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RFC 5728

The SatLabs Group DVB-RCS MIB

Pages: 95
Part 3 of 4 – Pages 55 to 80
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Top   ToC   RFC5728 - Page 55   prevText
   dvbRcsQosGlobalVbdcMax OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX              Unsigned32
       UNITS               "ATM cells/MPEG packets"
       MAX-ACCESS          read-write
       STATUS              current
           "Global maximum VBDC that can be allocated to the RCST,
           in payload units (one ATM cell or one MPEG packet) per
   ::={dvbRcsRcstQos 6}

   dvbRcsQosGlobalVbdcMaxBackLog OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX              Unsigned32
       UNITS               "bytes"
       MAX-ACCESS          read-write
       STATUS              current
           "Global VBDC back log at the RCST level (expressed in
           bytes).  It is used only if the VBDC back log is not
           configured in the Request Class (expressed in bytes)."
   ::={dvbRcsRcstQos 7}

   dvbRcsQosChannelIdStrictDispatching OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX              INTEGER {
                                   notStrict (0),
                                   strict    (1)
       MAX-ACCESS          read-write
       STATUS              current
           "Indicates whether the RCST will strictly follow RC
           association when signaled through Channel_ID in the
               (0)- no strict association
               (1)- strict association"
   ::={dvbRcsRcstQos 8}

   -- dvbRcsRcstControl sub-tree object types
   dvbRcsCtrlRebootCommand OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX              INTEGER {
                                   idle        (1),
                                   normal      (2),
                                   alternate   (3)
       MAX-ACCESS          read-write
       STATUS              current
Top   ToC   RFC5728 - Page 56
           "This variable shall force the RCST to reboot:
               (1)- idle
               (2)- normal reboot (from current software load)
               (3)- reboot from alternate load (swap to alternate
                    load before reboot)"
       DEFVAL {idle}
   ::={dvbRcsRcstControl 1}

   dvbRcsCtrlRcstTxDisable OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX              INTEGER {
                                   idle        (1),
                                   disable     (2)
       MAX-ACCESS          read-write
       STATUS              current
           "This variable shall force the RCST to stop transmission
           (transmit disabled as defined in SatLabs System
               (1)- idle
               (2)- initiate Tx Disabled"
       DEFVAL {idle}
   ::={dvbRcsRcstControl 2}

   dvbRcsCtrlUserTrafficDisable OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX           INTEGER {
                                idle        (1),
                                disable     (2)
       MAX-ACCESS       read-write
       STATUS           current
           "This variable shall disable user traffic (only RCST
           management traffic can be transmitted):
               (1)- idle
               (2)- disable user traffic"
       DEFVAL {idle}
   ::={dvbRcsRcstControl 3}

   dvbRcsCtrlCwEnable OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX           INTEGER {
                                off    (1),
                                on     (2)
       MAX-ACCESS       read-write
       STATUS           current
Top   ToC   RFC5728 - Page 57
           "This variable will force the RCST to start transmission
           of CW, if the RCST is first set to the installation
           state and is properly configured for CW transmission:
              (1)- off
              (2)- on"
       DEFVAL {off}
   ::={dvbRcsRcstControl 4}

   dvbRcsCtrlOduTxReferenceEnable OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX           INTEGER {
                                off    (1),
                                on     (2)
       MAX-ACCESS       read-write
       STATUS           current
           "Enables activation and deactivation of the 10 MHz reference
            clock in the Tx IFL cable:
               (1) off
               (2) on"
       DEFVAL {on}
   ::={dvbRcsRcstControl 5}

   dvbRcsCtrlOduTxDCEnable OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX              INTEGER {
                                   off    (1),
                                   on     (2)
       MAX-ACCESS          read-write
       STATUS              current
           "Enables activation and deactivation of DC in the Tx IFL
             (1) off
             (2) on"
       DEFVAL {on}
   ::={dvbRcsRcstControl 6}

   dvbRcsCtrlOduRxDCEnable OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX              INTEGER {
                                   off    (1),
                                   on     (2)
       MAX-ACCESS          read-write
       STATUS              current
           "Enables activation and deactivation of DC in the Rx IFL
Top   ToC   RFC5728 - Page 58
             (1) off
             (2) on"
       DEFVAL {on}
   ::={dvbRcsRcstControl 7}

   dvbRcsCtrlDownloadFileCommand OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX              INTEGER {
                                   idle            (1),
                                   config          (2),
                                   installationLog (3)
       MAX-ACCESS          read-write
       STATUS              current
           "This variable will initiate an RCST configuration file
           download process:
           (1) idle
           (2) download RCST configuration file from TFTP/FTP
           (3) download RCST installation log file from TFTP/FTP
               server (INSTALL_LOG feature)"
       DEFVAL {idle}
   ::={dvbRcsRcstControl 8}

   dvbRcsCtrlUploadFileCommand OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX              INTEGER {
                                   idle              (1),
                                   config            (2),
                                   eventAlarm        (3),
                                   installationLog   (4)
       MAX-ACCESS          read-write
       STATUS              current
           "This variable will initiate an RCST upload process:
           (1) idle
           (2) upload RCST configuration file to TFTP/FTP server
           (3) upload RCST event/alarm log file to TFTP/FTP server
           (4) upload RCST installation log file to TFTP/FTP server
               (INSTALL_LOG feature)"
       DEFVAL {idle}
   ::={dvbRcsRcstControl 9}

   dvbRcsCtrlActivateConfigFileCommand OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX              INTEGER {
                                   idle            (1),
                                   activate        (2)
Top   ToC   RFC5728 - Page 59
       MAX-ACCESS          read-write
       STATUS              current
           "Triggers the RCST to use the configuration file and
           update its parameters accordingly.  Some RCST
           implementations may require a reboot for the parameters
           to take effect (vendor specific).
           (1)    idle
           (2)    activate"
       DEFVAL {idle}
   ::={dvbRcsRcstControl 10}

   dvbRcsCtrlRcstLogonCommand OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX              INTEGER {
                                   idle           (1),
                                   logon          (2)
       MAX-ACCESS          read-write
       STATUS              current
           "This variable will initiate an RCST logon:
              (1) idle
              (2) initiate RCST logon"
       DEFVAL {idle}
   ::={dvbRcsRcstControl 11}

   dvbRcsCtrlRcstLogoffCommand OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX              INTEGER {
                                   idle      (1),
                                   logoff    (2)
       MAX-ACCESS          read-write
       STATUS              current
           "This variable will initiate an RCST logoff:
              (1) idle
              (2) initiate RCST logoff"
       DEFVAL {idle}
   ::={dvbRcsRcstControl 12}

   dvbRcsCtrlRcstRxReacquire OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX              INTEGER {
                                   idle                    (1),
                                   reacquireForwardLink    (2)
       MAX-ACCESS          read-write
       STATUS              current
Top   ToC   RFC5728 - Page 60
           "This variable will force the RCST to acquire the
           forward link and start receiving:
              (1) idle
              (2) reacquire forward link"
       DEFVAL {idle}
   ::={dvbRcsRcstControl 13}

   -- dvbRcsRcstState sub-tree object types
   dvbRcsRcstMode OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX              INTEGER {
                                   installation (0),
                                   operational  (1)
       MAX-ACCESS          read-write
       STATUS              current
         "Identifies the current mode of the RCST and allows the RCST
         to return to the installation mode when needed.  Values for
         the RCST mode are:
             Installation (0)
             Operational (1)"
   ::={dvbRcsRcstState 1}

   dvbRcsRcstFaultStatus OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX              INTEGER {
                                   nofault (0),
                                   fault   (1)
       MAX-ACCESS          read-only
       STATUS              current
           "Provides the fault status of the terminal.  The fault
           status management is vendor specific.  Values for the
           fault status are:
               no fault (0)
               fault (1)"
   ::={dvbRcsRcstState 2}

   dvbRcsRcstFwdLinkStatus OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX              INTEGER {
                                   notAcquired (0),
                                   acquired    (1)
       MAX-ACCESS          read-only
       STATUS              current
Top   ToC   RFC5728 - Page 61
           "Provides the status of the RCST forward link.  Values
           for the forward link status are:
             Not acquired (0)
             Acquired (1)"
   ::={dvbRcsRcstState 3}

   dvbRcsRcstRtnLinkStatus OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX              INTEGER {
                                   loggedOff (0),
                                   loggedOn  (1)
       MAX-ACCESS          read-only
       STATUS              current
           "Provides the status of the RCST return link.  Values for
           the return link status are:
               Logged-off (0)
               Logged-on (1)"
   ::={dvbRcsRcstState 4}

   dvbRcsRcstLogUpdated OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX              INTEGER {
                                   noUpdate         (0),
                                   logfileUpdated   (1)
       MAX-ACCESS          read-only
       STATUS              current
           "Indicates the existence of an updated event log file:
               No update (0)
               Event Log file updated (1)
           The RCST should remove the 'Event Log file updated'
           indication as the log file is fetched by the NCC."
   ::={dvbRcsRcstState 5}

   dvbRcsRcstCurrentSoftwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX              SnmpAdminString
       MAX-ACCESS          read-only
       STATUS              current
           "Current RCST software version."
   ::={dvbRcsRcstState 6}

   dvbRcsRcstAlternateSoftwareVersion OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX              SnmpAdminString
       MAX-ACCESS          read-only
       STATUS              current
Top   ToC   RFC5728 - Page 62
           "Alternate (backup/new) RCST software version."
   ::={dvbRcsRcstState 7}

   dvbRcsRcstActivatedConfigFileVersion OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX              SnmpAdminString
       MAX-ACCESS          read-only
       STATUS              current
           "Version of the most recently activated configuration
           The version is vendor specific."
   ::={dvbRcsRcstState 8}

   dvbRcsRcstDownloadedConfigFileVersion OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX              SnmpAdminString
       MAX-ACCESS          read-only
       STATUS              current
         "Version of the most recently downloaded configuration
          Version is vendor specific.  If the value is different
          from dvbRcsRcstActivatedConfigFileVersion, it is pending
          for activation."
   ::={dvbRcsRcstState 9}

   -- dvbRcsFwdConfig sub-tree object types
   dvbRcsFwdStartTable OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX              SEQUENCE OF DvbRcsFwdStartEntry
       MAX-ACCESS          not-accessible
       STATUS              current
           "Lists forward link attachment points (e.g., different
           for installation and operation).
           The table describes the forward link parameters used for
           the start-up stream with the NCC."
   ::={dvbRcsFwdConfig 1}

   dvbRcsFwdStartEntry OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX            DvbRcsFwdStartEntry
       MAX-ACCESS        not-accessible
       STATUS            current
           "An entry in the Forward Link Start Configuration table."
       INDEX {dvbRcsFwdStartIndex}
   ::= {dvbRcsFwdStartTable 1}
Top   ToC   RFC5728 - Page 63
   DvbRcsFwdStartEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
                       dvbRcsFwdStartIndex         Unsigned32,
                       dvbRcsFwdStartPopId         Integer32,
                       dvbRcsFwdStartFrequency     Unsigned32,
                       dvbRcsFwdStartPolar         INTEGER,
                       dvbRcsFwdStartFormat        INTEGER,
                       dvbRcsFwdStartRolloff       INTEGER,
                       dvbRcsFwdStartSymbolRate    Unsigned32,
                       dvbRcsFwdStartInnerFec      INTEGER,
                       dvbRcsFwdStartRowStatus     RowStatus

   dvbRcsFwdStartIndex OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX              Unsigned32 (1..8)
       MAX-ACCESS          not-accessible
       STATUS              current
           "Index of the Forward Link StartConfig table."
   ::={dvbRcsFwdStartEntry 1}

   dvbRcsFwdStartPopId OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX              Integer32 (-1..65535)
       MAX-ACCESS          read-create
       STATUS              current
           "Population identifier associated with the start-up
            forward link:
               -1: any (auto)
               0-65535: specific StartPopId
            If 'any' is set, the RCST will assume membership of any
            announced population ID and will commence with logon in
            accordance with this assumption."
   ::={dvbRcsFwdStartEntry 2}

   dvbRcsFwdStartFrequency OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX              Unsigned32
       UNITS               "x100 kHz"
       MAX-ACCESS          read-create
       STATUS              current
           "Frequency of the start transponder carrying a
           Network Information Table to which any RCST shall
           trigger to acquire forward link.  Its value shall be
           given in multiples of 100 kHz."
   ::={dvbRcsFwdStartEntry 3}

   dvbRcsFwdStartPolar OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX              INTEGER   {
Top   ToC   RFC5728 - Page 64
                                     linearHorizontal (0),
                                     linearVertical   (1),
                                     circularLeft     (2),
                                     circularRight    (3)
       MAX-ACCESS          read-create
       STATUS              current
           "2-bit field giving the polarization of the start
           transponder carrying a Network Information Table to
           which any RCST shall trigger to acquire forward link:
               00: linear and horizontal
               01: linear and vertical
               10: circular left
               11: circular right"
   ::={dvbRcsFwdStartEntry 4}

   dvbRcsFwdStartFormat OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX              INTEGER {
                                   auto     (-1),
                                   dvbs      (0),
                                   dvbs2ccm  (1),
                                   dvbs2acm  (2)
       MAX-ACCESS          read-create
       STATUS              current
           "Specifies the transmission format standard applied for
           the startup stream.  The start transport stream carries a
           Network Information Table that the RCST uses for
           acquiring the forward link signaling.  Supported values
               -1: unspecified (automatic format acquisition is
                0: DVB-S (support of this value is mandatory if
                   DVB-S support is claimed)
                1: DVB-S2 with CCM (support of this value is
                   mandatory if DVB-S2 CCM support is claimed)
                2: DVB-S2 with VCM or ACM (support of this value is
                   mandatory if DVB-S2 ACM support is claimed)
           This allows the RCST to discriminate between CCM and
           VCM/ACM when selecting the forward link.
           The support of automatic format selection is optional.
           One or several of the other format selections must be
           supported, according to the claimed SatLabs profile
   ::={dvbRcsFwdStartEntry 5}
Top   ToC   RFC5728 - Page 65
   dvbRcsFwdStartRolloff OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX        INTEGER {
                             autoRolloff    (0),
                             rolloff020     (1),
                             rolloff025     (2),
                             rolloff035     (3)
       MAX-ACCESS    read-create
       STATUS        current
           "Specifies the receive filter roll-off applied on the
           start transponder.  The start transponder carries a
           Network Information Table that the RCST uses for
           acquiring the forward link signaling.
           Supported values are:
               0: any (auto)
               1: 0.20
               2: 0.25
               3: 0.35"
   ::={dvbRcsFwdStartEntry 6}

   dvbRcsFwdStartSymbolRate OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX              Unsigned32
       UNITS               "x100 symbols/s"
       MAX-ACCESS          read-create
       STATUS              current
           "Specifies the symbol rate on the start transponder
           carrying a Network Information Table to which any RCST
           shall trigger to acquire forward link.  Its value shall
           be given in multiples of 100 symbols/s."
   ::={dvbRcsFwdStartEntry 7}

   dvbRcsFwdStartInnerFec OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX              INTEGER     {
                                       autoFec     (-1),
                                       fecRate12    (0),
                                       fecRate23    (1),
                                       fecRate34    (2),
                                       fecRate56    (3),
                                       fecRate78    (4),
                                       fecRate89    (5),
                                       fecRate35    (6),
                                       fecRate45    (7),
                                       fecRate910   (8),
                                       fecRate25    (9),
                                       fecRate13   (10),
                                       fecRate14   (11),
Top   ToC   RFC5728 - Page 66
                                       noInnerCode (12)
       MAX-ACCESS          read-create
       STATUS              current
           "Specifies the inner Forward Error Correction used on
           the start transponder carrying a Network Information
           Table to which any RCST shall trigger to acquire forward
           Supported values are:
                   autoFec      (-1),
                   fecRate1/2    (0),
                   fecRate2/3    (1),
                   fecRate3/4    (2),
                   fecRate5/6    (3),
                   fecRate7/8    (4),
                   fecRate8/9    (5),
                   fecRate3/5    (6),
                   fecRate4/5    (7),
                   fecRate9/10   (8),
                   fecRate2/5    (9),
                   fecRate1/3    (10),
                   fecRate1/4    (11),
                   noInnerCode   (12)
       The support of autoFec is optional."
   ::={dvbRcsFwdStartEntry 8}

   dvbRcsFwdStartRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX              RowStatus
       MAX-ACCESS          read-create
       STATUS              current
           "The status of this conceptual row.  It is not possible
           to change values in a row of this table while the row is
   ::={dvbRcsFwdStartEntry 9}

   --  dvbRcsFwdStatus sub-tree object types
   dvbRcsFwdStatusPopId OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX              Unsigned32 (0..65535)
       MAX-ACCESS          read-only
       STATUS              current
           "Population identifier applied at log-on:
               0-65535: specific StartPopId
           If the RCST was allowed to logon with any population,
Top   ToC   RFC5728 - Page 67
           the RCST will report the base number of the announced
           population ID indicated by the RCS Map Table linkage
           descriptor used at logon."
   ::={dvbRcsFwdStatus 1}

   dvbRcsFwdStatusTable OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX              SEQUENCE OF DvbRcsFwdStatusEntry
       MAX-ACCESS          not-accessible
       STATUS              current
           "This table describes the current status of Forward Link
   ::={dvbRcsFwdStatus 2}

   dvbRcsFwdStatusEntry OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX            DvbRcsFwdStatusEntry
       MAX-ACCESS        not-accessible
       STATUS            current
           "An entry in the forward link status table.  Each entry
           is associated with a physical interface.
           An RCST shall support at least one entry."
       INDEX { dvbRcsFwdStatusIndex }
   ::= {dvbRcsFwdStatusTable 1}

   DvbRcsFwdStatusEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
                   dvbRcsFwdStatusIndex             Unsigned32,
                   dvbRcsFwdStatusIfReference       Unsigned32,
                   dvbRcsFwdStatusNetId             Unsigned32,
                   dvbRcsFwdStatusFormat            INTEGER,
                   dvbRcsFwdStatusFrequency         Unsigned32,
                   dvbRcsFwdStatusPolar             INTEGER,
                   dvbRcsFwdStatusInnerFec          INTEGER,
                   dvbRcsFwdStatusSymbolRate        Unsigned32,
                   dvbRcsFwdStatusRolloff           INTEGER,
                   dvbRcsFwdStatusModulation        INTEGER,
                   dvbRcsFwdStatusFecFrame          INTEGER,
                   dvbRcsFwdStatusPilot             INTEGER,
                   dvbRcsFwdStatusBer               Integer32,
                   dvbRcsFwdStatusCnr               Integer32,
                   dvbRcsFwdStatusRxPower           Integer32

   dvbRcsFwdStatusIndex OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX              Unsigned32 (1..8)
       MAX-ACCESS          not-accessible
Top   ToC   RFC5728 - Page 68
       STATUS              current
           "Index of the forward link status table."
   ::={dvbRcsFwdStatusEntry 1}

   dvbRcsFwdStatusIfReference OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX              Unsigned32 (1..8)
       MAX-ACCESS          read-only
       STATUS              current
           "Cross reference to the interface table."
   ::={dvbRcsFwdStatusEntry 2}

   dvbRcsFwdStatusNetId OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX              Unsigned32
       MAX-ACCESS          read-only
       STATUS              current
           "Interactive network identifier of the forward
           link (from the RCS Map Table)."
   ::={dvbRcsFwdStatusEntry 3}

   dvbRcsFwdStatusNetName OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX              SnmpAdminString
       MAX-ACCESS          read-only
       STATUS              current
           "The name of the interactive network of the forward
           link (from the RCS Map Table)."
   ::={dvbRcsFwdStatusEntry 4}

   dvbRcsFwdStatusFormat OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX              INTEGER  {
                                    dvbs            (0),
                                    dvbs2ccm        (1),
                                    dvbs2acm        (2),
                                    reservedFormat  (3)
       MAX-ACCESS          read-only
       STATUS              current
           "Specifies the transmission format applied on the
           forward link.  Supported values are (from RCS Map Table):
               0: DVB-S
               1: DVB-S2 using CCM
               2: DVB-S2 using VCM or ACM
               3: reserved"
   ::={dvbRcsFwdStatusEntry 5}
Top   ToC   RFC5728 - Page 69
   dvbRcsFwdStatusFrequency OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX              Unsigned32
       UNITS               "x100 kHz"
       MAX-ACCESS          read-only
       STATUS              current
           "An estimate of the frequency of the forward link.  Its
           value shall be given in multiples of 100 kHz."
   ::={dvbRcsFwdStatusEntry 6}

   dvbRcsFwdStatusPolar OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX              INTEGER   {
                                     linearHorizontal (0),
                                     linearVertical   (1),
                                     circularLeft     (2),
                                     circularRight    (3)
       MAX-ACCESS          read-only
       STATUS              current
           "2-bit field giving the polarization of the forward link
           Supported values are (from RCS Map Table):
               00: linear and horizontal
               01: linear and vertical
               10: circular left
               11: circular right"
   ::={dvbRcsFwdStatusEntry 7}

   dvbRcsFwdStatusInnerFec OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX              INTEGER     {
                                       unknown     (-1),
                                       fecRate12    (0),
                                       fecRate23    (1),
                                       fecRate34    (2),
                                       fecRate56    (3),
                                       fecRate78    (4),
                                       fecRate89    (5),
                                       fecRate35    (6),
                                       fecRate45    (7),
                                       fecRate910   (8),
                                       fecRate25    (9),
                                       fecRate13   (10),
                                       fecRate14   (11),
                                       noInnerCode (12)
       MAX-ACCESS          read-only
       STATUS              current
Top   ToC   RFC5728 - Page 70
           "Specifies the inner Forward Error Correction used on
           the forward link for transmission to the RCST.
           Supported values are:
                   unknown      (-1),
                   fecRate1/2    (0),
                   fecRate2/3    (1),
                   fecRate3/4    (2),
                   fecRate5/6    (3),
                   fecRate7/8    (4),
                   fecRate8/9    (5),
                   fecRate3/5    (6),
                   fecRate4/5    (7),
                   fecRate9/10   (8),
                   fecRate2/5    (9),
                   fecRate1/3    (10),
                   fecRate1/4    (11),
                   noInnerCode   (12)
           The RCST will report a value that has been used for
           transmission to the RCST within the most recent 60
           seconds.  If this is not relevant, the RCST will report
   ::={dvbRcsFwdStatusEntry 8}

   dvbRcsFwdStatusSymbolRate OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX              Unsigned32
       UNITS               "x100 symbols/s"
       MAX-ACCESS          read-only
       STATUS              current
           "An estimate of the symbol rate of the forward link.
           Its value shall be given in multiples of 100 symbols/s."
   ::={dvbRcsFwdStatusEntry 9}

   dvbRcsFwdStatusRolloff OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX              INTEGER   {
                                     undefRolloff       (0),
                                     rolloff020         (1),
                                     rolloff025         (2),
                                     rolloff035         (3)
       MAX-ACCESS          read-only
       STATUS              current
           "An estimate of the roll-off applied on the forward
           Supported values are:
               0: undefined
               1: 0.20
Top   ToC   RFC5728 - Page 71
               2: 0.25
               3: 0.35"
   ::={dvbRcsFwdStatusEntry 10}

    dvbRcsFwdStatusModulation OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX              INTEGER   {
                                     unknown        (0),
                                     mBPSK          (1),
                                     mQPSK          (2),
                                     m8PSK          (3),
                                     m16APSK        (4),
                                     m32APSK        (5)
       MAX-ACCESS          read-only
       STATUS              current
           "Indicates the modulation on the forward link used for
           transmission to the RCST. Supported values are:
               0: unknown
               1: BPSK
               2: QPSK
               3: 8PSK
               4: 16APSK
               5: 32APSK
           The RCST will report a value that has been used for
           transmission to the RCST within the most recent 60
           If this is not relevant, the RCST will report
   ::={dvbRcsFwdStatusEntry 11}

   dvbRcsFwdStatusFecFrame OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX              INTEGER {
                                   unknown       (0),
                                   shortframe    (1),
                                   longframe     (2)
       MAX-ACCESS          read-only
       STATUS              current
           "Indicates the frame length used on the forward link for
           transmission to the RCST.
           Supported values are:
               0: Unknown
               1: Short frame
               2: Normal frame
           The RCST will report a value that has been used for
           transmission to the RCST within the most recent 60
Top   ToC   RFC5728 - Page 72
           If this is not relevant, the RCST will report
   ::={dvbRcsFwdStatusEntry 12}

   dvbRcsFwdStatusPilot OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX              INTEGER {
                                   unknown      (0),
                                   pilotNotused (1),
                                   pilotUsed    (2)
       MAX-ACCESS          read-only
       STATUS              current
           "Indicates whether pilots are used on the forward link
           for transmission to the RCST.
           Supported values are:
               0: Unknown
               1: Pilots are not used
               2: Pilots are used
           The RCST will report a value that has been used for
           transmission to the RCST within the most recent 60
           If this is not relevant, the RCST will report
   ::={dvbRcsFwdStatusEntry 13}

   dvbRcsFwdStatusBer OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX              Integer32
       UNITS               "exponent of 10"
       MAX-ACCESS          read-only
       STATUS              current
           "Provides the RCST BER on the Forward Link in log10
   ::={dvbRcsFwdStatusEntry 14}

   dvbRcsFwdStatusCnr OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX              Integer32
       UNITS               "0.1 dB"
       MAX-ACCESS          read-only
       STATUS              current
           "Provides the RCST CNR on the Forward Link in 0.1 dB
   ::={dvbRcsFwdStatusEntry 15}

   dvbRcsFwdStatusRxPower OBJECT-TYPE
Top   ToC   RFC5728 - Page 73
       SYNTAX              Integer32
       UNITS               "0.1 dBm"
       MAX-ACCESS          read-only
       STATUS              current
           "Provides the power level of the forward link as
           received at the IDU, in 0.1 dBm units."
       DEFVAL { -500 }
   ::={dvbRcsFwdStatusEntry 16}

   --  dvbRcsRtnConfig sub-tree object types
   dvbRcsRtnConfigMaxEirp OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX              Integer32
       UNITS               "x0.1 dBm"
       MAX-ACCESS          read-write
       STATUS              current
           "Max Equivalent Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP) of the RCST,
            given in resolution of 0.1 dBm and applied when the IDU
            can, itself, set the necessary IDU TX output level, e.g.,
            when using a BUC that has a power level detector and that
            provides sufficient feedback to the IDU."
   ::= {dvbRcsRtnConfig 1}

   dvbRcsRtnConfigDefIfLevel OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX              Integer32
       UNITS               "x0.1 dBm"
       MAX-ACCESS          read-write
       STATUS              current
            "IDU TX output level applied in case the
            dvbRcsRtnConfigMaxEirp cannot be used.  The resolution
            is 0.1 dBm and the accuracy is +/- 1 dBm."
   ::= {dvbRcsRtnConfig 2}

   --  dvbRcsRtnStatus sub-tree object types
   dvbRcsRtnStatusEbN0 OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX              Integer32
       UNITS               "x0.1 dB"
       MAX-ACCESS          read-only
       STATUS              current
           "The EbN0 value reported for the return link, referenced
           to the regular SYNC burst transmission, in 0.1 dB
Top   ToC   RFC5728 - Page 74
   ::= {dvbRcsRtnStatus 1}

   dvbRcsRtnStatusSFDuration OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX              Unsigned32 (250..7500)
       UNITS               "0.1 ms"
       MAX-ACCESS          read-only
       STATUS              current
           "The duration of the currently applied return link
           superframe structure, in tenths of milliseconds."
   ::= {dvbRcsRtnStatus 2}

   dvbRcsRtnStatusPayloadUnit OBJECT-TYPE
       SYNTAX              INTEGER   {
                                     unitATM    (0),
                                     unitMPEG   (1)
       MAX-ACCESS          read-only
       STATUS              current
           "Indicates if the payload unit used for the return link
           is ATM or MPEG."
   ::= {dvbRcsRtnStatus 3}

   --    conformance information
   dvbRcsRcstGroups          OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
   {dvbRcsConformance 1}
   dvbRcsRcstCompliances     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
   {dvbRcsConformance 2}

   --    conformance statements
   dvbRcsRcstCompliance1 MODULE-COMPLIANCE
        STATUS          current
            "The compliance statement for DVB-RCS terminals that
            are compliant with SatLabs System Recommendations.
            Compliance is linked to the support by the terminal of
            the options or features defined in the SatLabs System
            The supported options and features of a terminal are
            declared in objects
            and dvbRcsSystemSatLabsFeaturesDeclaration
Top   ToC   RFC5728 - Page 75

       MODULE  -- this module

              MANDATORY-GROUPS    {dvbRcsRcstSystemGroup,
   dvbRcsRcstNetworkGroup, dvbRcsRcstInstallGroup,
   dvbRcsRcstQosGroup, dvbRcsRcstControlGroup,
   dvbRcsRcstStateGroup, dvbRcsFwdConfigGroup,
   dvbRcsFwdStatusGroup, dvbRcsRtnConfigGroup,

   GROUP dvbRcsRcstExtNetworkGroup
            "This group is mandatory for an RCST that supports extended
            networking management functionality.  Such RCST is qualified
            as supporting the EXTNETWORK feature, as defined in the
            SatLabs System Recommendations."

   GROUP dvbRcsRcstDnsGroup
            "This group is mandatory for an RCST that supports the DNS
            protocol.  Such RCST is qualified as supporting the DNS
            option, as defined in the SatLabs System Recommendations."

   GROUP dvbRcsRcstExtInstallGroup
            "This group is mandatory for an RCST that supports the
            installation log file.  Such RCST is qualified as supporting
            the INSTALL_LOG feature, as defined in the SatLabs System

   GROUP dvbRcsRcstEnhancedClassifierGroup
            "This group is mandatory for an RCST that supports the
            enhanced classifier feature.  Such RCST is qualified as
            supporting the ENHCLASSIFIER feature, as defined in the
            SatLabs System Recommendations."

   GROUP dvbRcsRcstMpegQosGroup
            "This group is mandatory for an RCST that supports MPEG
            traffic bursts.  Such RCST is qualified as supporting the
            MPEG_TRF option, as defined in the SatLabs System

   GROUP dvbRcsRcstGlobalQosGroup
            "This group is mandatory for an RCST that supports global
Top   ToC   RFC5728 - Page 76
            RCST QoS configuration data.  Such RCST is qualified as
            supporting the RCST_PARA feature, as defined in the SatLabs
            System Recommendations."

   GROUP dvbRcsRcstStrictQosGroup
            "This group is mandatory for an RCST that supports strict
            channel ID dispatching.  Such RCST is qualified as
            supporting the CHID_STRICT option, as defined in the SatLabs
            System Recommendations."

   GROUP dvbRcsRcstExtControlGroup
            "This group is mandatory for an RCST that supports extended
            control management functionality.  Such RCST is qualified as
            supporting the EXTCONTROL feature, as defined in the SatLabs
            System Recommendations."

   GROUP dvbRcsRtnExtConfigGroup
            "This group is mandatory for an RCST that supports extended
            return link configuration management functionality.  Such
            RCST is qualified as supporting the EXTCONFIG feature, as
            defined in the SatLabs System Recommendations."

   GROUP dvbRcsRtnExtStatusGroup
            "This group is mandatory for an RCST that supports extended
            return link status report functionality.  Such RCST is
            qualified as supporting the EXTSTATUS feature, as defined in
            the SatLabs System Recommendations."

   GROUP dvbRcsRcstOduListGroup
            "This group is mandatory for an RCST that supports the ODU
            structural entities defined under dvbRcsOduTx, dvbRcsOduRx,
            and dvbRcsOduAntenna.  Such RCST is qualified as supporting
            the ODULIST feature, as defined in the SatLabs System

   OBJECT dvbRcsSystemOduAntennaSize
        MIN-ACCESS read-only
            "Write access must be supported if dvbRcsRcstOduListGroup is
            not supported."

   OBJECT dvbRcsSystemOduAntennaGain
        MIN-ACCESS read-only
Top   ToC   RFC5728 - Page 77
            "Write access must be supported if dvbRcsRcstOduListGroup is
            not supported."

   OBJECT dvbRcsSystemOduSspa
        MIN-ACCESS read-only
            "Write access must be supported if dvbRcsRcstOduListGroup is
            not supported."

   OBJECT dvbRcsSystemOduTxType
        MIN-ACCESS read-only
            "Write access must be supported if dvbRcsRcstOduListGroup is
            not supported."

   OBJECT dvbRcsSystemOduRxType
        MIN-ACCESS read-only
            "Write access must be supported if dvbRcsRcstOduListGroup is
            not supported."

   OBJECT dvbRcsSystemOduRxBand
        MIN-ACCESS read-only
            "Write access must be supported if dvbRcsRcstOduListGroup is
            not supported."

   OBJECT dvbRcsSystemOduRxLO
        MIN-ACCESS read-only
            "Write access must be supported if dvbRcsRcstOduListGroup is
            not supported."

   OBJECT dvbRcsSystemOduTxLO
     MIN-ACCESS read-only
         "Write access must be supported if dvbRcsRcstOduListGroup is
         not supported."

   OBJECT dvbRcsNetworkOamInetAddressType
        SYNTAX InetAddressType { ipv4(1) }
            "An implementation is only required to support IPv4

   OBJECT dvbRcsNetworkOamInetAddress
        SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE(4))
Top   ToC   RFC5728 - Page 78
            "An implementation is only required to support IPv4

   OBJECT dvbRcsNetworkLanInetAddressType
        SYNTAX InetAddressType { ipv4(1) }
            "An implementation is only required to support IPv4

   OBJECT dvbRcsNetworkLanInetAddress
        SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE(4))
            "An implementation is only required to support IPv4

   OBJECT dvbRcsNetworkAirInterfaceDefaultGatewayInetAddressType
        SYNTAX InetAddressType { ipv4(1) }
            "An implementation is only required to support IPv4

   OBJECT dvbRcsNetworkAirInterfaceDefaultGatewayInetAddress
        SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE(4))
            "An implementation is only required to support IPv4

   OBJECT dvbRcsPrimaryDnsServerInetAddressType
        SYNTAX InetAddressType { ipv4(1) }
            "An implementation is only required to support IPv4

   OBJECT dvbRcsPrimaryDnsServerInetAddress
        SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE(4))
            "An implementation is only required to support IPv4

   OBJECT dvbRcsSecondaryDnsServerInetAddressType
        SYNTAX InetAddressType { ipv4(1) }
            "An implementation is only required to support IPv4

   OBJECT dvbRcsSecondaryDnsServerInetAddress
         SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE(4))
Top   ToC   RFC5728 - Page 79
             "An implementation is only required to support IPv4

   OBJECT dvbRcsNetworkNccMgtInetAddressType
        SYNTAX InetAddressType { ipv4(1) }
            "An implementation is only required to support IPv4

   OBJECT dvbRcsNetworkNccMgtInetAddress
        SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE(4))
            "An implementation is only required to support IPv4

   OBJECT dvbRcsPktClassDscpLow
        MIN-ACCESS read-only
            "Create access only required if the RCST supports the
            enhanced classifier feature.  Such RCST is qualified as
            supporting the ENHCLASSIFIER feature, as defined in the
            SatLabs System Recommendations."

   OBJECT dvbRcsPktClassDscpHigh
        MIN-ACCESS read-only
            "Create access only required if the RCST supports the
            enhanced classifier feature.  Such RCST is qualified as
            supporting the ENHCLASSIFIER feature, as defined in the
            SatLabs System Recommendations."

   OBJECT dvbRcsPktClassDscpMarkValue
        MIN-ACCESS read-only
            "Create access only required if the RCST supports the
            enhanced classifier feature.  Such RCST is qualified as
            supporting the ENHCLASSIFIER feature, as defined in the
            SatLabs System Recommendations."

   OBJECT dvbRcsPktClassSrcInetAddressType
        SYNTAX InetAddressType { ipv4(1) }
            "An implementation is only required to support IPv4

   OBJECT dvbRcsPktClassSrcInetAddress
        SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE(4))
Top   ToC   RFC5728 - Page 80
            "An implementation is only required to support IPv4

   OBJECT dvbRcsPktClassDstInetAddressType
        SYNTAX InetAddressType { ipv4(1) }
            "An implementation is only required to support IPv4

   OBJECT dvbRcsPktClassDstInetAddress
        SYNTAX InetAddress (SIZE(4))
            "An implementation is only required to support IPv4

   OBJECT dvbRcsPhbName
       MIN-ACCESS read-only
           "Create access only required if the RCST supports extended
           management support.  Such RCST is qualified as supporting
           the SNMPMISC option, as defined in the SatLabs System

   OBJECT dvbRcsPhbRequestClassAssociation
        MIN-ACCESS read-only
            "Create access only required if the RCST supports extended
            management support.  Such RCST is qualified as supporting
            the SNMPMISC option, as defined in the SatLabs System

   OBJECT dvbRcsPhbMappingRowStatus
        MIN-ACCESS read-only
            "Create access only required if the RCST supports extended
            management support.  Such RCST is qualified as supporting
            the SNMPMISC option, as defined in the SatLabs System

   OBJECT dvbRcsRequestClassName
        MIN-ACCESS read-only
            "Create access only required if the RCST supports extended
            management support.  Such RCST is qualified as supporting
            the SNMPMISC option, as defined in the SatLabs System

(next page on part 4)

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