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RFC 2819

Remote Network Monitoring Management Information Base

Pages: 98
Internet Standard: 59
Obsoletes:  1757
Part 3 of 4 – Pages 45 to 81
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Top   ToC   RFC2819 - Page 45   prevText
 HostEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
     hostAddress             OCTET STRING,
     hostCreationOrder       Integer32,
     hostIndex               Integer32,
     hostInPkts              Counter32,
     hostOutPkts             Counter32,
     hostInOctets            Counter32,
     hostOutOctets           Counter32,
     hostOutErrors           Counter32,
     hostOutBroadcastPkts    Counter32,
     hostOutMulticastPkts    Counter32

 hostAddress OBJECT-TYPE
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "The physical address of this host."
     ::= { hostEntry 1 }

 hostCreationOrder OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "An index that defines the relative ordering of
         the creation time of hosts captured for a
         particular hostControlEntry.  This index shall
         be between 1 and N, where N is the value of
         the associated hostControlTableSize.  The ordering
         of the indexes is based on the order of each entry's
         insertion into the table, in which entries added earlier
         have a lower index value than entries added later.

         It is important to note that the order for a
         particular entry may change as an (earlier) entry
         is deleted from the table.  Because this order may
         change, management stations should make use of the
         hostControlLastDeleteTime variable in the
         hostControlEntry associated with the relevant
         portion of the hostTable.  By observing
         this variable, the management station may detect
         the circumstances where a previous association
         between a value of hostCreationOrder
         and a hostEntry may no longer hold."
     ::= { hostEntry 2 }
Top   ToC   RFC2819 - Page 46
 hostIndex OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "The set of collected host statistics of which
         this entry is a part.  The set of hosts
         identified by a particular value of this
         index is associated with the hostControlEntry
         as identified by the same value of hostControlIndex."
     ::= { hostEntry 3 }

     SYNTAX     Counter32
     UNITS      "Packets"
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "The number of good packets transmitted to this
         address since it was added to the hostTable."
     ::= { hostEntry 4 }

 hostOutPkts OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Counter32
     UNITS      "Packets"
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "The number of packets, including bad packets, transmitted
         by this address since it was added to the hostTable."
     ::= { hostEntry 5 }

 hostInOctets OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Counter32
     UNITS      "Octets"
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "The number of octets transmitted to this address since
         it was added to the hostTable (excluding framing
         bits but including FCS octets), except for those
         octets in bad packets."
     ::= { hostEntry 6 }

 hostOutOctets OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Counter32
     UNITS      "Octets"
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
Top   ToC   RFC2819 - Page 47
     STATUS     current
         "The number of octets transmitted by this address since
         it was added to the hostTable (excluding framing
         bits but including FCS octets), including those
         octets in bad packets."
     ::= { hostEntry 7 }

 hostOutErrors OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Counter32
     UNITS      "Packets"
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "The number of bad packets transmitted by this address
         since this host was added to the hostTable."
     ::= { hostEntry 8 }

 hostOutBroadcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Counter32
     UNITS      "Packets"
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "The number of good packets transmitted by this
         address that were directed to the broadcast address
         since this host was added to the hostTable."
     ::= { hostEntry 9 }

 hostOutMulticastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Counter32
     UNITS      "Packets"
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "The number of good packets transmitted by this
         address that were directed to a multicast address
         since this host was added to the hostTable.
         Note that this number does not include packets
         directed to the broadcast address."
     ::= { hostEntry 10 }

 -- host Time Table

 hostTimeTable OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF HostTimeEntry
     MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
     STATUS     current
Top   ToC   RFC2819 - Page 48
         "A list of time-ordered host table entries."
     ::= { hosts 3 }

 hostTimeEntry OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     HostTimeEntry
     MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
     STATUS     current
         "A collection of statistics for a particular host that has
         been discovered on an interface of this device.  This
         collection includes the relative ordering of the creation
         time of this object.  For example, an instance of the
         hostTimeOutBroadcastPkts object might be named
     INDEX { hostTimeIndex, hostTimeCreationOrder }
     ::= { hostTimeTable 1 }

 HostTimeEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
     hostTimeAddress              OCTET STRING,
     hostTimeCreationOrder        Integer32,
     hostTimeIndex                Integer32,
     hostTimeInPkts               Counter32,
     hostTimeOutPkts              Counter32,
     hostTimeInOctets             Counter32,
     hostTimeOutOctets            Counter32,
     hostTimeOutErrors            Counter32,
     hostTimeOutBroadcastPkts     Counter32,
     hostTimeOutMulticastPkts     Counter32

 hostTimeAddress OBJECT-TYPE
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "The physical address of this host."
     ::= { hostTimeEntry 1 }

 hostTimeCreationOrder OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "An index that uniquely identifies an entry in
         the hostTime table among those entries associated
         with the same hostControlEntry.  This index shall
         be between 1 and N, where N is the value of
Top   ToC   RFC2819 - Page 49
         the associated hostControlTableSize.  The ordering
         of the indexes is based on the order of each entry's
         insertion into the table, in which entries added earlier
         have a lower index value than entries added later.
         Thus the management station has the ability to
         learn of new entries added to this table without
         downloading the entire table.

         It is important to note that the index for a
         particular entry may change as an (earlier) entry
         is deleted from the table.  Because this order may
         change, management stations should make use of the
         hostControlLastDeleteTime variable in the
         hostControlEntry associated with the relevant
         portion of the hostTimeTable.  By observing
         this variable, the management station may detect
         the circumstances where a download of the table
         may have missed entries, and where a previous
         association between a value of hostTimeCreationOrder
         and a hostTimeEntry may no longer hold."
     ::= { hostTimeEntry 2 }

 hostTimeIndex OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "The set of collected host statistics of which
         this entry is a part.  The set of hosts
         identified by a particular value of this
         index is associated with the hostControlEntry
         as identified by the same value of hostControlIndex."
     ::= { hostTimeEntry 3 }

 hostTimeInPkts OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Counter32
     UNITS      "Packets"
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "The number of good packets transmitted to this
         address since it was added to the hostTimeTable."
     ::= { hostTimeEntry 4 }

 hostTimeOutPkts OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Counter32
     UNITS      "Packets"
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
Top   ToC   RFC2819 - Page 50
     STATUS     current
         "The number of packets, including bad packets, transmitted
         by this address since it was added to the hostTimeTable."
     ::= { hostTimeEntry 5 }

 hostTimeInOctets OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Counter32
     UNITS      "Octets"
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "The number of octets transmitted to this address since
         it was added to the hostTimeTable (excluding framing
         bits but including FCS octets), except for those
         octets in bad packets."
     ::= { hostTimeEntry 6 }

 hostTimeOutOctets OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Counter32
     UNITS      "Octets"
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "The number of octets transmitted by this address since
         it was added to the hostTimeTable (excluding framing
         bits but including FCS octets), including those
         octets in bad packets."
     ::= { hostTimeEntry 7 }

 hostTimeOutErrors OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Counter32
     UNITS      "Packets"
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "The number of bad packets transmitted by this address
         since this host was added to the hostTimeTable."
     ::= { hostTimeEntry 8 }

 hostTimeOutBroadcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Counter32
     UNITS      "Packets"
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "The number of good packets transmitted by this
         address that were directed to the broadcast address
Top   ToC   RFC2819 - Page 51
         since this host was added to the hostTimeTable."
     ::= { hostTimeEntry 9 }

 hostTimeOutMulticastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Counter32
     UNITS      "Packets"
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "The number of good packets transmitted by this
         address that were directed to a multicast address
         since this host was added to the hostTimeTable.
         Note that this number does not include packets directed
         to the broadcast address."
     ::= { hostTimeEntry 10 }

 -- The Host Top "N" Group

 -- Implementation of the Host Top N group is optional. The Host Top N
 -- group requires the implementation of the host group.
 -- Consult the MODULE-COMPLIANCE macro for the authoritative
 -- conformance information for this MIB.
 -- The Host Top N group is used to prepare reports that describe
 -- the hosts that top a list ordered by one of their statistics.
 -- The available statistics are samples of one of their
 -- base statistics, over an interval specified by the management
 -- station.  Thus, these statistics are rate based.  The management
 -- station also selects how many such hosts are reported.

 -- The hostTopNControlTable is used to initiate the generation of
 -- such a report.  The management station may select the parameters
 -- of such a report, such as which interface, which statistic,
 -- how many hosts, and the start and stop times of the sampling.
 -- When the report is prepared, entries are created in the
 -- hostTopNTable associated with the relevant hostTopNControlEntry.
 -- These entries are static for each report after it has been
 -- prepared.

 hostTopNControlTable OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF HostTopNControlEntry
     MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
     STATUS     current
         "A list of top N host control entries."
     ::= { hostTopN 1 }

 hostTopNControlEntry OBJECT-TYPE
Top   ToC   RFC2819 - Page 52
     SYNTAX     HostTopNControlEntry
     MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
     STATUS     current
         "A set of parameters that control the creation of a report
         of the top N hosts according to several metrics.  For
         example, an instance of the hostTopNDuration object might
         be named hostTopNDuration.3"
     INDEX { hostTopNControlIndex }
     ::= { hostTopNControlTable 1 }

 HostTopNControlEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
     hostTopNControlIndex    Integer32,
     hostTopNHostIndex       Integer32,
     hostTopNRateBase        INTEGER,
     hostTopNTimeRemaining   Integer32,
     hostTopNDuration        Integer32,
     hostTopNRequestedSize   Integer32,
     hostTopNGrantedSize     Integer32,
     hostTopNStartTime       TimeTicks,
     hostTopNOwner           OwnerString,
     hostTopNStatus          EntryStatus

 hostTopNControlIndex OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "An index that uniquely identifies an entry
         in the hostTopNControl table.  Each such
         entry defines one top N report prepared for
         one interface."
     ::= { hostTopNControlEntry 1 }

 hostTopNHostIndex OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS     current
         "The host table for which a top N report will be prepared
         on behalf of this entry.  The host table identified by a
         particular value of this index is associated with the same
         host table as identified by the same value of

         This object may not be modified if the associated
         hostTopNStatus object is equal to valid(1)."
Top   ToC   RFC2819 - Page 53
     ::= { hostTopNControlEntry 2 }

 hostTopNRateBase OBJECT-TYPE
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS     current
         "The variable for each host that the hostTopNRate
         variable is based upon.

         This object may not be modified if the associated
         hostTopNStatus object is equal to valid(1)."
     ::= { hostTopNControlEntry 3 }

 hostTopNTimeRemaining OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Integer32
     UNITS      "Seconds"
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS     current
         "The number of seconds left in the report currently being
         collected.  When this object is modified by the management
         station, a new collection is started, possibly aborting
         a currently running report.  The new value is used
         as the requested duration of this report, which is
         loaded into the associated hostTopNDuration object.

         When this object is set to a non-zero value, any
         associated hostTopNEntries shall be made
         inaccessible by the monitor.  While the value of this
         object is non-zero, it decrements by one per second until
         it reaches zero.  During this time, all associated
         hostTopNEntries shall remain inaccessible.  At the time
         that this object decrements to zero, the report is made
         accessible in the hostTopNTable.  Thus, the hostTopN
         table needs to be created only at the end of the collection
     DEFVAL { 0 }
     ::= { hostTopNControlEntry 4 }
Top   ToC   RFC2819 - Page 54
 hostTopNDuration OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Integer32
     UNITS      "Seconds"
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "The number of seconds that this report has collected
         during the last sampling interval, or if this
         report is currently being collected, the number
         of seconds that this report is being collected
         during this sampling interval.

         When the associated hostTopNTimeRemaining object is set,
         this object shall be set by the probe to the same value
         and shall not be modified until the next time
         the hostTopNTimeRemaining is set.

         This value shall be zero if no reports have been
         requested for this hostTopNControlEntry."
     DEFVAL { 0 }
     ::= { hostTopNControlEntry 5 }

 hostTopNRequestedSize OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Integer32
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS     current
         "The maximum number of hosts requested for the top N

         When this object is created or modified, the probe
         should set hostTopNGrantedSize as closely to this
         object as is possible for the particular probe
         implementation and available resources."
     DEFVAL { 10 }
     ::= { hostTopNControlEntry 6 }

 hostTopNGrantedSize OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Integer32
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "The maximum number of hosts in the top N table.

         When the associated hostTopNRequestedSize object is
         created or modified, the probe should set this
         object as closely to the requested value as is possible
         for the particular implementation and available
Top   ToC   RFC2819 - Page 55
         resources. The probe must not lower this value except
         as a result of a set to the associated
         hostTopNRequestedSize object.

         Hosts with the highest value of hostTopNRate shall be
         placed in this table in decreasing order of this rate
         until there is no more room or until there are no more
     ::= { hostTopNControlEntry 7 }

 hostTopNStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     TimeTicks
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "The value of sysUpTime when this top N report was
         last started.  In other words, this is the time that
         the associated hostTopNTimeRemaining object was
         modified to start the requested report."
     ::= { hostTopNControlEntry 8 }

 hostTopNOwner OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     OwnerString
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS     current
         "The entity that configured this entry and is therefore
         using the resources assigned to it."
     ::= { hostTopNControlEntry 9 }

 hostTopNStatus OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     EntryStatus
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS     current
         "The status of this hostTopNControl entry.

         If this object is not equal to valid(1), all associated
         hostTopNEntries shall be deleted by the agent."
     ::= { hostTopNControlEntry 10 }

 hostTopNTable OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF HostTopNEntry
     MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
     STATUS     current
         "A list of top N host entries."
     ::= { hostTopN 2 }
Top   ToC   RFC2819 - Page 56
 hostTopNEntry OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     HostTopNEntry
     MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
     STATUS     current
         "A set of statistics for a host that is part of a top N
         report.  For example, an instance of the hostTopNRate
         object might be named hostTopNRate.3.10"
     INDEX { hostTopNReport, hostTopNIndex }
     ::= { hostTopNTable 1 }

 HostTopNEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
     hostTopNReport                Integer32,
     hostTopNIndex                 Integer32,
     hostTopNAddress               OCTET STRING,
     hostTopNRate                  Integer32

 hostTopNReport OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "This object identifies the top N report of which
         this entry is a part.  The set of hosts
         identified by a particular value of this
         object is part of the same report as identified
         by the same value of the hostTopNControlIndex object."
     ::= { hostTopNEntry 1 }

 hostTopNIndex OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "An index that uniquely identifies an entry in
         the hostTopN table among those in the same report.
         This index is between 1 and N, where N is the
         number of entries in this table.  Increasing values
         of hostTopNIndex shall be assigned to entries with
         decreasing values of hostTopNRate until index N
         is assigned to the entry with the lowest value of
         hostTopNRate or there are no more hostTopNEntries."
     ::= { hostTopNEntry 2 }

 hostTopNAddress OBJECT-TYPE
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
Top   ToC   RFC2819 - Page 57
     STATUS     current
         "The physical address of this host."
     ::= { hostTopNEntry 3 }

     SYNTAX     Integer32
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "The amount of change in the selected variable
         during this sampling interval.  The selected
         variable is this host's instance of the object
         selected by hostTopNRateBase."
     ::= { hostTopNEntry 4 }

 -- The Matrix Group

 -- Implementation of the Matrix group is optional.
 -- Consult the MODULE-COMPLIANCE macro for the authoritative
 -- conformance information for this MIB.
 -- The Matrix group consists of the matrixControlTable, matrixSDTable
 -- and the matrixDSTable.  These tables store statistics for a
 -- particular conversation between two addresses.  As the device
 -- detects a new conversation, including those to a non-unicast
 -- address, it creates a new entry in both of the matrix tables.
 -- It must only create new entries based on information
 -- received in good packets.  If the monitoring device finds
 -- itself short of resources, it may delete entries as needed.
 -- It is suggested that the device delete the least recently used
 -- entries first.

 matrixControlTable OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF MatrixControlEntry
     MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
     STATUS     current
         "A list of information entries for the
         traffic matrix on each interface."
     ::= { matrix 1 }

 matrixControlEntry OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     MatrixControlEntry
     MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
     STATUS     current
         "Information about a traffic matrix on a particular
Top   ToC   RFC2819 - Page 58
         interface.  For example, an instance of the
         matrixControlLastDeleteTime object might be named
     INDEX { matrixControlIndex }
     ::= { matrixControlTable 1 }

 MatrixControlEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
     matrixControlIndex           Integer32,
     matrixControlDataSource      OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
     matrixControlTableSize       Integer32,
     matrixControlLastDeleteTime  TimeTicks,
     matrixControlOwner           OwnerString,
     matrixControlStatus          EntryStatus

 matrixControlIndex OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "An index that uniquely identifies an entry in the
         matrixControl table.  Each such entry defines
         a function that discovers conversations on a particular
         interface and places statistics about them in the
         matrixSDTable and the matrixDSTable on behalf of this
     ::= { matrixControlEntry 1 }

 matrixControlDataSource OBJECT-TYPE
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS     current
         "This object identifies the source of
         the data from which this entry creates a traffic matrix.
         This source can be any interface on this device.  In
         order to identify a particular interface, this object
         shall identify the instance of the ifIndex object,
         defined in RFC 2233 [17], for the desired
         interface.  For example, if an entry were to receive data
         from interface #1, this object would be set to ifIndex.1.

         The statistics in this group reflect all packets
         on the local network segment attached to the identified

         An agent may or may not be able to tell if fundamental
         changes to the media of the interface have occurred and
Top   ToC   RFC2819 - Page 59
         necessitate an invalidation of this entry.  For example, a
         hot-pluggable ethernet card could be pulled out and replaced
         by a token-ring card.  In such a case, if the agent has such
         knowledge of the change, it is recommended that it
         invalidate this entry.

         This object may not be modified if the associated
         matrixControlStatus object is equal to valid(1)."
     ::= { matrixControlEntry 2 }

 matrixControlTableSize OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Integer32
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "The number of matrixSDEntries in the matrixSDTable
         for this interface.  This must also be the value of
         the number of entries in the matrixDSTable for this
     ::= { matrixControlEntry 3 }

 matrixControlLastDeleteTime OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     TimeTicks
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "The value of sysUpTime when the last entry
         was deleted from the portion of the matrixSDTable
         or matrixDSTable associated with this matrixControlEntry.
         If no deletions have occurred, this value shall be
     ::= { matrixControlEntry 4 }

 matrixControlOwner OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     OwnerString
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS     current
         "The entity that configured this entry and is therefore
         using the resources assigned to it."
     ::= { matrixControlEntry 5 }

 matrixControlStatus OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     EntryStatus
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS     current
         "The status of this matrixControl entry.
Top   ToC   RFC2819 - Page 60
         If this object is not equal to valid(1), all associated
         entries in the matrixSDTable and the matrixDSTable
         shall be deleted by the agent."
     ::= { matrixControlEntry 6 }

 matrixSDTable OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF MatrixSDEntry
     MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
     STATUS     current
         "A list of traffic matrix entries indexed by
         source and destination MAC address."
     ::= { matrix 2 }

 matrixSDEntry OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     MatrixSDEntry
     MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
     STATUS     current
         "A collection of statistics for communications between
         two addresses on a particular interface.  For example,
         an instance of the matrixSDPkts object might be named
     INDEX { matrixSDIndex,
             matrixSDSourceAddress, matrixSDDestAddress }
     ::= { matrixSDTable 1 }

 MatrixSDEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
     matrixSDSourceAddress       OCTET STRING,
     matrixSDDestAddress         OCTET STRING,
     matrixSDIndex               Integer32,
     matrixSDPkts                Counter32,
     matrixSDOctets              Counter32,
     matrixSDErrors              Counter32

 matrixSDSourceAddress OBJECT-TYPE
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "The source physical address."
     ::= { matrixSDEntry 1 }

 matrixSDDestAddress OBJECT-TYPE
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
Top   ToC   RFC2819 - Page 61
         "The destination physical address."
     ::= { matrixSDEntry 2 }

 matrixSDIndex OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "The set of collected matrix statistics of which
         this entry is a part.  The set of matrix statistics
         identified by a particular value of this index
         is associated with the same matrixControlEntry
         as identified by the same value of matrixControlIndex."
     ::= { matrixSDEntry 3 }

     SYNTAX     Counter32
     UNITS      "Packets"
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "The number of packets transmitted from the source
         address to the destination address (this number includes
         bad packets)."
     ::= { matrixSDEntry 4 }

 matrixSDOctets OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Counter32
     UNITS      "Octets"
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "The number of octets (excluding framing bits but
         including FCS octets) contained in all packets
         transmitted from the source address to the
         destination address."
     ::= { matrixSDEntry 5 }

 matrixSDErrors OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Counter32
     UNITS      "Packets"
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "The number of bad packets transmitted from
         the source address to the destination address."
     ::= { matrixSDEntry 6 }
Top   ToC   RFC2819 - Page 62
 -- Traffic matrix tables from destination to source

 matrixDSTable OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF MatrixDSEntry
     MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
     STATUS     current
         "A list of traffic matrix entries indexed by
         destination and source MAC address."
     ::= { matrix 3 }

 matrixDSEntry OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     MatrixDSEntry
     MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
     STATUS     current
         "A collection of statistics for communications between
         two addresses on a particular interface.  For example,
         an instance of the matrixSDPkts object might be named
     INDEX { matrixDSIndex,
             matrixDSDestAddress, matrixDSSourceAddress }
     ::= { matrixDSTable 1 }

 MatrixDSEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
     matrixDSSourceAddress       OCTET STRING,
     matrixDSDestAddress         OCTET STRING,
     matrixDSIndex               Integer32,
     matrixDSPkts                Counter32,
     matrixDSOctets              Counter32,
     matrixDSErrors              Counter32

 matrixDSSourceAddress OBJECT-TYPE
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "The source physical address."
     ::= { matrixDSEntry 1 }

 matrixDSDestAddress OBJECT-TYPE
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "The destination physical address."
     ::= { matrixDSEntry 2 }
Top   ToC   RFC2819 - Page 63
 matrixDSIndex OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "The set of collected matrix statistics of which
         this entry is a part.  The set of matrix statistics
         identified by a particular value of this index
         is associated with the same matrixControlEntry
         as identified by the same value of matrixControlIndex."
     ::= { matrixDSEntry 3 }

     SYNTAX     Counter32
     UNITS      "Packets"
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "The number of packets transmitted from the source
         address to the destination address (this number includes
         bad packets)."
     ::= { matrixDSEntry 4 }

 matrixDSOctets OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Counter32
     UNITS      "Octets"
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "The number of octets (excluding framing bits
         but including FCS octets) contained in all packets
         transmitted from the source address to the
         destination address."
     ::= { matrixDSEntry 5 }

 matrixDSErrors OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Counter32
     UNITS      "Packets"
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "The number of bad packets transmitted from
         the source address to the destination address."
     ::= { matrixDSEntry 6 }

 -- The Filter Group

 -- Implementation of the Filter group is optional.
Top   ToC   RFC2819 - Page 64
 -- Consult the MODULE-COMPLIANCE macro for the authoritative
 -- conformance information for this MIB.
 -- The Filter group allows packets to be captured with an
 -- arbitrary filter expression.  A logical data and
 -- event stream or "channel" is formed by the packets
 -- that match the filter expression.
 -- This filter mechanism allows the creation of an arbitrary
 -- logical expression with which to filter packets.  Each
 -- filter associated with a channel is OR'ed with the others.
 -- Within a filter, any bits checked in the data and status are
 -- AND'ed with respect to other bits in the same filter.  The
 -- NotMask also allows for checking for inequality.  Finally,
 -- the channelAcceptType object allows for inversion of the
 -- whole equation.
 -- If a management station wishes to receive a trap to alert it
 -- that new packets have been captured and are available for
 -- download, it is recommended that it set up an alarm entry that
 -- monitors the value of the relevant channelMatches instance.
 -- The channel can be turned on or off, and can also
 -- generate events when packets pass through it.

 filterTable OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF FilterEntry
     MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
     STATUS     current
         "A list of packet filter entries."
     ::= { filter 1 }

 filterEntry OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     FilterEntry
     MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
     STATUS     current
         "A set of parameters for a packet filter applied on a
         particular interface.  As an example, an instance of the
         filterPktData object might be named filterPktData.12"
     INDEX { filterIndex }
     ::= { filterTable 1 }

 FilterEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
     filterIndex                 Integer32,
     filterChannelIndex          Integer32,
     filterPktDataOffset         Integer32,
Top   ToC   RFC2819 - Page 65
     filterPktData               OCTET STRING,
     filterPktDataMask           OCTET STRING,
     filterPktDataNotMask        OCTET STRING,
     filterPktStatus             Integer32,
     filterPktStatusMask         Integer32,
     filterPktStatusNotMask      Integer32,
     filterOwner                 OwnerString,
     filterStatus                EntryStatus

 filterIndex OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "An index that uniquely identifies an entry
         in the filter table.  Each such entry defines
         one filter that is to be applied to every packet
         received on an interface."
     ::= { filterEntry 1 }

 filterChannelIndex OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS     current
         "This object identifies the channel of which this filter
         is a part.  The filters identified by a particular value
         of this object are associated with the same channel as
         identified by the same value of the channelIndex object."
     ::= { filterEntry 2 }

 filterPktDataOffset OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Integer32
     UNITS      "Octets"
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS     current
         "The offset from the beginning of each packet where
         a match of packet data will be attempted.  This offset
         is measured from the point in the physical layer
         packet after the framing bits, if any.  For example,
         in an Ethernet frame, this point is at the beginning of
         the destination MAC address.

         This object may not be modified if the associated
         filterStatus object is equal to valid(1)."
     DEFVAL { 0 }
Top   ToC   RFC2819 - Page 66
     ::= { filterEntry 3 }

 filterPktData OBJECT-TYPE
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS     current
         "The data that is to be matched with the input packet.
         For each packet received, this filter and the accompanying
         filterPktDataMask and filterPktDataNotMask will be
         adjusted for the offset.  The only bits relevant to this
         match algorithm are those that have the corresponding
         filterPktDataMask bit equal to one.  The following three
         rules are then applied to every packet:

         (1) If the packet is too short and does not have data
             corresponding to part of the filterPktData, the packet
             will fail this data match.

         (2) For each relevant bit from the packet with the
             corresponding filterPktDataNotMask bit set to zero, if
             the bit from the packet is not equal to the corresponding
             bit from the filterPktData, then the packet will fail
             this data match.

         (3) If for every relevant bit from the packet with the
             corresponding filterPktDataNotMask bit set to one, the
             bit from the packet is equal to the corresponding bit
             from the filterPktData, then the packet will fail this
             data match.

         Any packets that have not failed any of the three matches
         above have passed this data match.  In particular, a zero
         length filter will match any packet.

         This object may not be modified if the associated
         filterStatus object is equal to valid(1)."
     ::= { filterEntry 4 }

 filterPktDataMask OBJECT-TYPE
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS     current
         "The mask that is applied to the match process.
         After adjusting this mask for the offset, only those
         bits in the received packet that correspond to bits set
         in this mask are relevant for further processing by the
Top   ToC   RFC2819 - Page 67
         match algorithm.  The offset is applied to filterPktDataMask
         in the same way it is applied to the filter.  For the
         purposes of the matching algorithm, if the associated
         filterPktData object is longer than this mask, this mask is
         conceptually extended with '1' bits until it reaches the
         length of the filterPktData object.

         This object may not be modified if the associated
         filterStatus object is equal to valid(1)."
     ::= { filterEntry 5 }

 filterPktDataNotMask OBJECT-TYPE
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS     current
         "The inversion mask that is applied to the match
         process.  After adjusting this mask for the offset,
         those relevant bits in the received packet that correspond
         to bits cleared in this mask must all be equal to their
         corresponding bits in the filterPktData object for the packet
         to be accepted.  In addition, at least one of those relevant
         bits in the received packet that correspond to bits set in
         this mask must be different to its corresponding bit in the
         filterPktData object.

         For the purposes of the matching algorithm, if the associated
         filterPktData object is longer than this mask, this mask is
         conceptually extended with '0' bits until it reaches the
         length of the filterPktData object.

         This object may not be modified if the associated
         filterStatus object is equal to valid(1)."
     ::= { filterEntry 6 }

 filterPktStatus OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Integer32
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS     current
         "The status that is to be matched with the input packet.
         The only bits relevant to this match algorithm are those that
         have the corresponding filterPktStatusMask bit equal to one.
         The following two rules are then applied to every packet:

         (1) For each relevant bit from the packet status with the
             corresponding filterPktStatusNotMask bit set to zero, if
             the bit from the packet status is not equal to the
Top   ToC   RFC2819 - Page 68
             corresponding bit from the filterPktStatus, then the
             packet will fail this status match.

         (2) If for every relevant bit from the packet status with the
             corresponding filterPktStatusNotMask bit set to one, the
             bit from the packet status is equal to the corresponding
             bit from the filterPktStatus, then the packet will fail
             this status match.

         Any packets that have not failed either of the two matches
         above have passed this status match.  In particular, a zero
         length status filter will match any packet's status.

         The value of the packet status is a sum.  This sum
         initially takes the value zero.  Then, for each
         error, E, that has been discovered in this packet,
         2 raised to a value representing E is added to the sum.
         The errors and the bits that represent them are dependent
         on the media type of the interface that this channel
         is receiving packets from.

         The errors defined for a packet captured off of an
         Ethernet interface are as follows:

             bit #    Error
                 0    Packet is longer than 1518 octets
                 1    Packet is shorter than 64 octets
                 2    Packet experienced a CRC or Alignment error

         For example, an Ethernet fragment would have a
         value of 6 (2^1 + 2^2).

         As this MIB is expanded to new media types, this object
         will have other media-specific errors defined.

         For the purposes of this status matching algorithm, if the
         packet status is longer than this filterPktStatus object,
         this object is conceptually extended with '0' bits until it
         reaches the size of the packet status.

         This object may not be modified if the associated
         filterStatus object is equal to valid(1)."
     ::= { filterEntry 7 }

 filterPktStatusMask OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Integer32
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS     current
Top   ToC   RFC2819 - Page 69
         "The mask that is applied to the status match process.
         Only those bits in the received packet that correspond to
         bits set in this mask are relevant for further processing
         by the status match algorithm.  For the purposes
         of the matching algorithm, if the associated filterPktStatus
         object is longer than this mask, this mask is conceptually
         extended with '1' bits until it reaches the size of the
         filterPktStatus.  In addition, if a packet status is longer
         than this mask, this mask is conceptually extended with '0'
         bits until it reaches the size of the packet status.

         This object may not be modified if the associated
         filterStatus object is equal to valid(1)."
     ::= { filterEntry 8 }

 filterPktStatusNotMask OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Integer32
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS     current
         "The inversion mask that is applied to the status match
         process.  Those relevant bits in the received packet status
         that correspond to bits cleared in this mask must all be
         equal to their corresponding bits in the filterPktStatus
         object for the packet to be accepted.  In addition, at least
         one of those relevant bits in the received packet status
         that correspond to bits set in this mask must be different
         to its corresponding bit in the filterPktStatus object for
         the packet to be accepted.

         For the purposes of the matching algorithm, if the associated
         filterPktStatus object or a packet status is longer than this
         mask, this mask is conceptually extended with '0' bits until
         it reaches the longer of the lengths of the filterPktStatus
         object and the packet status.

         This object may not be modified if the associated
         filterStatus object is equal to valid(1)."
     ::= { filterEntry 9 }

 filterOwner OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     OwnerString
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS     current
         "The entity that configured this entry and is therefore
         using the resources assigned to it."
Top   ToC   RFC2819 - Page 70
     ::= { filterEntry 10 }

 filterStatus OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     EntryStatus
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS     current
         "The status of this filter entry."
     ::= { filterEntry 11 }

 channelTable OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF ChannelEntry
     MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
     STATUS     current
         "A list of packet channel entries."
     ::= { filter 2 }

 channelEntry OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     ChannelEntry
     MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
     STATUS     current
         "A set of parameters for a packet channel applied on a
         particular interface.  As an example, an instance of the
         channelMatches object might be named channelMatches.3"
     INDEX { channelIndex }
     ::= { channelTable 1 }

 ChannelEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
     channelIndex                 Integer32,
     channelIfIndex               Integer32,
     channelAcceptType            INTEGER,
     channelDataControl           INTEGER,
     channelTurnOnEventIndex      Integer32,
     channelTurnOffEventIndex     Integer32,
     channelEventIndex            Integer32,
     channelEventStatus           INTEGER,
     channelMatches               Counter32,
     channelDescription           DisplayString,
     channelOwner                 OwnerString,
     channelStatus                EntryStatus

 channelIndex OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
Top   ToC   RFC2819 - Page 71
         "An index that uniquely identifies an entry in the channel
         table.  Each such entry defines one channel, a logical
         data and event stream.

         It is suggested that before creating a channel, an
         application should scan all instances of the
         filterChannelIndex object to make sure that there are no
         pre-existing filters that would be inadvertently be linked
         to the channel."
     ::= { channelEntry 1 }

 channelIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS     current
         "The value of this object uniquely identifies the
         interface on this remote network monitoring device to which
         the associated filters are applied to allow data into this
         channel.  The interface identified by a particular value
         of this object is the same interface as identified by the
         same value of the ifIndex object, defined in RFC 2233 [17].

         The filters in this group are applied to all packets on
         the local network segment attached to the identified

         An agent may or may not be able to tell if fundamental
         changes to the media of the interface have occurred and
         necessitate an invalidation of this entry.  For example, a
         hot-pluggable ethernet card could be pulled out and replaced
         by a token-ring card.  In such a case, if the agent has such
         knowledge of the change, it is recommended that it
         invalidate this entry.

         This object may not be modified if the associated
         channelStatus object is equal to valid(1)."
     ::= { channelEntry 2 }

 channelAcceptType OBJECT-TYPE
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS     current
Top   ToC   RFC2819 - Page 72
         "This object controls the action of the filters
         associated with this channel.  If this object is equal
         to acceptMatched(1), packets will be accepted to this
         channel if they are accepted by both the packet data and
         packet status matches of an associated filter.  If
         this object is equal to acceptFailed(2), packets will
         be accepted to this channel only if they fail either
         the packet data match or the packet status match of
         each of the associated filters.

         In particular, a channel with no associated filters will
         match no packets if set to acceptMatched(1) case and will
         match all packets in the acceptFailed(2) case.

         This object may not be modified if the associated
         channelStatus object is equal to valid(1)."
     ::= { channelEntry 3 }

 channelDataControl OBJECT-TYPE
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS     current
         "This object controls the flow of data through this channel.
         If this object is on(1), data, status and events flow
         through this channel.  If this object is off(2), data,
         status and events will not flow through this channel."
     DEFVAL { off }
     ::= { channelEntry 4 }

 channelTurnOnEventIndex OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..65535)
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS     current
         "The value of this object identifies the event
         that is configured to turn the associated
         channelDataControl from off to on when the event is
         generated.  The event identified by a particular value
         of this object is the same event as identified by the
         same value of the eventIndex object.  If there is no
         corresponding entry in the eventTable, then no
         association exists.  In fact, if no event is intended
         for this channel, channelTurnOnEventIndex must be
         set to zero, a non-existent event index.
Top   ToC   RFC2819 - Page 73
         This object may not be modified if the associated
         channelStatus object is equal to valid(1)."
     ::= { channelEntry 5 }

 channelTurnOffEventIndex OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..65535)
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS     current
         "The value of this object identifies the event
         that is configured to turn the associated
         channelDataControl from on to off when the event is
         generated.  The event identified by a particular value
         of this object is the same event as identified by the
         same value of the eventIndex object.  If there is no
         corresponding entry in the eventTable, then no
         association exists.  In fact, if no event is intended
         for this channel, channelTurnOffEventIndex must be
         set to zero, a non-existent event index.

         This object may not be modified if the associated
         channelStatus object is equal to valid(1)."
     ::= { channelEntry 6 }

 channelEventIndex OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Integer32 (0..65535)
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS     current
         "The value of this object identifies the event
         that is configured to be generated when the
         associated channelDataControl is on and a packet
         is matched.  The event identified by a particular value
         of this object is the same event as identified by the
         same value of the eventIndex object.  If there is no
         corresponding entry in the eventTable, then no
         association exists.  In fact, if no event is intended
         for this channel, channelEventIndex must be
         set to zero, a non-existent event index.

         This object may not be modified if the associated
         channelStatus object is equal to valid(1)."
     ::= { channelEntry 7 }

 channelEventStatus OBJECT-TYPE
Top   ToC   RFC2819 - Page 74
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS     current
         "The event status of this channel.

         If this channel is configured to generate events
         when packets are matched, a means of controlling
         the flow of those events is often needed.  When
         this object is equal to eventReady(1), a single
         event may be generated, after which this object
         will be set by the probe to eventFired(2).  While
         in the eventFired(2) state, no events will be
         generated until the object is modified to
         eventReady(1) (or eventAlwaysReady(3)).  The
         management station can thus easily respond to a
         notification of an event by re-enabling this object.

         If the management station wishes to disable this
         flow control and allow events to be generated
         at will, this object may be set to
         eventAlwaysReady(3).  Disabling the flow control
         is discouraged as it can result in high network
         traffic or other performance problems."
     DEFVAL { eventReady }
     ::= { channelEntry 8 }

 channelMatches OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Counter32
     UNITS      "Packets"
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "The number of times this channel has matched a packet.
         Note that this object is updated even when
         channelDataControl is set to off."
     ::= { channelEntry 9 }

 channelDescription OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     DisplayString (SIZE (0..127))
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS     current
         "A comment describing this channel."
     ::= { channelEntry 10 }

 channelOwner OBJECT-TYPE
Top   ToC   RFC2819 - Page 75
     SYNTAX     OwnerString
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS     current
         "The entity that configured this entry and is therefore
         using the resources assigned to it."
     ::= { channelEntry 11 }

 channelStatus OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     EntryStatus
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS     current
         "The status of this channel entry."
     ::= { channelEntry 12 }

 -- The Packet Capture Group

 -- Implementation of the Packet Capture group is optional. The Packet
 -- Capture Group requires implementation of the Filter Group.
 -- Consult the MODULE-COMPLIANCE macro for the authoritative
 -- conformance information for this MIB.
 -- The Packet Capture group allows packets to be captured
 -- upon a filter match.  The bufferControlTable controls
 -- the captured packets output from a channel that is
 -- associated with it.  The captured packets are placed
 -- in entries in the captureBufferTable.  These entries are
 -- associated with the bufferControlEntry on whose behalf they
 -- were stored.

 bufferControlTable OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF BufferControlEntry
     MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
     STATUS     current
         "A list of buffers control entries."
     ::= { capture 1 }

 bufferControlEntry OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     BufferControlEntry
     MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
     STATUS     current
         "A set of parameters that control the collection of a stream
         of packets that have matched filters.  As an example, an
         instance of the bufferControlCaptureSliceSize object might
         be named bufferControlCaptureSliceSize.3"
Top   ToC   RFC2819 - Page 76
     INDEX { bufferControlIndex }
     ::= { bufferControlTable 1 }

 BufferControlEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
     bufferControlIndex                Integer32,
     bufferControlChannelIndex         Integer32,
     bufferControlFullStatus           INTEGER,
     bufferControlFullAction           INTEGER,
     bufferControlCaptureSliceSize     Integer32,
     bufferControlDownloadSliceSize    Integer32,
     bufferControlDownloadOffset       Integer32,
     bufferControlMaxOctetsRequested   Integer32,
     bufferControlMaxOctetsGranted     Integer32,
     bufferControlCapturedPackets      Integer32,
     bufferControlTurnOnTime           TimeTicks,
     bufferControlOwner                OwnerString,
     bufferControlStatus               EntryStatus

 bufferControlIndex OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "An index that uniquely identifies an entry
         in the bufferControl table.  The value of this
         index shall never be zero.  Each such
         entry defines one set of packets that is
         captured and controlled by one or more filters."
     ::= { bufferControlEntry 1 }

 bufferControlChannelIndex OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Integer32 (1..65535)
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS     current
         "An index that identifies the channel that is the
         source of packets for this bufferControl table.
         The channel identified by a particular value of this
         index is the same as identified by the same value of
         the channelIndex object.

         This object may not be modified if the associated
         bufferControlStatus object is equal to valid(1)."
     ::= { bufferControlEntry 2 }

 bufferControlFullStatus OBJECT-TYPE
Top   ToC   RFC2819 - Page 77
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "This object shows whether the buffer has room to
         accept new packets or if it is full.

         If the status is spaceAvailable(1), the buffer is
         accepting new packets normally.  If the status is
         full(2) and the associated bufferControlFullAction
         object is wrapWhenFull, the buffer is accepting new
         packets by deleting enough of the oldest packets
         to make room for new ones as they arrive.  Otherwise,
         if the status is full(2) and the
         bufferControlFullAction object is lockWhenFull,
         then the buffer has stopped collecting packets.

         When this object is set to full(2) the probe must
         not later set it to spaceAvailable(1) except in the
         case of a significant gain in resources such as
         an increase of bufferControlOctetsGranted.  In
         particular, the wrap-mode action of deleting old
         packets to make room for newly arrived packets
         must not affect the value of this object."
     ::= { bufferControlEntry 3 }

 bufferControlFullAction OBJECT-TYPE
                  wrapWhenFull(2)    -- FIFO
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS     current
         "Controls the action of the buffer when it
         reaches the full status.  When in the lockWhenFull(1)
         state and a packet is added to the buffer that
         fills the buffer, the bufferControlFullStatus will
         be set to full(2) and this buffer will stop capturing
     ::= { bufferControlEntry 4 }

 bufferControlCaptureSliceSize OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Integer32
     UNITS      "Octets"
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
Top   ToC   RFC2819 - Page 78
     STATUS     current
         "The maximum number of octets of each packet
         that will be saved in this capture buffer.
         For example, if a 1500 octet packet is received by
         the probe and this object is set to 500, then only
         500 octets of the packet will be stored in the
         associated capture buffer.  If this variable is set
         to 0, the capture buffer will save as many octets
         as is possible.

         This object may not be modified if the associated
         bufferControlStatus object is equal to valid(1)."
     DEFVAL { 100 }
     ::= { bufferControlEntry 5 }

 bufferControlDownloadSliceSize OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Integer32
     UNITS      "Octets"
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS     current
         "The maximum number of octets of each packet
         in this capture buffer that will be returned in
         an SNMP retrieval of that packet.  For example,
         if 500 octets of a packet have been stored in the
         associated capture buffer, the associated
         bufferControlDownloadOffset is 0, and this
         object is set to 100, then the captureBufferPacket
         object that contains the packet will contain only
         the first 100 octets of the packet.

         A prudent manager will take into account possible
         interoperability or fragmentation problems that may
         occur if the download slice size is set too large.
         In particular, conformant SNMP implementations are not
         required to accept messages whose length exceeds 484
         octets, although they are encouraged to support larger
         datagrams whenever feasible."
     DEFVAL { 100 }
     ::= { bufferControlEntry 6 }

 bufferControlDownloadOffset OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Integer32
     UNITS      "Octets"
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS     current
Top   ToC   RFC2819 - Page 79
         "The offset of the first octet of each packet
         in this capture buffer that will be returned in
         an SNMP retrieval of that packet.  For example,
         if 500 octets of a packet have been stored in the
         associated capture buffer and this object is set to
         100, then the captureBufferPacket object that
         contains the packet will contain bytes starting
         100 octets into the packet."
     DEFVAL { 0 }
     ::= { bufferControlEntry 7 }

 bufferControlMaxOctetsRequested OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Integer32
     UNITS      "Octets"
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS     current
         "The requested maximum number of octets to be
         saved in this captureBuffer, including any
         implementation-specific overhead. If this variable
         is set to -1, the capture buffer will save as many
         octets as is possible.

         When this object is created or modified, the probe
         should set bufferControlMaxOctetsGranted as closely
         to this object as is possible for the particular probe
         implementation and available resources.  However, if
         the object has the special value of -1, the probe
         must set bufferControlMaxOctetsGranted to -1."
     DEFVAL { -1 }
     ::= { bufferControlEntry 8 }

 bufferControlMaxOctetsGranted OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Integer32
     UNITS      "Octets"
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "The maximum number of octets that can be
         saved in this captureBuffer, including overhead.
         If this variable is -1, the capture buffer will save
         as many octets as possible.

         When the bufferControlMaxOctetsRequested object is
         created or modified, the probe should set this object
         as closely to the requested value as is possible for the
         particular probe implementation and available resources.
         However, if the request object has the special value
Top   ToC   RFC2819 - Page 80
         of -1, the probe must set this object to -1.

         The probe must not lower this value except as a result of
         a modification to the associated
         bufferControlMaxOctetsRequested object.

         When this maximum number of octets is reached
         and a new packet is to be added to this
         capture buffer and the corresponding
         bufferControlFullAction is set to wrapWhenFull(2),
         enough of the oldest packets associated with this
         capture buffer shall be deleted by the agent so
         that the new packet can be added.  If the corresponding
         bufferControlFullAction is set to lockWhenFull(1),
         the new packet shall be discarded.  In either case,
         the probe must set bufferControlFullStatus to

         When the value of this object changes to a value less
         than the current value, entries are deleted from
         the captureBufferTable associated with this
         bufferControlEntry.  Enough of the
         oldest of these captureBufferEntries shall be
         deleted by the agent so that the number of octets
         used remains less than or equal to the new value of
         this object.

         When the value of this object changes to a value greater
         than the current value, the number of associated
         captureBufferEntries may be allowed to grow."
     ::= { bufferControlEntry 9 }

 bufferControlCapturedPackets OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     Integer32
     UNITS      "Packets"
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "The number of packets currently in this captureBuffer."
     ::= { bufferControlEntry 10 }

 bufferControlTurnOnTime OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     TimeTicks
     MAX-ACCESS read-only
     STATUS     current
         "The value of sysUpTime when this capture buffer was
         first turned on."
Top   ToC   RFC2819 - Page 81
     ::= { bufferControlEntry 11 }

 bufferControlOwner OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     OwnerString
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS     current
         "The entity that configured this entry and is therefore
         using the resources assigned to it."
     ::= { bufferControlEntry 12 }

 bufferControlStatus OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     EntryStatus
     MAX-ACCESS read-create
     STATUS     current
         "The status of this buffer Control Entry."
     ::= { bufferControlEntry 13 }

 captureBufferTable OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     SEQUENCE OF CaptureBufferEntry
     MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
     STATUS     current
         "A list of packets captured off of a channel."
     ::= { capture 2 }

 captureBufferEntry OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX     CaptureBufferEntry
     MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
     STATUS     current
         "A packet captured off of an attached network.  As an
         example, an instance of the captureBufferPacketData
         object might be named captureBufferPacketData.3.1783"
     INDEX { captureBufferControlIndex, captureBufferIndex }
     ::= { captureBufferTable 1 }

 CaptureBufferEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
     captureBufferControlIndex   Integer32,
     captureBufferIndex          Integer32,
     captureBufferPacketID       Integer32,
     captureBufferPacketData     OCTET STRING,
     captureBufferPacketLength   Integer32,
     captureBufferPacketTime     Integer32,
     captureBufferPacketStatus   Integer32

(next page on part 4)

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