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RFC 4323

Data Over Cable System Interface Specification Quality of Service Management Information Base (DOCSIS-QoS MIB)

Pages: 89
Proposed Standard
Updated by:  9141
Part 3 of 4 – Pages 50 to 69
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Top   ToC   RFC4323 - Page 50   prevText
docsIetfQosServiceFlowId    OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "An index assigned to a Service Flow by CMTS."
    REFERENCE      "SP-RFIv2.0-I06-040804, Appendix C."
    ::= { docsIetfQosServiceFlowEntry 1 }

docsIetfQosServiceFlowSID  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          Unsigned32 (0..16383)
    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "Service Identifier (SID) assigned to an
                    admitted or active Service Flow.  This object
                    reports a value of 0 if a Service ID is not
                    associated with the Service Flow.  Only active
                    or admitted upstream Service Flows will have a
                    Service ID (SID)."
    REFERENCE      "SP-RFIv2.0-I06-040804, Appendix C."
    ::= { docsIetfQosServiceFlowEntry 2 }

docsIetfQosServiceFlowDirection OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          DocsIetfQosRfMacIfDirection
    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "The direction of the Service Flow."
    REFERENCE      "SP-RFIv2.0-I06-040804, Appendix C.2.1.1/2"
    ::= { docsIetfQosServiceFlowEntry 3 }

docsIetfQosServiceFlowPrimary OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          TruthValue
    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "Object reflects whether Service Flow is the primary
                    or a secondary Service Flow.

                    A primary Service Flow is the default Service Flow
                    for otherwise unclassified traffic and all MAC
    REFERENCE      "SP-RFIv2.0-I06-040804, Section 8.1 "
    ::= { docsIetfQosServiceFlowEntry 4 }

--  Service Flow Stats Table
docsIetfQosServiceFlowStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF DocsIetfQosServiceFlowStatsEntry
    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
Top   ToC   RFC4323 - Page 51
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION     "This table describes statistics associated with the
                     Service Flows in a managed device."
    ::= { docsIetfQosMIBObjects 4 }

docsIetfQosServiceFlowStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          DocsIetfQosServiceFlowStatsEntry
    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "Describes a set of Service Flow statistics.
                    An entry in the table exists for each
                    Service Flow ID.  The ifIndex is an
                    ifType of docsCableMaclayer(127)."
    INDEX {
    ::= { docsIetfQosServiceFlowStatsTable 1 }

DocsIetfQosServiceFlowStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    docsIetfQosServiceFlowPkts                     Counter64,
    docsIetfQosServiceFlowOctets                   Counter64,
    docsIetfQosServiceFlowTimeCreated              TimeStamp,
    docsIetfQosServiceFlowTimeActive               Counter32,
    docsIetfQosServiceFlowPHSUnknowns              Counter32,
    docsIetfQosServiceFlowPolicedDropPkts          Counter32,
    docsIetfQosServiceFlowPolicedDelayPkts         Counter32

docsIetfQosServiceFlowPkts OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          Counter64
    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "For outgoing Service Flows, this object counts the
                    number of Packet Data PDUs forwarded to this
                    Service Flow.  For incoming upstream CMTS service
                    flows, this object counts the number of Packet
                    Data PDUs actually received on the Service Flow
                    identified by the SID for which the packet was
                    scheduled.  CMs not classifying downstream packets
                    may report this object's value as 0 for downstream
                    Service Flows.  This object does not count
                    MAC-specific management messages.

                    Particularly for UGS flows, packets sent on the
                    primary Service Flow in violation of the UGS grant
                    size should be counted only by the instance of this
                    object that is associated with the primary service
Top   ToC   RFC4323 - Page 52

                    Unclassified upstream user data packets (i.e., non-
                    MAC-management) forwarded to the primary upstream
                    Service Flow should be counted by the instance of
                    this object that is associated with the primary
                    service flow.

                    This object does include packets counted by
                    docsIetfQosServiceFlowPolicedDelayPkts, but does not
                    include packets counted by
                    and docsIetfQosServiceFlowPHSUnknowns.

                    This counter's last discontinuity is the
                    ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the same ifIndex that
                    indexes this object."
    ::= { docsIetfQosServiceFlowStatsEntry 1 }

docsIetfQosServiceFlowOctets OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          Counter64
    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "The number of octets from the byte after the MAC
                    header HCS to the end of the CRC for all packets
                    counted in the docsIetfQosServiceFlowPkts object for
                    this row.  Note that this counts the octets after
                    payload header suppression and before payload
                    header expansion have been applied.

                    This counter's last discontinuity is the
                    ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the same ifIndex that
                    indexes this object."
    ::= { docsIetfQosServiceFlowStatsEntry 2 }

docsIetfQosServiceFlowTimeCreated OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          TimeStamp
    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "The value of sysUpTime when the service flow
                    was created."
    ::= { docsIetfQosServiceFlowStatsEntry 3 }

docsIetfQosServiceFlowTimeActive OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          Counter32
    UNITS           "seconds"
    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
    STATUS          current
Top   ToC   RFC4323 - Page 53
    DESCRIPTION    "The number of seconds that the service flow
                    has been active.

                    This counter's last discontinuity is the
                    ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the same ifIndex that
                    indexes this object."
    ::= { docsIetfQosServiceFlowStatsEntry 4 }

docsIetfQosServiceFlowPHSUnknowns OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "For incoming upstream CMTS service flows, this
                    object counts the number of packets received
                    with an unknown payload header suppression index.
                    The service flow is identified by the SID for which
                    the packet was scheduled.

                    On a CM, only this object's instance for the primary
                    downstream service flow counts packets received with
                    an unknown payload header suppression index.  All
                    other downstream service flows on CM report this
                    objects value as 0.

                    All outgoing service flows report this object's
                    value as 0.

                    This counter's last discontinuity is the
                    ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the same ifIndex that
                    indexes this object."
    ::= { docsIetfQosServiceFlowStatsEntry 5 }

docsIetfQosServiceFlowPolicedDropPkts OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "For outgoing service flows, this object counts the
                    number of Packet Data PDUs classified to this
                    service flow dropped due to:
                       (1) implementation-dependent excessive delay
                           while enforcing the Maximum Sustained
                           Traffic Rate; or
                       (2) UGS packets dropped due to exceeding the
                           Unsolicited Grant Size with a
                           Request/Transmission policy that requires
                           such packets to be dropped.

                    Classified packets dropped due to other reasons
Top   ToC   RFC4323 - Page 54
                    must be counted in ifOutDiscards for the interface
                    of this service flow.  This object reports 0 for
                    incoming service flows.

                    This counter's last discontinuity is the
                    ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the same ifIndex that
                    indexes this object."
    ::= { docsIetfQosServiceFlowStatsEntry 6 }

docsIetfQosServiceFlowPolicedDelayPkts OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "This object counts only outgoing packets delayed in
                    order to maintain the Maximum Sustained Traffic
                    Rate.  This object will always report a value of 0
                    for UGS flows because the Maximum Sustained Traffic
                    Rate does not apply.  This object is 0 for incoming
                    service flows.

                    This counter's last discontinuity is the
                    ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the same ifIndex that
                    indexes this object."
    ::= { docsIetfQosServiceFlowStatsEntry 7 }

--  Upstream Service Flow Stats Table (CMTS ONLY)
docsIetfQosUpstreamStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF DocsIetfQosUpstreamStatsEntry
    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "This table describes statistics associated with
                    upstream service flows.  All counted frames must
                    be received without a Frame Check Sequence (FCS)
    ::= { docsIetfQosMIBObjects 5 }

docsIetfQosUpstreamStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          DocsIetfQosUpstreamStatsEntry
    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "Describes a set of upstream service flow
                    statistics.  An entry in the table exists for each
                    upstream Service Flow in a managed device.
                    The ifIndex is an ifType of
    INDEX {
Top   ToC   RFC4323 - Page 55
    ::= { docsIetfQosUpstreamStatsTable 1 }

DocsIetfQosUpstreamStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    docsIetfQosSID                            Unsigned32,
    docsIetfQosUpstreamFragments              Counter32,
    docsIetfQosUpstreamFragDiscards           Counter32,
    docsIetfQosUpstreamConcatBursts           Counter32

    SYNTAX          Unsigned32 (1..16383)
    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "Identifies a service ID for an admitted or active
                    upstream service flow."
    ::= { docsIetfQosUpstreamStatsEntry 1 }

docsIetfQosUpstreamFragments OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "The number of fragmentation headers received on an
                    upstream service flow, regardless of whether
                    the fragment was correctly reassembled into a
                    valid packet.

                    This counter's last discontinuity is the
                    ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the same ifIndex that
                    indexes this object."
    ::= { docsIetfQosUpstreamStatsEntry 2 }

docsIetfQosUpstreamFragDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "The number of upstream fragments discarded and not
                    assembled into a valid upstream packet.

                    This counter's last discontinuity is the
                    ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the same ifIndex that
                    indexes this object."
    ::= { docsIetfQosUpstreamStatsEntry 3 }

docsIetfQosUpstreamConcatBursts OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          Counter32
Top   ToC   RFC4323 - Page 56
    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "The number of concatenation headers received on an
                    upstream service flow.
                    This counter's last discontinuity is the
                    ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the same ifIndex that
                    indexes this object."
    ::= { docsIetfQosUpstreamStatsEntry 4 }

--  Dynamic Service Stats Table
docsIetfQosDynamicServiceStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF DocsIetfQosDynamicServiceStatsEntry
    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "This table describes statistics associated with the
                    Dynamic Service Flows in a managed device."
    ::= { docsIetfQosMIBObjects 6 }

docsIetfQosDynamicServiceStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          DocsIetfQosDynamicServiceStatsEntry
    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "Describes a set of dynamic service flow statistics.
                    Two entries exist for each DOCSIS MAC layer
                    interface for the upstream and downstream
                    direction.  On the CMTS, the downstream direction
                    row indicates messages transmitted or transactions
                    originated by the CMTS.  The upstream direction row
                    indicates messages received or transaction
                    originated by the CM.  On the CM, the downstream
                    direction row indicates messages received or
                    transactions originated by the CMTS.  The upstream
                    direction row indicates messages transmitted by
                    the CM or transactions originated by the CM.
                    The ifIndex is an ifType of
    INDEX {
    ::= { docsIetfQosDynamicServiceStatsTable 1 }

DocsIetfQosDynamicServiceStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    docsIetfQosIfDirection                DocsIetfQosRfMacIfDirection,
    docsIetfQosDSAReqs                    Counter32,
Top   ToC   RFC4323 - Page 57
    docsIetfQosDSARsps                    Counter32,
    docsIetfQosDSAAcks                    Counter32,
    docsIetfQosDSCReqs                    Counter32,
    docsIetfQosDSCRsps                    Counter32,
    docsIetfQosDSCAcks                    Counter32,
    docsIetfQosDSDReqs                    Counter32,
    docsIetfQosDSDRsps                    Counter32,
    docsIetfQosDynamicAdds                Counter32,
    docsIetfQosDynamicAddFails            Counter32,
    docsIetfQosDynamicChanges             Counter32,
    docsIetfQosDynamicChangeFails         Counter32,
    docsIetfQosDynamicDeletes             Counter32,
    docsIetfQosDynamicDeleteFails         Counter32,
    docsIetfQosDCCReqs                    Counter32,
    docsIetfQosDCCRsps                    Counter32,
    docsIetfQosDCCAcks                    Counter32,
    docsIetfQosDCCs                       Counter32,
    docsIetfQosDCCFails                   Counter32

docsIetfQosIfDirection OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          DocsIetfQosRfMacIfDirection
    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "The direction of interface."
    ::= { docsIetfQosDynamicServiceStatsEntry 1 }

    SYNTAX          Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "The number of Dynamic Service Addition Requests,
                    including retries.

                    This counter's last discontinuity is the
                    ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the same ifIndex that
                    indexes this object."
    ::= { docsIetfQosDynamicServiceStatsEntry 2 }

    SYNTAX          Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "The number of Dynamic Service Addition Responses,
                    including retries.

                    This counter's last discontinuity is the
                    ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the same ifIndex that
Top   ToC   RFC4323 - Page 58
                    indexes this object."
    ::= { docsIetfQosDynamicServiceStatsEntry 3 }

    SYNTAX          Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "The number of Dynamic Service Addition
                    Acknowledgements, including retries.

                    This counter's last discontinuity is the
                    ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the same ifIndex that
                    indexes this object."
    ::= { docsIetfQosDynamicServiceStatsEntry 4 }

    SYNTAX          Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "The number of Dynamic Service Change Requests,
                    including retries.

                    This counter's last discontinuity is the
                    ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the same ifIndex that
                    indexes this object."
    ::= { docsIetfQosDynamicServiceStatsEntry 5 }

    SYNTAX          Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "The number of Dynamic Service Change Responses,
                    including retries.

                    This counter's last discontinuity is the
                    ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the same ifIndex that
                    indexes this object."
    ::= { docsIetfQosDynamicServiceStatsEntry 6 }

    SYNTAX          Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "The number of Dynamic Service Change
                    Acknowledgements, including retries.

                    This counter's last discontinuity is the
                    ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the same ifIndex that
Top   ToC   RFC4323 - Page 59
                    indexes this object."
    ::= { docsIetfQosDynamicServiceStatsEntry 7 }

    SYNTAX          Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "The number of Dynamic Service Delete Requests,
                    including retries.

                    This counter's last discontinuity is the
                    ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the same ifIndex that
                    indexes this object."
    ::= { docsIetfQosDynamicServiceStatsEntry 8 }

    SYNTAX          Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "The number of Dynamic Service Delete Responses,
                    including retries.

                    This counter's last discontinuity is the
                    ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the same ifIndex that
                    indexes this object."
    ::= { docsIetfQosDynamicServiceStatsEntry 9 }

docsIetfQosDynamicAdds OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "The number of successful Dynamic Service Addition

                    This counter's last discontinuity is the
                    ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the same ifIndex that
                    indexes this object."
    ::= { docsIetfQosDynamicServiceStatsEntry 10 }

docsIetfQosDynamicAddFails OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "The number of failed Dynamic Service Addition

                    This counter's last discontinuity is the
                    ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the same ifIndex that
Top   ToC   RFC4323 - Page 60
                    indexes this object."
    ::= { docsIetfQosDynamicServiceStatsEntry 11 }

docsIetfQosDynamicChanges OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "The number of successful Dynamic Service Change

                    This counter's last discontinuity is the
                    ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the same ifIndex that
                    indexes this object."
    ::= { docsIetfQosDynamicServiceStatsEntry 12 }

docsIetfQosDynamicChangeFails OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "The number of failed Dynamic Service Change

                    This counter's last discontinuity is the
                    ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the same ifIndex that
                    indexes this object."
    ::= { docsIetfQosDynamicServiceStatsEntry 13 }

docsIetfQosDynamicDeletes OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "The number of successful Dynamic Service Delete

                    This counter's last discontinuity is the
                    ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the same ifIndex that
                    indexes this object."
    ::= { docsIetfQosDynamicServiceStatsEntry 14 }

docsIetfQosDynamicDeleteFails OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "The number of failed Dynamic Service Delete

                    This counter's last discontinuity is the
                    ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the same ifIndex that
Top   ToC   RFC4323 - Page 61
                    indexes this object."
    ::= { docsIetfQosDynamicServiceStatsEntry 15 }

    SYNTAX          Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "The number of Dynamic Channel Change Request
                    messages traversing an interface.  This count
                    is nonzero only on downstream direction rows.
                    This count should include the number of retries.

                    This counter's last discontinuity is the
                    ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the same ifIndex
                    that indexes this object."
    ::= { docsIetfQosDynamicServiceStatsEntry 16 }

    SYNTAX          Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "The number of Dynamic Channel Change Response
                    messages traversing an interface.  This count is
                    nonzero only on upstream direction rows.  This count
                    should include the number of retries.

                    This counter's last discontinuity is the
                    ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the same ifIndex that
                    indexes this object."
    ::= { docsIetfQosDynamicServiceStatsEntry 17 }

    SYNTAX          Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "The number of Dynamic Channel Change Acknowledgement
                    messages traversing an interface.  This count
                    is nonzero only on downstream direction rows.
                    This count should include the number of retries.

                    This counter's last discontinuity is the
                    ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the same ifIndex that
                    indexes this object."
    ::= { docsIetfQosDynamicServiceStatsEntry 18 }

    SYNTAX          Counter32
Top   ToC   RFC4323 - Page 62
    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "The number of successful Dynamic Channel Change
                    transactions.  This count is nonzero only on
                    downstream direction rows.

                    This counter's last discontinuity is the
                    ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the same ifIndex that
                    indexes this object."
    ::= { docsIetfQosDynamicServiceStatsEntry 19 }

    SYNTAX          Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "The number of failed Dynamic Channel Change
                    transactions.  This count is nonzero only on
                    downstream direction rows.

                    This counter's last discontinuity is the
                    ifCounterDiscontinuityTime for the same ifIndex that
                    indexes this object."
    ::= { docsIetfQosDynamicServiceStatsEntry 20 }

--  Service Flow Log Table (CMTS ONLY)
docsIetfQosServiceFlowLogTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF DocsIetfQosServiceFlowLogEntry
    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "This table contains a log of the disconnected
                    Service Flows in a managed device."
    ::= { docsIetfQosMIBObjects 7 }

docsIetfQosServiceFlowLogEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          DocsIetfQosServiceFlowLogEntry
    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "The information regarding a single disconnected
                    service flow."
    INDEX {
    ::= { docsIetfQosServiceFlowLogTable 1 }

DocsIetfQosServiceFlowLogEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
Top   ToC   RFC4323 - Page 63
    docsIetfQosServiceFlowLogIndex                 Unsigned32,
    docsIetfQosServiceFlowLogIfIndex               InterfaceIndex,
    docsIetfQosServiceFlowLogSFID                  Unsigned32,
    docsIetfQosServiceFlowLogCmMac                 MacAddress,
    docsIetfQosServiceFlowLogPkts                  Counter64,
    docsIetfQosServiceFlowLogOctets                Counter64,
    docsIetfQosServiceFlowLogTimeDeleted           TimeStamp,
    docsIetfQosServiceFlowLogTimeCreated           TimeStamp,
    docsIetfQosServiceFlowLogTimeActive            Counter32,
    docsIetfQosServiceFlowLogDirection    DocsIetfQosRfMacIfDirection,
    docsIetfQosServiceFlowLogPrimary               TruthValue,
    docsIetfQosServiceFlowLogServiceClassName      SnmpAdminString,
    docsIetfQosServiceFlowLogPolicedDropPkts       Counter32,
    docsIetfQosServiceFlowLogPolicedDelayPkts      Counter32,
    docsIetfQosServiceFlowLogControl               INTEGER

docsIetfQosServiceFlowLogIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "Unique index for a logged service flow."
    ::= { docsIetfQosServiceFlowLogEntry 1 }

docsIetfQosServiceFlowLogIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          InterfaceIndex
    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "The ifIndex of ifType docsCableMaclayer(127)
                    on the CMTS where the service flow was present."
    ::= {  docsIetfQosServiceFlowLogEntry 2 }

docsIetfQosServiceFlowLogSFID    OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "The index assigned to the service flow by the CMTS."
    ::= {  docsIetfQosServiceFlowLogEntry 3 }

docsIetfQosServiceFlowLogCmMac OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          MacAddress
    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "The MAC address for the cable modem associated with
                    the service flow."
    ::= { docsIetfQosServiceFlowLogEntry 4 }

docsIetfQosServiceFlowLogPkts OBJECT-TYPE
Top   ToC   RFC4323 - Page 64
    SYNTAX          Counter64
    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "The number of packets counted on this service flow
                    after payload header suppression."
    ::= { docsIetfQosServiceFlowLogEntry 5 }

docsIetfQosServiceFlowLogOctets OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          Counter64
    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "The number of octets counted on this service flow
                    after payload header suppression."
    ::= { docsIetfQosServiceFlowLogEntry 6 }

docsIetfQosServiceFlowLogTimeDeleted OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          TimeStamp
    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "The value of sysUpTime when the service flow
                    was deleted."
    ::= { docsIetfQosServiceFlowLogEntry 7 }

docsIetfQosServiceFlowLogTimeCreated OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          TimeStamp
    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "The value of sysUpTime when the service flow
                    was created."
    ::= { docsIetfQosServiceFlowLogEntry 8 }

docsIetfQosServiceFlowLogTimeActive OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          Counter32
    UNITS           "seconds"
    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "The total time that the service flow was active."
    ::= { docsIetfQosServiceFlowLogEntry 9 }

docsIetfQosServiceFlowLogDirection OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          DocsIetfQosRfMacIfDirection
    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "The value of docsIetfQosServiceFlowDirection
                    for the service flow."
    ::= { docsIetfQosServiceFlowLogEntry  10 }

docsIetfQosServiceFlowLogPrimary OBJECT-TYPE
Top   ToC   RFC4323 - Page 65
    SYNTAX          TruthValue
    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "The value of docsIetfQosServiceFlowPrimary for the
                    service flow."
    ::= { docsIetfQosServiceFlowLogEntry 11 }

docsIetfQosServiceFlowLogServiceClassName OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          SnmpAdminString
    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "The value of docsIetfQosParamSetServiceClassName for
                    the provisioned QOS Parameter Set of the
                    service flow."
    ::= { docsIetfQosServiceFlowLogEntry  12 }

docsIetfQosServiceFlowLogPolicedDropPkts OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "The final value of
                    docsIetfQosServiceFlowPolicedDropPkts for the
                    service flow."
    ::= { docsIetfQosServiceFlowLogEntry  13 }

docsIetfQosServiceFlowLogPolicedDelayPkts OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS      read-only
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "The final value of
                    docsIetfQosServiceFlowPolicedDelayPkts for the
                    service flow."
    ::= { docsIetfQosServiceFlowLogEntry  14 }

docsIetfQosServiceFlowLogControl OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          INTEGER {

    MAX-ACCESS      read-write
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "Setting this object to the value destroy(6) removes
                    this entry from the table.

                    Reading this object returns the value active(1)."
    ::= { docsIetfQosServiceFlowLogEntry 15 }
Top   ToC   RFC4323 - Page 66
-- Service Class Table (CMTS ONLY)
docsIetfQosServiceClassTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          SEQUENCE OF DocsIetfQosServiceClassEntry
    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "This table describes the set of DOCSIS-QOS
                    Service Classes in a CMTS."
    ::= { docsIetfQosMIBObjects 8 }

docsIetfQosServiceClassEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          DocsIetfQosServiceClassEntry
    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "A provisioned service class on a CMTS.
                    Each entry defines a template for certain
                    DOCSIS QOS Parameter Set values.  When a CM
                    creates or modifies an Admitted QOS Parameter Set
                    for a Service Flow, it may reference a Service Class
                    Name instead of providing explicit QOS Parameter
                    Set values.  In this case, the CMTS populates
                    the QOS Parameter Set with the applicable
                    corresponding values from the named Service Class.
                    Subsequent changes to a Service Class row do not
                    affect the QOS Parameter Set values of any service
                    flows already admitted.

                    A service class template applies to only
                    a single direction, as indicated in the
                    docsIetfQosServiceClassDirection object."
    INDEX {
    ::= { docsIetfQosServiceClassTable 1 }

DocsIetfQosServiceClassEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    docsIetfQosServiceClassName               SnmpAdminString,
    docsIetfQosServiceClassStatus             RowStatus,
    docsIetfQosServiceClassPriority           Integer32,
    docsIetfQosServiceClassMaxTrafficRate     DocsIetfQosBitRate,
    docsIetfQosServiceClassMaxTrafficBurst    Unsigned32,
    docsIetfQosServiceClassMinReservedRate    DocsIetfQosBitRate,
    docsIetfQosServiceClassMinReservedPkt     Integer32,
    docsIetfQosServiceClassMaxConcatBurst     Integer32,
    docsIetfQosServiceClassNomPollInterval    Unsigned32,
    docsIetfQosServiceClassTolPollJitter      Unsigned32,
    docsIetfQosServiceClassUnsolicitGrantSize Integer32,
Top   ToC   RFC4323 - Page 67
    docsIetfQosServiceClassNomGrantInterval   Unsigned32,
    docsIetfQosServiceClassTolGrantJitter     Unsigned32,
    docsIetfQosServiceClassGrantsPerInterval  Integer32,
    docsIetfQosServiceClassMaxLatency         Unsigned32,
    docsIetfQosServiceClassActiveTimeout      Integer32,
    docsIetfQosServiceClassAdmittedTimeout    Integer32,
    docsIetfQosServiceClassSchedulingType     DocsIetfQosSchedulingType,
    docsIetfQosServiceClassRequestPolicy      OCTET STRING,
    docsIetfQosServiceClassTosAndMask         OCTET STRING,
    docsIetfQosServiceClassTosOrMask          OCTET STRING,
    docsIetfQosServiceClassDirection        DocsIetfQosRfMacIfDirection,
    docsIetfQosServiceClassStorageType        StorageType,
    docsIetfQosServiceClassDSCPOverwrite      DscpOrAny

docsIetfQosServiceClassName OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          SnmpAdminString (SIZE (1..15))
    MAX-ACCESS      not-accessible
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "Service Class Name.  DOCSIS specifies that the
                    maximum size is 16 ASCII characters including
                    a terminating zero.  The terminating zero is not
                    represented in this SnmpAdminString syntax object."
    REFERENCE      "SP-RFIv2.0-I06-040804, Appendix C."
    ::= { docsIetfQosServiceClassEntry 1 }

docsIetfQosServiceClassStatus OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          RowStatus
    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "Used to create or delete rows in this table.
                    There is no restriction on the ability to change
                    values in this row while the row is active.
                    Inactive rows need not be timed out."
    ::= { docsIetfQosServiceClassEntry 2 }

docsIetfQosServiceClassPriority OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          Integer32 (0..7)
    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "Template for docsIetfQosParamSetPriority."
    DEFVAL          { 0 }
    ::= { docsIetfQosServiceClassEntry 3 }

docsIetfQosServiceClassMaxTrafficRate OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          DocsIetfQosBitRate
    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
    STATUS          current
Top   ToC   RFC4323 - Page 68
    DESCRIPTION    "Template for docsIetfQosParamSetMaxTrafficRate."
    DEFVAL          { 0 }
    ::= { docsIetfQosServiceClassEntry 4 }

docsIetfQosServiceClassMaxTrafficBurst OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "Template for docsIetfQosParamSetMaxTrafficBurst."
    DEFVAL          { 3044 }
    ::= { docsIetfQosServiceClassEntry 5 }

docsIetfQosServiceClassMinReservedRate OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          DocsIetfQosBitRate
    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "Template for docsIetfQosParamSEtMinReservedRate."
    DEFVAL          { 0 }
    ::= { docsIetfQosServiceClassEntry 6 }

docsIetfQosServiceClassMinReservedPkt OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          Integer32 (0..65535)
    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "Template for docsIetfQosParamSetMinReservedPkt."
    ::= { docsIetfQosServiceClassEntry 7 }

docsIetfQosServiceClassMaxConcatBurst OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          Integer32 (0..65535)
    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "Template for docsIetfQosParamSetMaxConcatBurst."
    DEFVAL          { 1522 }
    ::= { docsIetfQosServiceClassEntry 8 }

docsIetfQosServiceClassNomPollInterval OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
    UNITS           "microseconds"
    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "Template for docsIetfQosParamSetNomPollInterval."
    DEFVAL          { 0 }
    ::= { docsIetfQosServiceClassEntry 9 }

docsIetfQosServiceClassTolPollJitter OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
    UNITS           "microseconds"
    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
Top   ToC   RFC4323 - Page 69
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "Template for docsIetfQosParamSetTolPollJitter."
    DEFVAL          { 0 }
    ::= { docsIetfQosServiceClassEntry 10 }

docsIetfQosServiceClassUnsolicitGrantSize OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          Integer32 (0..65535)
    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "Template for docsIetfQosParamSetUnsolicitGrantSize."
    DEFVAL          { 0 }
    ::= { docsIetfQosServiceClassEntry 11 }

docsIetfQosServiceClassNomGrantInterval OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
    UNITS           "microseconds"
    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "Template for docsIetfQosParamSetNomGrantInterval."
    DEFVAL          { 0 }
    ::= { docsIetfQosServiceClassEntry 12 }

docsIetfQosServiceClassTolGrantJitter OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
    UNITS           "microseconds"
    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "Template for docsIetfQosParamSetTolGrantJitter."
    DEFVAL          { 0 }
    ::= { docsIetfQosServiceClassEntry 13 }

docsIetfQosServiceClassGrantsPerInterval OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          Integer32 (0..127)
    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "Template for docsIetfQosParamSetGrantsPerInterval."
    DEFVAL          { 0 }
    ::= { docsIetfQosServiceClassEntry 14 }

docsIetfQosServiceClassMaxLatency OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX          Unsigned32
    UNITS           "microseconds"
    MAX-ACCESS      read-create
    STATUS          current
    DESCRIPTION    "Template for docsIetfQosParamSetClassMaxLatency."
    REFERENCE      "SP-RFIv2.0-I06-040804, Appendix C."
    DEFVAL          { 0 }
    ::= { docsIetfQosServiceClassEntry 15 }