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RFC 3289

Management Information Base for the Differentiated Services Architecture

Pages: 116
Proposed Standard
Part 5 of 6 – Pages 80 to 104
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Top   ToC   RFC3289 - Page 80   prevText
-- More discussion of the scheduler functional data path element is in
-- the Informal Differentiated Services Model section 7.1.2.

diffServSchedulerNextFree OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       IndexIntegerNextFree
    MAX-ACCESS   read-only
    STATUS       current
       "This object contains an unused value for diffServSchedulerId, or
       a zero to indicate that none exist."
    ::= { diffServScheduler 1 }

diffServSchedulerTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF DiffServSchedulerEntry
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
       "The Scheduler Table enumerates packet schedulers. Multiple
       scheduling algorithms can be used on a given data path, with each
       algorithm described by one diffServSchedulerEntry."
    ::= { diffServScheduler 2 }

diffServSchedulerEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       DiffServSchedulerEntry
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
       "An entry in the Scheduler Table describing a single instance of
       a scheduling algorithm."
    INDEX { diffServSchedulerId }
    ::= { diffServSchedulerTable 1 }

DiffServSchedulerEntry ::= SEQUENCE  {
    diffServSchedulerId                   IndexInteger,
    diffServSchedulerNext                 RowPointer,
    diffServSchedulerMethod               AutonomousType,
    diffServSchedulerMinRate              RowPointer,
    diffServSchedulerMaxRate              RowPointer,
    diffServSchedulerStorage              StorageType,
    diffServSchedulerStatus               RowStatus

diffServSchedulerId OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       IndexInteger
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
Top   ToC   RFC3289 - Page 81
       "An index that enumerates the Scheduler entries.  Managers obtain
       new values for row creation in this table by reading
    ::= { diffServSchedulerEntry 1 }

diffServSchedulerNext OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       RowPointer
    MAX-ACCESS   read-create
    STATUS       current
       "This selects the next Differentiated Services Functional Data
       Path Element to handle traffic for this data path. This normally
       is null (zeroDotZero), or points to a diffServSchedulerEntry or a

       However, this RowPointer may also point to an instance of:

       It would point another diffServSchedulerEntry when implementing
       multiple scheduler methods for the same data path, such as having
       one set of queues scheduled by WRR and that group participating
       in a priority scheduling system in which other queues compete
       with it in that way.  It might also point to a second scheduler
       in a hierarchical scheduling system.

       If the row pointed to is zeroDotZero, no further Differentiated
       Services treatment is performed on traffic of this data path.

       Setting this to point to a target that does not exist results in
       an inconsistentValue error.  If the row pointed to is removed or
       becomes inactive by other means, the treatment is as if this
       attribute contains a value of zeroDotZero."
    DEFVAL       { zeroDotZero }
    ::= { diffServSchedulerEntry 2 }

diffServSchedulerMethod OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       AutonomousType
    MAX-ACCESS   read-create
    STATUS       current
       "The scheduling algorithm used by this Scheduler. zeroDotZero
       indicates that this is unknown.  Standard values for generic
       algorithms: diffServSchedulerPriority, diffServSchedulerWRR, and
       diffServSchedulerWFQ are specified in this MIB; additional values
Top   ToC   RFC3289 - Page 82
       may be further specified in other MIBs."
    ::= { diffServSchedulerEntry 3 }

diffServSchedulerMinRate OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       RowPointer
    MAX-ACCESS   read-create
    STATUS       current
       "This RowPointer indicates the entry in diffServMinRateTable
       which indicates the priority or minimum output rate from this
       scheduler. This attribute is used only when there is more than
       one level of scheduler.

       When it has the value zeroDotZero, it indicates that no minimum
       rate or priority is imposed.

       Setting this to point to a target that does not exist results in
       an inconsistentValue error.  If the row pointed to is removed or
       becomes inactive by other means, the treatment is as if this
       attribute contains a value of zeroDotZero."
    DEFVAL      { zeroDotZero }
    ::= { diffServSchedulerEntry 4 }

diffServSchedulerMaxRate OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       RowPointer
    MAX-ACCESS   read-create
    STATUS       current
       "This RowPointer indicates the entry in diffServMaxRateTable
       which indicates the maximum output rate from this scheduler.
       When more than one maximum rate applies (eg, when a multi-rate
       shaper is in view), it points to the first of those rate entries.
       This attribute is used only when there is more than one level of

       When it has the value zeroDotZero, it indicates that no maximum
       rate is imposed.

       Setting this to point to a target that does not exist results in
       an inconsistentValue error.  If the row pointed to is removed or
       becomes inactive by other means, the treatment is as if this
       attribute contains a value of zeroDotZero."
    DEFVAL      { zeroDotZero }
    ::= { diffServSchedulerEntry 5 }

diffServSchedulerStorage OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       StorageType
    MAX-ACCESS   read-create
Top   ToC   RFC3289 - Page 83
    STATUS       current
       "The storage type for this conceptual row.  Conceptual rows
       having the value 'permanent' need not allow write-access to any
       columnar objects in the row."
    DEFVAL { nonVolatile }
    ::= { diffServSchedulerEntry 6 }

diffServSchedulerStatus OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       RowStatus
    MAX-ACCESS   read-create
    STATUS       current
       "The status of this conceptual row. All writable objects in this
       row may be modified at any time. Setting this variable to
       'destroy' when the MIB contains one or more RowPointers pointing
       to it results in destruction being delayed until the row is no
       longer used."
    ::= { diffServSchedulerEntry 7 }

-- OIDs for diffServTBParamType definitions.

diffServSchedulers  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { diffServMIBAdmin 2 }

diffServSchedulerPriority OBJECT-IDENTITY
    STATUS       current
       "For use with diffServSchedulerMethod to indicate the Priority
       scheduling method.  This is defined as an algorithm in which the
       presence of data in a queue or set of queues absolutely precludes
       dequeue from another queue or set of queues of lower priority.
       Note that attributes from diffServMinRateEntry of the
       queues/schedulers feeding this scheduler are used when
       determining the next packet to schedule."
    ::= { diffServSchedulers 1 }

    STATUS       current
       "For use with diffServSchedulerMethod to indicate the Weighted
       Round Robin scheduling method, defined as any algorithm in which
       a set of queues are visited in a fixed order, and varying amounts
       of traffic are removed from each queue in turn to implement an
       average output rate by class. Notice attributes from
       diffServMinRateEntry of the queues/schedulers feeding this
       scheduler are used when determining the next packet to schedule."
Top   ToC   RFC3289 - Page 84
    ::= { diffServSchedulers 2 }

    STATUS       current
       "For use with diffServSchedulerMethod to indicate the Weighted
       Fair Queuing scheduling method, defined as any algorithm in which
       a set of queues are conceptually visited in some order, to
       implement an average output rate by class. Notice attributes from
       diffServMinRateEntry of the queues/schedulers feeding this
       scheduler are used when determining the next packet to schedule."
    ::= { diffServSchedulers 3 }

-- Minimum Rate Parameters Table
-- The parameters used by a scheduler for its inputs or outputs are
-- maintained separately from the Queue or Scheduler table entries for
-- reusability reasons and so that they may be used by both queues and
-- schedulers.  This follows the approach for separation of data path
-- elements from parameterization that is used throughout this MIB.
-- Use of these Minimum Rate Parameter Table entries by Queues and
-- Schedulers allows the modeling of hierarchical scheduling systems.
-- Specifically, a Scheduler has one or more inputs and one output.
-- Any queue feeding a scheduler, or any scheduler which feeds a second
-- scheduler, might specify a minimum transfer rate by pointing to an
-- Minimum Rate Parameter Table entry.
-- The diffServMinRatePriority/Abs/Rel attributes are used as
-- parameters to the work-conserving portion of a scheduler:
-- "work-conserving" implies that the scheduler can continue to emit
-- data as long as there is data available at its input(s).  This has
-- the effect of guaranteeing a certain priority relative to other
-- scheduler inputs and/or a certain minimum proportion of the
-- available output bandwidth. Properly configured, this means a
-- certain minimum rate, which may be exceeded should traffic be
-- available should there be spare bandwidth after all other classes
-- have had opportunities to consume their own minimum rates.

diffServMinRateNextFree OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       IndexIntegerNextFree
    MAX-ACCESS   read-only
    STATUS       current
       "This object contains an unused value for diffServMinRateId, or a
       zero to indicate that none exist."
Top   ToC   RFC3289 - Page 85
    ::= { diffServScheduler 3 }

diffServMinRateTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF DiffServMinRateEntry
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
       "The Minimum Rate Parameters Table enumerates individual sets of
       scheduling parameter that can be used/reused by Queues and
    ::= { diffServScheduler 4 }

diffServMinRateEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       DiffServMinRateEntry
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
       "An entry in the Minimum Rate Parameters Table describes a single
       set of scheduling parameters for use by one or more queues or
    INDEX { diffServMinRateId }
    ::= { diffServMinRateTable 1 }

DiffServMinRateEntry ::= SEQUENCE  {
    diffServMinRateId              IndexInteger,
    diffServMinRatePriority        Unsigned32,
    diffServMinRateAbsolute        Unsigned32,
    diffServMinRateRelative        Unsigned32,
    diffServMinRateStorage         StorageType,
    diffServMinRateStatus          RowStatus

diffServMinRateId OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       IndexInteger
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
       "An index that enumerates the Scheduler Parameter entries.
       Managers obtain new values for row creation in this table by
       reading diffServMinRateNextFree."
    ::= { diffServMinRateEntry 1 }

diffServMinRatePriority OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       Unsigned32  (1..4294967295)
    MAX-ACCESS   read-create
    STATUS       current
       "The priority of this input to the associated scheduler, relative
Top   ToC   RFC3289 - Page 86
       to the scheduler's other inputs. A queue or scheduler with a
       larger numeric value will be served before another with a smaller
       numeric value."
    ::= { diffServMinRateEntry 2 }

diffServMinRateAbsolute OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       Unsigned32  (1..4294967295)
    UNITS        "kilobits per second"
    MAX-ACCESS   read-create
    STATUS       current
       "The minimum absolute rate, in kilobits/sec, that a downstream
       scheduler element should allocate to this queue. If the value is
       zero, then there is effectively no minimum rate guarantee. If the
       value is non-zero, the scheduler will assure the servicing of
       this queue to at least this rate.

       Note that this attribute value and that of
       diffServMinRateRelative are coupled: changes to one will affect
       the value of the other. They are linked by the following
       equation, in that setting one will change the other:

         diffServMinRateRelative =

       or, if appropriate:

         diffServMinRateRelative = diffServMinRateAbsolute/ifHighSpeed"
        "ifSpeed, ifHighSpeed, Interface MIB, RFC 2863"
    ::= { diffServMinRateEntry 3 }

diffServMinRateRelative OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       Unsigned32  (1..4294967295)
    MAX-ACCESS   read-create
    STATUS       current
       "The minimum rate that a downstream scheduler element should
       allocate to this queue, relative to the maximum rate of the
       interface as reported by ifSpeed or ifHighSpeed, in units of
       1/1000 of 1. If the value is zero, then there is effectively no
       minimum rate guarantee. If the value is non-zero, the scheduler
       will assure the servicing of this queue to at least this rate.

       Note that this attribute value and that of
       diffServMinRateAbsolute are coupled: changes to one will affect
       the value of the other. They are linked by the following
       equation, in that setting one will change the other:
Top   ToC   RFC3289 - Page 87
         diffServMinRateRelative =

       or, if appropriate:

         diffServMinRateRelative = diffServMinRateAbsolute/ifHighSpeed"
        "ifSpeed, ifHighSpeed, Interface MIB, RFC 2863"
    ::= { diffServMinRateEntry 4 }

diffServMinRateStorage OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       StorageType
    MAX-ACCESS   read-create
    STATUS       current
       "The storage type for this conceptual row.  Conceptual rows
       having the value 'permanent' need not allow write-access to any
       columnar objects in the row."
    DEFVAL { nonVolatile }
    ::= { diffServMinRateEntry 5 }

diffServMinRateStatus OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       RowStatus
    MAX-ACCESS   read-create
    STATUS       current
       "The status of this conceptual row. All writable objects in this
       row may be modified at any time. Setting this variable to
       'destroy' when the MIB contains one or more RowPointers pointing
       to it results in destruction being delayed until the row is no
       longer used."
    ::= { diffServMinRateEntry 6 }

-- Maximum Rate Parameter Table
-- The parameters used by a scheduler for its inputs or outputs are
-- maintained separately from the Queue or Scheduler table entries for
-- reusability reasons and so that they may be used by both queues and
-- schedulers.  This follows the approach for separation of data path
-- elements from parameterization that is used throughout this MIB.
-- Use of these Maximum Rate Parameter Table entries by Queues and
-- Schedulers allows the modeling of hierarchical scheduling systems.
-- Specifically, a Scheduler has one or more inputs and one output.
-- Any queue feeding a scheduler, or any scheduler which feeds a second
-- scheduler, might specify a maximum transfer rate by pointing to a
-- Maximum Rate Parameter Table entry. Multi-rate shapers, such as a
Top   ToC   RFC3289 - Page 88
-- Dual Leaky Bucket algorithm, specify their rates using multiple
-- Maximum Rate Parameter Entries with the same diffServMaxRateId but
-- different diffServMaxRateLevels.
-- The diffServMaxRateLevel/Abs/Rel attributes are used as
-- parameters to the non-work-conserving portion of a scheduler:
-- non-work-conserving implies that the scheduler may sometimes not
-- emit a packet, even if there is data available at its input(s).
-- This has the effect of limiting the servicing of the queue/scheduler
-- input or output, in effect performing shaping of the packet stream
-- passing through the queue/scheduler, as described in the Informal
-- Differentiated Services Model section 7.2.

diffServMaxRateNextFree OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       IndexIntegerNextFree
    MAX-ACCESS   read-only
    STATUS       current
       "This object contains an unused value for diffServMaxRateId, or a
       zero to indicate that none exist."
    ::= { diffServScheduler 5 }

diffServMaxRateTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       SEQUENCE OF DiffServMaxRateEntry
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
       "The Maximum Rate Parameter Table enumerates individual sets of
       scheduling parameter that can be used/reused by Queues and
    ::= { diffServScheduler 6 }

diffServMaxRateEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       DiffServMaxRateEntry
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
       "An entry in the Maximum Rate Parameter Table describes a single
       set of scheduling parameters for use by one or more queues or
    INDEX { diffServMaxRateId, diffServMaxRateLevel }
    ::= { diffServMaxRateTable 1 }

DiffServMaxRateEntry ::= SEQUENCE  {
    diffServMaxRateId              IndexInteger,
    diffServMaxRateLevel           Unsigned32,
    diffServMaxRateAbsolute        Unsigned32,
Top   ToC   RFC3289 - Page 89
    diffServMaxRateRelative        Unsigned32,
    diffServMaxRateThreshold       BurstSize,
    diffServMaxRateStorage         StorageType,
    diffServMaxRateStatus          RowStatus

diffServMaxRateId OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       IndexInteger
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
       "An index that enumerates the Maximum Rate Parameter entries.
       Managers obtain new values for row creation in this table by
       reading diffServMaxRateNextFree."
    ::= { diffServMaxRateEntry 1 }

diffServMaxRateLevel OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       Unsigned32 (1..32)
    MAX-ACCESS   not-accessible
    STATUS       current
       "An index that indicates which level of a multi-rate shaper is
       being given its parameters. A multi-rate shaper has some number
       of rate levels. Frame Relay's dual rate specification refers to a
       'committed' and an 'excess' rate; ATM's dual rate specification
       refers to a 'mean' and a 'peak' rate. This table is generalized
       to support an arbitrary number of rates. The committed or mean
       rate is level 1, the peak rate (if any) is the highest level rate
       configured, and if there are other rates they are distributed in
       monotonically increasing order between them."
    ::= { diffServMaxRateEntry 2 }

diffServMaxRateAbsolute OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       Unsigned32  (1..4294967295)
    UNITS        "kilobits per second"
    MAX-ACCESS   read-create
    STATUS       current
       "The maximum rate in kilobits/sec that a downstream scheduler
       element should allocate to this queue. If the value is zero, then
       there is effectively no maximum rate limit and that the scheduler
       should attempt to be work conserving for this queue. If the value
       is non-zero, the scheduler will limit the servicing of this queue
       to, at most, this rate in a non-work-conserving manner.

       Note that this attribute value and that of
       diffServMaxRateRelative are coupled: changes to one will affect
       the value of the other. They are linked by the following
Top   ToC   RFC3289 - Page 90
       equation, in that setting one will change the other:

         diffServMaxRateRelative =

       or, if appropriate:

         diffServMaxRateRelative = diffServMaxRateAbsolute/ifHighSpeed"
        "ifSpeed, ifHighSpeed, Interface MIB, RFC 2863"
    ::= { diffServMaxRateEntry 3 }

diffServMaxRateRelative OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       Unsigned32  (1..4294967295)
    MAX-ACCESS   read-create
    STATUS       current
       "The maximum rate that a downstream scheduler element should
       allocate to this queue, relative to the maximum rate of the
       interface as reported by ifSpeed or ifHighSpeed, in units of
       1/1000 of 1. If the value is zero, then there is effectively no
       maximum rate limit and the scheduler should attempt to be work
       conserving for this queue. If the value is non-zero, the
       scheduler will limit the servicing of this queue to, at most,
       this rate in a non-work-conserving manner.

       Note that this attribute value and that of
       diffServMaxRateAbsolute are coupled: changes to one will affect
       the value of the other. They are linked by the following
       equation, in that setting one will change the other:

         diffServMaxRateRelative =

       or, if appropriate:

         diffServMaxRateRelative = diffServMaxRateAbsolute/ifHighSpeed"
        "ifSpeed, ifHighSpeed, Interface MIB, RFC 2863"
    ::= { diffServMaxRateEntry 4 }

diffServMaxRateThreshold OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       BurstSize
    UNITS        "Bytes"
    MAX-ACCESS   read-create
    STATUS       current
       "The number of bytes of queue depth at which the rate of a
Top   ToC   RFC3289 - Page 91
       multi-rate scheduler will increase to the next output rate. In
       the last conceptual row for such a shaper, this threshold is
       ignored and by convention is zero."
        "Adaptive rate Shaper, RFC 2963"
    ::= { diffServMaxRateEntry 5 }

diffServMaxRateStorage OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       StorageType
    MAX-ACCESS   read-create
    STATUS       current
       "The storage type for this conceptual row.  Conceptual rows
       having the value 'permanent' need not allow write-access to any
       columnar objects in the row."
    DEFVAL { nonVolatile }
    ::= { diffServMaxRateEntry 6 }

diffServMaxRateStatus OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX       RowStatus
    MAX-ACCESS   read-create
    STATUS       current
       "The status of this conceptual row. All writable objects in this
       row may be modified at any time. Setting this variable to
       'destroy' when the MIB contains one or more RowPointers pointing
       to it results in destruction being delayed until the row is no
       longer used."
    ::= { diffServMaxRateEntry 7 }

-- MIB Compliance statements.

diffServMIBCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
                                     { diffServMIBConformance 1 }
diffServMIBGroups      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::=
                                     { diffServMIBConformance 2 }

    STATUS current
       "When this MIB is implemented with support for read-create, then
       such an implementation can claim full compliance. Such devices
       can then be both monitored and configured with this MIB."

    MODULE IF-MIB -- The interfaces MIB, RFC2863
Top   ToC   RFC3289 - Page 92

    MODULE -- This Module
        diffServMIBDataPathGroup, diffServMIBClfrGroup,
        diffServMIBClfrElementGroup, diffServMIBMultiFieldClfrGroup,
        diffServMIBActionGroup, diffServMIBAlgDropGroup,
        diffServMIBQGroup, diffServMIBSchedulerGroup,
        diffServMIBMaxRateGroup, diffServMIBMinRateGroup,

    GROUP diffServMIBMeterGroup
       "This group is mandatory for devices that implement metering

    GROUP diffServMIBTBParamGroup
       "This group is mandatory for devices that implement token-bucket
       metering functions."

    GROUP diffServMIBDscpMarkActGroup
       "This group is mandatory for devices that implement DSCP-Marking

    GROUP diffServMIBRandomDropGroup
       "This group is mandatory for devices that implement Random Drop

    OBJECT diffServDataPathStatus
    SYNTAX RowStatus { active(1) }
    WRITE-SYNTAX RowStatus { createAndGo(4), destroy(6) }
       "Support for createAndWait and notInService is not required."

    OBJECT diffServClfrStatus
    SYNTAX RowStatus { active(1) }
    WRITE-SYNTAX RowStatus { createAndGo(4), destroy(6) }
       "Support for createAndWait and notInService is not required."

    OBJECT diffServClfrElementStatus
    SYNTAX RowStatus { active(1) }
    WRITE-SYNTAX RowStatus { createAndGo(4), destroy(6) }
Top   ToC   RFC3289 - Page 93
       "Support for createAndWait and notInService is not required."

    OBJECT diffServMultiFieldClfrAddrType
    SYNTAX  InetAddressType { unknown(0), ipv4(1), ipv6(2) }
       "An implementation is only required to support IPv4 and IPv6

    OBJECT diffServMultiFieldClfrDstAddr
    SYNTAX  InetAddress (SIZE(0|4|16))
       "An implementation is only required to support IPv4 and globally
       unique IPv6 addresses."

    OBJECT diffServAlgDropStatus
    SYNTAX RowStatus { active(1) }
    WRITE-SYNTAX RowStatus { createAndGo(4), destroy(6) }
       "Support for createAndWait and notInService is not required."

    OBJECT diffServRandomDropStatus
    SYNTAX RowStatus { active(1) }
    WRITE-SYNTAX RowStatus { createAndGo(4), destroy(6) }
       "Support for createAndWait and notInService is not required."

    OBJECT diffServQStatus
    SYNTAX RowStatus { active(1) }
    WRITE-SYNTAX RowStatus { createAndGo(4), destroy(6) }
       "Support for createAndWait and notInService is not required."

    OBJECT diffServSchedulerStatus
    SYNTAX RowStatus { active(1) }
    WRITE-SYNTAX RowStatus { createAndGo(4), destroy(6) }
       "Support for createAndWait and notInService is not required."

    OBJECT diffServMinRateStatus
    SYNTAX RowStatus { active(1) }
    WRITE-SYNTAX RowStatus { createAndGo(4), destroy(6) }
       "Support for createAndWait and notInService is not required."

    OBJECT diffServMaxRateStatus
    SYNTAX RowStatus { active(1) }
    WRITE-SYNTAX RowStatus { createAndGo(4), destroy(6) }
Top   ToC   RFC3289 - Page 94
       "Support for createAndWait and notInService is not required."

    ::= { diffServMIBCompliances 1 }

-- Read-Only Compliance

diffServMIBReadOnlyCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
    STATUS current
       "When this MIB is implemented without support for read-create
       (i.e. in read-only mode), then such an implementation can claim
       read-only compliance. Such a device can then be monitored but can
       not be configured with this MIB."

    MODULE IF-MIB -- The interfaces MIB, RFC2863

    MODULE -- This Module
        diffServMIBDataPathGroup, diffServMIBClfrGroup,
        diffServMIBClfrElementGroup, diffServMIBMultiFieldClfrGroup,
        diffServMIBActionGroup, diffServMIBAlgDropGroup,
        diffServMIBQGroup, diffServMIBSchedulerGroup,
        diffServMIBMaxRateGroup, diffServMIBMinRateGroup,

    GROUP diffServMIBMeterGroup
       "This group is mandatory for devices that implement metering

    GROUP diffServMIBTBParamGroup
       "This group is mandatory for devices that implement token-bucket
       metering functions."

    GROUP        diffServMIBDscpMarkActGroup
       "This group is mandatory for devices that implement DSCP-Marking

    GROUP        diffServMIBRandomDropGroup
Top   ToC   RFC3289 - Page 95
       "This group is mandatory for devices that implement Random Drop

    OBJECT       diffServDataPathStart
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT       diffServDataPathStorage
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT       diffServDataPathStatus
    SYNTAX       RowStatus { active(1) }
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required, and active is the only status that
       needs to be supported."

    OBJECT       diffServClfrNextFree
    MIN-ACCESS   not-accessible
       "Object not needed when diffServClfrTable is implemented read-

    OBJECT       diffServClfrStorage
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT       diffServClfrStatus
    SYNTAX       RowStatus { active(1) }
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required, and active is the only status that
       needs to be supported."

    OBJECT       diffServClfrElementNextFree
    MIN-ACCESS   not-accessible
       "Object not needed when diffServClfrelementTable is implemented

    OBJECT       diffServClfrElementPrecedence
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
Top   ToC   RFC3289 - Page 96
       "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT       diffServClfrElementNext
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT       diffServClfrElementSpecific
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT       diffServClfrElementStorage
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT       diffServClfrElementStatus
    SYNTAX       RowStatus { active(1) }
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required, and active is the only status that
       needs to be supported."

    OBJECT       diffServMultiFieldClfrNextFree
    MIN-ACCESS   not-accessible
       "Object is not needed when diffServMultiFieldClfrTable is
       implemented in read-only mode."

    OBJECT       diffServMultiFieldClfrAddrType
    SYNTAX       InetAddressType { unknown(0), ipv4(1), ipv6(2) }
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required. An implementation is only required
       to support IPv4 and IPv6 addresses."

    OBJECT       diffServMultiFieldClfrDstAddr
    SYNTAX       InetAddress (SIZE(0|4|16))
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required. An implementation is only required
       to support IPv4 and globally unique IPv6 addresses."

    OBJECT       diffServMultiFieldClfrDstPrefixLength
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required."
Top   ToC   RFC3289 - Page 97
    OBJECT       diffServMultiFieldClfrSrcAddr
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required. An implementation is only required
       to support IPv4 and globally unique IPv6 addresses."

    OBJECT       diffServMultiFieldClfrSrcPrefixLength
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT       diffServMultiFieldClfrDscp
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT       diffServMultiFieldClfrFlowId
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT       diffServMultiFieldClfrProtocol
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT       diffServMultiFieldClfrDstL4PortMin
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT       diffServMultiFieldClfrDstL4PortMax
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT       diffServMultiFieldClfrSrcL4PortMin
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT       diffServMultiFieldClfrSrcL4PortMax
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT       diffServMultiFieldClfrStorage
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
Top   ToC   RFC3289 - Page 98
       "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT       diffServMultiFieldClfrStatus
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required, createAndWait and notInService
       support is not required."

    OBJECT       diffServMeterNextFree
    MIN-ACCESS   not-accessible
       "Object is not needed when diffServMultiFieldClfrTable is
       implemented in read-only mode."

    OBJECT       diffServMeterSucceedNext
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT       diffServMeterFailNext
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT       diffServMeterSpecific
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT       diffServMeterStorage
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT       diffServMeterStatus
    SYNTAX       RowStatus { active(1) }
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required, and active is the only status that
       needs to be supported."

    OBJECT       diffServTBParamNextFree
    MIN-ACCESS   not-accessible
       "Object is not needed when diffServTBParamTable is implemented in
       read-only mode."
Top   ToC   RFC3289 - Page 99
    OBJECT       diffServTBParamType
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT       diffServTBParamRate
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT       diffServTBParamBurstSize
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT       diffServTBParamInterval
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT       diffServTBParamStorage
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT       diffServTBParamStatus
    SYNTAX       RowStatus { active(1) }
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required, and active is the only status that
       needs to be supported."

    OBJECT       diffServActionNextFree
    MIN-ACCESS   not-accessible
       "Object is not needed when diffServActionTable is implemented in
       read-only mode."

    OBJECT       diffServActionInterface
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT       diffServActionNext
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required."
Top   ToC   RFC3289 - Page 100
    OBJECT       diffServActionSpecific
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT       diffServActionStorage
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT       diffServActionStatus
    SYNTAX       RowStatus { active(1) }
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required, and active is the only status that
       needs to be supported."

    OBJECT       diffServCountActNextFree
    MIN-ACCESS   not-accessible
       "Object is not needed when diffServCountActTable is implemented
       in read-only mode."

    OBJECT       diffServCountActStorage
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT       diffServCountActStatus
    SYNTAX       RowStatus { active(1) }
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required, and active is the only status that
       needs to be supported."

    OBJECT       diffServAlgDropNextFree
    MIN-ACCESS   not-accessible
       "Object is not needed when diffServAlgDropTable is implemented in
       read-only mode."

    OBJECT       diffServAlgDropType
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT       diffServAlgDropNext
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
Top   ToC   RFC3289 - Page 101
       "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT       diffServAlgDropQMeasure
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT       diffServAlgDropQThreshold
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT       diffServAlgDropSpecific
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT       diffServAlgDropStorage
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT       diffServAlgDropStatus
    SYNTAX       RowStatus { active(1) }
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required, and active is the only status that
       needs to be supported."

    OBJECT       diffServRandomDropNextFree
    MIN-ACCESS   not-accessible
       "Object is not needed when diffServRandomDropTable is implemented
       in read-only mode."

    OBJECT       diffServRandomDropMinThreshBytes
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT       diffServRandomDropMinThreshPkts
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT       diffServRandomDropMaxThreshBytes
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
Top   ToC   RFC3289 - Page 102
       "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT       diffServRandomDropMaxThreshPkts
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT       diffServRandomDropProbMax
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT       diffServRandomDropWeight
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT       diffServRandomDropSamplingRate
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT       diffServRandomDropStorage
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT       diffServRandomDropStatus
    SYNTAX       RowStatus { active(1) }
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required, and active is the only status that
       needs to be supported."

    OBJECT       diffServQNextFree
    MIN-ACCESS   not-accessible
       "Object is not needed when diffServQTable is implemented in
       read-only mode."

    OBJECT       diffServQNext
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT       diffServQMinRate
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
Top   ToC   RFC3289 - Page 103
       "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT       diffServQMaxRate
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT       diffServQStorage
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT       diffServQStatus
    SYNTAX       RowStatus { active(1) }
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required, and active is the only status that
       needs to be supported."

    OBJECT       diffServSchedulerNextFree
    MIN-ACCESS   not-accessible
       "Object is not needed when diffServSchedulerTable is implemented
       in read-only mode."

    OBJECT       diffServSchedulerNext
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT       diffServSchedulerMethod
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT       diffServSchedulerMinRate
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT       diffServSchedulerMaxRate
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT       diffServSchedulerStorage
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
Top   ToC   RFC3289 - Page 104
       "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT       diffServSchedulerStatus
    SYNTAX       RowStatus { active(1) }
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required, and active is the only status that
       needs to be supported."

    OBJECT       diffServMinRateNextFree
    MIN-ACCESS   not-accessible
       "Object is not needed when diffServMinRateTable is implemented in
       read-only mode."

    OBJECT       diffServMinRatePriority
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT       diffServMinRateAbsolute
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT       diffServMinRateRelative
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT       diffServMinRateStorage
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required."

    OBJECT       diffServMinRateStatus
    SYNTAX       RowStatus { active(1) }
    MIN-ACCESS   read-only
       "Write access is not required, and active is the only status that
       needs to be supported."

    OBJECT       diffServMaxRateNextFree
    MIN-ACCESS   not-accessible
       "Object is not needed when diffServMaxrateTable is implemented in
       read-only mode."

(next page on part 6)

Next Section