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RFC 3273

Remote Network Monitoring Management Information Base for High Capacity Networks

Pages: 77
Proposed Standard
Updated by:  4502
Part 3 of 4 – Pages 39 to 59
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Top   ToC   RFC3273 - Page 39   prevText
nlHostHighCapacityOutPkts OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     ZeroBasedCounter64
    UNITS      "Packets"
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The number of packets without errors transmitted by
        this address since it was added to the nlHostHighCapacityTable.
        Note that this is the number of link-layer packets, so if a
        single network-layer packet is fragmented into several
        link-layer frames, this counter is incremented several times."
    ::= { nlHostHighCapacityEntry 4 }

nlHostHighCapacityInOverflowOctets OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     ZeroBasedCounter32
    UNITS      "Octets"
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The number of times the associated nlHostInOctets
        counter has overflowed."
    ::= { nlHostHighCapacityEntry 5 }

nlHostHighCapacityInOctets OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     ZeroBasedCounter64
    UNITS      "Octets"
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The number of octets transmitted to this address
        since it was added to the nlHostHighCapacityTable
        (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets),
        excluding those octets in packets that contained

        Note this doesn't count just those octets in the
        particular protocol frames, but includes the entire
        packet that contained the protocol."
    ::= { nlHostHighCapacityEntry 6 }

nlHostHighCapacityOutOverflowOctets OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     ZeroBasedCounter32
    UNITS      "Octets"
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The number of times the associated nlHostOutOctets
        counter has overflowed."
Top   ToC   RFC3273 - Page 40
    ::= { nlHostHighCapacityEntry 7 }

nlHostHighCapacityOutOctets OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     ZeroBasedCounter64
    UNITS      "Octets"
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The number of octets transmitted by this address
        since it was added to the nlHostHighCapacityTable
        (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets),
        excluding those octets in packets that contained

        Note this doesn't count just those octets in the
        particular protocol frames, but includes the entire
        packet that contained the protocol."
    ::= { nlHostHighCapacityEntry 8 }

-- High Capacity extensions for the nlMatrixTable

nlMatrixSDHighCapacityTable  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF NlMatrixSDHighCapacityEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
        "Contains the High Capacity RMON extensions to the RMON-2
    ::= { nlMatrix 6 }

nlMatrixSDHighCapacityEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     NlMatrixSDHighCapacityEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
        "Contains the High Capacity RMON extensions to the RMON-2
        nlMatrixEntry. These objects will be created by the agent
        for all nlMatrixSDEntries associated with whichever
        hlMatrixControlEntries it deems appropriate. (i.e., either all
        nlMatrixSDHighCapacityEntries associated with a particular
        hlMatrixControlEntry will be created, or none of them will
    INDEX { hlMatrixControlIndex, nlMatrixSDTimeMark,
            nlMatrixSDSourceAddress, nlMatrixSDDestAddress }
    ::= { nlMatrixSDHighCapacityTable 1 }

NlMatrixSDHighCapacityEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
Top   ToC   RFC3273 - Page 41
    nlMatrixSDHighCapacityOverflowPkts   ZeroBasedCounter32,
    nlMatrixSDHighCapacityPkts           ZeroBasedCounter64,
    nlMatrixSDHighCapacityOverflowOctets ZeroBasedCounter32,
    nlMatrixSDHighCapacityOctets         ZeroBasedCounter64

nlMatrixSDHighCapacityOverflowPkts OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     ZeroBasedCounter32
    UNITS      "Packets"
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The number of times the associated nlMatrixSDPkts
        counter has overflowed."
    ::= { nlMatrixSDHighCapacityEntry 1 }

nlMatrixSDHighCapacityPkts OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     ZeroBasedCounter64
    UNITS      "Packets"
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The number of packets without errors transmitted from the
        source address to the destination address since this entry was
        added to the nlMatrixSDHighCapacityTable.  Note that this is
        the number of link-layer packets, so if a single network-layer
        packet is fragmented into several link-layer frames, this
        counter is incremented several times."
    ::= { nlMatrixSDHighCapacityEntry 2 }

nlMatrixSDHighCapacityOverflowOctets OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     ZeroBasedCounter32
    UNITS      "Octets"
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The number of times the associated nlMatrixSDOctets
        counter has overflowed."
    ::= { nlMatrixSDHighCapacityEntry 3 }

nlMatrixSDHighCapacityOctets OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     ZeroBasedCounter64
    UNITS      "Octets"
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The number of octets transmitted from the source address to
        the destination address since this entry was added to the
Top   ToC   RFC3273 - Page 42
        nlMatrixSDHighCapacityTable (excluding framing bits but
        including FCS octets), excluding those octets in packets that
        contained errors.

        Note this doesn't count just those octets in the particular
        protocol frames, but includes the entire packet that contained
        the protocol."
    ::= { nlMatrixSDHighCapacityEntry 4 }

-- High Capacity extensions for the nlMatrixDSTable

nlMatrixDSHighCapacityTable  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF NlMatrixDSHighCapacityEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
        "Contains the High Capacity RMON extensions to the RMON-2
    ::= { nlMatrix 7 }

nlMatrixDSHighCapacityEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     NlMatrixDSHighCapacityEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
        "Contains the High Capacity RMON extensions to the RMON-2
        nlMatrixDSEntry. These objects will be created by the agent
        for all nlMatrixDSEntries associated with whichever
        hlmatrixControlEntries it deems appropriate. (i.e., either all
        nlMatrixDSHighCapacityEntries associated with a particular
        hlMatrixControlEntry will be created, or none of them will
    INDEX { hlMatrixControlIndex, nlMatrixDSTimeMark,
            nlMatrixDSDestAddress, nlMatrixDSSourceAddress }
    ::= { nlMatrixDSHighCapacityTable 1 }

NlMatrixDSHighCapacityEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    nlMatrixDSHighCapacityOverflowPkts   ZeroBasedCounter32,
    nlMatrixDSHighCapacityPkts           ZeroBasedCounter64,
    nlMatrixDSHighCapacityOverflowOctets ZeroBasedCounter32,
    nlMatrixDSHighCapacityOctets         ZeroBasedCounter64

nlMatrixDSHighCapacityOverflowPkts OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     ZeroBasedCounter32
    UNITS      "Packets"
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
Top   ToC   RFC3273 - Page 43
    STATUS     current
        "The number of times the associated nlMatrixDSPkts
        counter has overflowed."
    ::= { nlMatrixDSHighCapacityEntry 1 }

nlMatrixDSHighCapacityPkts OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     ZeroBasedCounter64
    UNITS      "Packets"
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The number of packets without errors transmitted from the
        source address to the destination address since this entry was
        added to the nlMatrixDSHighCapacityTable.  Note that this is
        the number of link-layer packets, so if a single network-layer
        packet is fragmented into several link-layer frames, this
        counter is incremented several times."
    ::= { nlMatrixDSHighCapacityEntry 2 }

nlMatrixDSHighCapacityOverflowOctets OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     ZeroBasedCounter32
    UNITS      "Octets"
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The number of times the associated nlMatrixDSOctets
        counter has overflowed."
    ::= { nlMatrixDSHighCapacityEntry 3 }

nlMatrixDSHighCapacityOctets OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     ZeroBasedCounter64
    UNITS      "Octets"
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The number of octets transmitted from the source address
        to the destination address since this entry was added to the
        nlMatrixDSHighCapacityTable (excluding framing bits but
        including FCS octets), excluding those octets in packets that
        contained errors.

        Note this doesn't count just those octets in the particular
        protocol frames, but includes the entire packet that contained
        the protocol."
    ::= { nlMatrixDSHighCapacityEntry 4 }

-- High Capacity extensions for the nlMatrixTopNTable
Top   ToC   RFC3273 - Page 44
nlMatrixTopNHighCapacityTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF NlMatrixTopNHighCapacityEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
        "Contains the High Capacity RMON extensions to the RMON-2
        nlMatrixTopNTable when nlMatrixTopNControlRateBase specifies
        a High Capacity TopN Report."
    ::= { nlMatrix 8 }

nlMatrixTopNHighCapacityEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     NlMatrixTopNHighCapacityEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
        "Contains the High Capacity RMON extensions to the RMON-2
        nlMatrixTopNEntry when nlMatrixTopNControlRateBase specifies
        a High Capacity TopN Report. These objects will be created by
        the agent for all nlMatrixTopNEntries associated with whichever
        nlMatrixTopNControlEntries have a nlMatrixTopNControlRateBase
        that specify a high capacity report."
    INDEX { nlMatrixTopNControlIndex, nlMatrixTopNIndex }
    ::= { nlMatrixTopNHighCapacityTable 1 }

NlMatrixTopNHighCapacityEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
  nlMatrixTopNHighCapacityProtocolDirLocalIndex    Integer32,
  nlMatrixTopNHighCapacitySourceAddress            OCTET STRING,
  nlMatrixTopNHighCapacityDestAddress              OCTET STRING,
  nlMatrixTopNHighCapacityBasePktRate              Gauge32,
  nlMatrixTopNHighCapacityOverflowPktRate          Gauge32,
  nlMatrixTopNHighCapacityPktRate                  CounterBasedGauge64,
  nlMatrixTopNHighCapacityReverseBasePktRate       Gauge32,
  nlMatrixTopNHighCapacityReverseOverflowPktRate   Gauge32,
  nlMatrixTopNHighCapacityReversePktRate           CounterBasedGauge64,
  nlMatrixTopNHighCapacityBaseOctetRate            Gauge32,
  nlMatrixTopNHighCapacityOverflowOctetRate        Gauge32,
  nlMatrixTopNHighCapacityOctetRate                CounterBasedGauge64,
  nlMatrixTopNHighCapacityReverseBaseOctetRate     Gauge32,
  nlMatrixTopNHighCapacityReverseOverflowOctetRate Gauge32,
  nlMatrixTopNHighCapacityReverseOctetRate         CounterBasedGauge64

nlMatrixTopNHighCapacityProtocolDirLocalIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..2147483647)
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The protocolDirLocalIndex of the network layer protocol of
Top   ToC   RFC3273 - Page 45
        this entry's network address."
    ::= { nlMatrixTopNHighCapacityEntry 1 }

nlMatrixTopNHighCapacitySourceAddress OBJECT-TYPE
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The network layer address of the source host in this

        This is represented as an octet string with
        specific semantics and length as identified
        by the associated nlMatrixTopNProtocolDirLocalIndex.

        For example, if the protocolDirLocalIndex indicates an
        encapsulation of ip, this object is encoded as a length
        octet of 4, followed by the 4 octets of the ip address,
        in network byte order."
    ::= { nlMatrixTopNHighCapacityEntry 2 }

nlMatrixTopNHighCapacityDestAddress OBJECT-TYPE
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The network layer address of the destination host in this

        This is represented as an octet string with
        specific semantics and length as identified
        by the associated nlMatrixTopNProtocolDirLocalIndex.

        For example, if the nlMatrixTopNProtocolDirLocalIndex
        indicates an encapsulation of ip, this object is encoded as a
        length octet of 4, followed by the 4 octets of the ip address,
        in network byte order."
    ::= { nlMatrixTopNHighCapacityEntry 3 }

nlMatrixTopNHighCapacityBasePktRate OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Gauge32
    UNITS      "Packets"
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The number of packets seen from the source host
        to the destination host during this sampling interval,
        modulo 2^32, counted using the rules for counting the
Top   ToC   RFC3273 - Page 46
        nlMatrixSDPkts object."
    ::= { nlMatrixTopNHighCapacityEntry 4 }

nlMatrixTopNHighCapacityOverflowPktRate OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Gauge32
    UNITS      "Packets"
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The number of packets seen from the source host
        to the destination host during this sampling interval,
        divided by 2^32, truncating fractions (i.e., X DIV 2^32),
        and counted using the rules for counting the
        nlMatrixSDPkts object."
    ::= { nlMatrixTopNHighCapacityEntry 5 }

nlMatrixTopNHighCapacityPktRate OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     CounterBasedGauge64
    UNITS      "Packets"
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The number of packets seen from the source host to the
        destination host during this sampling interval, counted
        using the rules for counting the nlMatrixSDPkts object.
        If the value of nlMatrixTopNControlRateBase is
        nlMatrixTopNHighCapacityPkts, this variable will be
        used to sort this report."
    ::= { nlMatrixTopNHighCapacityEntry 6 }

nlMatrixTopNHighCapacityReverseBasePktRate OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Gauge32
    UNITS      "Packets"
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The number of packets seen from the destination host to the
        source host during this sampling interval, modulo 2^32, counted
        using the rules for counting the nlMatrixSDPkts object (note
        that the corresponding nlMatrixSDPkts object selected is the
        one whose source address is equal to nlMatrixTopNDestAddress
        and whose destination address is equal to

        Note that if the value of nlMatrixTopNControlRateBase is equal
        to nlMatrixTopNHighCapacityPkts, the sort of topN entries is
        based entirely on nlMatrixTopNHighCapacityPktRate, and not on
        the value of this object."
Top   ToC   RFC3273 - Page 47
    ::= { nlMatrixTopNHighCapacityEntry 7 }

nlMatrixTopNHighCapacityReverseOverflowPktRate OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Gauge32
    UNITS      "Packets"
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The number of packets seen from the destination host to the
        source host during this sampling interval, divided by 2^32,
        truncating fractions (i.e., X DIV 2^32), and counted
        using the rules for counting the nlMatrixSDPkts object (note
        that the corresponding nlMatrixSDPkts object selected is the
        one whose source address is equal to nlMatrixTopNDestAddress
        and whose destination address is equal to

        Note that if the value of nlMatrixTopNControlRateBase is equal
        to nlMatrixTopNHighCapacityPkts, the sort of topN entries is
        based entirely on nlMatrixTopNHighCapacityPktRate, and not on
        the value of this object."
    ::= { nlMatrixTopNHighCapacityEntry 8 }

nlMatrixTopNHighCapacityReversePktRate OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     CounterBasedGauge64
    UNITS      "Packets"
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The number of packets seen from the destination host to the
        source host during this sampling interval, counted
        using the rules for counting the nlMatrixSDPkts object (note
        that the corresponding nlMatrixSDPkts object selected is the
        one whose source address is equal to nlMatrixTopNDestAddress
        and whose destination address is equal to

        Note that if the value of nlMatrixTopNControlRateBase is equal
        to nlMatrixTopNHighCapacityPkts, the sort of topN entries is
        based entirely on nlMatrixTopNHighCapacityPktRate, and not on
        the value of this object."
    ::= { nlMatrixTopNHighCapacityEntry 9 }

nlMatrixTopNHighCapacityBaseOctetRate OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Gauge32
    UNITS      "Octets"
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
Top   ToC   RFC3273 - Page 48
        "The number of octets seen from the source host to the
        destination host during this sampling interval, modulo 2^32,
        counted using the rules for counting the nlMatrixSDOctets
    ::= { nlMatrixTopNHighCapacityEntry 10 }

nlMatrixTopNHighCapacityOverflowOctetRate OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Gauge32
    UNITS      "Octets"
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The number of octets seen from the source host
        to the destination host during this sampling interval,
        divided by 2^32, truncating fractions (i.e., X DIV 2^32),
        and counted using the rules for counting the
        nlMatrixSDOctets object."
    ::= { nlMatrixTopNHighCapacityEntry 11 }

nlMatrixTopNHighCapacityOctetRate OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     CounterBasedGauge64
    UNITS      "Octets"
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The number of octets seen from the source host
        to the destination host during this sampling interval,
        counted using the rules for counting the
        nlMatrixSDOctets object.
        If the value of nlMatrixTopNControlRateBase is
        nlMatrixTopNHighCapacityOctets, this variable will be used
        to sort this report."
    ::= { nlMatrixTopNHighCapacityEntry 12 }

nlMatrixTopNHighCapacityReverseBaseOctetRate OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Gauge32
    UNITS      "Octets"
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The number of octets seen from the destination host to the
        source host during this sampling interval, modulo 2^32, counted
        using the rules for counting the nlMatrixSDOctets object (note
        that the corresponding nlMatrixSDOctets object selected is the
        one whose source address is equal to nlMatrixTopNDestAddress
        and whose destination address is equal to
Top   ToC   RFC3273 - Page 49
        Note that if the value of nlMatrixTopNControlRateBase is equal
        to nlMatrixTopNHighCapacityOctets, the sort of topN entries is
        based entirely on nlMatrixTopNHighCapacityOctetRate, and not on
        the value of this object."
    ::= { nlMatrixTopNHighCapacityEntry 13 }

nlMatrixTopNHighCapacityReverseOverflowOctetRate OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Gauge32
    UNITS      "Octets"
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The number of octets seen from the destination host to the
        source host during this sampling interval, divided by 2^32,
        truncating fractions (i.e., X DIV 2^32), and counted
        using the rules for counting the nlMatrixSDOctets object (note
        that the corresponding nlMatrixSDOctets object selected is the
        one whose source address is equal to nlMatrixTopNDestAddress
        and whose destination address is equal to

        Note that if the value of nlMatrixTopNControlRateBase is equal
        to nlMatrixTopNHighCapacityOctets, the sort of topN entries is
        based entirely on nlMatrixTopNHighCapacityOctetRate, and not on
        the value of this object."
    ::= { nlMatrixTopNHighCapacityEntry 14 }

nlMatrixTopNHighCapacityReverseOctetRate OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     CounterBasedGauge64
    UNITS      "Octets"
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The number of octets seen from the destination host to the
        source host during this sampling interval, counted
        using the rules for counting the nlMatrixSDOctets object (note
        that the corresponding nlMatrixSDOctets object selected is the
        one whose source address is equal to nlMatrixTopNDestAddress
        and whose destination address is equal to

        Note that if the value of nlMatrixTopNControlRateBase is equal
        to nlMatrixTopNHighCapacityOctets, the sort of topN entries is
        based entirely on nlMatrixTopNHighCapacityOctetRate, and not on
        the value of this object."
    ::= { nlMatrixTopNHighCapacityEntry 15 }

-- High Capacity extensions for the alHostTable
Top   ToC   RFC3273 - Page 50
alHostHighCapacityTable  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF AlHostHighCapacityEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
        "Contains the High Capacity RMON extensions to the RMON-2
    ::= { alHost 2 }

alHostHighCapacityEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     AlHostHighCapacityEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
        "Contains the High Capacity RMON extensions to the RMON-2
        alHostEntry. These objects will be created by the agent
        for all alHostEntries associated with whichever
        hlHostControlEntries it deems appropriate. (i.e., either all
        alHostHighCapacityEntries associated with a particular
        hlHostControlEntry will be created, or none of them will
    INDEX { hlHostControlIndex, alHostTimeMark,
            protocolDirLocalIndex, nlHostAddress,
            protocolDirLocalIndex }
    ::= { alHostHighCapacityTable 1 }

AlHostHighCapacityEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    alHostHighCapacityInOverflowPkts    ZeroBasedCounter32,
    alHostHighCapacityInPkts            ZeroBasedCounter64,
    alHostHighCapacityOutOverflowPkts   ZeroBasedCounter32,
    alHostHighCapacityOutPkts           ZeroBasedCounter64,
    alHostHighCapacityInOverflowOctets  ZeroBasedCounter32,
    alHostHighCapacityInOctets          ZeroBasedCounter64,
    alHostHighCapacityOutOverflowOctets ZeroBasedCounter32,
    alHostHighCapacityOutOctets         ZeroBasedCounter64

alHostHighCapacityInOverflowPkts OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     ZeroBasedCounter32
    UNITS      "Packets"
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The number of times the associated alHostInPkts
        counter has overflowed."

    ::= { alHostHighCapacityEntry 1 }
Top   ToC   RFC3273 - Page 51
alHostHighCapacityInPkts OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     ZeroBasedCounter64
    UNITS      "Packets"
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The number of packets of this protocol type without errors
        transmitted to this address since it was added to the
        alHostHighCapacityTable.  Note that this is the number of
        link-layer packets, so if a single network-layer packet
        is fragmented into several link-layer frames, this counter
        is incremented several times."
    ::= { alHostHighCapacityEntry 2 }

alHostHighCapacityOutOverflowPkts OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     ZeroBasedCounter32
    UNITS      "Packets"
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The number of times the associated alHostOutPkts
        counter has overflowed."
    ::= { alHostHighCapacityEntry 3 }

alHostHighCapacityOutPkts OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     ZeroBasedCounter64
    UNITS      "Packets"
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The number of packets of this protocol type without errors
        transmitted by this address since it was added to the
        alHostHighCapacityTable.  Note that this is the number of
        link-layer packets, so if a single network-layer packet
        is fragmented into several link-layer frames, this counter
        is incremented several times."
    ::= { alHostHighCapacityEntry 4 }

alHostHighCapacityInOverflowOctets OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     ZeroBasedCounter32
    UNITS      "Octets"
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The number of times the associated alHostInOctets
        counter has overflowed."
    ::= { alHostHighCapacityEntry 5 }
Top   ToC   RFC3273 - Page 52
alHostHighCapacityInOctets OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     ZeroBasedCounter64
    UNITS      "Octets"
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The number of octets transmitted to this address
        of this protocol type since it was added to the
        alHostHighCapacityTable (excluding framing bits but
        including FCS octets), excluding those octets in
        packets that contained errors.

        Note this doesn't count just those octets in the particular
        protocol frames, but includes the entire packet that contained
        the protocol."
    ::= { alHostHighCapacityEntry 6 }

alHostHighCapacityOutOverflowOctets OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     ZeroBasedCounter32
    UNITS      "Octets"
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The number of times the associated alHostOutOctets
        counter has overflowed."
    ::= { alHostHighCapacityEntry 7 }

alHostHighCapacityOutOctets OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     ZeroBasedCounter64
    UNITS      "Octets"
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The number of octets transmitted by this address
        of this protocol type since it was added to the
        alHostHighCapacityTable (excluding framing bits but
        including FCS octets), excluding those octets in
        packets that contained errors.

        Note this doesn't count just those octets in the particular
        protocol frames, but includes the entire packet that contained
        the protocol."
    ::= { alHostHighCapacityEntry 8 }

-- High Capacity extensions for the alMatrixSDTable

alMatrixSDHighCapacityTable  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF AlMatrixSDHighCapacityEntry
Top   ToC   RFC3273 - Page 53
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
        "Contains the High Capacity RMON extensions to the RMON-2
    ::= { alMatrix 5 }

alMatrixSDHighCapacityEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     AlMatrixSDHighCapacityEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
        "Contains the High Capacity RMON extensions to the RMON-2
        alMatrixSDEntry. These objects will be created by the agent
        for all alMatrixSDEntries associated with whichever
        hlMatrixControlEntries it deems appropriate. (i.e., either all
        alMatrixSDHighCapacityEntries associated with a particular
        hlMatrixControlEntry will be created, or none of them will
    INDEX { hlMatrixControlIndex, alMatrixSDTimeMark,
            nlMatrixSDSourceAddress, nlMatrixSDDestAddress,
            protocolDirLocalIndex }
    ::= { alMatrixSDHighCapacityTable 1 }

AlMatrixSDHighCapacityEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    alMatrixSDHighCapacityOverflowPkts   ZeroBasedCounter32,
    alMatrixSDHighCapacityPkts           ZeroBasedCounter64,
    alMatrixSDHighCapacityOverflowOctets ZeroBasedCounter32,
    alMatrixSDHighCapacityOctets         ZeroBasedCounter64

alMatrixSDHighCapacityOverflowPkts OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     ZeroBasedCounter32
    UNITS      "Packets"
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The number of times the associated alMatrixSDPkts
        counter has overflowed."
    ::= { alMatrixSDHighCapacityEntry 1 }

alMatrixSDHighCapacityPkts OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     ZeroBasedCounter64
    UNITS      "Packets"
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
Top   ToC   RFC3273 - Page 54
        "The number of good packets of this protocol type
        transmitted from the source address to the destination address
        since this entry was added to the alMatrixSDHighCapacityTable.
        Note that this is the number of link-layer packets, so if a
        single network-layer packet is fragmented into several
        link-layer frames, this counter is incremented several times."
    ::= { alMatrixSDHighCapacityEntry 2 }

alMatrixSDHighCapacityOverflowOctets OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     ZeroBasedCounter32
    UNITS      "Octets"
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The number of times the associated alMatrixSDOctets
        counter has overflowed."
    ::= { alMatrixSDHighCapacityEntry 3 }

alMatrixSDHighCapacityOctets OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     ZeroBasedCounter64
    UNITS      "Octets"
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The number of octets in good packets of this protocol type
        transmitted from the source address to the destination address
        since this entry was added to the alMatrixSDHighCapacityTable
        (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets).

        Note this doesn't count just those octets in the particular
        protocol frames, but includes the entire packet that contained
        the protocol."
    ::= { alMatrixSDHighCapacityEntry 4 }

-- High Capacity extensions for the alMatrixDSTable

alMatrixDSHighCapacityTable  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF AlMatrixDSHighCapacityEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
        "Contains the High Capacity RMON extensions to the RMON-2
    ::= { alMatrix 6 }

alMatrixDSHighCapacityEntry  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     AlMatrixDSHighCapacityEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
Top   ToC   RFC3273 - Page 55
    STATUS     current
        "Contains the High Capacity RMON extensions to the RMON-2
        alMatrixSDTable. These objects will be created by the agent
        for all alMatrixDSEntries associated with whichever
        hlMatrixControlEntries it deems appropriate. (i.e., either all
        alMatrixDSHighCapacityEntries associated with a particular
        hlMatrixControlEntry will be created, or none of them will
    INDEX { hlMatrixControlIndex, alMatrixDSTimeMark,
            nlMatrixDSDestAddress, nlMatrixDSSourceAddress,
            protocolDirLocalIndex }
    ::= { alMatrixDSHighCapacityTable 1 }

AlMatrixDSHighCapacityEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
    alMatrixDSHighCapacityOverflowPkts   ZeroBasedCounter32,
    alMatrixDSHighCapacityPkts           ZeroBasedCounter64,
    alMatrixDSHighCapacityOverflowOctets ZeroBasedCounter32,
    alMatrixDSHighCapacityOctets         ZeroBasedCounter64

alMatrixDSHighCapacityOverflowPkts OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     ZeroBasedCounter32
    UNITS      "Packets"
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The number of times the associated alMatrixDSPkts
        counter has overflowed."
    ::= { alMatrixDSHighCapacityEntry 1 }

alMatrixDSHighCapacityPkts OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     ZeroBasedCounter64
    UNITS      "Packets"
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The number of good packets of this protocol type
        transmitted from the source address to the destination address
        since this entry was added to the alMatrixDSHighCapacityTable.
        Note that this is the number of link-layer packets, so if a
        single network-layer packet is fragmented into several
        link-layer frames, this counter is incremented several times."
    ::= { alMatrixDSHighCapacityEntry 2 }

alMatrixDSHighCapacityOverflowOctets OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     ZeroBasedCounter32
Top   ToC   RFC3273 - Page 56
    UNITS      "Octets"
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The number of times the associated alMatrixDSOctets
        counter has overflowed."
    ::= { alMatrixDSHighCapacityEntry 3 }

alMatrixDSHighCapacityOctets OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     ZeroBasedCounter64
    UNITS      "Octets"
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The number of octets in good packets of this protocol type
        transmitted from the source address to the destination address
        since this entry was added to the alMatrixDSHighCapacityTable
        (excluding framing bits but including FCS octets).

        Note this doesn't count just those octets in the particular
        protocol frames, but includes the entire packet that contained
        the protocol."
    ::= { alMatrixDSHighCapacityEntry 4 }

alMatrixTopNHighCapacityTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF AlMatrixTopNHighCapacityEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
        "Contains the High Capacity RMON extensions to the RMON-2
        alMatrixTopNTable when alMatrixTopNControlRateBase specifies
        a High Capacity TopN Report."
    ::= { alMatrix 7 }

alMatrixTopNHighCapacityEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     AlMatrixTopNHighCapacityEntry
    MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
    STATUS     current
        "Contains the High Capacity RMON extensions to the RMON-2
        alMatrixTopNEntry when alMatrixTopNControlRateBase specifies
        a High Capacity TopN Report. These objects will be created by
        the agent for all alMatrixTopNEntries associated with whichever
        alMatrixTopNControlEntries have a alMatrixTopNControlRateBase
        that specify a high capacity report."
     INDEX { alMatrixTopNControlIndex, alMatrixTopNIndex }
    ::= { alMatrixTopNHighCapacityTable 1 }
Top   ToC   RFC3273 - Page 57
AlMatrixTopNHighCapacityEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
  alMatrixTopNHighCapacityProtocolDirLocalIndex    Integer32,
  alMatrixTopNHighCapacitySourceAddress            OCTET STRING,
  alMatrixTopNHighCapacityDestAddress              OCTET STRING,
  alMatrixTopNHighCapacityAppProtocolDirLocalIndex Integer32,
  alMatrixTopNHighCapacityBasePktRate              Gauge32,
  alMatrixTopNHighCapacityOverflowPktRate          Gauge32,
  alMatrixTopNHighCapacityPktRate                  CounterBasedGauge64,
  alMatrixTopNHighCapacityReverseBasePktRate       Gauge32,
  alMatrixTopNHighCapacityReverseOverflowPktRate   Gauge32,
  alMatrixTopNHighCapacityReversePktRate           CounterBasedGauge64,
  alMatrixTopNHighCapacityBaseOctetRate            Gauge32,
  alMatrixTopNHighCapacityOverflowOctetRate        Gauge32,
  alMatrixTopNHighCapacityOctetRate                CounterBasedGauge64,
  alMatrixTopNHighCapacityReverseBaseOctetRate     Gauge32,
  alMatrixTopNHighCapacityReverseOverflowOctetRate Gauge32,
  alMatrixTopNHighCapacityReverseOctetRate         CounterBasedGauge64

alMatrixTopNHighCapacityProtocolDirLocalIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..2147483647)
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The protocolDirLocalIndex of the network layer protocol of
        this entry's network address."
    ::= { alMatrixTopNHighCapacityEntry 1 }

alMatrixTopNHighCapacitySourceAddress OBJECT-TYPE
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The network layer address of the source host in this

        This is represented as an octet string with
        specific semantics and length as identified
        by the associated alMatrixTopNProtocolDirLocalIndex.

        For example, if the alMatrixTopNProtocolDirLocalIndex
        indicates an encapsulation of ip, this object is encoded as a
        length octet of 4, followed by the 4 octets of the ip address,
        in network byte order."
    ::= { alMatrixTopNHighCapacityEntry 2 }

alMatrixTopNHighCapacityDestAddress OBJECT-TYPE
Top   ToC   RFC3273 - Page 58
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The network layer address of the destination host in this

        This is represented as an octet string with
        specific semantics and length as identified
        by the associated alMatrixTopNProtocolDirLocalIndex.

        For example, if the alMatrixTopNProtocolDirLocalIndex
        indicates an encapsulation of ip, this object is encoded as a
        length octet of 4, followed by the 4 octets of the ip address,
        in network byte order."
    ::= { alMatrixTopNHighCapacityEntry 3 }

alMatrixTopNHighCapacityAppProtocolDirLocalIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Integer32
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The type of the protocol counted by this entry."
    ::= { alMatrixTopNHighCapacityEntry 4 }

alMatrixTopNHighCapacityBasePktRate OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Gauge32
    UNITS      "Packets"
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The number of packets seen of this protocol from the
        source host to the destination host during this sampling
        interval, modulo 2^32, counted using the rules for counting
        the alMatrixSDPkts object."
    ::= { alMatrixTopNHighCapacityEntry 5 }

alMatrixTopNHighCapacityOverflowPktRate OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Gauge32
    UNITS      "Packets"
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The number of packets seen of this protocol from the source
        host to the destination host during this sampling interval,
        divided by 2^32, truncating fractions (i.e., X DIV 2^32),
        and counted using the rules for counting the
        alMatrixSDPkts object."
    ::= { alMatrixTopNHighCapacityEntry 6 }
Top   ToC   RFC3273 - Page 59
alMatrixTopNHighCapacityPktRate OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     CounterBasedGauge64
    UNITS      "Packets"
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The number of packets seen of this protocol from the source
        host to the destination host during this sampling interval,
        counted using the rules for counting the
        alMatrixSDPkts object.
        If the value of alMatrixTopNControlRateBase is
        alMatrixTopNTerminalsPkts, alMatrixTopNAllPkts,
        alMatrixTopNTerminalsHighCapacityPkts, or
        alMatrixTopNAllHighCapacityPkts, this variable will be used
        to sort this report."
    ::= { alMatrixTopNHighCapacityEntry 7 }

alMatrixTopNHighCapacityReverseBasePktRate OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Gauge32
    UNITS      "Packets"
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The number of packets seen of this protocol from the
        destination host to the source host during this sampling
        interval, modulo 2^32, counted using the rules for counting
        the alMatrixSDPkts object (note that the corresponding
        alMatrixSDPkts object selected is the one whose source address
        is equal to alMatrixTopNDestAddress and whose destination
        address is equal to alMatrixTopNSourceAddress.)"
    ::= { alMatrixTopNHighCapacityEntry 8 }

alMatrixTopNHighCapacityReverseOverflowPktRate OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     Gauge32
    UNITS      "Packets"
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
        "The number of packets seen of this protocol from the
        destination host to the source host during this sampling
        interval, divided by 2^32, truncating fractions
        (i.e., X DIV 2^32), and counted using the rules for
        counting the alMatrixSDPkts object (note that the
        corresponding alMatrixSDPkts object selected is the
        one whose source address is equal to alMatrixTopNDestAddress
        and whose destination address is equal to
    ::= { alMatrixTopNHighCapacityEntry 9 }

(next page on part 4)

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