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RFC 4502

Remote Network Monitoring Management Information Base Version 2

Pages: 142
Draft Standard
Obsoletes:  2021
Updates:  3273
Part 4 of 5 – Pages 77 to 103
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Top   ToC   RFC4502 - Page 77   prevText
AlMatrixTopNControlEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    alMatrixTopNControlIndex            Integer32,
    alMatrixTopNControlMatrixIndex      Integer32,
    alMatrixTopNControlRateBase         INTEGER,
    alMatrixTopNControlTimeRemaining    Integer32,
    alMatrixTopNControlGeneratedReports Counter32,
    alMatrixTopNControlDuration         Integer32,
    alMatrixTopNControlRequestedSize    Integer32,
    alMatrixTopNControlGrantedSize      Integer32,
    alMatrixTopNControlStartTime        TimeStamp,
    alMatrixTopNControlOwner            OwnerString,
    alMatrixTopNControlStatus           RowStatus

alMatrixTopNControlIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
        "An index that uniquely identifies an entry
        in the alMatrixTopNControlTable.  Each such
        entry defines one topN report prepared for
        one interface."
    ::= { alMatrixTopNControlEntry 1 }

alMatrixTopNControlMatrixIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
    MAX-ACCESS read-create
    STATUS     current
        "The alMatrix[SD/DS] table for which a topN report will be
        prepared on behalf of this entry.  The alMatrix[SD/DS] table
        is identified by the value of the hlMatrixControlIndex
        for that table - that value is used here to identify the
        particular table.

        This object may not be modified if the associated
        alMatrixTopNControlStatus object is equal to active(1)."
    ::= { alMatrixTopNControlEntry 2 }

alMatrixTopNControlRateBase OBJECT-TYPE
Top   ToC   RFC4502 - Page 78
    MAX-ACCESS read-create
    STATUS     current
        "This object controls which alMatrix[SD/DS] entry that the
        alMatrixTopNEntries are sorted by, which view of the matrix
        table that will be used, as well as which table the results
        will be reported in.

        The values alMatrixTopNTerminalsPkts,
        alMatrixTopNTerminalsHighCapacityPkts, and
        alMatrixTopNTerminalsHighCapacityOctets cause collection
        only from protocols that have no child protocols that are
        counted.  The values alMatrixTopNAllPkts,
        alMatrixTopNAllOctets, alMatrixTopNAllHighCapacityPkts, and
        alMatrixTopNAllHighCapacityOctets cause collection from all
        alMatrix entries.

        This object may not be modified if the associated
        alMatrixTopNControlStatus object is equal to active(1)."
    ::= { alMatrixTopNControlEntry 3 }

alMatrixTopNControlTimeRemaining OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..2147483647)
    MAX-ACCESS read-create
    STATUS     current
        "The number of seconds left in the report currently
        being collected.  When this object is modified by
        the management station, a new collection is started,
        possibly aborting a currently running report.  The
        new value is used as the requested duration of this
        report and is immediately loaded into the associated
        alMatrixTopNControlDuration object.

        When the report finishes, the probe will automatically
        start another collection with the same initial value
        of alMatrixTopNControlTimeRemaining.  Thus, the management
        station may simply read the resulting reports repeatedly,
        checking the startTime and duration each time to ensure that a
        report was not missed or that the report parameters were not

        While the value of this object is non-zero, it decrements
        by one per second until it reaches zero.  At the time
Top   ToC   RFC4502 - Page 79
        that this object decrements to zero, the report is made
        accessible in the alMatrixTopNTable, overwriting any report
        that may be there.

        When this object is modified by the management station, any
        associated entries in the alMatrixTopNTable shall be deleted.

        (Note that this is a different algorithm than the one used
        in the hostTopNTable)."
    DEFVAL { 1800 }
    ::= { alMatrixTopNControlEntry 4 }

alMatrixTopNControlGeneratedReports OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The number of reports that have been generated by this entry."
    ::= { alMatrixTopNControlEntry 5 }

alMatrixTopNControlDuration OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Integer32
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The number of seconds that this report has collected
        during the last sampling interval.

        When the associated alMatrixTopNControlTimeRemaining object
        is set, this object shall be set by the probe to the
        same value and shall not be modified until the next
        time the alMatrixTopNControlTimeRemaining is set.

        This value shall be zero if no reports have been
        requested for this alMatrixTopNControlEntry."
    ::= { alMatrixTopNControlEntry 6 }

alMatrixTopNControlRequestedSize OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..2147483647)
    MAX-ACCESS read-create
    STATUS     current
        "The maximum number of matrix entries requested for this report.

        When this object is created or modified, the probe
        should set alMatrixTopNControlGrantedSize as closely to this
        object as possible for the particular probe
        implementation and available resources."
Top   ToC   RFC4502 - Page 80
    DEFVAL { 150 }
    ::= { alMatrixTopNControlEntry 7 }

alMatrixTopNControlGrantedSize OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..2147483647)
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The maximum number of matrix entries in this report.

        When the associated alMatrixTopNControlRequestedSize object
        is created or modified, the probe should set this
        object as closely to the requested value as
        possible for the particular implementation and
        available resources. The probe must not lower this
        value except as a side-effect of a set to the associated
        alMatrixTopNControlRequestedSize object.

        If the value of alMatrixTopNControlRateBase is equal to
        alMatrixTopNTerminalsPkts or alMatrixTopNAllPkts, when the
        next topN report is generated, matrix entries with the highest
        value of alMatrixTopNPktRate shall be placed in this table in
        decreasing order of this rate until there is no more room or
        until there are no more matrix entries.

        If the value of alMatrixTopNControlRateBase is equal to
        alMatrixTopNTerminalsOctets or alMatrixTopNAllOctets, when the
        next topN report is generated, matrix entries with the highest
        value of alMatrixTopNOctetRate shall be placed in this table
        in decreasing order of this rate until there is no more room
        or until there are no more matrix entries.

        It is an implementation-specific matter how entries with the
        same value of alMatrixTopNPktRate or alMatrixTopNOctetRate are
        sorted.  It is also an implementation-specific matter as to
        whether zero-valued entries are available."
    ::= { alMatrixTopNControlEntry 8 }

alMatrixTopNControlStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     TimeStamp
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The value of sysUpTime when this topN report was
        last started.  In other words, this is the time that
        the associated alMatrixTopNControlTimeRemaining object
        was modified to start the requested report or the time
        the report was last automatically (re)started.
Top   ToC   RFC4502 - Page 81
        This object may be used by the management station to
        determine whether a report was missed."
    ::= { alMatrixTopNControlEntry 9 }

alMatrixTopNControlOwner OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     OwnerString
    MAX-ACCESS read-create
    STATUS     current
        "The entity that configured this entry and is
        therefore using the resources assigned to it."
    ::= { alMatrixTopNControlEntry 10 }

alMatrixTopNControlStatus OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     RowStatus
    MAX-ACCESS read-create
    STATUS     current
        "The status of this alMatrixTopNControlEntry.

        An entry may not exist in the active state unless all
        objects in the entry have an appropriate value.

        If this object is not equal to active(1), all
        associated entries in the alMatrixTopNTable shall be
        deleted by the agent."
    ::= { alMatrixTopNControlEntry 11 }

alMatrixTopNTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF AlMatrixTopNEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
        "A set of statistics for those application-layer matrix
        entries that have counted the highest number of octets or
    ::= { alMatrix 4 }

alMatrixTopNEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     AlMatrixTopNEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
        "A conceptual row in the alMatrixTopNTable.

        The alMatrixTopNControlIndex value in the index identifies
        the alMatrixTopNControlEntry on whose behalf this entry was
Top   ToC   RFC4502 - Page 82
        An example of the indexing of this table is
    INDEX { alMatrixTopNControlIndex, alMatrixTopNIndex }
    ::= { alMatrixTopNTable 1 }

AlMatrixTopNEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    alMatrixTopNIndex                      Integer32,
    alMatrixTopNProtocolDirLocalIndex      Integer32,
    alMatrixTopNSourceAddress              OCTET STRING,
    alMatrixTopNDestAddress                OCTET STRING,
    alMatrixTopNAppProtocolDirLocalIndex   Integer32,
    alMatrixTopNPktRate                    Gauge32,
    alMatrixTopNReversePktRate             Gauge32,
    alMatrixTopNOctetRate                  Gauge32,
    alMatrixTopNReverseOctetRate           Gauge32

alMatrixTopNIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
        "An index that uniquely identifies an entry in
        the alMatrixTopNTable among those in the same report.

        This index is between 1 and N, where N is the
        number of entries in this report.

        If the value of alMatrixTopNControlRateBase is equal to
        alMatrixTopNTerminalsPkts or alMatrixTopNAllPkts, increasing
        values of alMatrixTopNIndex shall be assigned to entries with
        decreasing values of alMatrixTopNPktRate until index N is
        assigned or there are no more alMatrixTopNEntries.

        If the value of alMatrixTopNControlRateBase is equal to
        alMatrixTopNTerminalsOctets or alMatrixTopNAllOctets,
        increasing values of alMatrixTopNIndex shall be assigned to
        entries with decreasing values of alMatrixTopNOctetRate until
        index N is assigned or there are no more alMatrixTopNEntries."
    ::= { alMatrixTopNEntry 1 }

alMatrixTopNProtocolDirLocalIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..2147483647)
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The protocolDirLocalIndex of the network-layer protocol of
        this entry's network address."
Top   ToC   RFC4502 - Page 83
    ::= { alMatrixTopNEntry 2 }

alMatrixTopNSourceAddress OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     OCTET STRING  (SIZE (1..255))
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The network-layer address of the source host in this

        This is represented as an octet string with
        specific semantics and length as identified
        by the associated alMatrixTopNProtocolDirLocalIndex.

        For example, if the alMatrixTopNProtocolDirLocalIndex
        indicates an encapsulation of IP, this object is encoded as a
        length octet of 4, followed by the 4 octets of the IP address,
        in network byte order."
    ::= { alMatrixTopNEntry 3 }

alMatrixTopNDestAddress OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     OCTET STRING  (SIZE (1..255))
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The network-layer address of the destination host in this

        This is represented as an octet string with
        specific semantics and length as identified
        by the associated alMatrixTopNProtocolDirLocalIndex.

        For example, if the alMatrixTopNProtocolDirLocalIndex
        indicates an encapsulation of IP, this object is encoded as a
        length octet of 4, followed by the 4 octets of the IP address,
        in network byte order."
    ::= { alMatrixTopNEntry 4 }

alMatrixTopNAppProtocolDirLocalIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..2147483647)
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The type of the protocol counted by this matrix entry."
    ::= { alMatrixTopNEntry 5 }

alMatrixTopNPktRate OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Gauge32
Top   ToC   RFC4502 - Page 84
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The number of packets seen of this protocol from the source
        host to the destination host during this sampling interval,
        counted using the rules for counting the alMatrixSDPkts

        If the value of alMatrixTopNControlRateBase is
        alMatrixTopNTerminalsPkts or alMatrixTopNAllPkts, this
        variable will be used to sort this report."
    ::= { alMatrixTopNEntry 6 }

alMatrixTopNReversePktRate OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Gauge32
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The number of packets seen of this protocol from the
        destination host to the source host during this sampling
        interval, counted using the rules for counting the
        alMatrixDSPkts object.  (Note that the corresponding
        alMatrixSDPkts object selected is the one whose source address
        is equal to alMatrixTopNDestAddress and whose destination
        address is equal to alMatrixTopNSourceAddress.)

        Note that if the value of alMatrixTopNControlRateBase is equal
        to alMatrixTopNTerminalsPkts or alMatrixTopNAllPkts, the sort
        of topN entries is based entirely on alMatrixTopNPktRate, and
        not on the value of this object."
    ::= { alMatrixTopNEntry 7 }

alMatrixTopNOctetRate OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Gauge32
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The number of octets seen of this protocol from the source
        host to the destination host during this sampling interval,
        counted using the rules for counting the alMatrixSDOctets

        If the value of alMatrixTopNControlRateBase is
        alMatrixTopNTerminalsOctets or alMatrixTopNAllOctets, this
        variable will be used to sort this report."
    ::= { alMatrixTopNEntry 8 }

alMatrixTopNReverseOctetRate OBJECT-TYPE
Top   ToC   RFC4502 - Page 85
    SYNTAX     Gauge32
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The number of octets seen of this protocol from the
        destination host to the source host during this sampling
        interval, counted using the rules for counting the
        alMatrixDSOctets object.  (Note that the corresponding
        alMatrixSDOctets object selected is the one whose source
        address is equal to alMatrixTopNDestAddress and whose
        destination address is equal to alMatrixTopNSourceAddress.)

        Note that if the value of alMatrixTopNControlRateBase is equal
        to alMatrixTopNTerminalsOctets or alMatrixTopNAllOctets, the
        sort of topN entries is based entirely on
        alMatrixTopNOctetRate, and not on the value of this object."
    ::= { alMatrixTopNEntry 9 }

-- User History Collection Group (usrHistory)
-- The usrHistory group combines mechanisms seen in the alarm and
-- history groups to provide user-specified history collection,
-- utilizing two additional control tables and one additional data
-- table.  This function has traditionally been done by NMS
-- applications, via periodic polling.  The usrHistory group allows
-- this task to be offloaded to an RMON probe.
-- Data (an ASN.1 INTEGER based object) is collected in the same
-- manner as any history data table (e.g., etherHistoryTable) except
-- that the user specifies the MIB instances to be collected.  Objects
-- are collected in bucket-groups, with the intent that all MIB
-- instances in the same bucket-group are collected as atomically as
-- possible by the RMON probe.
-- The usrHistoryControlTable is a one-dimensional read-create table.
-- Each row configures a collection of user history buckets, much
-- the same as a historyControlEntry, except that the creation of a
-- row in this table will cause one or more associated instances in
-- the usrHistoryObjectTable to be created.  The user specifies the
-- number of bucket elements (rows in the usrHistoryObjectTable)
-- requested, as well as the number of buckets requested.
-- The usrHistoryObjectTable is a 2-d read-write table.
-- Each row configures a single MIB instance to be collected.
-- All rows with the same major index constitute a bucket-group.
-- The usrHistoryTable is a 3-d read-only table containing
Top   ToC   RFC4502 - Page 86
-- the data of associated usrHistoryControlEntries.  Each
-- entry represents the value of a single MIB instance
-- during a specific sampling interval (or the rate of
-- change during the interval).
-- A sample value is stored in two objects - an absolute value and
-- a status object.  This allows numbers from -(2G-1) to +4G to be
-- stored.  The status object also indicates whether a sample is
-- valid.  This allows data collection to continue if periodic
-- retrieval of a particular instance fails for any reason.
-- Row Creation Order Relationships
-- The static nature of the usrHistoryObjectTable creates
-- some row creation/modification issues.  The rows in this
-- table need to be set before the associated
-- usrHistoryControlEntry can be activated.
-- Note that the usrHistoryObject entries associated with a
-- particular usrHistoryControlEntry are not required to
-- be active before the control entry is activated.  However,
-- the usrHistory data entries associated with an inactive
-- usrHistoryObject entry will be inactive (i.e.,
-- usrHistoryValStatus == valueNotAvailable).

usrHistoryControlTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UsrHistoryControlEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS current
        "A list of data-collection configuration entries."
    ::= { usrHistory 1 }

usrHistoryControlEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX UsrHistoryControlEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS current
        "A list of parameters that set up a group of user-defined
        MIB objects to be sampled periodically (called a

        For example, an instance of usrHistoryControlInterval
        might be named usrHistoryControlInterval.1"
    INDEX { usrHistoryControlIndex }
    ::= { usrHistoryControlTable 1 }
Top   ToC   RFC4502 - Page 87
UsrHistoryControlEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    usrHistoryControlIndex             Integer32,
    usrHistoryControlObjects           Integer32,
    usrHistoryControlBucketsRequested  Integer32,
    usrHistoryControlBucketsGranted    Integer32,
    usrHistoryControlInterval          Integer32,
    usrHistoryControlOwner             OwnerString,
    usrHistoryControlStatus            RowStatus

usrHistoryControlIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX Integer32 (1..65535)
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS current
        "An index that uniquely identifies an entry in the
        usrHistoryControlTable.  Each such entry defines a
        set of samples at a particular interval for a specified
        set of MIB instances available from the managed system."
    ::= { usrHistoryControlEntry 1 }

usrHistoryControlObjects OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX Integer32 (1..65535)
    MAX-ACCESS read-create
    STATUS current
        "The number of MIB objects to be collected
        in the portion of usrHistoryTable associated with this

        This object may not be modified if the associated instance
        of usrHistoryControlStatus is equal to active(1)."
    ::= { usrHistoryControlEntry 2 }

usrHistoryControlBucketsRequested OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX Integer32 (1..65535)
    MAX-ACCESS read-create
    STATUS current
        "The requested number of discrete time intervals
        over which data is to be saved in the part of the
        usrHistoryTable associated with this usrHistoryControlEntry.

        When this object is created or modified, the probe
        should set usrHistoryControlBucketsGranted as closely to
        this object as possible for the particular probe
        implementation and available resources."
    DEFVAL { 50 }
Top   ToC   RFC4502 - Page 88
    ::= { usrHistoryControlEntry 3 }

usrHistoryControlBucketsGranted OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX Integer32 (1..65535)
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS current
        "The number of discrete sampling intervals
        over which data shall be saved in the part of
        the usrHistoryTable associated with this

        When the associated usrHistoryControlBucketsRequested
        object is created or modified, the probe should set
        this object as closely to the requested value as
        possible for the particular probe implementation and
        available resources.  The probe must not lower this
        value except as a result of a modification to the associated
        usrHistoryControlBucketsRequested object.

        The associated usrHistoryControlBucketsRequested object
        should be set before or at the same time as this object
        to allow the probe to accurately estimate the resources
        required for this usrHistoryControlEntry.

        There will be times when the actual number of buckets
        associated with this entry is less than the value of
        this object.  In this case, at the end of each sampling
        interval, a new bucket will be added to the usrHistoryTable.

        When the number of buckets reaches the value of this object
        and a new bucket is to be added to the usrHistoryTable,
        the oldest bucket associated with this usrHistoryControlEntry
        shall be deleted by the agent so that the new bucket can be

        When the value of this object changes to a value less than
        the current value, entries are deleted from the
        usrHistoryTable associated with this usrHistoryControlEntry.
        Enough of the oldest of these entries shall be deleted by the
        agent so that their number remains less than or equal to the
        new value of this object.

        When the value of this object changes to a value greater
        than the current value, the number of associated usrHistory
        entries may be allowed to grow."
    ::= { usrHistoryControlEntry 4 }
Top   ToC   RFC4502 - Page 89
usrHistoryControlInterval OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)
    MAX-ACCESS read-create
    STATUS current
        "The interval in seconds over which the data is
        sampled for each bucket in the part of the usrHistory
        table associated with this usrHistoryControlEntry.

        Because the counters in a bucket may overflow at their
        maximum value with no indication, a prudent manager will
        take into account the possibility of overflow in any of
        the associated counters.  It is important to consider the
        minimum time in which any counter could overflow on a
        particular media type and to set the usrHistoryControlInterval
        object to a value less than this interval.

        This object may not be modified if the associated
        usrHistoryControlStatus object is equal to active(1)."
    DEFVAL { 1800 }
    ::= { usrHistoryControlEntry 5 }

usrHistoryControlOwner OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX OwnerString
    MAX-ACCESS read-create
    STATUS current
        "The entity that configured this entry and is
        therefore using the resources assigned to it."
    ::= { usrHistoryControlEntry 6 }

usrHistoryControlStatus OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX RowStatus
    MAX-ACCESS read-create
    STATUS current
        "The status of this variable history control entry.

        An entry may not exist in the active state unless all
        objects in the entry have an appropriate value.

        If this object is not equal to active(1), all associated
        entries in the usrHistoryTable shall be deleted."
    ::= { usrHistoryControlEntry 7 }

-- Object table

usrHistoryObjectTable OBJECT-TYPE
Top   ToC   RFC4502 - Page 90
    SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UsrHistoryObjectEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS current
        "A list of data-collection configuration entries."
    ::= { usrHistory 2 }

usrHistoryObjectEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX UsrHistoryObjectEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS current
        "A list of MIB instances to be sampled periodically.

        Entries in this table are created when an associated
        usrHistoryControlObjects object is created.

        The usrHistoryControlIndex value in the index is
        that of the associated usrHistoryControlEntry.

        For example, an instance of usrHistoryObjectVariable might be
    INDEX { usrHistoryControlIndex, usrHistoryObjectIndex }
    ::= { usrHistoryObjectTable 1 }

UsrHistoryObjectEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    usrHistoryObjectIndex             Integer32,
    usrHistoryObjectVariable          OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
    usrHistoryObjectSampleType        INTEGER

usrHistoryObjectIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX Integer32 (1..65535)
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS current
        "An index used to uniquely identify an entry in the
        usrHistoryObject table.  Each such entry defines a
        MIB instance to be collected periodically."
    ::= { usrHistoryObjectEntry 1 }

usrHistoryObjectVariable OBJECT-TYPE
    MAX-ACCESS read-create
    STATUS current
        "The object identifier of the particular variable to be
Top   ToC   RFC4502 - Page 91

        Only variables that resolve to an ASN.1 primitive type of
        Integer32 (Integer32, Counter, Gauge, or TimeTicks) may be

        Because SNMP access control is articulated entirely in terms
        of the contents of MIB views, no access control mechanism
        exists that can restrict the value of this object to identify
        only those objects that exist in a particular MIB view.
        Because there is thus no acceptable means of restricting the
        read access that could be obtained through the user history
        mechanism, the probe must only grant write access to this
        object in those views that have read access to all objects on
        the probe.  See USM [RFC3414] and VACM [RFC3415] for more

        During a set operation, if the supplied variable name is not
        available in the selected MIB view, a badValue error must be

        This object may not be modified if the associated
        usrHistoryControlStatus object is equal to active(1)."
    ::= { usrHistoryObjectEntry 2 }

usrHistoryObjectSampleType OBJECT-TYPE
    MAX-ACCESS read-create
    STATUS current
        "The method of sampling the selected variable for storage in
        the usrHistoryTable.

        If the value of this object is absoluteValue(1), the value of
        the selected variable will be copied directly into the history

        If the value of this object is deltaValue(2), the value of the
        selected variable at the last sample will be subtracted from
        the current value, and the difference will be stored in the
        history bucket.  If the associated usrHistoryObjectVariable
        instance could not be obtained at the previous sample
        interval, then a delta sample is not possible, and the value
        of the associated usrHistoryValStatus object for this interval
        will be valueNotAvailable(1).
Top   ToC   RFC4502 - Page 92
        This object may not be modified if the associated
        usrHistoryControlStatus object is equal to active(1)."
    ::= { usrHistoryObjectEntry 3 }

-- data table

usrHistoryTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF UsrHistoryEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS current
        "A list of user-defined history entries."
    ::= { usrHistory 3 }

usrHistoryEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX UsrHistoryEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS current
        "A historical sample of user-defined variables.  This sample
        is associated with the usrHistoryControlEntry that set up the
        parameters for a regular collection of these samples.

        The usrHistoryControlIndex value in the index identifies the
        usrHistoryControlEntry on whose behalf this entry was created.
        The usrHistoryObjectIndex value in the index identifies the
        usrHistoryObjectEntry on whose behalf this entry was created.

        For example, an instance of usrHistoryAbsValue, which represents
        the 14th sample of a variable collected as specified by
        usrHistoryControlEntry.1 and usrHistoryObjectEntry.1.5,
        would be named usrHistoryAbsValue.1.14.5"
    INDEX { usrHistoryControlIndex, usrHistorySampleIndex,
            usrHistoryObjectIndex }
    ::= { usrHistoryTable 1 }

UsrHistoryEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    usrHistorySampleIndex   Integer32,
    usrHistoryIntervalStart TimeStamp,
    usrHistoryIntervalEnd   TimeStamp,
    usrHistoryAbsValue      Gauge32,
    usrHistoryValStatus     INTEGER

usrHistorySampleIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..2147483647)
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
Top   ToC   RFC4502 - Page 93
        "An index that uniquely identifies the particular sample this
        entry represents among all samples associated with the same
        usrHistoryControlEntry.  This index starts at 1 and increases
        by one as each new sample is taken."
    ::= { usrHistoryEntry 1 }

usrHistoryIntervalStart OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX TimeStamp
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS current
        "The value of sysUpTime at the start of the interval over
        which this sample was measured.  If the probe keeps track of
        the time of day, it should start the first sample of the
        history at a time such that when the next hour of the day
        begins, a sample is started at that instant.

        Note that following this rule may require that the probe delay
        collecting the first sample of the history, as each sample
        must be of the same interval.  Also note that the sample that
        is currently being collected is not accessible in this table
        until the end of its interval."
    ::= { usrHistoryEntry 2 }

usrHistoryIntervalEnd OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX TimeStamp
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS current
        "The value of sysUpTime at the end of the interval over which
        this sample was measured."
    ::= { usrHistoryEntry 3 }

usrHistoryAbsValue OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX Gauge32
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS current
        "The absolute value (i.e., unsigned value) of the
        user-specified statistic during the last sampling period.  The
        value during the current sampling period is not made available
        until the period is completed.

        To obtain the true value for this sampling interval, the
        associated instance of usrHistoryValStatus must be checked,
        and usrHistoryAbsValue adjusted as necessary.
Top   ToC   RFC4502 - Page 94
        If the MIB instance could not be accessed during the sampling
        interval, then this object will have a value of zero, and the
        associated instance of usrHistoryValStatus will be set to

        The access control check prescribed in the definition of
        usrHistoryObjectVariable SHOULD be checked for each sampling
        interval.  If this check determines that access should not be
        allowed, then this object will have a value of zero, and the
        associated instance of usrHistoryValStatus will be set to
    ::= { usrHistoryEntry 4 }

usrHistoryValStatus OBJECT-TYPE
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS current
        "This object indicates the validity and sign of the data in
        the associated instance of usrHistoryAbsValue.

        If the MIB instance could not be accessed during the sampling
        interval, then 'valueNotAvailable(1)' will be returned.

        If the sample is valid and the actual value of the sample is
        greater than or equal to zero, then 'valuePositive(2)' is

        If the sample is valid and the actual value of the sample is
        less than zero, 'valueNegative(3)' will be returned.  The
        associated instance of usrHistoryAbsValue should be multiplied
        by -1 to obtain the true sample value."
    ::= { usrHistoryEntry 5 }

-- The Probe Configuration Group
-- This group controls the configuration of various operating
-- parameters of the probe.

    STATUS current
        "This data type is used to communicate with a modem or a
Top   ToC   RFC4502 - Page 95
        serial data switch.  A ControlString contains embedded
        commands to control how the device will interact with the
        remote device through the serial interface.  Commands are
        represented as two-character sequences beginning with
        the '^' character.

        The following commands are recognized by the device (note
        that command characters are case sensitive):

           ^s  Send string that follows, which is terminated by the
               next command or the end of string.
           ^c  Delay for the number of seconds that follows.  Toss
               out any data received rather than store it in a
               buffer for parsing.
           ^t  Set timeout to the value represented by the decimal
               digits that follow.  The default timeout is 20
               seconds.  Note that this timeout may be overridden
               by a smaller serialTimeout configured for the
               associated serial interface (see serialConfigTable).
           ^w  Wait for the reply string that follows, which is
               terminated by the next command or the end of string.
               Partial and case-insensitive matching is applied, i.e.,
               if the reply string (any case combination) is found
               anywhere in the received string, then the a match is
               found.  If the current timeout elapses without a match,
               then the remaining control string is ignored.
           ^!  The ^ character.
           ^d  Delay the number of seconds specified by the decimal
               digits that follow.
           ^b  Send break for the number of milliseconds specified by
               the decimal digits that follow.  If no digits follow,
               break will be enforced for 250 milliseconds by default.

        The following ASCII control characters may be inserted into
        the '^s' send string or the '^w' reply string:

           ^@    0x00
           ^A    0x01
           ^M    0x0D
           ^Z    0x1A
           ^[    0x1B
           ^    0x1C
           ^]    0x1D
           ^^    0x1E
           ^_    0x1F
Top   ToC   RFC4502 - Page 96
        Binary data may also be inserted into the data stream.  The
        control sequence for each byte of binary data is ^0x##, where
        ## is the hexadecimal representation of the data byte.  Two
        ASCII characters (0-9, a-f, A-F) must follow the '^0x'
        control prefix.  For example, '^0x0D^0x0A' is interpreted as a
        carriage return followed by a line feed."

probeCapabilities OBJECT-TYPE
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS current
        "An indication of the RMON MIB groups supported
        on at least one interface by this probe."
    ::= { probeConfig 1 }

probeSoftwareRev  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     DisplayString (SIZE(0..15))
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
Top   ToC   RFC4502 - Page 97
    STATUS     current
        "The software revision of this device.  This string will have
        a zero length if the revision is unknown."
    ::= { probeConfig 2 }

probeHardwareRev  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     DisplayString (SIZE(0..31))
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The hardware revision of this device.  This string will have
        a zero length if the revision is unknown."
    ::= { probeConfig 3 }

probeDateTime  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE (0 | 8 | 11))
    MAX-ACCESS read-write
    STATUS     current
        "Probe's current date and time.

         field  octets  contents                  range
         -----  ------  --------                  -----
           1      1-2   year                      0..65536
           2       3    month                     1..12
           3       4    day                       1..31
           4       5    hour                      0..23
           5       6    minutes                   0..59
           6       7    seconds                   0..60
                         (use 60 for leap-second)
           7       8    deci-seconds              0..9
           8       9    direction from UTC        '+' / '-'
           9      10    hours from UTC            0..11
          10      11    minutes from UTC          0..59

         For example, Tuesday May 26, 1992 at 1:30:15 PM
         EDT would be displayed as:


         Note that if only local time is known, then
         time zone information (fields 8-10) is not
         present, and that if no time information is known, the
         null string is returned."
    ::= { probeConfig 4 }

probeResetControl  OBJECT-TYPE
Top   ToC   RFC4502 - Page 98

    MAX-ACCESS read-write
    STATUS     current
        "Setting this object to warmBoot(2) causes the device to
        restart the application software with current configuration
        parameters saved in non-volatile memory.  Setting this
        object to coldBoot(3) causes the device to reinitialize
        configuration parameters in non-volatile memory to default
        values and to restart the application software.  When the device
        is running normally, this variable has a value of
    ::= { probeConfig 5 }

-- The following download objects do not restrict an implementation
-- from implementing additional download mechanisms (controlled in an
-- implementation-specific manner).  Further, in the case where the RMON
-- agent shares a processor with other types of systems, the
-- implementation is not required to download those non-RMON functions
-- with this mechanism.

probeDownloadFile  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     DisplayString (SIZE(0..127))
    MAX-ACCESS read-write
    STATUS     deprecated
        "The file name to be downloaded from the TFTP server when a
        download is next requested via this MIB.  This value is set to
        the zero-length string when no file name has been specified.

        This object has been deprecated, as it has not had enough
        independent implementations to demonstrate interoperability to
        meet the requirements of a Draft Standard."
    ::= { probeConfig 6 }

probeDownloadTFTPServer  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     IpAddress
    MAX-ACCESS read-write
    STATUS     deprecated
        "The IP address of the TFTP server that contains the boot
        image to load when a download is next requested via this MIB.
        This value is set to '' when no IP address has been
Top   ToC   RFC4502 - Page 99

        This object has been deprecated, as it has not had enough
        independent implementations to demonstrate interoperability to
        meet the requirements of a Draft Standard."
    ::= { probeConfig 7 }

probeDownloadAction  OBJECT-TYPE
    MAX-ACCESS read-write
    STATUS     deprecated
        "When this object is set to downloadToRAM(3) or
        downloadToPROM(2), the device will discontinue its
        normal operation and begin download of the image specified
        by probeDownloadFile from the server specified by
        probeDownloadTFTPServer using the TFTP protocol.  If
        downloadToRAM(3) is specified, the new image is copied
        to RAM only (the old image remains unaltered in the flash
        EPROM).  If downloadToPROM(2) is specified,
        the new image is written to the flash EPROM
        memory after its checksum has been verified to be correct.
        When the download process is completed, the device will
        warm boot to restart the newly loaded application.
        When the device is not downloading, this object will have
        a value of notDownloading(1).

        This object has been deprecated, as it has not had enough
        independent implementations to demonstrate interoperability to
        meet the requirements of a Draft Standard."
    ::= { probeConfig 8 }

probeDownloadStatus  OBJECT-TYPE
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
Top   ToC   RFC4502 - Page 100
    STATUS     deprecated
        "The status of the last download procedure, if any.  This
        object will have a value of downloadStatusUnknown(2) if no
        download process has been performed.

        This object has been deprecated, as it has not had enough
        independent implementations to demonstrate interoperability to
        meet the requirements of a Draft Standard."
    ::= { probeConfig 9 }

serialConfigTable  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF SerialConfigEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     deprecated
        "A table of serial interface configuration entries.  This data
        will be stored in non-volatile memory and preserved across
        probe resets or power loss.

        This table has been deprecated, as it has not had enough
        independent implementations to demonstrate interoperability to
        meet the requirements of a Draft Standard."
    ::= { probeConfig 10 }

serialConfigEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     SerialConfigEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     deprecated
        "A set of configuration parameters for a particular
        serial interface on this device.  If the device has no serial
        interfaces, this table is empty.

        The index is composed of the ifIndex assigned to this serial
        line interface."
    INDEX  { ifIndex }
    ::= { serialConfigTable 1 }

SerialConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    serialMode                   INTEGER,
    serialProtocol               INTEGER,
    serialTimeout                Integer32,
    serialModemInitString        ControlString,
    serialModemHangUpString      ControlString,
    serialModemConnectResp       DisplayString,
    serialModemNoConnectResp     DisplayString,
    serialDialoutTimeout         Integer32,
Top   ToC   RFC4502 - Page 101
    serialStatus                 RowStatus

serialMode  OBJECT-TYPE
    MAX-ACCESS read-create
    STATUS     deprecated
        "The type of incoming connection to be expected on this
         serial interface."
    DEFVAL { direct }
    ::= { serialConfigEntry 1 }

serialProtocol  OBJECT-TYPE
    MAX-ACCESS read-create
    STATUS     deprecated
        "The type of data link encapsulation to be used on this
        serial interface."
    DEFVAL { slip }
    ::= { serialConfigEntry 2 }

serialTimeout  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
    MAX-ACCESS read-create
    STATUS     deprecated
        "This timeout value is used when the Management Station has
        initiated the conversation over the serial link.  This variable
        represents the number of seconds of inactivity allowed before
        terminating the connection on this serial interface.  Use the
        serialDialoutTimeout in the case where the probe has initiated
        the connection for the purpose of sending a trap."
    DEFVAL { 300 }
    ::= { serialConfigEntry 3 }

serialModemInitString  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     ControlString (SIZE (0..255))
    MAX-ACCESS read-create
    STATUS     deprecated
Top   ToC   RFC4502 - Page 102
        "A control string that controls how a modem attached to this
        serial interface should be initialized.  The initialization
        is performed once during startup and again after each
        connection is terminated if the associated serialMode has the
        value of modem(2).

        A control string that is appropriate for a wide variety of
        modems is: '^s^MATE0Q0V1X4 S0=1 S2=43^M'."
    ::= { serialConfigEntry 4 }

serialModemHangUpString  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     ControlString (SIZE (0..255))
    MAX-ACCESS read-create
    STATUS     deprecated
        "A control string that specifies how to disconnect a modem
         connection on this serial interface.  This object is only
         meaningful if the associated serialMode has the value
         of modem(2).

         A control string that is appropriate for a wide variety of
         modems is: '^d2^s+++^d2^sATH0^M^d2'."
    ::= { serialConfigEntry 5 }

serialModemConnectResp  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
    MAX-ACCESS read-create
    STATUS     deprecated
        "An ASCII string containing substrings that describe the
        expected modem connection response code and associated bps
        rate.  The substrings are delimited by the first character
        in the string, for example:
           /CONNECT/300/CONNECT 1200/1200/CONNECT 2400/2400/
           CONNECT 4800/4800/CONNECT 9600/9600
        will be interpreted as:
            response code    bps rate
            CONNECT            300
            CONNECT 1200      1200
            CONNECT 2400      2400
            CONNECT 4800      4800
            CONNECT 9600      9600
        The agent will use the information in this string to adjust
        the bps rate of this serial interface once a modem connection
        is established.

        A value that is appropriate for a wide variety of modems is:
Top   ToC   RFC4502 - Page 103
        '/CONNECT/300/CONNECT 1200/1200/CONNECT 2400/2400/
         CONNECT 4800/4800/CONNECT 9600/9600/CONNECT 14400/14400/
        CONNECT 19200/19200/CONNECT 38400/38400/'."
    ::= { serialConfigEntry 6 }

serialModemNoConnectResp  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
    MAX-ACCESS read-create
    STATUS     deprecated
        "An ASCII string containing response codes that may be
        generated by a modem to report the reason why a connection
        attempt has failed.  The response codes are delimited by
        the first character in the string, for example:

        If one of these response codes is received via this serial
        interface while attempting to make a modem connection,
        the agent will issue the hang up command as specified by

        A value that is appropriate for a wide variety of modems is:
    ::= { serialConfigEntry 7 }

serialDialoutTimeout  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
    MAX-ACCESS read-create
    STATUS     deprecated
        "This timeout value is used when the probe initiates the
        serial connection with the intention of contacting a
        management station.  This variable represents the number
        of seconds of inactivity allowed before terminating the
        connection on this serial interface."
    DEFVAL { 20 }
    ::= { serialConfigEntry 8 }

serialStatus  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     RowStatus
    MAX-ACCESS read-create
    STATUS     deprecated
        "The status of this serialConfigEntry.

        An entry may not exist in the active state unless all
        objects in the entry have an appropriate value."
    ::= { serialConfigEntry 9 }

(next page on part 5)

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