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RFC 4295

Mobile IPv6 Management Information Base

Pages: 109
Proposed Standard
Part 4 of 5 – Pages 51 to 77
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Top   ToC   RFC4295 - Page 51   prevText
       mip6CnExpiredCareOfNonceIndex OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Counter32
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
                   "The total number of Binding Updates rejected by
                    correspondent node with status code in the Binding
                    Acknowledgment message indicating 'expired
                    care-of nonce index' (Code 137).
                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
                    occur at re-initialization of the management system,
                    and at other times as indicated by the value of
                   "RFC 3775 : Section 6.1.8, 9.5.1"
           ::= { mip6CnGlobalStats 16 }

       mip6CnExpiredNonce OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Counter32
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
                   "The total number of Binding Updates rejected by
                    correspondent node with status code in the Binding
                    Acknowledgment message indicating 'expired nonces'
                    (Code 138), i.e., the correspondent node no longer
                    recognizes the Home Nonce Index value and the
                    Care-of Nonce Index value.
                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
                    occur at re-initialization of the management system,
                    and at other times as indicated by the value of
                   "RFC 3775 : Section 6.1.8, 9.5.1"
           ::= { mip6CnGlobalStats 17 }
Top   ToC   RFC4295 - Page 52
       mip6CnRegTypeChangeDisallowed OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Counter32
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
                   "The total number of Binding Updates rejected by
                    correspondent node with status code in the Binding
                    Acknowledgment message indicating 'registration
                    type change disallowed' (Code 139), i.e., a binding
                    already exists for the given home address and the
                    home registration flag has a different value than
                    the Home Registration (H) bit in the Binding Update.
                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
                    occur at re-initialization of the management system,
                    and at other times as indicated by the value of
                   "RFC 3775 : Section 6.1.8, 9.5.1"
           ::= { mip6CnGlobalStats 18 }

       -- The Correspondent Node statistics by mobile node

       mip6CnCounterTable OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF Mip6CnCounterEntry
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      current
                   "A table containing each mobile ."
           ::= { mip6CnStats 2 }
Top   ToC   RFC4295 - Page 53
       mip6CnCounterEntry OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Mip6CnCounterEntry
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      current
                   "The set of correspondent node counters for a mobile

                    Implementors need to be aware that if the total
                    number of octets in mip6BindingHomeAddress
                    exceeds 113, then OIDs of column instances in
                    this row will have more than 128 sub-identifiers and
                    cannot be accessed using SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, or SNMPv3.
           INDEX   {    mip6BindingHomeAddressType,
           ::= { mip6CnCounterTable 1 }

       Mip6CnCounterEntry ::=
           SEQUENCE {
              mip6CnBURequestsAccepted       Counter32,
              mip6CnBURequestsRejected       Counter32,
              mip6CnBCEntryCreationTime      DateAndTime,
              mip6CnBUAcceptedTime           DateAndTime,
              mip6CnBURejectionTime          DateAndTime,
              mip6CnBURejectionCode          Mip6BURequestRejectionCode,
              mip6CnCtrDiscontinuityTime     TimeStamp

       mip6CnBURequestsAccepted OBJECT-TYPE   --(Code 0,1)
           SYNTAX      Counter32
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
                   "Total number of Binding Update requests from the
                    mobile node accepted by the correspondent node.
                    If Binding Acknowledgment messages are sent, then
                    the status code in the message will have a value
                    less than 128.
                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
                    occur at re-initialization of the management system,
                    and at other times as indicated by the value of
           ::= { mip6CnCounterEntry 1 }
Top   ToC   RFC4295 - Page 54
       mip6CnBURequestsRejected     OBJECT-TYPE
                                         -- (Code 128 through Code 159)
           SYNTAX      Counter32
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
                  "Total number of Binding Update requests from the
                   mobile node that have been rejected by the
                   correspondent node.  This includes the Binding Update
                   requests for which a Binding Acknowledgment message
                   has been sent with status code value greater than or
                   equal to 128 and the Binding Acknowledgment requests
                   that have been silently discarded.
                   Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
                   occur at re-initialization of the management system,
                   and at other times as indicated by the value of
           ::= { mip6CnCounterEntry 2 }

       mip6CnBCEntryCreationTime        OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      DateAndTime
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
                   "The time when the current Binding Cache entry was
                    created for the mobile node.
           ::= { mip6CnCounterEntry 3 }

       mip6CnBUAcceptedTime OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      DateAndTime
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
                   "The time at which the last Binding Update was
                    accepted by the correspondent node and the
                    corresponding Binding Cache entry was updated.
           ::= { mip6CnCounterEntry 4 }
Top   ToC   RFC4295 - Page 55
       mip6CnBURejectionTime   OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      DateAndTime
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
                   "The time at which the last Binding Update message
                    was rejected by the correspondent node.
                    If there have been no rejections, then this object
                    will be inaccessible.
           ::= { mip6CnCounterEntry 5 }

       mip6CnBURejectionCode  OBJECT-TYPE
              SYNTAX      Mip6BURequestRejectionCode
              MAX-ACCESS  read-only
              STATUS      current
                     "If a Binding Acknowledgment is sent to the mobile
                      node, this is the status code (> 128) that is
                      returned in the Binding Acknowledgment.
                      In case a Binding Acknowledgment is not sent to
                      the mobile node, then this will be the value
                      of the Status code that corresponds to the reason
                      of the rejection.  If there have been no
                      rejections, then this object will be inaccessible.
                   "RFC 3775 : Section 6.1.8"

              ::= { mip6CnCounterEntry 6 }

        mip6CnCtrDiscontinuityTime OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      TimeStamp
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
                  "The value of sysUpTime on the most recent occasion
                   at which any one or more of counters in this row,
                   viz., instances of 'mip6CnBURequestsAccepted' and
                   'mip6CnBURequestsRejected', suffered a discontinuity.
                   If no such discontinuities have occurred since the
                   last re-initialization of the local management
                   subsystem, then this object will have a zero value.
           ::= { mip6CnCounterEntry 7 }

       -- Home agent group
Top   ToC   RFC4295 - Page 56
       mip6HaAdvsRecd OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Counter32
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
                   "Total number of valid Router Advertisements
                    received with the Home Agent (H) bit set, on
                    all the links on which it is serving as a Home
                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
                    occur at re-initialization of the management system,
                    and at other times as indicated by the value of
                   "RFC 3775 : Section 7"
           ::= { mip6HaAdvertisement 1 }

       mip6HaAdvsSent OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Counter32
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
                   "Total number of unsolicited multicast Router
                    Advertisements sent with the Home Agent (H) bit set,
                    on all the links on which the router is serving as
                    a Home Agent.
                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
                    occur at re-initialization of the management system,
                    and at other times as indicated by the value of
                   "RFC 3775 : Section 7"
           ::= { mip6HaAdvertisement 2 }

       mip6HaConfTable OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF Mip6HaConfEntry
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      current
                  "A table containing configurable advertisement
                   parameters for all interfaces on which the
                   home agent service is advertised.
                   It is RECOMMENDED that the last written values
                   of the objects in the conceptual rows of this
Top   ToC   RFC4295 - Page 57
                   table will remain unchanged across reboots of
                   the managed entity provided that the interfaces
                   have not been renumbered after the reboot.
           ::= { mip6HaAdvertisement 3 }

       mip6HaConfEntry OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Mip6HaConfEntry
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      current
                  "Advertisement parameters for an interface.
                   The instances of the columnar objects in this entry
                   pertain to the interface that is uniquely identified
                   by the ipv6InterfaceIfIndex of the interface.  The
                   same ipv6InterfaceIfIndex object is used to uniquely
                   identify instances of the columnar objects of this
                   conceptual row.
           INDEX   { ipv6InterfaceIfIndex }
           ::= { mip6HaConfTable 1 }

       Mip6HaConfEntry    ::= SEQUENCE {
             mip6HaAdvPreference               Integer32,
             mip6HaAdvLifetime                 Integer32,
             mip6HaPrefixAdv                   INTEGER,
             mip6HaPrefixSolicitation          INTEGER,
             mip6HaMCastCtlMsgSupport          INTEGER

       mip6HaAdvPreference OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Integer32 (0..65536)
           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
           STATUS      current
                  "The preference value for the home agent to
                   be used in the Router Advertisements.  Higher
                   value denotes greater preference.
                   "RFC 3775 : Section 7.4, 8.4"
           ::= { mip6HaConfEntry 1 }
Top   ToC   RFC4295 - Page 58
       mip6HaAdvLifetime   OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..65535)
           UNITS       "seconds"
           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
           STATUS      current
                  "The lifetime value for the home agent to be
                   used in the Router Advertisements.
                   "RFC 3775 : Section 7.4"
           ::= { mip6HaConfEntry 2 }

       mip6HaPrefixAdv    OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) }
           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
           STATUS      current
                   "Indicates whether the home agent should support
                    sending of the ICMP Mobile Prefix Advertisements.
                    If it is disabled(2), the home agent will not
                    send ICMP Mobile Prefix Advertisements to the
                    mobile nodes.
                    The state can be changed from enabled(1) to
                    disabled(2) and vice versa by operator
                    Causing the state to change from enabled(1) to
                    disabled(2) will result in the home agent
                    disabling the Prefix advertisement function.
                    On the other hand, changing the status from
                    disabled(2) to enabled(1) will start the prefix
                    advertisement function.
                   "RFC 3775 : Section 8.4"
           ::= { mip6HaConfEntry 3}
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       mip6HaPrefixSolicitation   OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) }
           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
           STATUS      current
                   "Indicates whether the home agent should respond
                    to ICMP Mobile Prefix Solicitation messages it
                    receives from the mobile nodes.  By default, the
                    value will be set to enabled(1).  If it is
                    disabled(2), the home agent will not respond to
                    any ICMP Mobile Prefix Solicitation messages.
                    The state can be changed from enabled(1) to
                    disabled(2), by operator intervention.  Causing
                    the state to change from enabled(1) to
                    disabled(2) will result in the home agent not
                    responding to any ICMP Mobile Prefix
                    Solicitation messages it receives from the
                    mobile nodes.
                   "RFC 3775 : Section 8.4"
           ::= { mip6HaConfEntry 4}

      mip6HaMCastCtlMsgSupport OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) }
           MAX-ACCESS  read-write
           STATUS      current
                   "Indicates whether the home agent should enable
                    support for the processing of the multicast
                    group membership control messages it receives
                    from the mobile nodes.  By default, the value
                    will be set to enabled(1).  If it is
                    disabled(2), the home agent will not process
                    any multicast group control messages it receives
                    from the mobile nodes.
                    The state can be changed from enabled(1) to
                    disabled(2), by operator intervention.  Causing
                    the state to change from enabled(1) to
                    disabled(2) will result in the home agent
                    disabling the processing of the multicast group
                    control messages it received from the mobile
                   "RFC 3775 : Section 10.4.3"
           ::= { mip6HaConfEntry 5}
Top   ToC   RFC4295 - Page 60
       -- Registration Group counters HA

       mip6HaGlobalStats OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mip6HaStats 1 }

       mip6HaHomeTestInitsRecd     OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Counter32
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
                   "Total number of Home Test Init messages received by
                    the home agent.  This will include Home Test Init
                    messages that failed the validity checks.
                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
                    occur at re-initialization of the management system,
                    and at other times as indicated by the value of
                      "RFC 3775 : Section 5.2.5"
           ::= { mip6HaGlobalStats 1 }

       mip6HaHomeTestsSent      OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Counter32
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
                   "Total number of Home Test messages sent by the
                    home agent.
                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
                    occur at re-initialization of the management system,
                    and at other times as indicated by the value of
                      "RFC 3775 : Section 5.2.5"
           ::= { mip6HaGlobalStats 2 }
Top   ToC   RFC4295 - Page 61
       mip6HaBUsRecd     OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Counter32
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
                   "Total number of Binding Updates received by the
                    home agent.
                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
                    occur at re-initialization of the management system,
                    and at other times as indicated by the value of
                      "RFC 3775 : Section 10.3.1"
           ::= { mip6HaGlobalStats 3 }

       mip6HaBUAcksSent    OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Counter32
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
                   "Total number of Binding Acknowledgments sent
                    by the home agent.
                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
                    occur at re-initialization of the management system,
                    and at other times as indicated by the value of
                      "RFC 3775 : Section 10.3.1"
           ::= { mip6HaGlobalStats 4 }

       mip6HaBRAdviceSent OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Counter32
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
                   "Total number of Binding Acknowledgments sent
                    by the home agent with Binding Refresh Advice
                    mobility option included.
                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
                    occur at re-initialization of the management system,
                    and at other times as indicated by the value of
                      "RFC 3775 : Section 10.3.1"
           ::= { mip6HaGlobalStats 5 }
Top   ToC   RFC4295 - Page 62
       mip6HaBUsAccepted   OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Counter32
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
                   "Total number of Binding Updates accepted by this HA.
                    Binding Acknowledgment with status code of 0 or 1.
                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
                    occur at re-initialization of the management system,
                    and at other times as indicated by the value of
                      "RFC 3775 : Section 10.3.1"
           ::= { mip6HaGlobalStats 6 }

       mip6HaPrefDiscoverReqd OBJECT-TYPE        -- (Code 1)
           SYNTAX      Counter32
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
                   "The total number of Binding Acknowledgments sent by
                    the home agent with status code indicating 'accepted
                    but prefix discovery necessary'  (Code 1).
                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
                    occur at re-initialization of the management system,
                    and at other times as indicated by the value of
                      "RFC 3775 : Section 10.3.1"
           ::= { mip6HaGlobalStats 7 }
Top   ToC   RFC4295 - Page 63
       mip6HaReasonUnspecified OBJECT-TYPE               -- (Code 128)
           SYNTAX      Counter32
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
                   "Total number of Binding Update requests rejected by
                    the home agent with status code in the Binding
                    Acknowledgment message indicating 'reason
                    unspecified' (Code 128).
                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
                    occur at re-initialization of the management system,
                    and at other times as indicated by the value of
                      "RFC 3775 : Section 10.3.1"
           ::= { mip6HaGlobalStats 8 }

       mip6HaAdmProhibited OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Counter32
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
                   "Total number of Binding Update requests rejected by
                    the home agent with status code in the Binding
                    Acknowledgment message indicating 'administratively
                    prohibited' (Code 129).
                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
                    occur at re-initialization of the management system,
                    and at other times as indicated by the value of
                      "RFC 3775 : Section 10.3.1"
           ::= { mip6HaGlobalStats 9 }
Top   ToC   RFC4295 - Page 64
       mip6HaInsufficientResource OBJECT-TYPE            -- (Code 130)
           SYNTAX      Counter32
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
                   "Total number of Binding Update requests rejected by
                    the home agent with status code in the Binding
                    Acknowledgment message indicating 'insufficient
                    resources' (Code 130).
                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
                    occur at re-initialization of the management system,
                    and at other times as indicated by the value of
                      "RFC 3775 : Section 9.5.2"
           ::= { mip6HaGlobalStats 10 }

       mip6HaHomeRegnNotSupported OBJECT-TYPE    -- (Code 131)
           SYNTAX      Counter32
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
                   "Total number of Binding Update requests rejected by
                    the home agent with status code in the Binding
                    Acknowledgment message indicating 'home
                    registration not supported' (Code 131).
                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
                    occur at re-initialization of the management system,
                    and at other times as indicated by the value of
                      "RFC 3775 : Section 10.3.1"
           ::= { mip6HaGlobalStats 11 }
Top   ToC   RFC4295 - Page 65
       mip6HaNotHomeSubnet OBJECT-TYPE                   -- (Code 132)
           SYNTAX      Counter32
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
                   "Total number of Binding Update requests rejected by
                    the home agent with status code in the Binding
                    Acknowledgment message indicating 'not home subnet'
                    (Code 132).
                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
                    occur at re-initialization of the management system,
                    and at other times as indicated by the value of
                      "RFC 3775 : Section 10.3.1"
           ::= { mip6HaGlobalStats 12 }

       mip6HaNotHomeAgentForThisMN OBJECT-TYPE           -- (Code 133)
           SYNTAX      Counter32
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
                   "Total number of Binding Update requests rejected by
                    the home agent with status code in the Binding
                    Acknowledgment message indicating 'not home agent
                    for this mobile node' (Code 133).
                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
                    occur at re-initialization of the management system,
                    and at other times as indicated by the value of
                      "RFC 3775 : Section 10.3.2"
           ::= { mip6HaGlobalStats 13 }
Top   ToC   RFC4295 - Page 66
       mip6HaDupAddrDetectionFailed OBJECT-TYPE       -- (Code 134)
           SYNTAX      Counter32
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
                   "Total number of Binding Update requests rejected by
                    the home agent with status code in the Binding
                    Acknowledgment message indicating 'Duplicate
                    Address Detection failed' (Code 134).
                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
                    occur at re-initialization of the management system,
                    and at other times as indicated by the value of
                      "RFC 3775 : Section 10.3.1"
           ::= { mip6HaGlobalStats 14 }

       mip6HaSeqNumberOutOfWindow OBJECT-TYPE            -- (Code 135)
           SYNTAX      Counter32
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
                   "Total number of Binding Update requests rejected by
                    the home agent with status code in the Binding
                    Acknowledgment message indicating 'sequence number
                    out of window' (Code 135).
                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
                    occur at re-initialization of the management system,
                    and at other times as indicated by the value of
                      "RFC 3775 : Section 9.5.1"
           ::= { mip6HaGlobalStats 15 }
Top   ToC   RFC4295 - Page 67
       mip6HaExpiredHomeNonceIndex OBJECT-TYPE           -- (Code 136)
           SYNTAX      Counter32
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
                   "Total number of Binding Update requests rejected by
                    the home agent with status code in the Binding
                    Acknowledgment message indicating 'expired home
                    nonce index' (Code 136).
                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
                    occur at re-initialization of the management system,
                    and at other times as indicated by the value of
                      "RFC 3775 : Section 9.5.1"
           ::= { mip6HaGlobalStats 16 }

       mip6HaRegTypeChangeDisallowed OBJECT-TYPE         -- (Code 139)
           SYNTAX      Counter32
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
                   "Total number of Binding Update requests rejected by
                    the home agent with status code in the Binding
                    Acknowledgment message indicating 'registration
                    type change disallowed' (Code 139), i.e., a binding
                    already exists for the given home address and the
                    home registration flag has a different value than
                    the Home Registration (H) bit in the Binding Update.
                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
                    occur at re-initialization of the management system,
                    and at other times as indicated by the value of
                      "RFC 3775 : Section 9.5.1"
           ::= { mip6HaGlobalStats 17 }

       -- Home agent registration Counters per node
Top   ToC   RFC4295 - Page 68
       mip6HaCounterTable OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF Mip6HaCounterEntry
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      current
                   "A table containing registration statistics for all
                    mobile nodes registered with the home agent.
           ::= { mip6HaStats 2 }

       mip6HaCounterEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Mip6HaCounterEntry
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      current
                   "Home agent registration statistics for a mobile

                    Implementors need to be aware that if the total
                    number of octets in mip6BindingHomeAddress
                    exceeds 113, then OIDs of column instances in
                    this row will have more than 128 sub-identifiers and
                    cannot be accessed using SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, or SNMPv3.
           INDEX   { mip6BindingHomeAddressType,
           ::= { mip6HaCounterTable 1 }

       Mip6HaCounterEntry      ::= SEQUENCE {
           mip6HaBURequestsAccepted       Counter32,
           mip6HaBURequestsDenied         Counter32,
           mip6HaBCEntryCreationTime      DateAndTime,
           mip6HaBUAcceptedTime           DateAndTime,
           mip6HaBURejectionTime          DateAndTime,
           mip6HaRecentBURejectionCode    Mip6BURequestRejectionCode,
           mip6HaCtrDiscontinuityTime     TimeStamp
Top   ToC   RFC4295 - Page 69
       mip6HaBURequestsAccepted OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Counter32
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
                   "Total number of service requests for the mobile node
                    accepted by the home agent.
                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
                    occur at re-initialization of the management system,
                    and at other times as indicated by the value of
           ::= { mip6HaCounterEntry 1 }

       mip6HaBURequestsDenied   OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Counter32
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
                   "Total number of service requests for the mobile node
                    rejected by the home agent.
                    Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
                    occur at re-initialization of the management system,
                    and at other times as indicated by the value of
           ::= { mip6HaCounterEntry 2 }

       mip6HaBCEntryCreationTime   OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      DateAndTime
           UNITS       "seconds"
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
                   "The time when the current Binding Cache entry was
                    created for the mobile node.
           ::= { mip6HaCounterEntry 3 }

       mip6HaBUAcceptedTime  OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      DateAndTime
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
                   "The time at which the last Binding Update was
                    accepted by the home agent for this mobile node.
           ::= { mip6HaCounterEntry 4 }
Top   ToC   RFC4295 - Page 70
       mip6HaBURejectionTime  OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      DateAndTime
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
                   "The time at which the last Binding Update was
                    rejected by the home agent for this mobile node.
                    If there have been no rejections, then this object
                    will be inaccessible.
           ::= { mip6HaCounterEntry 5 }

       mip6HaRecentBURejectionCode  OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Mip6BURequestRejectionCode
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
                   "If a Binding Acknowledgment is sent to the mobile
                    node, this is the status code (> 128) that is
                    returned in the Binding Acknowledgment.
                    In case a Binding Acknowledgment is not sent to the
                    mobile node, then this will be the value of the
                    status code that corresponds to the reason of the
                    If there have been no rejections, then this object
                    will be inaccessible.
           ::= { mip6HaCounterEntry 6 }

        mip6HaCtrDiscontinuityTime OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      TimeStamp
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
                  "The value of sysUpTime on the most recent occasion
                   at which any one or more of counters in this row,
                   viz., instances of 'mip6HaBURequestsAccepted' and
                   'mip6HaBURequestsRejected', suffered a discontinuity.
                   If no such discontinuities have occurred since the
                   last re-initialization of the local management
                   subsystem, then this object will have a zero value.
           ::= { mip6HaCounterEntry 7 }

       -- Home Agent List Table
Top   ToC   RFC4295 - Page 71
       mip6HaListTable OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF Mip6HaListEntry
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      current
                   "This table models the Home Agents List that contains
                    the list of all routers that are acting as home
                    agents on each of the interfaces on which the home
                    agent service is offered by this router.
                      "RFC 3775 : Section 10.1"
           ::= { mip6HaAdvertisement 4 }

       mip6HaListEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Mip6HaListEntry
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      current
                  "Information about a router that is offering home
                   agent service.
                   The instances of the columnar objects in this entry
                   pertain to an interface for a particular value of
                   mip6HaLinkLocalAddressType and
                   mip6HaLinkLocalAddress.  The interface is uniquely
                   identified by its ipv6InterfaceIfIndex.  The same
                   ipv6InterfaceIfIndex object is used in conjunction
                   with the mip6HaLinkLocalAddressType and
                   mip6HaLinkLocalAddress to uniquely identify
                   instances of the columnar objects of this row.

                   Implementors need to be aware that if the total
                   number of octets in mip6HaLinkLocalAddress
                   exceeds 112, then OIDs of column instances in
                   this row will have more than 128 sub-identifiers and
                   cannot be accessed using SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, or SNMPv3.
           INDEX   { ipv6InterfaceIfIndex, mip6HaLinkLocalAddressType,
                                           mip6HaLinkLocalAddress }
           ::= { mip6HaListTable 1 }

       Mip6HaListEntry      ::= SEQUENCE {
           mip6HaLinkLocalAddressType      InetAddressType,
           mip6HaLinkLocalAddress          InetAddress,
           mip6HaPreference                Integer32,
           mip6HaRecvLifeTime              Gauge32,
           mip6HaRecvTimeStamp             DateAndTime
Top   ToC   RFC4295 - Page 72
       mip6HaLinkLocalAddressType  OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      InetAddressType
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      current
                   "The address type for the link-local address
                    of the home agent that follows.
                   "RFC 3775 : Section 10.1"
           ::= { mip6HaListEntry 1 }

       mip6HaLinkLocalAddress  OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      InetAddress
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      current
                   "The link local address of the home agent.

                    The type of the address represented by this object
                    is specified by the corresponding
                    mip6HaLinkLocalAddressType object.
                   "RFC 3775 : Section 10.1"
           ::= { mip6HaListEntry 2 }

      mip6HaPreference     OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Integer32
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
                   "The preference value of this home agent.
                    Higher values indicate a more preferable home
                    agent.  The preference value is obtained from
                    the preference field of the received Router
                   "RFC 3775 : Section 10.1"
           ::= { mip6HaListEntry 3 }
Top   ToC   RFC4295 - Page 73
      mip6HaRecvLifeTime       OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Gauge32
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
                   "The lifetime for this home agent.
                   "RFC 3775 : Section 10.1"
           ::= { mip6HaListEntry 4 }

      mip6HaRecvTimeStamp  OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      DateAndTime
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
                   "The time when the home agent advertisement was
           ::= { mip6HaListEntry 5 }

      -- The list of global addresses of a home agent in the
      -- home agent list

      mip6HaGlAddrTable OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF Mip6HaGlAddrEntry
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      current
                   "This table contains the global addresses of the home
                    agents in the Home Agents List.
                      "RFC 3775 : Section 10.1"
           ::= { mip6HaAdvertisement 5 }
Top   ToC   RFC4295 - Page 74
       mip6HaGlAddrEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Mip6HaGlAddrEntry
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      current
                  "A global address for a home agent in the Home Agents
                   The instances of the columnar objects in this entry
                   pertain to an interface for a particular value of
                   mip6HaLinkLocalAddressType, mip6HaLinkLocalAddress
                   and mip6HaGaAddrSeqNo.
                   The mip6HaGaAddrSeqNo object is used to distinguish
                   between multiple instances of the home agent global
                   addresses on the same interface for the same set of
                   mip6HaLinkLocalAddressType, mip6HaLinkLocalAddress,
                   There is no upper-bound on the maximum number of
                   global addresses on an interface but, for practical
                   purposes, the upper-bound of the value
                   mip6HaGaAddrSeqNo is set to 1024.
                   The interface is uniquely identified by its
                   ipv6InterfaceIfIndex.  The same ipv6InterfaceIfIndex
                   object is used in conjunction with the
                   mip6HaLinkLocalAddressType, mip6HaLinkLocalAddress,
                   and mip6HaGaAddrSeqNo to uniquely identify instances
                   of the columnar objects of this row.

                   Implementors need to be aware that if the total
                   number of octets in mip6HaLinkLocalAddress
                   exceeds 111, then OIDs of column instances in
                   this row will have more than 128 sub-identifiers and
                   cannot be accessed using SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, or SNMPv3.
           INDEX   { ipv6InterfaceIfIndex,   mip6HaLinkLocalAddressType,
                     mip6HaLinkLocalAddress, mip6HaGaAddrSeqNo }
           ::= { mip6HaGlAddrTable 1 }

       Mip6HaGlAddrEntry      ::= SEQUENCE {
           mip6HaGaAddrSeqNo              Integer32,
           mip6HaGaGlobalAddressType      InetAddressType,
           mip6HaGaGlobalAddress          InetAddress
Top   ToC   RFC4295 - Page 75
       mip6HaGaAddrSeqNo  OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      Integer32 (1..1024)
           MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
           STATUS      current
                   "The index that along with ipv6InterfaceIfIndex,
                    mip6HaLinkLocalAddressType, and
                    mip6HaLinkLocalAddress uniquely identifies this row.
                      "RFC 3775 : Section 10.1"
           ::= { mip6HaGlAddrEntry 1 }

       mip6HaGaGlobalAddressType  OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      InetAddressType
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
                   "The address type for the global address of the
                    home agent that follows.
           ::= { mip6HaGlAddrEntry 2 }

       mip6HaGaGlobalAddress  OBJECT-TYPE
           SYNTAX      InetAddress
           MAX-ACCESS  read-only
           STATUS      current
                   "A global address of the home agent.

                    The type of the address represented by this object
                    is specified by the corresponding
                    mip6HaGaGlobalAddressType object.
           ::= { mip6HaGlAddrEntry 3 }

   -- Notifications
Top   ToC   RFC4295 - Page 76
       mip6MnRegistered NOTIFICATION-TYPE
           OBJECTS   {
           STATUS    current
                   "This notification is sent by a home agent when
                    a mobile node registers with the home agent
                    for the first time.
                    Notifications will not be sent for subsequent
                    updates and/or refreshes.
                    The MO instances in the notifications will be
                    identified by the mip6BindingHomeAddressType
                    and mip6BindingHomeAddress for the mobile node
                    in the mip6BindingCacheTable.
                      "RFC 3775 : Section 10.3.1"
           ::= { mip6Notifications 1 }

       mip6MnDeRegistered NOTIFICATION-TYPE
           OBJECTS   {
           STATUS    current
                   "This notification is sent by a home agent every
                    time a mobile node de-registers with the home
                    agent by sending a Binding Update that requests
                    the home agent to delete a binding.
                    The MO instances in the notifications will be
                    identified by the mip6BindingHomeAddressType
                    and mip6BindingHomeAddress for the mobile node
                    in the mip6BindingCacheTable.
                      "RFC 3775 : Section 10.3.2"
           ::= { mip6Notifications 2 }
Top   ToC   RFC4295 - Page 77
           OBJECTS   {
           STATUS    current
                   "This notification is sent by a home agent every
                    time a mobile node sends a Binding Update with
                    a new care-of address (for an existing Binding
                    Cache entry).
                    Notifications will not be sent for subsequent
                    updates and/or refreshes for the same Care-of
                    The registration of a new care-of address may
                    indicate that the mobile node has moved or that
                    the primary care-of address of the mobile node
                    has become deprecated.
                    The MO instances in the notifications will be
                    identified by the mip6BindingHomeAddressType
                    and mip6BindingHomeAddress for the mobile node
                    in the mip6BindingCacheTable.
                      "RFC 3775 : Section 11.5.2, 11.7.1"
           ::= { mip6Notifications 3 }

       mip6MnBindingExpiredAtHA NOTIFICATION-TYPE
           OBJECTS   {
           STATUS    current
                   "This notification is sent by a home agent when a
                    binding for the mobile node at the home agent
                    expired (no timely Binding Updates were received).
                    The MO instances in the notifications will be
                    identified by the mip6BindingHomeAddressType
                    and mip6BindingHomeAddress for the mobile node
                    in the mip6BindingCacheTable.
                      "RFC 3775 : Section 10.3.2"
           ::= { mip6Notifications 4 }