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RFC 3805

Printer MIB v2

Pages: 171
Proposed Standard
Obsoletes:  1759
Part 4 of 6 – Pages 86 to 114
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Top   ToC   RFC3805 - Page 86   prevText
        "A description of the media contained in this input sub-unit;
        This description is to be used by a client to format and
        Localize a string for display to a human operator.  This
        description is not processed by the printer.  It is used to
        provide information not expressible in terms of the other
        media attributes (e.g., prtInputMediaDimFeedDirChosen,
        prtInputMediaDimXFeedDirChosen, prtInputMediaWeight,
    -- The following reference was not included in RFC 1759.
         "The PWG Standardized Media Names specification [PWGMEDIA]
         contains the recommended values for this object.  See also
         RFC 3805 Appendix C,'Media Names', which lists the values
         Of standardized media names defined in ISO/IEC 10175."
    ::= { prtInputEntry 12 }

--             INPUT MEASUREMENT
--     _______ |               |
--      ^      |               |
--      |      |               |                 |
--      |      |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _| _______________ |direction
--      |      |               |      ^          v
-- MaxCapacity |    Sheets     |      |
--      |      |     left      | CurrentLevel
--      |      |      in       |      |
--      v      |     tray      |      v
--     _______ +_______________+ _______

-- The Extended Input Group

prtInputName OBJECT-TYPE
    MAX-ACCESS read-write
    STATUS     current
        "The name assigned to this input sub-unit."
    ::= { prtInputEntry 13 }

prtInputVendorName OBJECT-TYPE
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The vendor name of this input sub-unit."
    ::= { prtInputEntry 14 }
Top   ToC   RFC3805 - Page 87
prtInputModel OBJECT-TYPE
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The model name of this input sub-unit."
    ::= { prtInputEntry 15 }

prtInputVersion OBJECT-TYPE
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The version of this input sub-unit."
    ::= { prtInputEntry 16 }

prtInputSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The serial number assigned to this input sub-unit."
    ::= { prtInputEntry 17 }

prtInputDescription OBJECT-TYPE
    -- In RFC 1759, the SYNTAX was OCTET STRING.  This has been changed
    -- to a TC to better support localization of the object.
    SYNTAX     PrtLocalizedDescriptionStringTC
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "A free-form text description of this input sub-unit in the
        localization specified by  prtGeneralCurrentLocalization."
    ::= { prtInputEntry 18 }

prtInputSecurity OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     PresentOnOff
    MAX-ACCESS read-write
    STATUS     current
        "Indicates if this input sub-unit has some security associated
        with it."
    ::= { prtInputEntry 19 }

-- The Input Media Group
-- The Input Media Group supports identification of media
-- installed or available for use on a printing device.
Top   ToC   RFC3805 - Page 88
-- Medium resources are identified by name, and include a
-- collection of characteristic attributes that may further be
-- used for selection and management of them.
-- The Input Media group consists of a set of optional
-- "columns" in the Input Table.  In this manner, a minimally
-- conforming implementation may choose to not support reporting
-- of media resources if it cannot do so.

prtInputMediaWeight  OBJECT-TYPE
    -- NOTE: In RFC 1759, the range was not defined.
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (-2..2147483647)
    MAX-ACCESS read-write
    STATUS     current
        "The weight of the medium associated with this input sub-unit
        in grams / per meter squared.  The value (-2) means unknown."
    ::= { prtInputEntry 20 }

prtInputMediaType OBJECT-TYPE
    MAX-ACCESS read-write
    STATUS     current
        "The name of the type of medium associated with this input sub
        unit.  This name need not be processed by the printer; it might
        simply be displayed to an operator.

        NOTE: The above description has been modified from RFC 1759."
    -- The following reference was not included in RFC 1759.
        "The PWG Standardized Media Names specification [PWGMEDIA],
        section 3 Media Type Names, contains the recommended values for
        this object.  Implementers may add additional string values.
        The naming conventions in ISO 9070 are recommended in order to
        avoid potential name clashes."
    ::= { prtInputEntry 21 }

prtInputMediaColor OBJECT-TYPE
    MAX-ACCESS read-write
    STATUS     current
        "The name of the color of the medium associated with
        this input sub-unit using standardized string values.

        NOTE: The above description has been modified from RFC 1759."
    -- The following reference was not included in RFC 1759.
Top   ToC   RFC3805 - Page 89
        "The PWG Standardized Media Names specification [PWGMEDIA],
        section 4 Media Color Names, contains the recommended values
        for this object.  Implementers may add additional string values.
        The naming conventions in ISO 9070 are recommended in order to
        avoid potential name clashes."
    ::= { prtInputEntry 22 }

prtInputMediaFormParts OBJECT-TYPE
    -- NOTE: In RFC 1759, the range was not defined.
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (-2..2147483647)
    MAX-ACCESS read-write
    STATUS     current
        "The number of parts associated with the medium
        associated with this input sub-unit if the medium is a
        multi-part form.  The value (-1) means other and
        specifically indicates that the device places no
        restrictions on this parameter.  The value (-2) means
    ::= { prtInputEntry 23 }

-- The Input Switching Group
-- The input switching group allows the administrator to set the
-- input subunit time-out for the printer and to control the
-- automatic input subunit switching by the printer when an input
-- subunit becomes empty.

prtInputMediaLoadTimeout OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX     Integer32 (-2..2147483647)
   MAX-ACCESS read-write
   STATUS     current
        "When the printer is not able to print due to a subunit being
        empty or the requested media must be manually loaded, the
        printer will wait for the duration (in seconds) specified by
        this object.  Upon expiration of the time-out, the printer will
        take the action specified by prtInputNextIndex.

        The event which causes the printer to enter the waiting state
        is product specific.  If the printer is not waiting for manually
        fed media, it may switch from an empty subunit to a different
        subunit without waiting for the time-out to expire.

        A value of (-1) implies 'other' or 'infinite' which translates
        to 'wait forever'.  The action which causes printing to continue
        is product specific.  A value of (-2) implies 'unknown'."
   ::= { prtInputEntry 24 }
Top   ToC   RFC3805 - Page 90
prtInputNextIndex OBJECT-TYPE
   SYNTAX     Integer32 (-3..2147483647)
   MAX-ACCESS read-write
   STATUS     current
        "The value of prtInputIndex corresponding to the input subunit
        which will be used when this input subunit is emptied and the
        time-out specified by prtInputMediaLoadTimeout expires.  A value
        of zero(0) indicates that auto input switching will not occur
        when this input subunit is emptied.  If the time-out specified
        by prtInputLoadMediaTimeout expires and this value is zero(0),
        the job will be aborted.  A value of (-1) means other.  The
        value (-2)means 'unknown' and specifically indicates that an
        implementation specific method will determine the next input
        subunit to use at the time this subunit is emptied and the time
        out expires.  The value(-3) means input switching is not
        supported for this subunit."
   ::= { prtInputEntry 25 }

-- The Output Group
-- Output sub-units are managed as a tabular, indexed collection
-- of possible devices capable of receiving media delivered from
-- the printing process.  Output sub-units typically have a
-- location, a type, an identifier, a set of constraints on
-- possible media sizes and potentially other characteristics,
-- and may be capable of indicating current status or capacity.

prtOutput  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { printmib 9 }

prtOutputTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF PrtOutputEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
        "A table of the devices capable of receiving media delivered
        from the printing process."
    ::= { prtOutput 2 }

prtOutputEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     PrtOutputEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
        "Attributes of a device capable of receiving media delivered
        from the printing process.  Entries may exist in the table for
        each device index with a device type of 'printer'.
Top   ToC   RFC3805 - Page 91
        NOTE: The above description has been modified from RFC 1759
        for clarification."
   INDEX  { hrDeviceIndex, prtOutputIndex }
    ::= { prtOutputTable 1 }

PrtOutputEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    prtOutputIndex                    Integer32,
    prtOutputType                     PrtOutputTypeTC,
    prtOutputCapacityUnit             PrtCapacityUnitTC,
    prtOutputMaxCapacity              Integer32,
    prtOutputRemainingCapacity        Integer32,
    prtOutputStatus                   PrtSubUnitStatusTC,
    prtOutputName                     OCTET STRING,
    prtOutputVendorName               OCTET STRING,
    prtOutputModel                    OCTET STRING,
    prtOutputVersion                  OCTET STRING,
    prtOutputSerialNumber             OCTET STRING,
    prtOutputDescription              PrtLocalizedDescriptionStringTC,
    prtOutputSecurity                 PresentOnOff,
    prtOutputDimUnit                  PrtMediaUnitTC,
    prtOutputMaxDimFeedDir            Integer32,
    prtOutputMaxDimXFeedDir           Integer32,
    prtOutputMinDimFeedDir            Integer32,
    prtOutputMinDimXFeedDir           Integer32,
    prtOutputStackingOrder        PrtOutputStackingOrderTC,
    prtOutputBursting                 PresentOnOff,
    prtOutputDecollating              PresentOnOff,
    prtOutputPageCollated             PresentOnOff,
    prtOutputOffsetStacking           PresentOnOff

prtOutputIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    -- NOTE: In RFC 1759, the range was not defined.
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
        "A unique value used by this printer to identify this output
        sub-unit.  Although these values may change due to a major
        reconfiguration of the sub-unit (e.g., the addition of new
        output devices to the printer), values SHOULD remain stable
        across successive printer power cycles.

        NOTE: The above description has been modified from RFC 1759
        for clarification."
    ::= { prtOutputEntry 1 }
Top   ToC   RFC3805 - Page 92
prtOutputType OBJECT-TYPE
    -- NOTE: In RFC 1759, the enumeration values were implicitly defined
    -- by this object.
    SYNTAX     PrtOutputTypeTC
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The type of technology supported by this output sub-unit."
    ::= { prtOutputEntry 2 }

prtOutputCapacityUnit OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     PrtCapacityUnitTC
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The unit of measurement for use in calculating and relaying
        capacity values for this output sub-unit."
    ::= { prtOutputEntry 3 }

prtOutputMaxCapacity OBJECT-TYPE
    -- NOTE: In RFC 1759, the range was not defined.
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (-2..2147483647)
    MAX-ACCESS read-write
    STATUS     current
        "The maximum capacity of this output sub-unit in output sub-
        unit capacity units (PrtCapacityUnitTC).  There is no convention
        associated with the media itself so this value essentially
        reflects claimed capacity.  If this output sub-unit can reliably
        sense this value, the value is sensed by the printer and may
        not be changed by management requests; otherwise, the value may
        be written (by a Remote Control Panel or a Management
        Application).  The value (-1) means other and specifically
        indicates that the sub-unit places no restrictions on this
        parameter.  The value (-2) means unknown."
    ::= { prtOutputEntry 4 }

prtOutputRemainingCapacity OBJECT-TYPE
    -- NOTE: In RFC 1759, the range was not defined.
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (-3..2147483647)
    MAX-ACCESS read-write
    STATUS     current
        "The remaining capacity of the possible output sub-unit
        capacity in output sub-unit capacity units
        (PrtCapacityUnitTC)of this output sub-unit.  If this output sub-
        unit can reliably sense this value, the value is sensed by the
        printer and may not be modified by management requests;
Top   ToC   RFC3805 - Page 93
        otherwise, the value may be written (by a Remote Control Panel
        or a Management Application).  The value (-1) means other and
        specifically indicates that the sub-unit places no restrictions
        on this parameter.  The value (-2) means unknown.  The value
        (-3) means that the printer knows that there remains capacity
        for at least one unit."
    ::= { prtOutputEntry 5 }

prtOutputStatus OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     PrtSubUnitStatusTC
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The current status of this output sub-unit."
    ::= { prtOutputEntry 6 }

--   _______  |                | ________
--      ^     |                |     ^
--      |     |                |     |
--      |     |                |RemainingCapacity
-- MaxCapacity|                |     |
--      |     |                |     v           ^
--      |     |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | _______________ |direction
--      |     |    Sheets      |                 |
--      |     |      in        |
--      v     |    Output      |
--   _______  +________________+

-- The Extended Output Group

prtOutputName OBJECT-TYPE
    MAX-ACCESS read-write
    STATUS     current
        "The name assigned to this output sub-unit."
    ::= { prtOutputEntry 7 }

prtOutputVendorName OBJECT-TYPE
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The vendor name of this output sub-unit."
    ::= { prtOutputEntry 8 }
Top   ToC   RFC3805 - Page 94
prtOutputModel OBJECT-TYPE
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The model name assigned to this output sub-unit.

        NOTE: The above description has been modified from RFC 1759
        for clarification."
    ::= { prtOutputEntry 9 }

prtOutputVersion OBJECT-TYPE
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The version of this output sub-unit."
    ::= { prtOutputEntry 10 }

prtOutputSerialNumber OBJECT-TYPE
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The serial number assigned to this output sub-unit."
    ::= { prtOutputEntry 11 }

prtOutputDescription OBJECT-TYPE
    -- In RFC 1759, the SYNTAX was OCTET STRING.  This has been changed
    -- to a TC to better support localization of the object.
    SYNTAX     PrtLocalizedDescriptionStringTC
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "A free-form text description of this output sub-unit in the
        localization specified by prtGeneralCurrentLocalization."
    ::= { prtOutputEntry 12 }

prtOutputSecurity OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     PresentOnOff
    MAX-ACCESS read-write
    STATUS     current
        "Indicates if this output sub-unit has some security associated
        with it and if that security is enabled or not."
    ::= { prtOutputEntry 13 }
Top   ToC   RFC3805 - Page 95
-- The Output Dimensions Group

prtOutputDimUnit OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     PrtMediaUnitTC
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The unit of measurement for use in calculating and relaying
        dimensional values for this output sub-unit."
    ::= { prtOutputEntry 14 }

prtOutputMaxDimFeedDir OBJECT-TYPE
    -- NOTE: In RFC 1759, the range was not defined.
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (-2..2147483647)
    MAX-ACCESS read-write
    STATUS     current
        "The maximum dimensions supported by this output sub-unit
        for measurements taken parallel relative to the feed
        direction associated with that sub-unit in output
        sub-unit dimensional units (controlled by prtOutputDimUnit,
        which uses PrtMediaUnitTC).  If this output sub-unit can
        reliably sense this value, the value is sensed by the printer
        and may not be changed with management protocol operations.
        The value (-1) means other and specifically indicates that the
        sub-unit places no restrictions on this parameter.  The value
        (-2) means unknown.

        NOTE: The above description has been modified from RFC 1759
        for clarification and to explain the purpose of (-1) and (-2)."
    ::= { prtOutputEntry 15 }

prtOutputMaxDimXFeedDir OBJECT-TYPE
    -- NOTE: In RFC 1759, the range was not defined.
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (-2..2147483647)
    MAX-ACCESS read-write
    STATUS     current
        "The maximum dimensions supported by this output sub-unit
        for measurements taken ninety degrees relative to the
        feed direction associated with that sub-unit in output
        sub-unit dimensional units (controlled by prtOutputDimUnit,
        which uses PrtMediaUnitTC).  If this output sub-unit can
        reliably sense this value, the value is sensed by the printer
        and may not be changed with management protocol operations.
        The value (-1) means other and specifically indicates that the
        sub-unit places no restrictions on this parameter.  The value
        (-2) means unknown.
Top   ToC   RFC3805 - Page 96
        NOTE: The above description has been modified from RFC 1759
        for clarification and to explain the purpose of (-1) and (-2)."
    ::= { prtOutputEntry 16 }

prtOutputMinDimFeedDir OBJECT-TYPE
    -- NOTE: In RFC 1759, the range was not defined.
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (-2..2147483647)
    MAX-ACCESS read-write
    STATUS     current
        "The minimum dimensions supported by this output sub-unit
        for measurements taken parallel relative to the feed
        direction associated with that sub-unit in output
        sub-unit dimensional units (controlled by prtOutputDimUnit,
        which uses PrtMediaUnitTC).  If this output sub-unit can
        reliably sense this value, the value is sensed by the printer
        and may not be changed with management protocol operations.
        The value (-1) means other and specifically indicates that the
        sub-unit places no restrictions on this parameter.  The value
        (-2) means unknown.

        NOTE: The above description has been modified from RFC 1759
        for clarification and to explain the purpose of (-1) and (-2)."
    ::= { prtOutputEntry 17 }

prtOutputMinDimXFeedDir OBJECT-TYPE
    -- NOTE: In RFC 1759, the range was not defined.
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (-2..2147483647)
    MAX-ACCESS read-write
    STATUS     current
        "The minimum dimensions supported by this output sub-unit
        for measurements taken ninety degrees relative to the
        feed direction associated with that sub-unit in output
        sub-unit dimensional units (controlled by prtOutputDimUnit,
        which uses PrtMediaUnitTC).  If this output sub-unit can
        reliably sense this value, the value is sensed by the printer
        and may not be changed with management protocol operations.
        The value (-1) means other and specifically indicates that the
        sub-unit places no restrictions on this parameter.  The value
        (-2) means unknown.

        NOTE: The above description has been modified from RFC 1759
        for clarification and to explain the purpose of (-1) and (-2)."
    ::= { prtOutputEntry 18 }
Top   ToC   RFC3805 - Page 97
-- The Output Features Group

prtOutputStackingOrder OBJECT-TYPE
    --  NOTE: In RFC 1759, the enumeration values were implicitly
    --  defined by this object.
    SYNTAX     PrtOutputStackingOrderTC
    MAX-ACCESS read-write
    STATUS     current
        "The current state of the stacking order for the
        associated output sub-unit. 'FirstToLast' means
        that as pages are output the front of the next page is
        placed against the back of the previous page.
        'LasttoFirst' means that as pages are output the back
        of the next page is placed against the front of the
        previous page."
    ::= { prtOutputEntry 19 }

prtOutputPageDeliveryOrientation OBJECT-TYPE
    --  NOTE: In RFC 1759, the enumeration values were implicitly
    --  defined by this object.
    SYNTAX     PrtOutputPageDeliveryOrientationTC
    MAX-ACCESS read-write
    STATUS     current
        "The reading surface that will be 'up' when pages are
        delivered to the associated output sub-unit.  Values are
        faceUp and faceDown.  (Note: interpretation of these
        values is in general context-dependent based on locale;
        presentation of these values to an end-user should be
        normalized to the expectations of the user)."
    ::= { prtOutputEntry 20 }

prtOutputBursting OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     PresentOnOff
    MAX-ACCESS read-write
    STATUS     current
        "This object indicates that the outputting sub-unit supports
        bursting, and if so, whether the feature is enabled.  Bursting
        is the process by which continuous media is separated into
        individual sheets, typically by bursting along pre-formed
    ::= { prtOutputEntry 21 }

prtOutputDecollating OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     PresentOnOff
    MAX-ACCESS read-write
Top   ToC   RFC3805 - Page 98
    STATUS     current
        "This object indicates that the output supports decollating,
        and if so, whether the feature is enabled.  Decollating is the
        process by which the individual parts within a multi-part form
        are separated and sorted into separate stacks for each part."
    ::= { prtOutputEntry 22 }

prtOutputPageCollated OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     PresentOnOff
    MAX-ACCESS read-write
    STATUS     current
        "This object indicates that the output sub-unit supports page
        collation, and if so, whether the feature is enabled.  See RFC
        3805 Appendix A, Glossary Of Terms, for definition of how this
        document defines collation.

        NOTE: The above description has been modified from RFC 1759
        for clarification."
    ::= { prtOutputEntry 23 }

prtOutputOffsetStacking OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     PresentOnOff
    MAX-ACCESS read-write
    STATUS     current
        "This object indicates that the output supports offset
        stacking,and if so, whether the feature is enabled.  See RFC
        3805 Appendix A, Glossary Of Terms,  for how Offset Stacking is
        defined by this document.

        NOTE: The above description has been modified from RFC 1759
        for clarification."
    ::= { prtOutputEntry 24 }

-- The Marker Group
-- A marker is the mechanism that produces marks on the print
-- media.  The marker sub-units and their associated supplies are
-- represented by the Marker Group in the model.  A printer can
-- contain one or more marking mechanisms.  Some examples of
-- multiple marker sub-units are: a printer
-- with separate markers for normal and magnetic ink or an
-- imagesetter that can output to both a proofing device and
-- final film.  Each marking device can have its own set of
-- characteristics associated with it, such as marking technology
-- and resolution.
Top   ToC   RFC3805 - Page 99
prtMarker OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { printmib 10 }

-- The printable area margins as listed below define an area of
-- the print media which is guaranteed to be printable for all
-- combinations of input, media paths, and interpreters for this
-- marker.

prtMarkerTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF PrtMarkerEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
        "The marker table provides a description of each marker
        sub-unit contained within the printer.

        NOTE: The above description has been modified from RFC 1759
        for clarification."
    ::= { prtMarker 2 }

prtMarkerEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     PrtMarkerEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
        "Entries in this table define the characteristics and status
        of each marker sub-unit in the printer.

        NOTE: The above description has been modified from RFC 1759
        for clarification."
    INDEX  { hrDeviceIndex, prtMarkerIndex }
    ::= { prtMarkerTable 1 }

PrtMarkerEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    prtMarkerIndex                  Integer32,
    prtMarkerMarkTech               PrtMarkerMarkTechTC,
    prtMarkerCounterUnit            PrtMarkerCounterUnitTC,
    prtMarkerLifeCount              Counter32,
    prtMarkerPowerOnCount           Counter32,
    prtMarkerProcessColorants       Integer32,
    prtMarkerSpotColorants          Integer32,
    prtMarkerAddressabilityUnit     PrtMarkerAddressabilityUnitTC,
    prtMarkerAddressabilityFeedDir  Integer32,
    prtMarkerAddressabilityXFeedDir Integer32,
    prtMarkerNorthMargin            Integer32,
    prtMarkerSouthMargin            Integer32,
    prtMarkerWestMargin             Integer32,
    prtMarkerEastMargin             Integer32,
    prtMarkerStatus                 PrtSubUnitStatusTC
Top   ToC   RFC3805 - Page 100

prtMarkerIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
        "A unique value used by the printer to identify this marking
        SubUnit.  Although these values may change due to a major
        reconfiguration of the device (e.g., the addition of new marking
        sub-units to the printer), values SHOULD remain stable across
        successive printer power cycles.

        NOTE: The above description has been modified from RFC 1759
        for clarification."
    ::= { prtMarkerEntry 1 }

prtMarkerMarkTech OBJECT-TYPE
    --  NOTE: In RFC 1759, the enumeration values were implicitly
    --  defined by this object.
    SYNTAX     PrtMarkerMarkTechTC
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The type of marking technology used for this marking
    ::= { prtMarkerEntry 2 }

prtMarkerCounterUnit OBJECT-TYPE
    --  NOTE: In RFC 1759, the enumeration values were implicitly
    --  defined by this object.
    SYNTAX     PrtMarkerCounterUnitTC
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The unit that will be used by the printer when reporting
        counter values for this marking sub-unit.  The time units of
        measure are provided for a device like a strip recorder that
        does not or cannot track the physical dimensions of the media
        and does not use characters, lines or sheets."
    ::= { prtMarkerEntry 3 }

prtMarkerLifeCount OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The count of the number of units of measure counted during the
Top   ToC   RFC3805 - Page 101
        life of printer using units of measure as specified by

        Note: This object should be implemented as a persistent object
        with a reliable value throughout the lifetime of the printer."
    ::= { prtMarkerEntry 4 }

prtMarkerPowerOnCount OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The count of the number of units of measure counted since the
        equipment was most recently powered on using units of measure
        as specified by prtMarkerCounterUnit."
    ::= { prtMarkerEntry 5 }

prtMarkerProcessColorants OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..65535)
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The number of process colors supported by this marker.  A
        process color of 1 implies monochrome.  The value of this
        object and prtMarkerSpotColorants cannot both be 0.  The value
        of prtMarkerProcessColorants must be 0 or greater.

        NOTE: The above description has been modified from RFC 1759
        for clarification."
    ::= { prtMarkerEntry 6 }

prtMarkerSpotColorants OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..65535)
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The number of spot colors supported by this marker.  The value
        of this object and prtMarkerProcessColorants cannot both be 0.
        Must be 0 or greater.

        NOTE: The above description has been modified from RFC 1759
        for clarification."
    ::= { prtMarkerEntry 7 }

prtMarkerAddressabilityUnit OBJECT-TYPE
    --  NOTE: In RFC 1759, the enumeration values were implicitly
    --  defined by this object.
    SYNTAX     PrtMarkerAddressabilityUnitTC
Top   ToC   RFC3805 - Page 102
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The unit of measure of distances, as applied to the marker's

        NOTE: The above description has been modified from RFC 1759
        for clarification."
    ::= { prtMarkerEntry 8 }

prtMarkerAddressabilityFeedDir OBJECT-TYPE
    -- NOTE: In RFC 1759, the range was not defined.
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (-2..2147483647)
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The maximum number of addressable marking positions in the
        feed direction per 10000 units of measure specified by
        prtMarkerAddressabilityUnit.  A value of (-1) implies 'other'
        or 'infinite' while a value of (-2) implies 'unknown'.

        NOTE: The above description has been modified from RFC 1759
        for clarification."
    ::= { prtMarkerEntry 9 }

prtMarkerAddressabilityXFeedDir OBJECT-TYPE
    -- NOTE: In RFC 1759, the range was not defined.
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (-2..2147483647)
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The maximum number of addressable marking positions in the
        cross feed direction in 10000 units of measure specified by
        prtMarkerAddressabilityUnit.  A value of (-1) implies 'other'
        or 'infinite' while a value of (-2) implies 'unknown'.

        NOTE: The above description has been modified from RFC 1759
        for clarification."
    ::= { prtMarkerEntry 10 }

prtMarkerNorthMargin OBJECT-TYPE
    -- NOTE: In RFC 1759, the range was not defined.
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (-2..2147483647)
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The margin, in units identified by prtMarkerAddressabilityUnit,
        from the leading edge of the medium as the medium flows through
Top   ToC   RFC3805 - Page 103
        the marking engine with the side to be imaged facing the
        observer.  The leading edge is the North edge and the other
        edges are defined by the normal compass layout of  directions
        with the compass facing the observer.  Printing within the area
        bounded by all four margins is guaranteed for all interpreters.
        The value (-2) means unknown."
    ::= { prtMarkerEntry 11 }

prtMarkerSouthMargin OBJECT-TYPE
    -- NOTE: In RFC 1759, the range was not defined.
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (-2..2147483647)
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The margin from the South edge  (see prtMarkerNorthMargin) of
        the medium in units identified by prtMarkerAddressabilityUnit.
        Printing within the area bounded by all four margins  is
        guaranteed for all interpreters.  The value (-2) means unknown."
    ::= { prtMarkerEntry 12 }

prtMarkerWestMargin OBJECT-TYPE
    -- NOTE: In RFC 1759, the range was not defined.
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (-2..2147483647)
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The margin from the West edge (see prtMarkerNorthMargin) of
        the medium in units identified by prtMarkerAddressabilityUnit.
        Printing within the area bounded by all four margins is
        guaranteed for all interpreters.  The value (-2) means unknown."
    ::= { prtMarkerEntry 13 }

prtMarkerEastMargin OBJECT-TYPE
    -- NOTE: In RFC 1759, the range was not defined.
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (-2..2147483647)
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The margin from the East edge (see prtMarkerNorthMargin) of
        the medium in units identified by prtMarkerAddressabilityUnit.
        Printing within the area bounded by all four margins is
        guaranteed for all interpreters.  The value (-2) means unknown."
    ::= { prtMarkerEntry 14 }

prtMarkerStatus OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     PrtSubUnitStatusTC
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
Top   ToC   RFC3805 - Page 104
        "The current status of this marker sub-unit."
    ::= { prtMarkerEntry 15 }

-- The Marker Supplies Group

prtMarkerSupplies OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { printmib 11 }

prtMarkerSuppliesTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF PrtMarkerSuppliesEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
        "A table of the marker supplies available on this printer."
    ::= { prtMarkerSupplies 1 }

prtMarkerSuppliesEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     PrtMarkerSuppliesEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
        "Attributes of a marker supply.  Entries may exist in the table
        for each device index with a device type of 'printer'.

        NOTE: The above description has been modified from RFC 1759
        for clarification."
    INDEX  { hrDeviceIndex, prtMarkerSuppliesIndex }
    ::= { prtMarkerSuppliesTable 1 }
PrtMarkerSuppliesEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    prtMarkerSuppliesIndex          Integer32,
    prtMarkerSuppliesMarkerIndex    Integer32,
    prtMarkerSuppliesColorantIndex  Integer32,
    prtMarkerSuppliesClass          PrtMarkerSuppliesClassTC,
    prtMarkerSuppliesType           PrtMarkerSuppliesTypeTC,
    prtMarkerSuppliesDescription    PrtLocalizedDescriptionStringTC,
    prtMarkerSuppliesSupplyUnit     PrtMarkerSuppliesSupplyUnitTC,
    prtMarkerSuppliesMaxCapacity    Integer32,
    prtMarkerSuppliesLevel          Integer32

prtMarkerSuppliesIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
        "A unique value used by the printer to identify this marker
        supply.  Although these values may change due to a major
        reconfiguration of the device (e.g., the addition of new marker
Top   ToC   RFC3805 - Page 105
        supplies to the printer), values SHOULD remain stable across
        successive printer power cycles.

        NOTE: The above description has been modified from RFC 1759
        for clarification."
    ::= { prtMarkerSuppliesEntry 1 }

prtMarkerSuppliesMarkerIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..65535)
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The value of prtMarkerIndex corresponding to the marking sub
        unit with which this marker supply sub-unit is associated."
    ::= { prtMarkerSuppliesEntry 2 }

prtMarkerSuppliesColorantIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..65535)
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The value of prtMarkerColorantIndex corresponding to the
        colorant with which this marker supply sub-unit is associated.
        This value shall be 0 if there is no colorant table or if this
        supply does not depend on a single specified colorant.
        NOTE: The above description has been modified from RFC 1759
        for clarification."
    ::= { prtMarkerSuppliesEntry 3 }

prtMarkerSuppliesClass OBJECT-TYPE
    --  NOTE: In RFC 1759, the enumeration values were implicitly
    --  defined by this object.
    SYNTAX     PrtMarkerSuppliesClassTC
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "Indicates whether this supply entity represents a supply that
        is consumed or a receptacle that is filled.

        NOTE: The above description has been modified from RFC 1759
        for clarification."
    ::= { prtMarkerSuppliesEntry 4 }

prtMarkerSuppliesType OBJECT-TYPE
    --  NOTE: In RFC 1759, the enumeration values were implicitly
    --  defined by this object.
    SYNTAX     PrtMarkerSuppliesTypeTC
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
Top   ToC   RFC3805 - Page 106
    STATUS     current
        "The type of this supply."
    ::= { prtMarkerSuppliesEntry 5 }

prtMarkerSuppliesDescription OBJECT-TYPE
    -- In RFC 1759, the SYNTAX was OCTET STRING.  This has been changed
    -- to a TC to better support localization of the object.
    SYNTAX     PrtLocalizedDescriptionStringTC
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The description of this supply container/receptacle in the
        localization specified by prtGeneralCurrentLocalization."
    ::= { prtMarkerSuppliesEntry 6 }

prtMarkerSuppliesSupplyUnit OBJECT-TYPE
    --  NOTE: In RFC 1759, the enumeration values were implicitly
    --  defined by this object.
    SYNTAX     PrtMarkerSuppliesSupplyUnitTC
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "Unit of measure of this marker supply container/receptacle.

        NOTE: The above description has been modified from RFC 1759
        for clarification."
    ::= { prtMarkerSuppliesEntry 7 }

prtMarkerSuppliesMaxCapacity OBJECT-TYPE
    -- NOTE: In RFC 1759, the range was not defined.
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (-2..2147483647)
    MAX-ACCESS read-write
    STATUS     current
        "The maximum capacity of this supply container/receptacle
        expressed in prtMarkerSuppliesSupplyUnit.  If this supply
        container/receptacle can reliably sense this value, the value
        is reported by the printer and is read-only; otherwise, the
        value may be written (by a Remote Control Panel or a Management
        Application).  The value (-1) means other and specifically
        indicates that the sub-unit places no restrictions on this
        parameter.  The value (-2) means unknown."
    ::= { prtMarkerSuppliesEntry 8 }

prtMarkerSuppliesLevel OBJECT-TYPE
    -- NOTE: In RFC 1759, the range was not defined.
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (-3..2147483647)
Top   ToC   RFC3805 - Page 107
    MAX-ACCESS read-write
    STATUS     current
        "The current level if this supply is a container; the remaining
        space if this supply is a receptacle.  If this supply
        container/receptacle can reliably sense this value, the value
        is reported by the printer and is read-only; otherwise, the
        value may be written (by a Remote Control Panel or a Management
        Application).  The value (-1) means other and specifically
        indicates that the sub-unit places no restrictions on this
        parameter.  The value (-2) means unknown.  A value of (-3) means
        that the printer knows that there is some supply/remaining
        space, respectively."
    ::= { prtMarkerSuppliesEntry 9 }

-- The Marker Colorant Group

prtMarkerColorant OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { printmib 12 }

prtMarkerColorantTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF PrtMarkerColorantEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
        "A table of all of the colorants available on the printer."
    ::= { prtMarkerColorant 1 }

prtMarkerColorantEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     PrtMarkerColorantEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
        "Attributes of a colorant available on the printer.  Entries may
        exist in the table for each device index with a device type of

        NOTE: The above description has been modified from RFC 1759
        for clarification."
    INDEX { hrDeviceIndex, prtMarkerColorantIndex }
    ::= { prtMarkerColorantTable 1 }

PrtMarkerColorantEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    prtMarkerColorantIndex          Integer32,
    prtMarkerColorantMarkerIndex    Integer32,
    prtMarkerColorantRole           PrtMarkerColorantRoleTC,
    prtMarkerColorantValue          OCTET STRING,
    prtMarkerColorantTonality       Integer32
Top   ToC   RFC3805 - Page 108
prtMarkerColorantIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
        "A unique value used by the printer to identify this colorant.
        Although these values may change due to a major reconfiguration
        of the device (e.g., the addition of new colorants to the
        printer) , values SHOULD remain stable across successive
        printer power cycles.

        NOTE: The above description has been modified from RFC 1759
        for clarification."
    ::= { prtMarkerColorantEntry 1 }

prtMarkerColorantMarkerIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..65535)
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The value of prtMarkerIndex corresponding to the marker sub
        unit with which this colorant entry is associated."
    ::= { prtMarkerColorantEntry 2 }

prtMarkerColorantRole OBJECT-TYPE
    --  NOTE: In RFC 1759, the enumeration values were implicitly
    --  defined by this object.
    SYNTAX     PrtMarkerColorantRoleTC
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The role played by this colorant."
    ::= { prtMarkerColorantEntry 3 }

prtMarkerColorantValue OBJECT-TYPE
    -- NOTE: The string length range has been increased from RFC 1759.
    SYNTAX     OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..255))
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The name of the color of this colorant using standardized
        string names from ISO 10175 (DPA) and ISO 10180 (SPDL) such as:
Top   ToC   RFC3805 - Page 109
        Implementers may add additional string values.  The naming
        conventions in ISO 9070 are recommended in order to avoid
        potential name clashes"
    ::= { prtMarkerColorantEntry 4 }

prtMarkerColorantTonality OBJECT-TYPE
    -- NOTE: In RFC 1759, the range was not defined.
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (2..2147483647)
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The distinct levels of tonality realizable by a marking sub
        unit when using this colorant.  This value does not include the
        number of levels of tonal difference that an interpreter can
        obtain by techniques such as half toning.  This value must be at
        least 2."
    ::= { prtMarkerColorantEntry 5 }

-- The Media Path Group
-- The media paths encompass the mechanisms in the printer that
-- move the media through the printer and connect all other media
-- related sub-units: inputs, outputs, markers and finishers.  A
-- printer contains one or more media paths.  These are
-- represented by the Media Path Group in the model.

prtMediaPath OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { printmib 13 }

prtMediaPathTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF PrtMediaPathEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
        "The media path table includes both physical and logical paths
        within the printer.

        NOTE: The above description has been modified from RFC 1759
        for clarification."
    ::= { prtMediaPath 4 }

prtMediaPathEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     PrtMediaPathEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
Top   ToC   RFC3805 - Page 110
        "Entries may exist in the table for each device index with a
        device type of 'printer'  Each entry defines the physical
        characteristics of and the status of the media path.  The data
        provided indicates the maximum throughput and the media
        size limitations of these subunits.

        NOTE: The above description has been modified from RFC 1759
        for clarification."
    INDEX  { hrDeviceIndex, prtMediaPathIndex }
    ::= { prtMediaPathTable 1 }

PrtMediaPathEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    prtMediaPathIndex               Integer32,
    prtMediaPathMaxSpeedPrintUnit   PrtMediaPathMaxSpeedPrintUnitTC,
    prtMediaPathMediaSizeUnit       PrtMediaUnitTC,
    prtMediaPathMaxSpeed            Integer32,
    prtMediaPathMaxMediaFeedDir     Integer32,
    prtMediaPathMaxMediaXFeedDir    Integer32,
    prtMediaPathMinMediaFeedDir     Integer32,
    prtMediaPathMinMediaXFeedDir    Integer32,
    prtMediaPathType                PrtMediaPathTypeTC,
    prtMediaPathDescription         PrtLocalizedDescriptionStringTC,
    prtMediaPathStatus              PrtSubUnitStatusTC

prtMediaPathIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
        "A unique value used by the printer to identify this media
        path.  Although these values may change due to a major
        reconfiguration of the device (e.g., the addition of new media
        paths to the printer), values SHOULD remain stable across
        successive printer power cycles.

        NOTE: The above description has been modified from RFC 1759
        for clarification."
    ::= { prtMediaPathEntry 1 }

prtMediaPathMaxSpeedPrintUnit OBJECT-TYPE
    --  NOTE: In RFC 1759, the enumeration values were implicitly
    --  defined by this object.
    SYNTAX PrtMediaPathMaxSpeedPrintUnitTC
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
Top   ToC   RFC3805 - Page 111
        "The unit of measure used in specifying the speed of all media
        paths in the printer."
    ::= { prtMediaPathEntry 2 }

prtMediaPathMediaSizeUnit OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     PrtMediaUnitTC
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The units of measure of media size for use in calculating and
        relaying dimensional values for all media paths in the
    ::= { prtMediaPathEntry 3 }

prtMediaPathMaxSpeed OBJECT-TYPE
    -- NOTE: In RFC 1759, the range was not defined.
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (-2..2147483647)
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The maximum printing speed of this media path expressed in
        prtMediaPathMaxSpeedUnit's.  A value of (-1) implies 'other'."
    ::= { prtMediaPathEntry 4 }

prtMediaPathMaxMediaFeedDir OBJECT-TYPE
    -- NOTE: In RFC 1759, the range was not defined.
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (-2..2147483647)
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The maximum physical media size in the feed direction of this
        media path expressed in units of measure specified by
        PrtMediaPathMediaSizeUnit.  A value of (-1) implies 'unlimited'
        a value of (-2) implies 'unknown'.

        NOTE: The above description has been modified from RFC 1759
        for clarification."
    ::= { prtMediaPathEntry 5 }

prtMediaPathMaxMediaXFeedDir OBJECT-TYPE
    -- NOTE: In RFC 1759, the range was not defined.
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (-2..2147483647)
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The maximum physical media size across the feed direction of
        this media path expressed in units of measure specified by
        prtMediaPathMediaSizeUnit.  A value of (-2) implies 'unknown'.
Top   ToC   RFC3805 - Page 112
        NOTE: The above description has been modified from RFC 1759
        for clarification."
    ::= { prtMediaPathEntry 6 }

prtMediaPathMinMediaFeedDir OBJECT-TYPE
    -- NOTE: In RFC 1759, the range was not defined.
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (-2..2147483647)
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The minimum physical media size in the feed direction of this
        media path expressed in units of measure specified by
        prtMediaPathMediaSizeUnit.  A value of (-2) implies 'unknown'.

        NOTE: The above description has been modified from RFC 1759
        for clarification."
    ::= { prtMediaPathEntry 7 }

prtMediaPathMinMediaXFeedDir OBJECT-TYPE
    -- NOTE: In RFC 1759, the range was not defined.
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (-2..2147483647)
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The minimum physical media size across the feed direction of
        this media path expressed in units of measure specified by
        prtMediaPathMediaSizeUnit.  A value of (-2) implies 'unknown'.

        NOTE: The above description has been modified from RFC 1759
        for clarification."
    ::= { prtMediaPathEntry 8 }

prtMediaPathType OBJECT-TYPE
    --  NOTE: In RFC 1759, the enumeration values were implicitly
    --  defined by this object.
    SYNTAX     PrtMediaPathTypeTC
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The type of the media path for this media path."
    ::= { prtMediaPathEntry 9 }

prtMediaPathDescription OBJECT-TYPE
    -- In RFC 1759, the SYNTAX was OCTET STRING.  This has been changed
    -- to a TC to better support localization of the object.
    SYNTAX     PrtLocalizedDescriptionStringTC
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
Top   ToC   RFC3805 - Page 113
        "The manufacturer-provided description of this media path in
        the localization specified by prtGeneralCurrentLocalization."
    ::= { prtMediaPathEntry 10 }

prtMediaPathStatus OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     PrtSubUnitStatusTC
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
         "The current status of this media path."
    ::= { prtMediaPathEntry 11 }

-- The Print Job Delivery Channel Group
-- Print Job Delivery Channels are independent sources of print
-- data.  Here, print data is the term used for the information
-- that is used to construct printed pages and may have both data
-- and control aspects.  The output of a channel is in a form
-- suitable for input to one of the interpreters as a
-- stream.  A channel may be independently enabled (allowing
-- print data to flow) or disabled (stopping the flow of
-- print data).  A printer may have one or more channels.
-- The Print Job Delivery Channel table describes the
-- capabilities of the printer and not what is currently being
-- performed by the printer
-- Basically, the print job delivery channel abstraction
-- describes the final processing step of getting the print data
-- to an interpreter.  It might include some level of
-- decompression or decoding of print stream data.
-- channel.  All of these aspects are hidden in the channel
-- abstraction.
-- There are many kinds of print job delivery channels; some of
-- which are based on networks and others which are not.  For
-- example, a channel can be a serial (or parallel) connection;
-- it can be a service, such as the UNIX Line Printer Daemon
-- (LPD), offering services over a network connection; or
-- it could be a disk drive into which a floppy disk with
-- the print data is inserted.  Each print job delivery channel is
-- identified by the electronic path and/or service protocol
-- used to deliver print data to a print data interpreter.
-- Channel example                   Implementation
-- serial port channel            bi-directional data channel
Top   ToC   RFC3805 - Page 114
-- parallel port channel          often uni-directional channel
-- IEEE 1284 port channel         bi-directional channel
-- SCSI port channel              bi-directional
-- Apple PAP channel              may be based on LocalTalk,
--                                Ethernet or Tokentalk
-- LPD Server channel             TCP/IP based, port 515
-- Netware Remote Printer         SPX/IPX based channel
-- Netware Print Server           SPX/IPX based channel
-- It is easy to note that this is a mixed bag.  There are
-- some physical connections over which no (or very meager)
-- protocols are run (e.g., the serial or old parallel ports)
-- and there are services which often have elaborate
-- protocols that run over a number of protocol stacks.  In
-- the end, what is important is the delivery of print data
-- through the channel.
-- The print job delivery channel sub-units are represented by
-- the Print Job Delivery Channel Group in the Model.  It has a
-- current print job control language, which can be used to
-- specify which interpreter is to be used for the print data and
-- to query and change environment variables used by the
-- interpreters (and Management Applications).  There is also a
-- default interpreter that is to be used if an interpreter is
-- not explicitly specified using the Control Language.

-- The first seven items in the Print Job Delivery Channel Table
-- define the "channel" itself.  A channel typically depends on
-- other protocols and interfaces to provide the data that flows
-- through the channel.
-- Control of a print job delivery channel is largely limited to
-- enabling or disabling the entire channel itself.  It is likely
-- that more control of the process of accessing print data
-- will be needed over time.  Thus, the ChannelType will
-- allow type-specific data to be associated with each
-- channel (using ChannelType specific groups in a fashion
-- analogous to the media specific MIBs that are associated
-- with the IANAIfType in the Interfaces Table).  As a first
-- step in this direction, each channel will identify the
-- underlying Interface on which it is based.  This is the
-- eighth object in each row of the table.