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RFC 3113

3GPP-IETF Standardization Collaboration

Pages: 7

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Network Working Group                                      K. Rosenbrock
Request for Comments: 3113                                3GPP PCG Chair
Category: Informational                                      R. Sanmugam
                                                              S. Bradner
                                                      Harvard University
                                                              J. Klensin
                                                               June 2001

                3GPP-IETF Standardization Collaboration

Status of this Memo

   This memo provides information for the Internet community.  It does
   not specify an Internet standard of any kind.  Distribution of this
   memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2001).  All Rights Reserved.


This document describes the standardization collaboration between 3GPP and IETF.

1. Conventions used in this document

This document uses significant terminology that is specialized to IETF, 3GPP, or their areas of work. See Appendix A for definitions of acronyms. The organizational definitions can be found in their respective web-sites.

2. Introduction

This document contains a set of principles and guidelines that serves as the basis for establishing the collaboration between 3GPP and IETF, with the objective of securing timely development of technical specification that facilitate maximum interoperability with existing (fixed and mobile) Internet systems, devices, and protocols. Each organization will operate according to their own rules and procedures including rules governing IPR policy, specification elaboration, approval and maintenance.
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3. Reasons For Collaboration

3.1 3GPP use of IETF Internet Standards

In the further development of 3GPP specifications, the benefit of adopting Internet specifications has been identified. The preferred 3GPP approach is to use the Internet standards unchanged, if feasible. In any case, 3GPP has no intention to duplicate work performed in IETF. However, while this document recognizes the importance of 3GPP interoperability with the existing Internet and hence the use of IETF standards, 3GPP recognizes that additions or modifications might be needed in order to make the IETF internet specification fulfill the needs of 3GPP. In such cases, 3GPP will take its concerns directly to the appropriate IETF working groups for resolution, or to an appropriate Area Director if no appropriate working group can be found.

3.2 IETF access to 3GPP Wireless expertise

The technical work in 3GPP is organized in Technical Specification Groups TSGs each with their area of responsibilities. TSG-RAN and TSG-GERAN are responsible for the Radio Access networks based on UTRAN and GERAN and thus the experts in the areas of the characteristics of the physical transport. TSG CN is responsible for the Mobility Management and other core network protocol and functionalities. TSG-T is responsible for Terminal aspects and applications. TSG-SA is responsible for the service and system aspects including the overall architecture, security and O&M aspects. Contacts for the TSGs can be found on the 3GPP web-site

4. Document Sharing

Both 3GPP and IETF encourage the sharing of draft documents that are of mutual interest. 3GPP documents are available on its official web-site ( and is open to anyone. IETF documents, including preliminary working documents ("Internet Drafts") are available on its web-site ( and various shadow sites. IETF representatives can obtain information about the 3GPP document and web-site structures by contacting the relevant 3GPP contact points indicated at the 3GPP web-site
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   3GPP representatives can obtain information about the IETF document
   and web-site structures by contacting the relevant IETF contact
   points (the Area Directors indicated at the IETF web-site

5. Communication

Whenever possible, informal communication at working level is encouraged. The vast majority of the technical discussions and decision making in both IETF and 3GPP is done over mailing lists. Both 3GPP and IETF web sites contain information concerning the associated mailing lists. It is recommended that interested individuals subscribe to and participate in these lists. When deemed necessary, formal communication between 3GPP and IETF is also permitted. Relevant IETF Area Directors and 3GPP technical leadership are encouraged and authorized to facilitate such communications when needed.

6. Rapporteurs/coordinators

6.1 IETF coordination support in 3GPP

An IETF rapporteur function is established in 3GPP TSG-SA. The individual(s) appointed to undertake the responsibility of this function should be the initial contact point in 3GPP for matters pertaining to the 3GPP-IETF cooperation. Of course, the chairman of TSG-SA can always be contacted. The 3GPP-IETF rapporteur function, therefore, is expected to work with the concerned working groups and TSGs and support the interaction between 3GPP and IETF.

6.2 3GPP Liaison in IETF

The preferred way for organizations to work with IETF is through the working groups. However, IETF has a limited number of liaison relationships with other organizations when conditions warrant the appointment of a specific person. The appointment, by the IAB, of a specific person to function as a "3GPP liaison" is proposed.
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   The role of the 3GPP Liaison is to act as an initial contact point in
   IETF for administrative aspects of this collaboration that cannot
   easily be handled in other ways (e.g., at a technical level by
   interactions with IETF Working Groups or Area Directors).  It is
   agreed that the role does not carry the expectation of attendance at
   3GPP meetings or participation in 3GPP administrative processes and
   anticipated that all liaison efforts assigned to this individual will
   be carried out by electronic mail.  It is understood that the liaison
   will not have the ability to make exceptions to, or special
   provisions for, IETF policies and procedures.

9. Participation

In order to assist the information flow between the organizations, the IETF can on per case basis appoint a rapporteur to participate and represent IETF at 3GPP technical meetings. IETF meetings are open to any interested individuals. 3GPP partners (OPs, MRPs) or individual members can participate in any of the IETF meetings, in accordance with the existing IETF procedures.

8. Security Considerations

This type of non-protocol document does not directly affect the security of the Internet.
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9. Authors' Addresses

Questions about this memo can be directed to: Karl Heinz Rosenbrock ETSI 06921 Sophia Antipolis CEDEX France Phone: +33 492 94 4212 EMail: Raj Sanmugam Director, Systems and Technology Ericsson Canada Inc. 8400 Decarie Blvd TMR, Quebec H4P 2N2 Phone: +1 514 345 7862 Email: Scott Bradner Harvard University Cambridge, MA 02138 USA Phone: +1 617 495 3864 EMail: John C. Klensin AT&T Labs 99 Bedford St Boston, MA 02111 USA Phone: +1 617 513 7285 EMail: Note: Changes to the contents of this memo requires the approval from 3GPP PCG: EMail:
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Appendix A: Acronyms

Glossary Of Acronyms: 3GPP Third Generation Partnership Project BCP Best Current Practice IAB Internet Architecture Board IESG Internet Engineering Steering Group IETF Internet Engineering Task Force IPR Intellectual Property rights MRP Market Representation Partner OP Organizational Partner O&M Operation and Maintenance PCG Project coordination Group RFC Request for Comments TSG Technical Specification Group TSG-SA TSG Services and systems aspects TSG-CN TSG Core Network TSG-RAN TSG Radio Access Network TSG-GERAN TSG GSM Radio Access Network TSG-T TSG Terminals UTRAN Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network WWW World Wide Web
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Full Copyright Statement

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2001).  All Rights Reserved.

   This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to
   others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it
   or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published
   and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any
   kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are
   included on all such copies and derivative works.  However, this
   document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing
   the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other
   Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of
   developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for
   copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be
   followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than

   The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be
   revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns.

   This document and the information contained herein is provided on an


   Funding for the RFC Editor function is currently provided by the
   Internet Society.