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RFC 4546

Radio Frequency (RF) Interface Management Information Base for Data over Cable Service Interface Specifications (DOCSIS) 2.0 Compliant RF Interfaces

Pages: 139
Proposed Standard
Updated by:  9141
Obsoletes:  2670
Part 4 of 5 – Pages 78 to 104
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Top   ToC   RFC4546 - Page 78   prevText
   docsIfCmtsCmStatusCorrecteds OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Counter32
        UNITS       "codewords"
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "Codewords received with correctable errors from this
             cable modem.
             Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur
             at reinitialization of the managed system, and at other
             times as indicated by the value of
             ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the associated ifIndex."
            "Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specifications: Radio
             Frequency Interface Specification SP-RFIv2.0-I10-051209,
             Section 6.2.4."
        ::= { docsIfCmtsCmStatusEntry 11 }

   docsIfCmtsCmStatusUncorrectables OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Counter32
        UNITS       "codewords"
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "Codewords received with uncorrectable errors from this
             cable modem.
             Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur
             at reinitialization of the managed system, and at other
             times as indicated by the value of
             ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the associated ifIndex."
            "Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specifications: Radio
             Frequency Interface Specification SP-RFIv2.0-I10-051209,
             Section 6.2.4."
        ::= { docsIfCmtsCmStatusEntry 12 }

   docsIfCmtsCmStatusSignalNoise OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      TenthdB
        UNITS       "TenthdB"
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "Signal/Noise ratio as perceived for upstream data from
             this cable modem.
             If the Signal/Noise is unknown, this object returns
             a value of zero."
            "Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specifications: Radio
Top   ToC   RFC4546 - Page 79
             Frequency Interface Specification SP-RFIv2.0-I10-051209,
             Tables 4-1 and 4-2."
        ::= { docsIfCmtsCmStatusEntry 13 }

   docsIfCmtsCmStatusMicroreflections OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..255)
        UNITS       "-dBc"
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "Total microreflections, including in-channel response
             as perceived on this interface, measured in dBc below
             the signal level.
             This object is not assumed to return an absolutely
             accurate value, but it gives a rough indication
             of microreflections received on this interface.
             It is up to the implementer to provide information
             as accurately as possible.
             Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur
             at reinitialization of the managed system, and at other
             times as indicated by the value of
             ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the associated ifIndex."
            "Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specifications: Radio
             Frequency Interface Specification SP-RFIv2.0-I10-051209,
             Tables 4-1 and 4-2"
        ::= { docsIfCmtsCmStatusEntry 14 }

   docsIfCmtsCmStatusExtUnerroreds OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Counter64
        UNITS       "codewords"
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "Codewords received without error from this cable modem.
             Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur
             at reinitialization of the managed system, and at other
             times as indicated by the value of
             ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the associated ifIndex."
            "Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specifications: Radio
             Frequency Interface Specification SP-RFIv2.0-I10-051209,
             Section 6.2.5."
        ::= { docsIfCmtsCmStatusEntry 15 }

   docsIfCmtsCmStatusExtCorrecteds OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Counter64
        UNITS       "codewords"
Top   ToC   RFC4546 - Page 80
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "Codewords received with correctable errors from this
             cable modem.
             Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur
             at reinitialization of the managed system, and at other
             times as indicated by the value of
             ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the associated ifIndex."
            "Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specifications: Radio
             Frequency Interface Specification SP-RFIv2.0-I10-051209,
             Section 6.2.5."
        ::= { docsIfCmtsCmStatusEntry 16 }

   docsIfCmtsCmStatusExtUncorrectables OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Counter64
        UNITS       "codewords"
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "Codewords received with uncorrectable errors from this
             cable modem.
             Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur
             at reinitialization of the managed system, and at other
             times as indicated by the value of
             ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the associated ifIndex."
            "Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specifications: Radio
             Frequency Interface Specification SP-RFIv2.0-I10-051209,
             Section 6.2.5."
        ::= { docsIfCmtsCmStatusEntry 17 }

   docsIfCmtsCmStatusDocsisRegMode OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      DocsisQosVersion
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
               "Indication of whether the CM has registered using 1.0
                Class of Service or 1.1 Quality of Service."
            "Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specifications: Radio
             Frequency Interface Specification SP-RFIv2.0-I10-051209,
             Annex G."
        ::= { docsIfCmtsCmStatusEntry 18 }

   docsIfCmtsCmStatusModulationType OBJECT-TYPE
         SYNTAX      DocsisUpstreamType
Top   ToC   RFC4546 - Page 81
         MAX-ACCESS  read-only
         STATUS      current
             "Indicates modulation type currently used by the CM.  Since
              this object specifically identifies PHY mode, the shared
              type is not permitted.  If the upstream channel is
              unknown, this object returns a value of zero."
            "Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specifications: Radio
             Frequency Interface Specification SP-RFIv2.0-I10-051209,
             Table 8-19."
         ::= { docsIfCmtsCmStatusEntry 19 }

   docsIfCmtsCmStatusInetAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      InetAddressType
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
               "The type of internet address of
                docsIfCmtsCmStatusInetAddress.  If the cable modem
                internet address is unassigned or unknown, then the
                value of this object is unknown(0)."
           ::= { docsIfCmtsCmStatusEntry 20 }

   docsIfCmtsCmStatusInetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      InetAddress
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
               "Internet address of this cable modem.  If the Cable
                Modem has no Internet address assigned, or the Internet
                address is unknown, the value of this object is the
                zero-length OCTET STRING.  If the cable modem has
                multiple Internet addresses, this object returns the
                Internet address associated with the Cable
                (i.e., RF MAC) interface."
           ::= { docsIfCmtsCmStatusEntry 21 }

   docsIfCmtsCmStatusValueLastUpdate OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      TimeStamp
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
               "The value of sysUpTime when docsIfCmtsCmStatusValue
                was last updated."
           ::= { docsIfCmtsCmStatusEntry 22 }

   docsIfCmtsCmStatusHighResolutionTimingOffset OBJECT-TYPE
Top   ToC   RFC4546 - Page 82
        SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..4294967295)
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "A measure of the current round trip time for this CM.
             Used for timing of CM upstream transmissions to ensure
             synchronized arrivals at the CMTS.  Units are in terms
             of (6.25 microseconds/(64*256)).  Returns zero if the value
             is unknown.
             This is the high resolution version of object
             docsIfCmtsCmStatusTimingOffset, for channels requiring
             finer resolution."
            "Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specifications: Radio
             Frequency Interface Specification SP-RFIv2.0-I10-051209,
             Section 6.2.17."
        ::= { docsIfCmtsCmStatusEntry 23 }

   -- The CMTS Service Table.

   docsIfCmtsServiceTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF DocsIfCmtsServiceEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "Describes the attributes of upstream service queues
             in a Cable Modem Termination System."
        ::= { docsIfCmtsObjects 4 }

   docsIfCmtsServiceEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DocsIfCmtsServiceEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "Describes the attributes of a single upstream bandwidth
             service queue.
             Entries in this table exist for each ifEntry with an
             ifType of docsCableMaclayer(127), and for each service
             queue (Service ID) within this MAC layer.
             Entries in this table are created with the creation of
             individual Service IDs by the MAC layer and removed
             when a Service ID is removed."
        INDEX { ifIndex, docsIfCmtsServiceId }
        ::= { docsIfCmtsServiceTable 1 }

   DocsIfCmtsServiceEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
Top   ToC   RFC4546 - Page 83
            docsIfCmtsServiceId               Integer32,
            docsIfCmtsServiceCmStatusIndex    Integer32,  -- deprecated
            docsIfCmtsServiceAdminStatus      INTEGER,
            docsIfCmtsServiceQosProfile       Integer32,
            docsIfCmtsServiceCreateTime       TimeStamp,
            docsIfCmtsServiceInOctets         Counter32,
            docsIfCmtsServiceInPackets        Counter32,
            docsIfCmtsServiceNewCmStatusIndex Integer32

   docsIfCmtsServiceId OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..16383)
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "Identifies a service queue for upstream bandwidth.  The
             attributes of this service queue are shared between the
             Cable Modem and the Cable Modem Termination System.
             The CMTS allocates upstream bandwidth to this service
             queue based on requests from the CM and on the class of
             service associated with this queue."
        ::= { docsIfCmtsServiceEntry 1 }

   docsIfCmtsServiceCmStatusIndex OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..65535)
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      deprecated
            "Pointer to an entry in docsIfCmtsCmStatusTable identifying
             the cable modem using this Service Queue.  If multiple
             cable modems are using this Service Queue, the value of
             this object is zero.
             This object has been deprecated and replaced by
             docsIfCmtsServiceNewCmStatusIndex, to fix a mismatch
             of the value range with respect to docsIfCmtsCmStatusIndex
        ::= { docsIfCmtsServiceEntry 2 }

   docsIfCmtsServiceAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
            destroyed(3) }
        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS      current
            "Allows a service class for a particular modem to be
             suppressed, (re-)enabled, or deleted altogether."
Top   ToC   RFC4546 - Page 84
        ::= { docsIfCmtsServiceEntry 3 }

   docsIfCmtsServiceQosProfile OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..16383)
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The index in docsIfQosProfileTable describing the quality
             of service attributes associated with this particular
             service.  If no associated docsIfQosProfileTable entry
             exists, this object returns a value of zero."
        ::= { docsIfCmtsServiceEntry 4 }

   docsIfCmtsServiceCreateTime OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      TimeStamp
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The value of sysUpTime when this entry was created."
        ::= { docsIfCmtsServiceEntry 5 }

   docsIfCmtsServiceInOctets OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Counter32
        UNITS       "Bytes"
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The cumulative number of Packet Data octets received
             on this Service ID.  The count does not include the
             size of the Cable MAC header.
             Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur
             at reinitialization of the managed system, and at other
             times as indicated by the value of
             ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the associated ifIndex."
        ::= { docsIfCmtsServiceEntry 6 }

   docsIfCmtsServiceInPackets OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Counter32
        UNITS       "packets"
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The cumulative number of Packet Data packets received
             on this Service ID.
             Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur
             at reinitialization of the managed system, and at other
             times as indicated by the value of
             ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the associated ifIndex."
Top   ToC   RFC4546 - Page 85
        ::= { docsIfCmtsServiceEntry 7 }

   docsIfCmtsServiceNewCmStatusIndex OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..2147483647)
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "Pointer (via docsIfCmtsCmStatusIndex) to an entry in
             docsIfCmtsCmStatusTable identifying the cable modem
             using this Service Queue.  If multiple cable modems are
             using this Service Queue, the value of this object is
        ::= { docsIfCmtsServiceEntry 8 }

   -- The following table provides upstream channel modulation profiles.
   -- Entries in this table can be
   -- re-used by one or more upstream channels.  An upstream channel
   -- will have a modulation profile for each value of
   -- docsIfModIntervalUsageCode.

   docsIfCmtsModulationTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF DocsIfCmtsModulationEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "Describes a modulation profile associated with one or more
             upstream channels."
        ::= { docsIfCmtsObjects 5 }

   docsIfCmtsModulationEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DocsIfCmtsModulationEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "Describes a modulation profile for an Interval Usage Code
             for one or more upstream channels.
             Entries in this table are created by the operator.

             Initial default entries MAY be created at system
             initialization time, which could report a value of
             'permanent' or 'readOnly' for docsIfCmtsModStorageType.
             A CMTS MAY reject the creation of additional Interval
             Usage Codes for a modulation profile being defined at
             Initialization time.
             No individual objects have to be specified in order
             to create an entry in this table.
Top   ToC   RFC4546 - Page 86
             Note that some objects do not have DEFVAL clauses
             but do have calculated defaults and need not be specified
             during row creation."
         INDEX { docsIfCmtsModIndex, docsIfCmtsModIntervalUsageCode}
        ::= { docsIfCmtsModulationTable 1 }

   DocsIfCmtsModulationEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
            docsIfCmtsModIndex                    Integer32,
            docsIfCmtsModIntervalUsageCode        INTEGER,
            docsIfCmtsModControl                  RowStatus,
            docsIfCmtsModType                     INTEGER,
            docsIfCmtsModPreambleLen              Integer32,
            docsIfCmtsModDifferentialEncoding     TruthValue,
            docsIfCmtsModFECErrorCorrection       Integer32,
            docsIfCmtsModFECCodewordLength        Integer32,
            docsIfCmtsModScramblerSeed            Integer32,
            docsIfCmtsModMaxBurstSize             Integer32,
            docsIfCmtsModGuardTimeSize            Unsigned32,
            docsIfCmtsModLastCodewordShortened    TruthValue,
            docsIfCmtsModScrambler                TruthValue,
            docsIfCmtsModByteInterleaverDepth     Unsigned32,
            docsIfCmtsModByteInterleaverBlockSize Unsigned32,
            docsIfCmtsModPreambleType             INTEGER,
            docsIfCmtsModTcmErrorCorrectionOn     TruthValue,
            docsIfCmtsModScdmaInterleaverStepSize Unsigned32,
            docsIfCmtsModScdmaSpreaderEnable      TruthValue,
            docsIfCmtsModScdmaSubframeCodes       Unsigned32,
            docsIfCmtsModChannelType              DocsisUpstreamType,
            docsIfCmtsModStorageType              StorageType

   docsIfCmtsModIndex OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX       Integer32 (1..2147483647)
        MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
        STATUS      current
             "An index into the Channel Modulation table representing
              a group of Interval Usage Codes, all associated with the
              same channel."
        ::= { docsIfCmtsModulationEntry 1 }

   docsIfCmtsModIntervalUsageCode OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX       INTEGER {
Top   ToC   RFC4546 - Page 87
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "An index into the Channel Modulation table that, when
             grouped with other Interval Usage Codes, fully
             instantiates all modulation sets for a given upstream
            "Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specifications: Radio
             Frequency Interface Specification SP-RFIv2.0-I10-051209,
             Table 8-20."
        ::= { docsIfCmtsModulationEntry 2 }

   docsIfCmtsModControl OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      RowStatus
        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
        STATUS      current
            "Controls and reflects the status of rows in this table.
             There is no restriction on the changing of values in this
             table while their associated rows are active, with the
             exception of:

             1. If a modulation profile is being referenced by one
                or more upstream channels, an attempt to set the value
                of docsIfCmtsModChannelType returns an
                'inconsistentValue' error.

             2. If a modulation profile is being referenced by one
                or more upstream channels, an attempt to set
                docsIfCmtsModControl to destroy(6) or notInService(2)
                returns an 'inconsistentValue' error."
        ::= { docsIfCmtsModulationEntry 3 }

   docsIfCmtsModType OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      INTEGER {
Top   ToC   RFC4546 - Page 88
        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
        STATUS      current
            "The modulation type used on this channel.  Returns
             other(1) if the modulation type is not
             qpsk, qam16, qam8, qam32, qam64, or qam128.
             Type qam128 is used for SCDMA channels only.
             See the reference for the modulation profiles
             implied by different modulation types."
            "Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specifications: Radio
             Frequency Interface Specification SP-RFIv2.0-I10-051209,
             Tables 6-7, and 8-19."
        DEFVAL { qpsk }
        ::= { docsIfCmtsModulationEntry 4 }

   docsIfCmtsModPreambleLen OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..1536)
        UNITS       "bits"
        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
        STATUS      current
            "The preamble length for this modulation profile in bits.
             Default value is the minimum needed by the implementation
             at the CMTS for the given modulation profile."
            "Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specifications: Radio
             Frequency Interface Specification SP-RFIv2.0-I10-051209,
             Tables 6-7, and 8-19."
        ::= { docsIfCmtsModulationEntry 5 }

   docsIfCmtsModDifferentialEncoding OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      TruthValue
        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
        STATUS      current
            "Specifies whether or not differential encoding is used
             on this channel."
            "Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specifications: Radio
             Frequency Interface Specification SP-RFIv2.0-I10-051209,
             Tables 6-7, and 8-19."
        DEFVAL { false }
        ::= { docsIfCmtsModulationEntry 6 }

   docsIfCmtsModFECErrorCorrection OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..16)
Top   ToC   RFC4546 - Page 89
        UNITS       "Bytes"
        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
        STATUS      current
            "The number of correctable errored bytes (t) used in
             forward error correction code.  The value of 0 indicates
             that no correction is employed.  The number of check bytes
             appended will be twice this value."
            "Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specifications: Radio
             Frequency Interface Specification SP-RFIv2.0-I10-051209,
             Tables 6-7, and 8-19."
        DEFVAL { 0 }
        ::= { docsIfCmtsModulationEntry 7 }

   docsIfCmtsModFECCodewordLength OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..255)
        UNITS       "Bytes"
        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
        STATUS      current
            "The number of data bytes (k) in the forward error
             correction codeword.
             This object is not used if docsIfCmtsModFECErrorCorrection
             is zero."
            "Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specifications: Radio
             Frequency Interface Specification SP-RFIv2.0-I10-051209,
             Tables 6-7, and 8-19."
        DEFVAL { 32 }
        ::= { docsIfCmtsModulationEntry 8 }

   docsIfCmtsModScramblerSeed OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..32767)
        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
        STATUS      current
            "The 15-bit seed value for the scrambler polynomial."
            "Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specifications: Radio
             Frequency Interface Specification SP-RFIv2.0-I10-051209,
             Table 8-19."
        DEFVAL { 0 }
        ::= { docsIfCmtsModulationEntry 9 }

   docsIfCmtsModMaxBurstSize OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..255)
        UNITS       "mini-slots"
Top   ToC   RFC4546 - Page 90
        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
        STATUS      current
            "The maximum number of mini-slots that can be transmitted
             during this channel's burst time.  Returns zero if the
             burst length is bounded by the allocation MAP rather than
             by this profile.
             Default value is 0, except for shortData, where it is 8."
            "Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specifications: Radio
             Frequency Interface Specification SP-RFIv2.0-I10-051209,
             Table 8-19."
        ::= { docsIfCmtsModulationEntry 10 }

   docsIfCmtsModGuardTimeSize OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Unsigned32
        UNITS       "Symbol-times"
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The number of symbol-times that MUST follow the end of
             this channel's burst.  Default value is the minimum time
             needed by the implementation for this modulation profile."
            "Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specifications: Radio
             Frequency Interface Specification SP-RFIv2.0-I10-051209,
             Tables 6-7, and 8-19."
        ::= { docsIfCmtsModulationEntry 11 }

   docsIfCmtsModLastCodewordShortened OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      TruthValue
        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
        STATUS      current
            "Indicates whether the last FEC codeword is truncated."
            "Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specifications: Radio
             Frequency Interface Specification SP-RFIv2.0-I10-051209,
             Tables 6-7, and 8-19."
        DEFVAL { true }
        ::= { docsIfCmtsModulationEntry 12 }

   docsIfCmtsModScrambler OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      TruthValue
        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
        STATUS      current
            "Indicates whether the scrambler is employed."
Top   ToC   RFC4546 - Page 91
            "Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specifications: Radio
             Frequency Interface Specification SP-RFIv2.0-I10-051209,
             Tables 6-7, and 8-19."
        DEFVAL { false }
        ::= { docsIfCmtsModulationEntry 13 }

   docsIfCmtsModByteInterleaverDepth OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Unsigned32
        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
        STATUS      current
            "ATDMA Byte Interleaver Depth (Ir).  This object returns 1
             for non-ATDMA profiles."
            "Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specifications: Radio
             Frequency Interface Specification SP-RFIv2.0-I10-051209,
             Tables 6-7, and 8-19."
        DEFVAL { 1 }
        ::= { docsIfCmtsModulationEntry 14 }

   docsIfCmtsModByteInterleaverBlockSize OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Unsigned32
        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
        STATUS      current
            "ATDMA Byte Interleaver Block size (Br).  This object
             returns zero for non-ATDMA profiles "
            "Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specifications: Radio
             Frequency Interface Specification SP-RFIv2.0-I10-051209,
             Tables 6-7, and 8-19."
        DEFVAL { 18 }
        ::= { docsIfCmtsModulationEntry 15 }

   docsIfCmtsModPreambleType OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX       INTEGER {
        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
        STATUS      current
            "Preamble type for DOCSIS 2.0 bursts.  The value
             'unknown(0)' represents a row entry consisting only of
             DOCSIS 1.x bursts"
Top   ToC   RFC4546 - Page 92
            "Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specifications: Radio
             Frequency Interface Specification SP-RFIv2.0-I10-051209,
             Tables 6-7, and 8-19."
        DEFVAL { qpsk0 }
        ::= { docsIfCmtsModulationEntry 16 }

   docsIfCmtsModTcmErrorCorrectionOn OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      TruthValue
        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
        STATUS      current
            "Trellis Code Modulation (TCM) On/Off.  This value returns
             false for non-S-CDMA profiles."
            "Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specifications: Radio
             Frequency Interface Specification SP-RFIv2.0-I10-051209,
             Tables 6-7, and 8-19."
        DEFVAL { false }
        ::= { docsIfCmtsModulationEntry 17 }

   docsIfCmtsModScdmaInterleaverStepSize OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0 | 1..32)
        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
        STATUS      current
            " S-CDMA Interleaver step size.  This value returns zero
              for non-S-CDMA profiles."
            "Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specifications: Radio
             Frequency Interface Specification SP-RFIv2.0-I10-051209,
             Tables 6-7, and 8-19."
        DEFVAL { 1 }
        ::= { docsIfCmtsModulationEntry 18 }

   docsIfCmtsModScdmaSpreaderEnable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      TruthValue
        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
        STATUS      current
            " S-CDMA spreader.  This value returns false for non-S-CDMA
              profiles.  Default value for IUC 3 and 4 is OFF; for
              all other IUCs it is ON."
            "Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specifications: Radio
             Frequency Interface Specification SP-RFIv2.0-I10-051209,
             Tables 6-7, and 8-19."
        ::= { docsIfCmtsModulationEntry 19 }
Top   ToC   RFC4546 - Page 93
   docsIfCmtsModScdmaSubframeCodes OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0 | 1..128)
        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
        STATUS      current
            " S-CDMA sub-frame size.  This value returns zero
              for non-S-CDMA profiles."
            "Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specifications: Radio
             Frequency Interface Specification SP-RFIv2.0-I10-051209,
             Table 6-7, and 8-19."
        DEFVAL { 1 }
        ::= { docsIfCmtsModulationEntry 20 }

   docsIfCmtsModChannelType OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DocsisUpstreamType
        MAX-ACCESS  read-create
        STATUS      current
            "Describes the modulation channel type for this modulation
             All the active entries in a modulation profile (that is all
             active entries that share a common docsIfCmtsModIndex)
             MUST have the same value of docsIfCmtsModChannelType."
            "Data-Over-Cable Service Interface Specifications: Radio
             Frequency Interface Specification SP-RFIv2.0-I10-051209,
             Table 8-19."
        DEFVAL { tdma }
        ::= { docsIfCmtsModulationEntry 21 }

   docsIfCmtsModStorageType OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX       StorageType
        MAX-ACCESS   read-only
        STATUS       current
            "The storage type for this conceptual row.
             Entries with this object set to permanent(4)
             do not require write operations for read-write
        DEFVAL      { nonVolatile }
    ::= { docsIfCmtsModulationEntry 22 }

   docsIfCmtsQosProfilePermissions OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      BITS {
Top   ToC   RFC4546 - Page 94
        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS      current
            "This object specifies permitted methods of creating
             entries in docsIfQosProfileTable.
             createByManagement(0) is set if entries can be created
             using SNMP.  updateByManagement(1) is set if updating
             entries using SNMP is permitted.  createByModems(2)
             is set if entries can be created based on information
             in REG-REQ MAC messages received from cable modems.
             Information in this object is only applicable if
             docsIfQosProfileTable is implemented as read-create.
             Otherwise, this object is implemented as read-only
             and returns createByModems(2).
             Either createByManagement(0) or updateByManagement(1)
             MUST be set when writing to this object.
             Note that BITS objects are encoded most significant bit
             first.  For example, if bit 2 is set, the value of this
             object is the octet string '20'H."
        ::= { docsIfCmtsObjects 6 }

   docsIfCmtsMacToCmTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF DocsIfCmtsMacToCmEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "This is a table to provide a quick access index into the
             docsIfCmtsCmStatusTable.  There is exactly one row in this
             table for each row in the docsIfCmtsCmStatusTable.  In
             general, the management station SHOULD use this table only
             to get a pointer into the docsIfCmtsCmStatusTable (which
             corresponds to the CM's RF interface MAC address) and
             SHOULD not iterate (e.g., GetNext through) this table."
        ::= { docsIfCmtsObjects 7 }

   docsIfCmtsMacToCmEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DocsIfCmtsMacToCmEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "A row in the docsIfCmtsMacToCmTable.
             An entry in this table exists for each cable modem
             that is connected to the CMTS implementing this table."
        INDEX   { docsIfCmtsCmMac }
        ::= {docsIfCmtsMacToCmTable 1 }

   DocsIfCmtsMacToCmEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
Top   ToC   RFC4546 - Page 95
                docsIfCmtsCmMac     MacAddress,
                docsIfCmtsCmPtr     Integer32

   docsIfCmtsCmMac OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      MacAddress
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "The RF side MAC address for the referenced CM (e.g., the
             interface on the CM that has docsCableMacLayer(127) as
             its ifType)."
        ::= { docsIfCmtsMacToCmEntry 1 }

   docsIfCmtsCmPtr OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..2147483647)
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "An row index into docsIfCmtsCmStatusTable.  When queried
             with the correct instance value (e.g., a CM's MAC address),
             returns the index in docsIfCmtsCmStatusTable that
             represents that CM."
        ::= { docsIfCmtsMacToCmEntry 2 }

   -- The following independent object and associated table provide
   -- operators with a mechanism to evaluate the load/utilization of
   -- both upstream and downstream physical channels.  This information
   -- may be used for capacity planning and incident analysis and may
   -- be particularly helpful in provisioning of high value QOS.
   -- Utilization is expressed as an index representing the calculated
   -- percentage utilization of the upstream or downstream channel in
   -- the most recent sampling interval (i.e., utilization interval).
   -- Refer to the DESCRIPTION field of the
   -- docsIfCmtsChannelUtUtilization object for definitions and
   -- calculation details.

   docsIfCmtsChannelUtilizationInterval OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..86400)
        UNITS       "seconds"
        MAX-ACCESS  read-write
        STATUS      current
            "The time interval in seconds over which the channel
             utilization index is calculated.  All upstream/downstream
             channels use the same
Top   ToC   RFC4546 - Page 96
             Setting a value of zero disables utilization reporting.
             A channel utilization index is calculated over a fixed
             window applying to the most recent
             docsIfCmtsChannelUtilizationInterval.  It would therefore
             be prudent to use a relatively short
             It is a vendor decision whether to reset the timer when
             docsIfCmtsChannelUtilizationInterval is changed during a
             utilization sampling period."
        ::= { docsIfCmtsObjects 8 }

   docsIfCmtsChannelUtilizationTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF DocsIfCmtsChannelUtilizationEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "Reports utilization statistics for attached upstream and
             downstream physical channels."
        ::= { docsIfCmtsObjects 9 }

   docsIfCmtsChannelUtilizationEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DocsIfCmtsChannelUtilizationEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "Utilization statistics for a single upstream or downstream
             physical channel.  An entry exists in this table for each
             ifEntry with an ifType equal to
             docsCableDownstream (128)
             or docsCableUpstream (129)."
        INDEX  { ifIndex, docsIfCmtsChannelUtIfType,
             docsIfCmtsChannelUtId }
        ::= { docsIfCmtsChannelUtilizationTable 1 }

   DocsIfCmtsChannelUtilizationEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
            docsIfCmtsChannelUtIfType         IANAifType,
            docsIfCmtsChannelUtId             Integer32,
            docsIfCmtsChannelUtUtilization    Integer32

   docsIfCmtsChannelUtIfType OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX       IANAifType
        MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
        STATUS       current
            "The secondary index into this table.  Indicates the IANA
             interface type associated with this physical channel.
             Only docsCableDownstream (128) and
Top   ToC   RFC4546 - Page 97
             docsCableUpstream (129) are valid."
        ::= { docsIfCmtsChannelUtilizationEntry 1 }

   docsIfCmtsChannelUtId OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX       Integer32 (0..255)
        MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
        STATUS       current
             "The tertiary index into this table.  Indicates the CMTS
              identifier for this physical channel."
        ::= { docsIfCmtsChannelUtilizationEntry 2 }

   docsIfCmtsChannelUtUtilization OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX       Integer32 (0..100)
        UNITS        "percent"
        MAX-ACCESS   read-only
        STATUS       current
            "The calculated and truncated utilization index for this
             physical upstream or downstream channel, accurate as of
             the most recent docsIfCmtsChannelUtilizationInterval.

             Upstream Channel Utilization Index:

             The upstream channel utilization index is expressed as a
             percentage of mini-slots utilized on the physical channel,
             regardless of burst type.  For an Initial Maintenance
             region, the mini-slots for the complete region are
             considered utilized if the CMTS received an upstream
             burst within the region from any CM on the physical
             channel.  For contention REQ and REQ/DATA regions, the
             mini-slots for a transmission opportunity within the
             region are considered utilized if the CMTS received an
             upstream burst within the opportunity from any CM on the
             physical channel.  For all other regions, utilized
             mini-slots are those in which the CMTS granted
             bandwidth to any unicast SID on the physical channel.

             For an upstream interface that has multiple logical
             upstream channels enabled, the utilization index is a
             weighted sum of utilization indices for the logical
             channels.  The weight for each utilization index is the
             percentage of upstream mini-slots allocated for the
             corresponding logical channel.
             If 75% of bandwidth is allocated to the first logical
             channel and 25% to the second, and the utilization
             indices for each are 60 and 40, respectively, the
Top   ToC   RFC4546 - Page 98
             utilization index for the upstream physical channel is
             (60 * 0.75) + (40 * 0.25) = 55.  This figure
             applies to the most recent utilization interval.

             Downstream Channel Utilization Index:

             The downstream channel utilization index is a percentage
             expressing the ratio between bytes used to transmit data
             versus the total number of bytes transmitted in the raw
             bandwidth of the MPEG channel.  As with the upstream
             utilization index, the calculated value represents
             the most recent utilization interval.
             Downstream utilization index =
             (100 * (data bytes / raw bytes))

             Data bytes:    Number of bytes transmitted as data in the
                            Identical to docsIfCmtsDownChannelCtrUsed
                            Bytes measured over the utilization
             Raw bandwidth: Total number of bytes available for
                            transmitting data, not including bytes
                            used for headers and other overhead.
             Raw bytes:     (raw bandwidth *
                            Identical to docsIfCmtsDownChannelCtrTotal
                            Bytes measured over the utilization
        ::= { docsIfCmtsChannelUtilizationEntry 3 }

   -- The following table provides operators with input data
   -- appropriate for calculating downstream channel utilization.
   -- Operators may use the docsIfCmtsChannelUtilizationTable or
   -- perform their own polling of the
   -- docsIfCmtsDownChannelCounterTable objects to characterize
   -- their downstream channel usage.  The 32-bit counter objects are
   -- included to provide backward compatibility with SNMPv1 managers,
   -- which cannot access 64-bit counter objects.

   docsIfCmtsDownChannelCounterTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF DocsIfCmtsDownChannelCounterEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "This table is implemented at the CMTS to collect
             downstream channel statistics for utilization
Top   ToC   RFC4546 - Page 99
        ::= { docsIfCmtsObjects 10 }

   docsIfCmtsDownChannelCounterEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DocsIfCmtsDownChannelCounterEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "An entry provides a list of traffic counters for a single
             downstream channel.
             An entry in this table exists for each ifEntry with an
             ifType of docsCableDownstream(128)."
        INDEX { ifIndex }
        ::= { docsIfCmtsDownChannelCounterTable 1 }

   DocsIfCmtsDownChannelCounterEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
            docsIfCmtsDownChnlCtrId              Integer32,
            docsIfCmtsDownChnlCtrTotalBytes      Counter32,
            docsIfCmtsDownChnlCtrUsedBytes       Counter32,
            docsIfCmtsDownChnlCtrExtTotalBytes   Counter64,
            docsIfCmtsDownChnlCtrExtUsedBytes    Counter64

   docsIfCmtsDownChnlCtrId OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..255)
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The Cable Modem Termination System identification
             of the downstream channel within this particular MAC
             interface.  If the interface is down, the object returns
             the most current value.  If the downstream channel ID is
             unknown, this object returns a value of 0."
        ::= { docsIfCmtsDownChannelCounterEntry 1 }

   docsIfCmtsDownChnlCtrTotalBytes OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Counter32
        UNITS       "Bytes"
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "At the CMTS, the total number of bytes in the Payload
             portion of MPEG Packets (i.e., not including MPEG header
             or pointer_field) transported by this downstream channel.
             This is the 32-bit version of
             docsIfCmtsDownChnlCtrExtTotalBytes, included to provide
             back compatibility with SNMPv1 managers.
             Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur
Top   ToC   RFC4546 - Page 100
             at reinitialization of the managed system, and at other
             times as indicated by the value of
             ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the associated ifIndex."
        ::= { docsIfCmtsDownChannelCounterEntry 2 }

   docsIfCmtsDownChnlCtrUsedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Counter32
        UNITS       "Bytes"
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "At the CMTS, the total number of DOCSIS data bytes
             transported by this downstream channel.
             The number of data bytes is defined as the total number
             of bytes transported in DOCSIS payloads minus the number
             of stuff bytes transported in DOCSIS payloads.
             This is the 32-bit version of
             docsIfCmtsDownChnlCtrExtUsedBytes, included to provide
             back compatibility with SNMPv1 managers.
             Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur
             at reinitialization of the managed system, and at other
             times as indicated by the value of
             ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the associated ifIndex."
        ::= { docsIfCmtsDownChannelCounterEntry 3 }

   docsIfCmtsDownChnlCtrExtTotalBytes OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Counter64
        UNITS       "Bytes"
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "At the CMTS, the total number of bytes in the Payload
             portion of MPEG Packets (i.e., not including MPEG header
             or pointer_field) transported by this downstream
             This is the 64-bit version of
             docsIfCmtsDownChnlCtrTotalBytes and will not be
             accessible to SNMPv1 managers.
             Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur
             at reinitialization of the managed system, and at other
             times as indicated by the value of
             ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the associated ifIndex."
        ::= { docsIfCmtsDownChannelCounterEntry 4 }

   docsIfCmtsDownChnlCtrExtUsedBytes OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Counter64
        UNITS       "Bytes"
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
Top   ToC   RFC4546 - Page 101
        STATUS      current
            "At the CMTS, the total number of DOCSIS data bytes
             transported by this downstream channel.  The number
             of data bytes is defined as the total number of bytes
             transported in DOCSIS payloads minus the number of
             stuff bytes transported in DOCSIS payloads.
             This is the 64-bit version of
             docsIfCmtsDownChnlCtrUsedBytes and will not be accessible
             to SNMPv1 managers.
             Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur
             at reinitialization of the managed system, and at other
             times as indicated by the value of
             ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the associated ifIndex."
        ::= { docsIfCmtsDownChannelCounterEntry 5 }

   -- The following table provides operators with input data appropriate
   -- for calculating upstream channel utilization, and for determining
   -- the traffic characteristics of upstream channels.  Operators may
   -- use the docsIfCmtsChannelUtilizationTable or perform their own
   -- polling of the docsIfCmtsUpChannelCounterTable objects for
   -- utilization determination.
   -- The first four 32 and 64 objects in this table are mandatory.
   -- Vendors may choose to implement the remaining optional objects to
   -- provide operators with finer characterization of upstream channel
   -- traffic patterns.  The 32-bit counter objects are included to
   -- provide backward compatibility with SNMPv1 managers, which cannot
   -- access 64-bit counter objects.

   docsIfCmtsUpChannelCounterTable OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF DocsIfCmtsUpChannelCounterEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "This table is implemented at the CMTS to provide upstream
             channel statistics appropriate for channel utilization
        ::= { docsIfCmtsObjects 11 }

   docsIfCmtsUpChannelCounterEntry OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      DocsIfCmtsUpChannelCounterEntry
        MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
        STATUS      current
            "List of traffic statistics for a single upstream channel.
             For DOCSIS 2.0 CMTSs, an entry in this table
             exists for each ifEntry with an ifType of
             docsCableUpstreamChannel (205).
Top   ToC   RFC4546 - Page 102
             For DOCSIS 1.x CMTSs, an entry in this table
             exists for each ifEntry with an ifType of
             docsCableUpstream (129)."
        INDEX { ifIndex }
        ::= { docsIfCmtsUpChannelCounterTable 1 }

   DocsIfCmtsUpChannelCounterEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
            docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrId                          Integer32,
            docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrTotalMslots                 Counter32,
            docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrUcastGrantedMslots          Counter32,
            docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrTotalCntnMslots             Counter32,
            docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrUsedCntnMslots              Counter32,
            docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtTotalMslots              Counter64,
            docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtUcastGrantedMslots       Counter64,
            docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtTotalCntnMslots          Counter64,
            docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtUsedCntnMslots           Counter64,
            docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrCollCntnMslots              Counter32,
            docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrTotalCntnReqMslots          Counter32,
            docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrUsedCntnReqMslots           Counter32,
            docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrCollCntnReqMslots           Counter32,
            docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrTotalCntnReqDataMslots      Counter32,
            docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrUsedCntnReqDataMslots       Counter32,
            docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrCollCntnReqDataMslots       Counter32,
            docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrTotalCntnInitMaintMslots    Counter32,
            docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrUsedCntnInitMaintMslots     Counter32,
            docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrCollCntnInitMaintMslots     Counter32,
            docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtCollCntnMslots           Counter64,
            docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtTotalCntnReqMslots       Counter64,
            docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtUsedCntnReqMslots        Counter64,
            docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtCollCntnReqMslots        Counter64,
            docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtTotalCntnReqDataMslots   Counter64,
            docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtUsedCntnReqDataMslots    Counter64,
            docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtCollCntnReqDataMslots    Counter64,
            docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtTotalCntnInitMaintMslots Counter64,
            docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtUsedCntnInitMaintMslots  Counter64,
            docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtCollCntnInitMaintMslots  Counter64

   docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrId OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..255)
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "The CMTS identification of the upstream channel."
        ::= { docsIfCmtsUpChannelCounterEntry 1 }

   docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrTotalMslots OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Counter32
Top   ToC   RFC4546 - Page 103
        UNITS       "mini-slots"
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "Current count, from CMTS initialization, of all mini-slots
             defined for this upstream logical channel.  This count
             includes all IUCs and SIDs, even those allocated to the
             NULL SID for a 2.0 logical channel that is inactive.  This
             is the 32-bit version of docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtTotalMslots
             and is included for back compatibility with SNMPv1
             managers.  Support for this object is mandatory.
             Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur
             at reinitialization of the managed system, and at other
             times as indicated by the value of
             ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the associated ifIndex."
        ::= { docsIfCmtsUpChannelCounterEntry 2 }

   docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrUcastGrantedMslots OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Counter32
        UNITS       "mini-slots"
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "Current count, from CMTS initialization, of unicast
             granted mini-slots on the upstream logical channel,
             regardless of burst type.  Unicast granted mini-slots are
             those in which the CMTS assigned bandwidth to any unicast
             SID on the logical channel.  However, this object does not
             include minis-lots for reserved IUCs, or grants to SIDs
             designated as meaning 'no CM'.  This is the 32-bit version
             of docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtUcastGrantedMslots, and is
             included for back compatibility with SNMPv1 managers.
             Support for this object is mandatory.
             Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur
             at reinitialization of the managed system, and at other
             times as indicated by the value of
             ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the associated ifIndex."
        ::= { docsIfCmtsUpChannelCounterEntry 3 }

   docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrTotalCntnMslots OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Counter32
        UNITS       "mini-slots"
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "Current count, from CMTS initialization, of contention
             mini-slots defined for this upstream logical channel.  This
             count includes all mini-slots assigned to a broadcast or
Top   ToC   RFC4546 - Page 104
             multicast SID on the logical channel.  This is the 32-bit
             version of docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtTotalCntnMslots, and is
             included for back compatibility with SNMPv1 managers.
             Support for this object is mandatory.
             Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur
             at reinitialization of the managed system, and at other
             times as indicated by the value of
             ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the associated ifIndex."
        ::= { docsIfCmtsUpChannelCounterEntry 4 }

   docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrUsedCntnMslots OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Counter32
        UNITS       "mini-slots"
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "Current count, from CMTS initialization, of contention
             mini-slots utilized on the upstream logical channel.  For
             contention regions, utilized mini-slots are those in which
             the CMTS correctly received an upstream burst from any CM
             on the upstream logical channel.  This is the 32-bit
             version of docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtUsedCntnMslots and is
             included for back compatibility with SNMPv1 managers.
             Support for this object is mandatory.
             Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur
             at reinitialization of the managed system, and at other
             times as indicated by the value of
             ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the associated ifIndex."
        ::= { docsIfCmtsUpChannelCounterEntry 5 }

   docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrExtTotalMslots OBJECT-TYPE
        SYNTAX      Counter64
        UNITS       "mini-slots"
        MAX-ACCESS  read-only
        STATUS      current
            "Current count, from CMTS initialization, of all mini-slots
             defined for this upstream logical channel.  This count
             includes all IUCs and SIDs, even those allocated to the
             NULL SID for a 2.0 logical channel that is inactive.  This
             is the 64-bit version of docsIfCmtsUpChnlCtrTotalMslots
             and will not be accessible to SNMPv1 managers.
             Support for this object is mandatory.
             Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur
             at reinitialization of the managed system, and at other
             times as indicated by the value of
             ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the associated ifIndex."
        ::= { docsIfCmtsUpChannelCounterEntry 6 }

(next page on part 5)

Next Section