support end users of the incident management system. A packet is provided in this example to enable any traces to be performed by SP-2 and SP-3 to perform traces to the attack source before taking the requested action to 'rate-limit' the traffic. The subnet of uses a 27-bit mask in the examples below. In the following example, use of [XMLsig] to generate digital signatures follows the guidance of [XMLsig] 1.0. Version 1.1 of [XMLsig] supports additional digest algorithms. Reference [RFC4051] for URIs intended for use with XML digital signatures, encryption, and canonicalization. SHA-1 SHOULD NOT be used; see [RFC6194] for further details. Note: Due to the limit of 72 characters per line, some line breaks were added in the examples and schemas in this document.
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<iodef-rid:RID lang="en-US"
 <iodef-rid:RIDPolicy MsgDestination="RIDSystem" MsgType="TraceRequest">
   <iodef-rid:PolicyRegion region="IntraConsortium"/>
      <iodef:Address category="ipv4-addr"></iodef:Address>
     <iodef-rid:TrafficType type="Attack"/>
     <iodef:IncidentID name="CERT-FOR-OUR-DOMAIN">
     <!-- IODEF-Document included in RID -->
     <iodef-rid:ReportSchema Version="1.0">
      <iodef-rid:XMLDocument dtype="xml" meaning="xml">
       <IODEF-Document lang="en">
        <iodef:Incident purpose="traceback" restriction="need-to-know">
          <iodef:IncidentID name="CERT-FOR-OUR-DOMAIN">
                           Host involved in DoS attack
            <iodef:Impact completion="failed" severity="low"
          <iodef:Contact role="creator" type="organization">
            <iodef:ContactName>Constituency-contact for
              <iodef:System category="source">
                  <iodef:Address category="ipv4-addr">
                <iodef:Service ip_protocol="6">
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              <iodef:System category="target">
                  <iodef:Address category="ipv4-addr">
                <iodef:Service ip_protocol="6">
            <iodef:Expectation action="rate-limit-host" severity="high">
                     Rate-limit traffic close to source
               The IPv4 packet included was used in the described attack
              <iodef:RecordItem dtype="ipv4-packet">450000522ad9
             <iodef:HistoryItem action="rate-limit-host">
               <iodef:IncidentID name="CSIRT-FOR-OUR-DOMAIN">
              Notification sent to next upstream SP closer to
       <!-- End of IODEF-Document included in RID -->
       <!-- Start of detached XML signature included in RID -->
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       <iodef-rid:Signature dtype="xml" meaning="xml">
        <Signature xmlns=""
    <Reference URI="">
     <Transform Algorithm=""/>
     <Transform Algorithm="">
     <XPath xmlns=""
       //dsig:Signature[@Id = 'dsig-123456']/
    <DigestMethod Algorithm=""/>
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  <!-- End of detached XML signature included in RID -->

7.1.2. Acknowledgement Message Example

The example Acknowledgement message is in response to the Request message listed above. The SP that received the request is responding to approve the trace continuance in their network. <iodef-rid:RID lang="en" xmlns:iodef-rid="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:iodef-rid-2.0" xmlns:iodef="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:iodef-1.0"> <iodef-rid:RIDPolicy MsgType="Acknowledgement" MsgDestination="RIDSystem"> <iodef-rid:PolicyRegion region="IntraConsortium"/> <iodef:Node> <iodef:Address category="ipv4-addr"></iodef:Address> </iodef:Node> <iodef-rid:TrafficType type="Attack"/> <iodef:IncidentID name="CERT-FOR-OUR-DOMAIN"> CERT-FOR-OUR-DOMAIN#207-1 </iodef:IncidentID> </iodef-rid:RIDPolicy> <iodef-rid:RequestStatus AuthorizationStatus="Approved"/> </iodef-rid:RID>

7.1.3. Result Message Example

The example Result message is in response to the Request listed above. This message type only comes after an Acknowledgement within the Request flow of messages where a TraceRequest is in progress. It may be a direct response to a Request with the MsgType set to 'InvestigationRequest'. This message provides information about the source of the attack and the actions taken to mitigate the traffic. The Result message is typically the last message in a Request flow; however, an Acknowledgement MAY follow if there are any issues receiving or processing the Result. <iodef-rid:RID lang="en" xmlns:iodef-rid="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:iodef-rid-2.0" xmlns:iodef="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:iodef-1.0"> <iodef-rid:RIDPolicy MsgType="Result" MsgDestination="RIDSystem"> <iodef-rid:PolicyRegion region="IntraConsortium"/> <iodef:Node> <iodef:Address category="ipv4-addr"></iodef:Address>
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    <iodef-rid:TrafficType type="Attack"/>
    <iodef:IncidentID name="CERT-FOR-OUR-DOMAIN">
<!-- IODEF-Document included in RID -->
    <iodef-rid:ReportSchema Version="1.0">
     <iodef-rid:XMLDocument dtype="xml" meaning="xml">
      <iodef:IODEF-Document lang="en">
      <iodef:Incident restriction="need-to-know" purpose="traceback">
        <iodef:IncidentID name="CERT-FOR-OUR-DOMAIN">
      <iodef:Description>Host involved in DoS attack</iodef:Description>
        <iodef:Impact severity="low" completion="failed"
      <iodef:Contact role="creator" type="organization">
        <iodef:ContactName>Constituency-contact for
        <iodef:Contact role="admin" type="organization">
          <iodef:ContactName>Admin-contact for
          <iodef:System category="intermediate">
              <iodef:Address category="ipv4-addr">
          <iodef:Contact role="admin" type="organization">
            <iodef:ContactName>Admin-contact for
            <iodef:System category="intermediate">
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                <iodef:Address category="ipv4-addr">
          <iodef:System category="source">
              <iodef:Address category="ipv4-addr">
            <iodef:Service ip_protocol="6">
          <iodef:System category="target">
              <iodef:Address category="ipv4-addr">
            <iodef:Service ip_protocol="6">
        <iodef:Expectation severity="high" action="rate-limit-host">
            Rate-limit traffic close to source
              The IPv4 packet included was used in the described attack
            <iodef:RecordItem dtype="ipv4-packet">450000522ad9
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        <iodef:HistoryItem action="rate-limit-host">
          <iodef:IncidentID name="CSIRT-FOR-OUR-DOMAIN">
            Notification sent to next upstream SP closer to
        <iodef:HistoryItem action="rate-limit-host">
          <iodef:IncidentID name="CSIRT-FOR-SP3">
            Host rate-limited for 24 hours
<!-- End of IODEF-Document included in RID -->
      <iodef:Address category="ipv4-addr"></iodef:Address>

7.2. Investigation Request Communication Flow

The diagram below outlines a RID Request communication flow between RID systems on different networks for a security incident with a known source address. Therefore, MsgDestination is set to 'InvestigationRequest' for the Request message and is included in the diagram below as "Investigation". The proper response to a Request with the MsgDestination set to 'InvestigationRequest' is a Result message. If there is a problem with the Request, such as a failure to validate the digital signature or decrypt the Request, an Acknowledgement message is sent to the requestor. The Acknowledgement message should provide the reason why the message could not be processed.
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       Attack Dest      SP-1              SP-2        Attack Src

       1. Attack    |  Attack
          reported  |  detected

       2.              Determine source
                       of security incident

       3.              o---Investigation---->

       4.                              Research
                                       incident and
                                       determine appropriate
                                       actions to take

       5.              <-------Result-------o

            Figure 9: Investigation Request Communication Flow

7.2.1. Investigation Request Example

The following example only includes the RID-specific details. The IODEF and security measures are similar to the TraceRequest, with the exception that the source is known, the receiving RID system is known to be close to the source, and the MsgDestination is set to 'InvestigationRequest'. The source known is indicated in the IODEF document, which allows for incident sources to be listed as spoofed, if appropriate. This flow does not include a Result message because the request is denied as shown in the Acknowledgement response. SP-1 is represented by CERT-FOR-OUR-DOMAIN and SP-2 is identified by 192,0.2.98. In this example, SP-2 is the service provider for systems on the subnet. The contact for the host is known at the start of the request as 'Constituency-contact@'. <iodef-rid:RID lang="en" xmlns:iodef-rid="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:iodef-rid-2.0" xmlns:iodef="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:iodef-1.0"> <iodef-rid:RIDPolicy MsgType="InvestigationRequest" MsgDestination="SourceOfIncident"> <iodef-rid:PolicyRegion region="PeerToPeer"/> <iodef:Node> <iodef:Address category="ipv4-addr"></iodef:Address> </iodef:Node> <iodef-rid:TrafficType type="Attack"/>
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      <iodef:IncidentID name="CERT-FOR-OUR-DOMAIN">
  <!-- IODEF-Document included in RID -->
      <iodef-rid:ReportSchema Version="1.0">
       <iodef-rid:XMLDocument dtype="xml" meaning="xml">
    <iodef:IODEF-Document lang="en">
    <iodef:Incident restriction="need-to-know" purpose="other">
      <iodef:IncidentID name="CERT-FOR-OUR-DOMAIN">
      <iodef:Description>Host involved in DoS attack</iodef:Description>
        <iodef:Impact severity="low" completion="failed" type="recon"/>
      <iodef:Contact role="creator" type="organization">
        <iodef:ContactName>Constituency-contact for
          <iodef:System category="source">
              <iodef:Address category="ipv4-addr">
            <iodef:Service ip_protocol="6">
          <iodef:System category="target">
              <iodef:Address category="ipv4-addr">
            <iodef:Service ip_protocol="6">
        <iodef:Expectation severity="high" action="investigate">
            Investigate whether source has been compromised
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        <iodef:HistoryItem action="block-host">
          <iodef:IncidentID name="CSIRT-FOR-OUR-DOMAIN">
            Investigation request sent to SP for
  <!-- End of IODEF-Document included in RID -->

7.2.2. Acknowledgement Message Example

The example Acknowledgement message is in response to the Request listed above. The SP that received the request was unable to validate the digital signature used to authenticate the sending RID system. <iodef-rid:RID lang="en" xmlns:iodef-rid="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:iodef-rid-2.0" xmlns:iodef="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:iodef-1.0"> <iodef-rid:RIDPolicy MsgType="Acknowledgement" MsgDestination="RIDSystem"> <iodef-rid:PolicyRegion region="IntraConsortium"/> <iodef:Node> <iodef:Address category="ipv4-addr"></iodef:Address> </iodef:Node> <iodef-rid:TrafficType type="Attack"/> <iodef:IncidentID name="CERT-FOR-OUR-DOMAIN"> CERT-FOR-OUR-DOMAIN#208-1 </iodef:IncidentID> </iodef-rid:RIDPolicy> <iodef-rid:RequestStatus AuthorizationStatus="Denied" Justification="Authentication"/> </iodef-rid:RID>
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7.3. Report Communication Flow

The diagram below outlines the RID Report communication flow between RID systems on different SPs. SP-1 SP-2 1. Generate incident information and prepare Report message 2. o-------Report-------> 3. File report in database Figure 10: Report Communication Flow The Report communication flow is used to provide information on incidents. Incident information may be shared between CSIRTs or other entities using this format. When a report is received, the RID system must verify that the report has not already been filed. The incident number and incident data, such as the hexadecimal packet and incident class information, can be used to compare with existing database entries. The Report message typically does not have a response. If there is a problem with the Report message, such as a failure to validate the digital signature [RFC3275] or decrypt the request, an Acknowledgement message is sent to the requestor. The Acknowledgement message should provide the reason why the message could not be processed.

7.3.1. Report Example

The following example only includes the RID-specific details. This report is an unsolicited Report message that includes an IPv4 packet. The IODEF document and digital signature is similar to the Request example with MsgDestination set to 'TraceRequest'. This example is a message sent from SP-1, CERT-FOR-OUR-DOMAIN at, to SP-2 at for informational purposes on an attack that took place. <iodef-rid:RID lang="en" xmlns:iodef-rid="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:iodef-rid-2.0" xmlns:iodef="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:iodef-1.0"> <iodef-rid:RIDPolicy MsgType="Report" MsgDestination="RIDSystem"> <iodef-rid:PolicyRegion region="PeerToPeer"/> <iodef:Node> <iodef:Address category="ipv4-addr"></iodef:Address> </iodef:Node>
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       <iodef-rid:TrafficType type="Attack"/>
       <iodef:IncidentID name="CERT-FOR-OUR-DOMAIN">
   <!-- IODEF-Document included in RID -->
        <iodef-rid:XMLDocument dtype="xml" meaning="xml">
     <iodef:IODEF-Document lang="en">
     <iodef:Incident restriction="need-to-know" purpose="reporting">
       <iodef:IncidentID name="CERT-FOR-OUR-DOMAIN">
       <iodef:Description>Host illicitly accessed admin account
         <iodef:Impact severity="high" completion="succeeded"
         <iodef:Confidence rating="high"/>
       <iodef:Contact role="creator" type="organization">
         <iodef:ContactName>Constituency-contact for
           <iodef:System category="source">
               <iodef:Address category="ipv4-addr">
             <iodef:Service ip_protocol="6">
           <iodef:System category="target">
               <iodef:Address category="ipv4-addr">
             <iodef:Service ip_protocol="6">
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         <iodef:HistoryItem action="rate-limit-host">
           <iodef:IncidentID name="CSIRT-FOR-OUR-DOMAIN">
             Incident report sent to SP for
   <!-- End of IODEF-Document included in RID -->

7.4. Query Communication Flow

The diagram below outlines the RID Query communication flow between RID systems on different networks. SP-1 SP-2 1. Generate a request for information on a specific incident number or incident type 2. o-------Query-------> 3. Verify policy information and determine if matches exist for requested information 4. <-------Report------o 5. Associate report to request by incident number or type and file report(s). Figure 11: Query Communication Flow The Query message communication receives a response of a Report message. If the Report message is empty, the responding host did not
Top   ToC   RFC6545 - Page 57
   have information available to share with the requestor.  The incident
   number and responding RID system, as well as the transport, assist in
   the association of the request and response since a report can be
   filed and is not always solicited.  If there is a problem with the
   Query message, such as a failure to validate the digital signature or
   decrypt the request, an Acknowledgement message is sent to the
   requestor.  The Acknowledgement message should provide the reason why
   the message could not be processed.

7.4.1. Query Example

The Query request may be received in several formats as a result of the type of query being performed. If the incident number is the only information provided, the IODEF document and IP packet data may not be needed to complete the request. However, if a type of incident is requested, the incident number remains NULL, and the IP packet data will not be included in the IODEF RecordItem class; the other incident information is the main source for comparison. In the case in which an incident number may not be the same between CSIRTs, the incident number and/or IP packet information can be provided and used for comparison on the receiving RID system to generate (a) Report message(s). This query is sent to, inquiring about the incident with the identifier CERT-FOR-OUR-DOMAIN#210-1. The Report will be provided to the requestor identified and verified through the authentication and digital signature information provided in the RID message. An example Report is provided above. <iodef-rid:RID lang="en" xmlns:iodef-rid="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:iodef-rid-2.0" xmlns:iodef="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:iodef-1.0"> <iodef-rid:RIDPolicy MsgType="Query" MsgDestination="RIDSystem"> <iodef-rid:PolicyRegion region="PeerToPeer"/> <iodef:Node> <iodef:Address category="ipv4-addr"></iodef:Address> </iodef:Node> <iodef-rid:TrafficType type="Attack"/> <iodef:IncidentID name="CERT-FOR-OUR-DOMAIN"> CERT-FOR-OUR-DOMAIN#210-1 </iodef:IncidentID> </iodef-rid:RIDPolicy> </iodef-rid:RID>
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8. RID Schema Definition

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <xs:schema xmlns:iodef-rid="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:iodef-rid-2.0" xmlns:iodef="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:iodef-1.0" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:ds="" targetNamespace="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:iodef-rid-2.0" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified"> <xs:import namespace="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:iodef-1.0" schemaLocation=" iodef-1.0.xsd"/> <xs:import namespace="" schemaLocation=" xmldsig-core-schema.xsd"/> <!-- **************************************************************** ********************************************************************* *** Real-time Inter-network Defense - RID XML Schema *** *** Namespace - iodef-rid, April 2012 *** *** The namespace is defined to support transport of IODEF *** *** documents for exchanging incident information. *** ********************************************************************* --> <!--RID messages act as an envelope for IODEF and RID documents to support the exchange of incident information--> <!-- ====== Real-Time Inter-network Defense - RID ====== ==== Suggested definition for RID messaging ====== --> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation>XML Schema wrapper for IODEF</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:element name="RID" type="iodef-rid:RIDType"/> <xs:complexType name="RIDType"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element ref="iodef-rid:RIDPolicy" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element ref="iodef-rid:RequestStatus" minOccurs="0"/> <xs:element ref="iodef-rid:IncidentSource" minOccurs="0"/> </xs:sequence> <xs:attribute name="lang" type="xs:language" use="required"/> </xs:complexType> <!--Used in Acknowledgement Message for RID-->
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 <xs:element name="RequestStatus" type="iodef-rid:RequestStatusType"/>
   <xs:complexType name="RequestStatusType">
      <xs:attribute name="AuthorizationStatus" use="required">
           <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
           <xs:whiteSpace value="collapse"/>
             <xs:enumeration value="Approved"/>
             <xs:enumeration value="Denied"/>
             <xs:enumeration value="Pending"/>
             <xs:enumeration value="ext-value"/>
      <xs:attribute name="ext-AuthorizationStatus"
                    type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
      <xs:attribute name="Justification">
           <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
           <xs:whiteSpace value="collapse"/>
             <xs:enumeration value="SystemResource"/>
             <xs:enumeration value="Authentication"/>
             <xs:enumeration value="AuthenticationOrigin"/>
             <xs:enumeration value="Encryption"/>
             <xs:enumeration value="UnrecognizedFormat"/>
             <xs:enumeration value="CannotProcess"/>
             <xs:enumeration value="Other"/>
             <xs:enumeration value="ext-value"/>
      <xs:attribute name="ext-Justification"
                    type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
     <xs:attribute name="restriction" type="iodef:restriction-type"/>

 <!--Incident Source Information for Result Message-->

 <xs:element name="IncidentSource" type="iodef-rid:IncidentSourceType"/>
   <xs:complexType name="IncidentSourceType">
       <xs:element ref="iodef-rid:SourceFound"/>
       <xs:element ref="iodef:Node" minOccurs="0"
     <xs:attribute name="restriction" type="iodef:restriction-type"/>
   <xs:element name="SourceFound" type="xs:boolean"/>
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 ====== Real-Time Inter-network Defense Policy - RIDPolicy ======
 ======  Definition for RIDPolicy for messaging

  <xs:documentation>RID Policy used for transport of

 <!-- RIDPolicy information with setting information listed in RID
      documentation -->

 <xs:element name="RIDPolicy" type="iodef-rid:RIDPolicyType"/>
   <xs:complexType name="RIDPolicyType">
       <xs:element ref="iodef-rid:PolicyRegion" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
       <xs:element ref="iodef:Node"/>
       <xs:element ref="iodef-rid:TrafficType" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
       <xs:element ref="iodef:IncidentID" minOccurs="0"/>
       <xs:element ref="iodef-rid:ReportSchema" minOccurs="0"/>
    <xs:attribute name="MsgType" use="required">
       <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
       <xs:whiteSpace value="collapse"/>
         <xs:enumeration value="TraceRequest"/>
         <xs:enumeration value="Acknowledgement"/>
         <xs:enumeration value="Result"/>
         <xs:enumeration value="InvestigationRequest"/>
         <xs:enumeration value="Report"/>
         <xs:enumeration value="Query"/>
         <xs:enumeration value="ext-value"/>
   <xs:attribute name="ext-MsgType" type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
   <xs:attribute name="MsgDestination" use="required">
       <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
       <xs:whiteSpace value="collapse"/>
         <xs:enumeration value="RIDSystem"/>
         <xs:enumeration value="SourceOfIncident"/>
         <xs:enumeration value="ext-value"/>
   <xs:attribute name="ext-MsgDestination" type="xs:string"
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   <xs:attribute name="restriction" type="iodef:restriction-type"/>
   <xs:element name="PolicyRegion">
      <xs:attribute name="region" use="required">
        <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
        <xs:whiteSpace value="collapse"/>
          <xs:enumeration value="ClientToSP"/>
          <xs:enumeration value="SPToClient"/>
          <xs:enumeration value="IntraConsortium"/>
          <xs:enumeration value="PeerToPeer"/>
          <xs:enumeration value="BetweenConsortiums"/>
          <xs:enumeration value="ext-value"/>
      <xs:attribute name="ext-region"
                    type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
   <xs:element name="TrafficType">
      <xs:attribute name="type" use="required">
        <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
        <xs:whiteSpace value="collapse"/>
          <xs:enumeration value="Attack"/>
          <xs:enumeration value="Network"/>
          <xs:enumeration value="Content"/>
          <xs:enumeration value="DataWithHandlingRequirements"/>
          <xs:enumeration value="AudienceRestriction"/>
          <xs:enumeration value="Other"/>
          <xs:enumeration value="ext-value"/>
      <xs:attribute name="ext-type"
                    type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
 <!--Used to include an enveloped XML document in RID-->
 <xs:element name="ReportSchema" type="iodef-rid:ReportSchemaType"/>
   <xs:complexType name="ReportSchemaType">
       <xs:element ref="iodef-rid:XMLDocument" minOccurs="1"
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       <xs:element ref="iodef-rid:URL" minOccurs="0"
       <xs:element ref="iodef-rid:Signature" minOccurs="0"
      <xs:attribute name="Version" use="optional">
        <xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
        <xs:whiteSpace value="collapse"/>
          <xs:enumeration value="1.0"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="ext-value"/>
      <xs:attribute name="ext-Version"
                    type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
      <xs:attribute name="XMLSchemaID" use="optional">
        <xs:restriction base="xs:anyURI">
        <xs:whiteSpace value="collapse"/>
          <xs:enumeration value="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:iodef-1.0"/>
               <xs:enumeration value="ext-value"/>
      <xs:attribute name="ext-XMLSchemaID"
                    type="xs:string" use="optional"/>
   <xs:element name="XMLDocument"
   <xs:element name="URL"
   <xs:element name="Signature"

(page 62 continued on part 4)

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