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RFC 2626

The Internet and the Millennium Problem (Year 2000)

Pages: 275
Part 6 of 9 – Pages 165 to 189
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ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 165   prevText
2000 found at line 11578:
11576:  AMIGA-2000/030
11577:  AMIGA-2000/LC040
11578:  AMIGA-2000/EC040
11579:  AMIGA-2000/040
11580:  AMIGA-3000

2000 found at line 11579:
11577:  AMIGA-2000/LC040
11578:  AMIGA-2000/EC040
11579:  AMIGA-2000/040
11580:  AMIGA-3000
11581:  AMIGA-3000/EC040

2000 found at line 12014:
12012:  AIX/370
12013:  AIX-PS/2
12014:  BS-2000
12015:  CEDAR
12016:  CGW

2000 found at line 12356:
12354:  HAZELTINE-1520
12355:  HAZELTINE-1552
12356:  HAZELTINE-2000
12358:  HITACHI-5601

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1705.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1166:
1164:     will be made.
1166:    IN     TA
1168: IN  PTR node.sub.domain.n
1168(continued):                ame.

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1168:
1166:    IN     TA
1168: IN  PTR node.sub.domain.n
1168(continued):                ame.
1170:     Using these entries, along with the existing DNS A records, a
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 166
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1172:
1170:     Using these entries, along with the existing DNS A records, a
1171:     requesting node can determine where the remote node is locate
1171(continued):                d.  The
1172:     format xx.yy.zz is the IEEE assigned portion and
1172(continued):                ee is
1173:     the encoded machine serial number as described in section 4.1
1173(continued):                .

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1712.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 208:
206:  @     IN    SOA postmaster.cs.curtin
207:                  (
208:                          94070503        ; Serial (yymmddnn)
209:                          10800           ; Refresh (3 hours)
210:                          3600            ; Retry (1 hour)

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1713.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 104:
102:     University, but then Eric Wassenaar from Nikhef did a major r
102(continued):         ewrite
103:     and still seems to be actively working on improving it.  The
103(continued):         program
104:     is available from
104(continued):         .tar.Z
105:     (YYMMDD is the date of the latest release).

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 105:
103:     and still seems to be actively working on improving it.  The
103(continued):         program
104:     is available from
104(continued):         .tar.Z
105:     (YYMMDD is the date of the latest release).
107:     By default, host just maps host names to Internet addresses,
107(continued):         querying

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1714.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 414:
412:     Example of use:
414:     -limit 2000
416:  2.3.3 schema
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 167
+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1718.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 969:
967:     mailing list.  File names beginning with "1" (one) contain ge
967(continued):         neral
968:     IETF information.  This is only a partial list of the availab
968(continued):         le
969:     files.  (The 'yymm' below refers to the year and month.)
971:     o  0mtg-agenda.txt                Agenda for the meeting

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 972:
971:     o  0mtg-agenda.txt                Agenda for the meeting
972:     o  0mtg-at-a-glance-yymm.txt      Logistics information for t
972(continued):         he meeting
973:     o  0mtg-rsvp.txt                  Meeting registration form
974:     o  0mtg-sites.txt                 Future meeting sites and da
974(continued):         tes

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 975:
973:     o  0mtg-rsvp.txt                  Meeting registration form
974:     o  0mtg-sites.txt                 Future meeting sites and da
974(continued):         tes
975:     o  0mtg-multicast-guide-yymm.txt  Schedule for MBone-multicas
975(continued):         t sessions
976:     o  0mtg-traveldirections-yymm.txt Directions to the meeting s
976(continued):         ite
977:     o  0tao.txt                       This document

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 976:
974:     o  0mtg-sites.txt                 Future meeting sites and da
974(continued):         tes
975:     o  0mtg-multicast-guide-yymm.txt  Schedule for MBone-multicas
975(continued):         t sessions
976:     o  0mtg-traveldirections-yymm.txt Directions to the meeting s
976(continued):         ite
977:     o  0tao.txt                       This document

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1720.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2230:
2228:                                         The text version is sent.
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 168
2230:           file /ftp/rfc/rfcnnnn.yyy     where 'nnnn' is the RFC n
2230(continued):                umber.
2231:                                         and 'yyy' is 'txt' or 'ps
2231(continued):                '.

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2231:
2230:           file /ftp/rfc/rfcnnnn.yyy     where 'nnnn' is the RFC n
2230(continued):                umber.
2231:                                         and 'yyy' is 'txt' or 'ps
2231(continued):                '.
2233:           help                          to get information on how
2233(continued):                 to use

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1730.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2digit found at line 3334:
3332:     date            ::= date_text / <"> date_text <">
3334:     date_day        ::= 1*2digit
3335:                         ;; Day of month

2digit found at line 3337:
3335:                         ;; Day of month
3337:     date_day_fixed  ::= (SPACE digit) / 2digit
3338:                         ;; Fixed-format version of date_day

2digit found at line 3348:
3346:     date_year       ::= 4digit
3348:     date_year_old   ::= 2digit
3349:                         ;; OBSOLETE, (year - 1900)

2digit found at line 3657:
3655:     TEXT_CHAR       ::= <any CHAR except CR and LF>
3657:     time            ::= 2digit ":" 2digit ":" 2digit
3658:                         ;; Hours minutes seconds

1900 found at line 3349:
3348:     date_year_old   ::= 2digit
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 169
3349:                         ;; OBSOLETE, (year - 1900)
3351:     date_time       ::= <"> (date_time_new / date_time_old) <">

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1732.txt +=+=+=+=+=
century found at line 254:
253:        The format of dates and times has changed due to the impen
253(continued):         ding end
254:        of the century.  Clients that fail to accept a four-digit
254(continued):         year or
255:        a signed four-digit timezone value will not work properly
255(continued):         with
256:        IMAP4.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1733.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 94:
92:     message or part of a message.  For example, a user connected
92(continued):          to an
93:     IMAP4 server via a dialup link can determine that a message h
93(continued):          as a
94:     2000 byte text segment and a 40 megabyte video segment, and e
94(continued):          lect to
95:     fetch only the text segment.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1739.txt +=+=+=+=+=
century found at line 1044:
1042:           1.EDU            Reserved Domain
1043:           2.EDU            Reserved Domain
1044:           22CF.EDU         22nd Century Foundation
1045:           3.EDU            Reserved Domain
1046:     ** There are 1499 more matches.  Show them? N

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1740.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 383:
381:        This field denotes the version of AppleSingle format in th
381(continued):         e event
382:        the format evolves (more fields may be added to the header
382(continued):         ).  The
383:        version described in this note is version $00020000 or
384:        0x00020000.

2000 found at line 384:
382:        the format evolves (more fields may be added to the header
382(continued):         ).  The
383:        version described in this note is version $00020000 or
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 170
384:        0x00020000.
386:     Filler

2000 found at line 590:
588:     #define F_fStationary   0x0800 /* file is a stationary pad */
589:     #define F_fNameLocked   0x1000 /* file can't be renamed by Fi
589(continued):         nder */
590:     #define F_fHasBundle    0x2000 /* file has a bundle */
591:     #define F_fInvisible    0x4000 /* file's icon is invisible */
592:     #define F_fAlias        0x8000 /* file is an alias file (Syst
592(continued):         em 7) */

2000 found at line 624:
623:         uint32 magicNum; /* internal file type tag */
624:         uint32 versionNum; /* format version: 2 = 0x00020000 */
625:         uchar8 filler[16]; /* filler, currently all bits 0 */
626:         uint16 numEntries; /* number of entries which follow */

2000 found at line 752:
751:     /* Times are stored as a "signed number of seconds before of
751(continued):         after
752:      * 12:00 a.m. (midnight), January 1, 2000 Greenwich Mean Time
752(continued):          (GMT).
753:      * Applications must convert to their native date and time
754:      * conventions." Any unknown entries are set to 0x80000000

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1747.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 736:
735:                              sdlcPortAdminTopology == multipoint
735(continued):         "
736:                      DEFVAL { 2000 }
737:                      ::= { sdlcPortAdminEntry 9 }

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1752.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1929:
1928:     We recommend that a new IPng Transition (NGTRANS) Working Gro
1928(continued):                up be
1929:     formed with Bob Gilligan of Sun Microsystems and xxx of yyy a
1929(continued):                s co-
1930:     chairs to design the mechanisms and procedures to support the
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 171
1931:     transition of the Internet from IPv4 to IPv6 and to give advi
1931(continued):                ce on

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1758.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 180:
178:                         c/o Rapport Communication
179:                         2721 N Street NW
180:                         Washington, DC 20007
181:                         US

2000 found at line 205:
203:     Rapport Communication
204:     2721 N Street NW
205:     Washington, DC  20007
207:     Phone: +1 202-342-2727

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1759.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 1488:
1486:        -- on Unicode in the MIBenum range of 1000-1999.
1487:        -- See IANA Registry for vendor developed character sets
1488:        -- in the MIBenum range of 2000-xxxx.
1489:     }

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1769.txt +=+=+=+=+=
1900 found at line 218:
216:     main product of the protocol, a special timestamp format has
216(continued):         been
217:     established. NTP timestamps are represented as a 64-bit unsig
217(continued):         ned
218:     fixed-point number, in seconds relative to 0h on 1 January 19
218(continued):         00. The
219:     integer part is in the first 32 bits and the fraction part in
219(continued):          the
220:     last 32 bits. In the fraction part, the non-significant low-o
220(continued):         rder

1900 found at line 248:
246:     overflow some time in 2036. Should NTP or SNTP be in use in 2
246(continued):         036,
247:     some external means will be necessary to qualify time relativ
247(continued):         e to
248:     1900 and time relative to 2036 (and other multiples of 136 ye
248(continued):         ars).
249:     Timestamped data requiring such qualification will be so prec
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 172
249(continued):         ious
250:     that appropriate means should be readily available. There wil
250(continued):         l exist

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1778.txt +=+=+=+=+=
UTCTime found at line 309:
307:  2.21.  UTC Time
309:     Values of type uTCTimeSyntax are encoded as if they were Prin
309(continued):         table
310:     Strings with the strings containing a UTCTime value.

UTCTime found at line 310:
309:     Values of type uTCTimeSyntax are encoded as if they were Prin
309(continued):         table
310:     Strings with the strings containing a UTCTime value.
312:  2.22.  Guide (search guide)

UTCTime found at line 399:
399:       <utc-time> ::= an encoded UTCTime value
401:       <hex-string> ::= <hex-digit> | <hex-digit> <hex-string>

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1780.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2118:
2116:                                         The text version is sent.
2118:           file /ftp/rfc/rfcnnnn.yyy     where 'nnnn' is the RFC n
2118(continued):                umber.
2119:                                         and 'yyy' is 'txt' or 'ps
2119(continued):                '.

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2119:
2118:           file /ftp/rfc/rfcnnnn.yyy     where 'nnnn' is the RFC n
2118(continued):                umber.
2119:                                         and 'yyy' is 'txt' or 'ps
2119(continued):                '.
2121:           help                          to get information on how
2121(continued):                 to use
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 173
+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1786.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2992:
2990:     USA
2991:     +1 313 936 2655

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 3694:
3693:       Format:
3694:            <email-address> YYMMDD

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 3704:
3703:            <email-address> should be the address of the person wh
3703(continued):                o made
3704:            the last change. YYMMDD denotes the date this change w
3704(continued):                as made.
3706:       Example:

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 3950:
3949:          Format:
3950:               <email-address> YYMMDD
3952:               <email-address> should be the address of the person
3952(continued):                 who

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 3953:
3952:               <email-address> should be the address of the person
3952(continued):                 who
3953:               made the last change. YYMMDD denotes the date this
3953(continued):                change
3954:               was made.

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 4170:
4169:          Format:
4170:               <email-address> YYMMDD
4172:               <email-address> should be the address of the person
4172(continued):                 who
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 174
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 4173:
4172:               <email-address> should be the address of the person
4172(continued):                 who
4173:               made the last change. YYMMDD denotes the date this
4173(continued):                change
4174:               was made.

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 4305:
4304:          Format:
4305:               YYMMDD
4307:               YYMMDD denotes the date this route was withdrawn.

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 4307:
4305:               YYMMDD
4307:               YYMMDD denotes the date this route was withdrawn.

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 4394:
4393:          Format:
4394:               <email-address> YYMMDD
4396:               <email-address> should be the address of the person
4396(continued):                 who

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 4397:
4396:               <email-address> should be the address of the person
4396(continued):                 who
4397:               made the last change. YYMMDD denotes the date this
4397(continued):                change
4398:               was made.

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1800.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1950:
1948:                                         The text version is sent.
1950:           file /ftp/rfc/rfcnnnn.yyy     where 'nnnn' is the RFC n
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 175
1950(continued):                umber.
1951:                                         and 'yyy' is 'txt' or 'ps
1951(continued):                '.

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1951:
1950:           file /ftp/rfc/rfcnnnn.yyy     where 'nnnn' is the RFC n
1950(continued):                umber.
1951:                                         and 'yyy' is 'txt' or 'ps
1951(continued):                '.
1953:           help                          to get information on how
1953(continued):                 to use

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1806.txt +=+=+=+=+=
century found at line 8:
7:  Network Working Group                                          R
7(continued):           . Troost
8:  Request for Comments: 1806                           New Century
8(continued):            Systems
9:  Category: Experimental                                         S
9(continued):           . Dorner
10:                                                     QUALCOMM Inco
10(continued):          rporated

century found at line 402:
401:     Rens Troost
402:     New Century Systems
403:     324 East 41st Street #804
404:     New York, NY, 10017 USA

century found at line 408:
406:     Phone: +1 (212) 557-2050
407:     Fax: +1 (212) 557-2049
408:     EMail:

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1807.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 318:
316:          mandatory field.   The ID field identifies the bibliogra
316(continued):         phic
317:          record and is used in management of these records.
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 176
318:          Its format is "ID:: XXX//YYY", where XXX is the
319:          publisher-ID (the controlled symbol of the publisher)
320:          and YYY is the ID (e.g., report number) of the

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 320:
318:          Its format is "ID:: XXX//YYY", where XXX is the
319:          publisher-ID (the controlled symbol of the publisher)
320:          and YYY is the ID (e.g., report number) of the
321:          publication as assigned by the publisher.  This ID is
322:          typically printed on the cover, and may contain slashes.

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 767:
765:          in its "ID::".
767:          Format:   END:: XXX//YYY
769:          Example:  END:: OUKS//CS-TR-91-123

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 778:
777:     In order to avoid conflicts among the symbols of the publishi
777(continued):         ng
778:     organizations (the XXX part of the "ID:: XXX//YYY") it is sug
778(continued):         gested
779:     that the various organizations that publish reports (such as
780:     universities, departments, and laboratories) register their

2-digit found at line 348:
346:          The format for ENTRY date is "Month Day, Year".  The
347:          month must be alphabetic (spelled out).  The "Day" is a
348:          1- or 2-digit number.  The "Year" is a 4-digit number.
350:          Format:   ENTRY:: <date>

2-digit found at line 513:
511:  DATE (O) -- The publication date.  The formats are "Month Year"
512:          and "Month Day, Year".  The month must be alphabetic
513:          (spelled out).  The "Day" is a 1- or 2-digit number.  Th
513(continued):         e
514:          "Year" is a 4- digit number.

1900 found at line 406:
404:          omitted, the record is assumed to be a new record and no
404(continued):         t
405:          a revision.  If the revision date is specified as 0, thi
405(continued):         s
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 177
406:          is assumed to be January 1, 1900 (the previous RFC, used
407:          revision data of 0, 1, 2, 3, etc. this specification is
407(continued):         for
408:          programs that might process records from RFC1357).

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1815.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 187:
185:        8 BASIC GREEK                      0370-03CF
186:        10 CYRILLIC                        0400-04FF
187:        32 GENERAL PUNCTUATION             2000-206F  See note 1,
187(continued):         below.
188:        39 MATHEMATICAL OPERATORS          2200-22FF  See note 1,
188(continued):         below.
189:        44 BOX DRAWING                     2500-257F

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1819.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 5855:
5853:      5   HelloLossFactor         Number of consecutively missed H
5853(continued):                ELLO
5854:                                  messages before declaring link f
5854(continued):                ailure
5855:   2000   DefaultRecoveryTimeout  Interval between successive HELL
5855(continued):                Os
5856:                                  to/from active neighbors

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1831.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 401:
399:  7.3 Program Number Assignment
401:     Program numbers are given out in groups of hexadecimal 200000
401(continued):         00
402:     (decimal 536870912) according to the following chart:

2000 found at line 405:
404:                0 - 1fffffff   defined by
405:         20000000 - 3fffffff   defined by user
406:         40000000 - 5fffffff   transient
407:         60000000 - 7fffffff   reserved

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1848.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1881:
1879:          Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
1881:          AfR1WSeyLhy5AtcX0ktUVlbFC1vvcoCjYWy/yYjVj48eqzUVvGTGMsV6
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 178
1881(continued):                MdlynU
1882:          d4jcJgRnQIQvIxm2VRgH8W8MkAlul+RWGu7jnxjp0sNsU562+RZr0f4F
1882(continued):                3K3n4w
1883:          onUUP265UvvMj23RSTguZ/nl/OxnFM6SzDgV39V/i/RofqI=

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1994:
1992:        U6B13vzpE8wMSVefzaCTSpXRSCh08ceVEZrIYS53/CKZV2/Sga71pGNlux
1992(continued):                8MsJpY
1993:        Lwdj5Q3NKocg1LMngMo8yrMAe+avMjfOnhui49Xon1Gft+N5XDH/+wI9qx
1993(continued):                I9fkQv
1994:        NZVDlWIhCYEkxd5ke549tLkJjEqHQbgJW5C+K/uxdiD2dBt+nRCXcuO0Px
1994(continued):                3yKRyY
1995:        g/9BgTf36padSHuv48xBg5YaqaEWpEzLI0Qd31vAyP23rqiPhfBn6sjhQ2
1995(continued):                KrWhiF
1996:        2l3TV8kQsIGHHZUkaUbqkXJe6PEdWWhwsqCFPDdkpjzQRrTuJH6xleNUFg
1996(continued):                +CG1V+

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1861.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 766:
764:      554 Error, failed (technical reason)
766:  4.5.6 HOLDuntil <YYMMDDHHMMSS> [+/-GMTdifference]
768:     The HOLDuntil command allows for the delayed delivery of a me
768(continued):         ssage,

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1061:
1059:     the current transaction should be kept in the following forma
1059(continued):                t:
1061:      YYMMDDHHMMSS+GMT   (example: 950925143501+7)

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1865.txt +=+=+=+=+=
1900 found at line 1564:
1563:     START
1564:     GET ITU-1900
1565:     END

2000 found at line 1745:
1743:                     Logistics Management Institute
1744:                     Attn. Library
1745:                     2000 Corporate Ridge
1746:                     McLean, Virginia, 22102-7805
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 179
+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1866.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1078:
1076:      <div class=chapter><h1>foo</h1><p>...</div>
1077:        => <H1>,"foo",</H1>,<P>,"..."
1078:      xxx <P ID=z23> yyy
1079:        => "xxx ",<P>," yyy
1080:      Let &alpha; &amp; &beta; be finite sets.

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1079:
1077:        => <H1>,"foo",</H1>,<P>,"..."
1078:      xxx <P ID=z23> yyy
1079:        => "xxx ",<P>," yyy
1080:      Let &alpha; &amp; &beta; be finite sets.
1081:        => "Let &alpha; & &beta; be finite sets."

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1876.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 103:
101:               exponent.
103:               Since 20000000m (represented by the value 0x29) is
103(continued):         greater
104:               than the equatorial diameter of the WGS 84 ellipsoi
104(continued):         d
105:               (12756274m), it is therefore suitable for use as a

2000 found at line 219:
218:  LOC   42 21 28.764 N 71 00 51.617
218(continued):         W
219:                                      -44m 2000m

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1880.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2062:
2060:                                         The text version is sent.
2062:           file /ftp/rfc/rfcnnnn.yyy     where 'nnnn' is the RFC n
2062(continued):                umber.
2063:                                         and 'yyy' is 'txt' or 'ps
2063(continued):                '.

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2063:
2062:           file /ftp/rfc/rfcnnnn.yyy     where 'nnnn' is the RFC n
2062(continued):                umber.
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 180
2063:                                         and 'yyy' is 'txt' or 'ps
2063(continued):                '.
2065:           help                          to get information on how
2065(continued):                 to use

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1888.txt +=+=+=+=+=
1900 found at line 859:
857:     Group Leader, Communications Systems      Phone:  +41 22 767-
857(continued):         4967
858:     Computing and Networks Division           Fax:    +41 22 767-
858(continued):         7155
859:     CERN                                      Telex:  419000 cer
859(continued):         ch
860:     European Laboratory for Particle Physics  Email: brian@dxcoms
861:     1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1889.txt +=+=+=+=+=
1900 found at line 518:
516:     Wallclock time (absolute time) is represented using the times
516(continued):         tamp
517:     format of the Network Time Protocol (NTP), which is in second
517(continued):         s
518:     relative to 0h UTC on 1 January 1900 [5]. The full resolution
518(continued):          NTP
519:     timestamp is a 64-bit unsigned fixed-point number with the in
519(continued):         teger
520:     part in the first 32 bits and the fractional part in the last
520(continued):          32

2000 found at line 1526:
1524:                        v                 ^
1525:     ntp_sec =0xb44db705 v               ^ dlsr=0x0005.4000 (    5
1525(continued):                .250s)
1526:     ntp_frac=0x20000000  v             ^  lsr =0xb705:2000 (46853
1526(continued):                .125s)
1527:       (3024992016.125 s)  v           ^
1528:     r                      v         ^ RR(n)

2000 found at line 1535:
1533:     A     0xb710:8000 (46864.500 s)
1534:     DLSR -0x0005:4000 (    5.250 s)
1535:     LSR  -0xb705:2000 (46853.125 s)
1536:     -------------------------------
1537:     delay 0x   6:2000 (    6.125 s)
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 181
2000 found at line 1537:
1535:     LSR  -0xb705:2000 (46853.125 s)
1536:     -------------------------------
1537:     delay 0x   6:2000 (    6.125 s)
1539:             Figure 2: Example for round-trip time computation

2000 found at line 3182:
3180:      * Big-endian mask for version, padding bit and packet type p
3180(continued):                air
3181:      */
3182:     #define RTCP_VALID_MASK (0xc000 | 0x2000 | 0xfe)
3183:     #define RTCP_VALID_VALUE ((RTP_VERSION << 14) | RTCP_SR)

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1890.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 293:
292:     The sampling frequency should be drawn from the set: 8000, 11
292(continued):         025,
293:     16000, 22050, 24000, 32000, 44100 and 48000 Hz. (The Apple Ma
293(continued):         cintosh
294:     computers have native sample rates of 22254.54 and 11127.27,
294(continued):         which
295:     can be converted to 22050 and 11025 with acceptable quality b
295(continued):         y

2000 found at line 568:
567:     Sampling rate and channel count are contained in the payload.
567(continued):          MPEG-I
568:     audio supports sampling rates of 32000, 44100, and 48000 Hz (
568(continued):         ISO/IEC
569:     11172-3, section 1.1; "Scope"). MPEG-II additionally supports
569(continued):          ISO/IEC
570:     11172-3 Audio...").

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1898.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1271:
1269:      3rWM5Ir3ier3/7WM5Ir36+v35v73ife1jOWK94n3/7T3/ffm5uD+7N339/f3
1269(continued):                9/eq3ff3
1270:      9/eFiJK5tLizsoeSmpW7uLS8/7iio7Wisfv38biio7uyufv3tfv35uH+7N3d
1270(continued):                9/exuKX3
1271:      5+z3vuu4oqO7srnsvvz8/venoqO0v7al/7iio7WisYy+iv7s3ff3p6KjtL+2
1271(continued):                pf/wi7nw
1272:      3ard3Q==
1273:     $$-CyberCash-End-7Tm/djB05pLIw3JAyy5E7A==-$$
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 182
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1273:
1271:      5+z3vuu4oqO7srnsvvz8/venoqO0v7al/7iio7WisYy+iv7s3ff3p6KjtL+2
1271(continued):                pf/wi7nw
1272:      3ard3Q==
1273:     $$-CyberCash-End-7Tm/djB05pLIw3JAyy5E7A==-$$
1275:     #############################################################
1275(continued):                ########

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1328:
1326:     merchant-date: 19950121100505.nnn
1327:     merchant-response-code: failure/success/etc.
1328:     pr-hash: 7Tm/djB05pLIw3JAyy5E7A==
1329:     pr-signed-hash:
1330:      a/0meaMHRinNVd8nq/fKsYg5AfTZZUCX0S3gkjAhZTmcrkp6RZvppmDd/P7l
1330(continued):                boFLFDBh

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1340:
1338:      rHzP5YqaMnk5iRBHvwKb5MaxKXGOOef5ms8M5W8lI2d0XPecH4xNBn8BMAJ6
1338(continued):                iSkZmszo
1339:      QfDeWgga48g2tqlA6ifZGp7daDR81lumtGMCvg==
1340:     $$-CyberCash-End-7Tm/djB05pLIw3JAyy5E7A==-$$
1342:     #############################################################
1342(continued):                ########

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1474:
1472:      mjD6ickhd+SQZhbRCNerlTiQGhuL4wUAxzGh8aHk2oXjoMpVzWw2EImPu5Qa
1472(continued):                PEc36xgr
1473:      mNz8vCovDiuy3tZ42IGArxBweasLPLCbm0Y=
1474:     $$-CyberCash-End-7Tm/djB05pLIw3JAyy5E7A==-$$
1476:     #############################################################
1476(continued):                ########

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1482:
1480:     order-id: 12313424234242
1481:     merchant-amount: usd 10.00
1482:     pr-hash: 7Tm/djB05pLIw3JAyy5E7A==
1483:     pr-signed-hash:
1484:      a/0meaMHRinNVd8nq/fKsYg5AfTZZUCX0S3gkjAhZTmcrkp6RZvppmDd/P7l
1484(continued):                boFLFDBh

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1490:
1488:     date: 19950121100505.nnn
1489:     merchant-signature:
1490:      v4qZMe2d7mUXztVdC3ZPMmMgYHlBA7bhR96LSehKP15ylqR/1KwwbBAX8CEq
1490(continued):                ns55UIYY
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 183
1491:      GGMwPMGoF+GDPM7GlC6fReQ5wyvV1PnETSVO9/LAyRz0zzRYuyVueOjWDlr5

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1593:
1591:      mjD6ickhd+SQZhbRCNerlTiQGhuL4wUAxzGh8aHk2oXjoMpVzWw2EImPu5Qa
1591(continued):                PEc36xgr
1592:      mNz8vCovDiuy3tZ42IGArxBweasLPLCbm0Y=
1593:     $$-CyberCash-End-7Tm/djB05pLIw3JAyy5E7A==-$$
1595:     #############################################################
1595(continued):                ########

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1602:
1600:     order-id: 1231-3424-234242
1601:     merchant-amount: usd 10.00
1602:     pr-hash: 7Tm/djB05pLIw3JAyy5E7A==
1603:     pr-signed-hash:
1604:      a/0meaMHRinNVd8nq/fKsYg5AfTZZUCX0S3gkjAhZTmcrkp6RZvppmDd/P7l
1604(continued):                boFLFDBh

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1692:
1690:      mjD6ickhd+SQZhbRCNerlTiQGhuL4wUAxzGh8aHk2oXjoMpVzWw2EImPu5Qa
1690(continued):                PEc36xgr
1691:      mNz8vCovDiuy3tZ42IGArxBweasLPLCbm0Y=
1692:     $$-CyberCash-End-7Tm/djB05pLIw3JAyy5E7A==-$$
1694:     #############################################################
1694(continued):                ########

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1804:
1802:      mjD6ickhd+SQZhbRCNerlTiQGhuL4wUAxzGh8aHk2oXjoMpVzWw2EImPu5Qa
1802(continued):                PEc36xgr
1803:      mNz8vCovDiuy3tZ42IGArxBweasLPLCbm0Y=
1804:     $$-CyberCash-End-7Tm/djB05pLIw3JAyy5E7A==-$$
1806:     #############################################################
1806(continued):                ########

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1821:
1819:     response-code: failure/success/etc.
1820:     order-id: 1231-3424-234242
1821:     pr-hash: 7Tm/djB05pLIw3JAyy5E7A==
1822:     pr-signed-hash:
1823:      8zqw0ipqtLtte0tBz5/5VPNJPPonfTwkfZPbtuk5lqMykKDvThhO0ycrfT7e
1823(continued):                Xrn/hLUC

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1827:
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 184
1825:     retrieval-reference-number: 432112344321
1826:     authorization-code: a12323
1827:     card-hash: 7Tm/djB05pLIw3JAyy5E7A==
1828:     {
1829:     card-prefix: nnxxxx  [Returned if merchant is not full-PAN]

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1948:
1946:      mjD6ickhd+SQZhbRCNerlTiQGhuL4wUAxzGh8aHk2oXjoMpVzWw2EImPu5Qa
1946(continued):                PEc36xgr
1947:      mNz8vCovDiuy3tZ42IGArxBweasLPLCbm0Y=
1948:     $$-CyberCash-End-7Tm/djB05pLIw3JAyy5E7A==-$$
1950:     #############################################################
1950(continued):                ########

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 1958:
1956:     order-id: 12313424234242
1957:     merchant-amount: usd 10.00
1958:     pr-hash: 7Tm/djB05pLIw3JAyy5E7A==

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2050:
2048:      CEUEvQhcmruopwEeehv+bejc3fDDZ23JKrbhlZ17lSvFR14PKFsi32pXFqTO
2048(continued):                0ej9GTc5
2049:      L6c8nM3tI1qdHNCe0N5f7ASdKS0tYSxAYJLIR6MqPrXjNJEaRx7Vu1odMlkg
2049(continued):                rzGOV1fo
2050:      5w33BQHK3U2h+1e5zYBeHY3ZYG4nmylYYXIye4xpuPN4QU0dGrWZoImYE44Q
2050(continued):                Owjd5ozl
2051:      xulPBjj6cpEI/9wTwR3tpkBb4ZfYirxxnoj9JUkPK9Srv9iJ
2052:     $$-CyberCash-End-7Tm/djB05pLIw3JAyy5E7A==-$$

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2052:
2050:      5w33BQHK3U2h+1e5zYBeHY3ZYG4nmylYYXIye4xpuPN4QU0dGrWZoImYE44Q
2050(continued):                Owjd5ozl
2051:      xulPBjj6cpEI/9wTwR3tpkBb4ZfYirxxnoj9JUkPK9Srv9iJ
2052:     $$-CyberCash-End-7Tm/djB05pLIw3JAyy5E7A==-$$
2054:     #############################################################
2054(continued):                ########

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2064:
2062:     response-code: failure/success/etc.
2063:     order-id: 1231-3424-234242
2064:     pr-hash: 7Tm/djB05pLIw3JAyy5E7A==
2065:     pr-signed-hash:
2066:      IV8gWHx1f8eCkWsCsMOE3M8mnTbQ7IBBcEmyGDAwjdbaLu5Qm/bh06OX1npe
2066(continued):                2d3Hijxy
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 185
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2068:
2066:      IV8gWHx1f8eCkWsCsMOE3M8mnTbQ7IBBcEmyGDAwjdbaLu5Qm/bh06OX1npe
2066(continued):                2d3Hijxy
2067:      +X8vKcVE6l6To27u7A7UmGm+po9lCUSLxgtyqyn3jWhHZpc5NZpwoTCf2pAK
2068:     card-hash: 7Tm/djB05pLIw3JAyy5E7A==
2069:     card-number: 4811123456781234
2070:     card-type: visa

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2151:
2149:     transaction: 123123213
2150:     date: 19950121100505.nnn
2151:     $$-CyberCash-End-7Tm/djB05pLIw3JAyy5E7A==-$$
2153:     #############################################################
2153(continued):                ########

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2193:
2191:            by their CyberCash application...
2192:     supported-versions:, 0.81win, 0.8mac
2193:     $$-CyberCash-End-7Tm/djB05pLIw3JAyy5E7A==-$$
2195:     #############################################################
2195(continued):                ########

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2359:
2359:      35XiC9Yn8flE4Va14UxMf2RCR1B/XoV6AEd64KwPeCYyOYvwbRcYpRMBXFLy
2359(continued):                YgWM+ME1
2360:      +yp7c66SrCBhW4Q8AJYQ+5j5uyO7uKyyq7OhrV0IMpRDPjiQXZMooLZOifJP
2360(continued):                mpvJ66hC
2361:      VZuWMuA6LR+TJzWUm4sUP9Zb6zMQShedUyOPrtw1vkJXU1vZ5aI8OJAgUcLE
2361(continued):                itcD+dsY

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2360:
2359:      35XiC9Yn8flE4Va14UxMf2RCR1B/XoV6AEd64KwPeCYyOYvwbRcYpRMBXFLy
2359(continued):                YgWM+ME1
2360:      +yp7c66SrCBhW4Q8AJYQ+5j5uyO7uKyyq7OhrV0IMpRDPjiQXZMooLZOifJP
2360(continued):                mpvJ66hC
2361:      VZuWMuA6LR+TJzWUm4sUP9Zb6zMQShedUyOPrtw1vkJXU1vZ5aI8OJAgUcLE
2361(continued):                itcD+dsY
2362:      Df4CzA00fC10POkJ58HZB/pSBfUrHAa+IqMHyZkV/HBi9TjTwmktJi+8T9or
2362(continued):                XS0jSvor

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2502:
2500:      lw51IHbmo1Jj7H6wyNnRpEjy4tM73jcosBfGeQDHxgyH1uaiFNr2D+WvmuYo
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 186
2500(continued):                7eun2dsy
2501:      Wve2O/FwicWHvkg5aDPsgOjzetsn1JCNZzbW
2502:     $$-CyberCash-End-7Tm/djB05pLIw3JAyy5E7A==-$$
2504:     #############################################################
2504(continued):                ########

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2591:
2589:     x-opaque: [if can't decrypt]
2590:      9/eFiJK5tLizsoeSmpW7uLS8/7iio7Wisfv38biio7uyufv3tfv35uH+7N3d
2590(continued):                9/exuKX3
2591:      5+z3vuu4oqO7srnsvvz8/venoqO0v7al/7iio7WisYy+iv7s3ff3p6KjtL+2
2591(continued):                pf/wi7nw
2593:     #############################################################
2593(continued):                ########

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2653:
2651:     x-opaque: [if can't decrypt]
2652:      9/eFiJK5tLizsoeSmpW7uLS8/7iio7Wisfv38biio7uyufv3tfv35uH+7N3d
2652(continued):                9/exuKX3
2653:      5+z3vuu4oqO7srnsvvz8/venoqO0v7al/7iio7WisYy+iv7s3ff3p6KjtL+2
2653(continued):                pf/wi7nw
2655:     #############################################################
2655(continued):                ########

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1900.txt +=+=+=+=+=
1900 found at line 8:
7:  Network Working Group                                       B. C
7(continued):           arpenter
8:  Request for Comments: 1900                                    Y.
8(continued):            Rekhter
9:  Category: Informational
9(continued):                IAB
10:                                                             Febru
10(continued):          ary 1996

1900 found at line 60:
58:  Carpenter & Rekhter          Informational
58(continued):          [Page 1]
60:  RFC 1900                 Renumbering Needs Work            Febru
60(continued):          ary 1996
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 187
1900 found at line 116:
114:  Carpenter & Rekhter          Informational
114(continued):         [Page 2]
116:  RFC 1900                 Renumbering Needs Work            Febru
116(continued):         ary 1996

1900 found at line 172:
170:  Carpenter & Rekhter          Informational
170(continued):         [Page 3]
172:  RFC 1900                 Renumbering Needs Work            Febru
172(continued):         ary 1996

1900 found at line 207:
205:     Phone:  +41 22 767-4967
206:     Fax:    +41 22 767-7155
207:     Telex:  419000 cer ch
208:     EMail:

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1902.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2027:
2025:     Several clauses defined in this document use the UTC Time for
2025(continued):                mat:
2027:       YYMMDDHHMMZ
2029:       where: YY - last two digits of year

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2029:
2027:       YYMMDDHHMMZ
2029:       where: YY - last two digits of year
2030:              MM - month (01 through 12)
2031:              DD - day of month (01 through 31)

UTCTime found at line 136:
134:  BEGIN
135:      TYPE NOTATION ::=
136:                    "LAST-UPDATED" value(Update UTCTime)
137:                    "ORGANIZATION" Text
138:                    "CONTACT-INFO" Text
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 188
UTCTime found at line 152:
150:                  | Revisions Revision
151:      Revision ::=
152:                    "REVISION" value(Update UTCTime)
153:                    "DESCRIPTION" Text

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1910.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 1702:
1702:      LAST-UPDATED "9601120000Z"
1703:      ORGANIZATION "IETF SNMPv2 Working Group"
1704:      CONTACT-INFO

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1917.txt +=+=+=+=+=
century found at line 259:
257:     should be noted that careful extrapolations of the current tr
257(continued):         ends
258:     suggest that the address space will be exhausted early in the
258(continued):          next
259:     century.
261:  3. Problem

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1920.txt +=+=+=+=+=
'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2174:
2172:                                         The text version is sent.
2174:           file /ftp/rfc/rfcnnnn.yyy     where 'nnnn' is the RFC n
2174(continued):                umber.
2175:                                         and 'yyy' is 'txt' or 'ps
2175(continued):                '.

'yy' on a line without 'yyyy' found at line 2175:
2174:           file /ftp/rfc/rfcnnnn.yyy     where 'nnnn' is the RFC n
2174(continued):                umber.
2175:                                         and 'yyy' is 'txt' or 'ps
2175(continued):                '.
2177:           help                          to get information on how
2177(continued):                 to use
ToP   noToC   RFC2626 - Page 189
1900 found at line 851:
849:               An Experimental protocol.
851:        1900 - Renumbering Needs Work
853:               This is an information document and does not specif
853(continued):         y any

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1941.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2000 found at line 2826:
2824:     700 13th Street, NW
2825:     Suite 950
2826:     Washington, DC  20005
2827:     Phone:  202-434-8954
2828:     EMail:

+=+=+=+=+= File rfc1945.txt +=+=+=+=+=
2-digit found at line 500:
498:         Specific repetition: "<n>(element)" is equivalent to
499:         "<n>*<n>(element)"; that is, exactly <n> occurrences of
500:         (element). Thus 2DIGIT is a 2-digit number, and 3ALPHA is
500(continued):          a
501:         string of three alphabetic characters.

2digit found at line 500:
498:         Specific repetition: "<n>(element)" is equivalent to
499:         "<n>*<n>(element)"; that is, exactly <n> occurrences of
500:         (element). Thus 2DIGIT is a 2-digit number, and 3ALPHA is
500(continued):          a
501:         string of three alphabetic characters.

2digit found at line 872:
870:         asctime-date   = wkday SP date3 SP time SP 4DIGIT
872:         date1          = 2DIGIT SP month SP 4DIGIT
873:                          ; day month year (e.g., 02 Jun 1982)
874:         date2          = 2DIGIT "-" month "-" 2DIGIT

2digit found at line 874:
872:         date1          = 2DIGIT SP month SP 4DIGIT
873:                          ; day month year (e.g., 02 Jun 1982)
874:         date2          = 2DIGIT "-" month "-" 2DIGIT
875:                          ; day-month-year (e.g., 02-Jun-82)
876:         date3          = month SP ( 2DIGIT | ( SP 1DIGIT ))

(next page on part 7)

Next Section