NAME NMC -- the Hughes LAN Systems 9100 Network Management Center KEYWORDS control, manager, routing, status, traffic; bridge, DECnet, ethernet, IP; NMS, SNMP; UNIX. ABSTRACT The 9100 Network Management Center provides the capa- bility to manage and control standards-based networking products from Hughes LAN Systems' and other vendors. This management extends to all network products that are equipped with the industry standard SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol). A comprehensive rela- tional database manages the data and ensures easy access and control of resources throughout the network. 9100 NMC software provides the following functions: Database Management Stores and retrieves the information required to administer and configure the network. It can be used to: Store and recall configuration data for all devices. Provide availability history for devices. Provides full-function SQL interface. Assign new internet addresses. Provide administrative information such as physical location of devices, person respon- sible, maintenance history, asset data, hardware/software versions, etc. Configuration Management A comprehensive configuration model that enables you to: Retrieve configuration information from SNMP devices. Configure HLS devices using SNMP. Configures attributes relating to TCP/IP, DECnet and other protocols in HLS devices using SNMP. Poll devices to compare their current attri- bute values with those in the database and produce reports of the discrepancies. Collect data about the state of the network.
Performance Management Displays local network traffic graphically, by packet size, protocol, network utilization, sources and destinations of packets, etc. Fault Management Provides availability monitoring and indicates potential problems. Scheduled availability monitoring of devices. SNMP traps (alarms) are recorded in an alarm log. New alarms are indicated by a flashing icon and optional audio alert. Possible causes and suggested actions for the alarms are listed. Cumulative reports can be produced. Utilities Function Allows you to view and/or stop existing NMC processes, and to define schedules for invoking NMC applications and database maintenance utili- ties. MECHANISM SNMP. CAVEATS None reported. BUGS None known. LIMITATIONS Maximum number of nodes that can be monitored is 18,000. This can include Hosts, Terminal Servers, PCs, and Bridges. HARDWARE REQUIRED The host for the NMC software is a Sun 3 desktop works- tation. Recommended minimum hardware is the Sun 3/80 Color with a 1/4" SCSI tape drive. SOFTWARE REQUIRED The NMC, which is provided on 1/4" tape format, runs on the Sun 4.0 Operating System.
AVAILABILITY A commercial product of: Hughes LAN Systems Inc. 1225 Charleston Road Mountain View, CA 94043 Phone: (415) 966-7300 Fax: (415) 960-3738 RCA Telex: 276572
NAME NNStat KEYWORDS manager, status, traffic; ethernet, IP; eavesdrop, NMS; UNIX; free. ABSTRACT NNStat is a collection of programs that provides an internet statistic collecting capability. The NNStat strategy for statistic collection is to collect traffic statistics via a promiscuous ethernet tap on the local networks, versus instrumenting the gateways. If all traffic entering or leaving a network or set of net- works traverses a local ethernet, then by stationing a statistic gathering agent on each local network a pro- file of network traffic can be gathered. Statistical data is retrieved from the local agents by a global manager. A program called "statspy" performs the data gathering function. Essentially, statspy reads all packets on an ethernet interface and records all information of interest. Information of interest is gathered by exa- mining each packet and determining if the source or destination IP address is one that is being monitored, typically a gateway address. If so then the contents of the packet are examined to see if they match further criteria. A program called "collect" performs global data collec- tion. It periodically polls various statspy processes in the domain of interest to retrieve locally logged statistical data. The NNSTAT distribution comes with several sample awk programs which process the logged output of the collect program. MECHANISM Local agents (statspy processes) collect raw traffic data via a promiscuous ethernet tap. Statistical, fil- tered or otherwise reduced data is retrieved from the local agents by a global manager (the "collect" pro- cess). CAVEATS None.
BUGS Bug fixes, extensions, and other pointers are discussed in the electronic mail forum, bytecounters. To join, send a request to Forum exchanges are archived in the file bytecounters/bytecounters.mail, available via anonymous FTP from LIMITATIONS NNStat presumes a topology of one or more long haul networks gatewayed to local ethernets. A kernel mod required to run with SunOS4. These mods are described in the bytecounters archive. HARDWARE REQUIRED Ethernet interface. Sun 3, Sun 4 (SPARC), or PC RT workstation. SOFTWARE REQUIRED Distribution is for BSD UNIX, could easily be adapted to any UNIX with promiscuous ethernet support. AVAILABILITY Distribution is available via anonymous FTP from, in file pub/NNStat.tar.Z. Documenta- tion is in pub/
NAME NPRV -- IP Node/Protocol Reachability Verifier KEYWORDS map, routing, status; IP; ping; VMS; free. ABSTRACT NPRV is a full-screen, keypad-oriented utility that runs under VAX/VMS. It allows the user to quickly scan through a user-defined list of IP addresses (or domain names) and verify a node's reachability. The node's reachability is determined by performing an ICMP echo, UDP echo and a TCP echo at alternating three second intervals. The total number of packets sent and received are displayed, as well as the minimum, average and maximum round-trip times (in milliseconds) for each type of echo. Additionally, a "trace route" function is performed to determine the path from the local sys- tem to the remote host. Once all of the trace route information has filled the screen, a "snapshot" of the screen can be written to a text file. Upon exiting the utility, these text files can be used to generate a logical network map showing host and gateway intercon- nectivity. MECHANISM The ICMP echo is performed by sending ICMP ECHO REQUEST packets. The UDP and TCP echoes are performed by con- necting to the UDP/TCP echo ports (port number 7). The trace route information is compiled by sending alter- nating ICMP ECHO REQUEST packets and UDP packets with very large destination UDP port numbers (in two passes). Each packet is initially sent with a TTL (time to live) of 1. This should cause an ICMP TIME EXCEEDED error to be generated by the first routing gateway. Then each packet is sent with a TTL of 2. This should cause an ICMP TIME EXCEEDED error to be generated by the second routing gateway. Then each packet is sent with a TTL of 3, and so on. This pro- cess continues until an ICMP ECHO REPLY or UDP PORT UNREACHABLE is received. This indicates that the remote host has been reached and that the trace route information is complete. CAVEATS This utility sends one echo packet per second (ICMP, UDP or TCP), as well as sending out one trace route packet per second. If a transmitted trace route packet
is returned in less than one second, another trace route packet is sent in 100 milliseconds. This could cause a significant amount of contention on the local network. BUGS None known. Please report any discovered bugs to the author at: Allen Sturtevant National Magnetic Fusion Energy Computer Center Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory P.O. Box 808; L-561 Livermore, CA 94550 Phone : (415) 422-8266 E-Mail: LIMITATIONS The user is required to have SYSPRV privilege to per- form the ICMP Echo and trace route functions. The utility will still run with this privilege disabled, but only the UDP Echo and TCP Echo information will be displayed. This utility is written in C, but unfor- tunately it cannot be easily ported over to UNIX since many VMS system calls are used and all screen I/O is done using the VMS Screen Management Routines. HARDWARE REQUIRED Any network interface supported by TGV Incorporated's MultiNet software. SOFTWARE REQUIRED VAX/VMS V5.1+ and TGV Incorporated's MultiNet version 2.0. AVAILABILITY For executables only, FTP to the ANONYMOUS account (password GUEST) on CCC.NMFECC.GOV ( and GET the following files: [ANONYMOUS.PROGRAMS.NPRV]NPRV.DOC (ASCII text) [ANONYMOUS.PROGRAMS.NPRV]NPRV.EXE (binary) [ANONYMOUS.PROGRAMS.NPRV]SAMPLE.IPA (ASCII text)
NAME nslookup KEYWORDS status; DNS; spoof; UNIX, VMS; free. ABSTRACT Nslookup is a program used for interactive query of ARPA Internet domain servers. This program is useful for diagnosing routing or mail delivery problems, where often a local domain server is responding with an incorrect internet address. It is essentially a data- base front end which converts user queries into domain name queries. By default nslookup queries the local domain name server but you can specify additional servers. Additional information beyond the mapping of domain names to internet addresses is possible. MECHANISM Formats and sends domain name queries. CAVEATS None. BUGS None known. LIMITATIONS None known. HARDWARE REQUIRED No restrictions. SOFTWARE REQUIRED BSD UNIX or related OS, or VMS. AVAILABILITY Nslookup is part of the "named" distribution, available via anonymous FTP from, in directories bsd-sources/src/etc and bsd-sources/src/network, and part of the "bind" distribution, available via anonymous FTP from, in directory 4.3. Also available with 4.xBSD UNIX and related operating systems. For VMS, available as part of TGV MultiNet IP software package, as well as Wollongong's WIN/TCP.
NAME osilog -- OSI event Logger KEYWORDS alarm, manager; OSI; UNIX; free. ABSTRACT The osilog program receives management event reports for the operation of the ISODE Transport layer (ISO Transport Protocol class 0) on one or more managed sys- tems, formats them suitably to facilitate post- processing and records them for future analysis. MECHANISM It communicates with the System Management Agents (SMAs) on the selected systems via CMIP. CAVEATS The System Management Agent (SMA) must be running on the hosts selected to provide management reports. BUGS None known. LIMITATIONS ISODE Transport Layer only supported by the SMA at present. HARDWARE REQUIRED Developed and tested on Sun3. SOFTWARE REQUIRED The ISODE protocol suite, BSD UNIX. AVAILABILITY The osilog and related tools, known as OSIMIS (OSI Management Information Service), are publicly available from University College London, England via FTP and FTAM. To obtain information regarding a copy send email to or call +44 1 380 7366.
NAME osimic -- OSI Microscope KEYWORDS manager, status; OSI; UNIX; free. ABSTRACT The osimic program is a human user interface to the management information base on the ISODE Transport layer (ISO Transport Protocol class 0). It allows browsing through the management information tree and enables the manipulation of attribute values. It is implemented using the SunView package of the SunTools window system. MECHANISM It communicates with the System Management Agent (SMA) on the selected system via CMIP. CAVEATS The System Management Agent (SMA) must be running on the host where the mib is being examined. BUGS None known. LIMITATIONS ISODE Transport Layer only supported by the SMA at present. HARDWARE REQUIRED Developed and tested on Sun3. SOFTWARE REQUIRED The ISODE protocol suite, BSD UNIX, SunView/SunTools. AVAILABILITY The osimic and related tools, known as OSIMIS (OSI Management Information Service), are publicly available from University College London, England via FTP and FTAM. To obtain information regarding a copy send email to or call +44 1 380 7366.
NAME osimon -- OSI Monitor KEYWORDS manager, status, traffic; OSI; curses; UNIX; free. ABSTRACT The osimon program monitors activity of the ISODE Tran- sport layer (ISO Transport Protocol class 0), display- ing entries for the active transport entities and con- nections. The display is dynamically updated in the case of significant events such as connection opening and closing and packet traffic, as information is received in the form of event reports from a SMA. It uses the UNIX curses package for screen management. MECHANISM It communicates with the System Management Agent (SMA) on the selected system via CMIP. CAVEATS The System Management Agent (SMA) must be running on the host being monitored. BUGS For the terminal type Sun, there are some transient problems with the display. LIMITATIONS ISODE Transport Layer only supported at present. HARDWARE REQUIRED Developed and tested on Sun3 for various terminal types. SOFTWARE REQUIRED The ISODE protocol suite, BSD UNIX. AVAILABILITY The osimon and related tools, known as OSIMIS (OSI Management Information Service), are publicly available from University College London, England via FTP and FTAM. To obtain information regarding a copy send email to or call +44 1 380 7366.
NAME OSITRACE KEYWORDS traffic; OSI; eavesdrop; UNIX; free. ABSTRACT OSITRACE is a network performance tool that displays information about ISO TP4 connections. One line of output is displayed for each packet indicating the time, source, destination, length, packet type, sequence number, credit, and any optional parameters contained in the packet. Numerous options are avail- able to control the output of OSITRACE. To obtain packets to analyze, OSITRACE uses Sun Microsystems' Network Interface Tap (NIT) in SunOS 3.4, 3.5, and 4.0.X. OSITRACE may also obtain data from the NETMON utility which is described as another tool entry. In Sun systems, OSITRACE may be easily installed: OSI kernel support is not needed, nor is any other form of OSI software support. MECHANISM This tool has been designed in such a way that code to process different protocol suites may be easily added. As such, OSITRACE also has the ability to trace the DOD TCP protocols. CAVEATS None. BUGS Bug reports and questions should be addressed to: ie- Requests to join this mailing list: ie-tools- Questions and suggestions can also be directed to: Greg Hollingsworth, LIMITATIONS None reported.
HARDWARE REQUIRED No restriction. SOFTWARE REQUIRED SunOS 3.4, 3.5, or 4.0.X, or BSD UNIX-like network pro- tocols with NETMON installed. AVAILABILITY OSITRACE is copyrighted by the MITRE-Washington Net- working Center, but freely distributed "as is." It re- quires retention of a copyright text in code derived from it. The distribution is available by anonymous FTP in pub/pdutrace.tar or pub/pdutrace.tar.Z from
NAME OverVIEW KEYWORDS manager, status; IP; NMS, SNMP; DOS. ABSTRACT Network and internet monitor; Performance monitor; Fully Graphic user interface; Event logging; TFTP boot server MECHANISM OverVIEW uses SNMP to query routers, gateways and hosts. Also supports SGMP, PING and is committed to CMIP/CMOT. The SNMP queries allow dynamic determina- tion of configuration and state. Sets of related queries allows monitoring of congestion and faults. The hardware and software are sold as an integrated package. CAVEATS None. BUGS None known. LIMITATIONS 256 nodes, 256 nets HARDWARE REQUIRED 80286, 640K, EGA, mouse. SOFTWARE REQUIRED MS-DOS, OverVIEW, Network kernel, Mouse driver, SNMP agents for monitored devices. AVAILABILITY Fully supported product of Proteon, Inc. For more information, contact: Proteon, Inc. Phone: (508) 898-2800 2 Technology Drive Fax: (508) 366-8901 Westborough, MA 01581 Telex: 928124
NAME ping KEYWORDS generator, status; IP; ping; DOS, UNIX, VMS; free. ABSTRACT Ping is perhaps the most basic tool for internet management. It verifies that a remote IP implementa- tion and the intervening networks and interfaces are functional. It can be used to measure round trip delay. Numerous versions of the ping program exist. MECHANISM Ping is based on the ICMP ECHO_REQUEST message. CAVEATS If run repeatedly, ping could generate high system loads. BUGS None known. LIMITATIONS PC/TCP's ping is the only implementation known support both loose and strict source routing. Though some ping implementations support the ICMP "record route" feature, the usefulness of this option for debugging routes is limited by the fact that many gateways do not correctly implement it. HARDWARE REQUIRED No restrictions. SOFTWARE REQUIRED None. AVAILABILITY Ping is widely included in TCP/IP distributions. Pub- lic domain versions of ping are available via anonymous FTP from, in directory bsd- sources/src/etc, and from, in directory pub.
NAME proxyd -- SNMP proxy agent daemons from SNMP Research. KEYWORDS control, status; bridge, ethernet, IP, ring, star; NMS, SNMP; UNIX; library, sourcelib. ABSTRACT SNMP proxy agents may be used to permit the monitoring and controlling of network elements which are otherwise not addressable using the SNMP management protocol (e.g., a network bridge that implements a proprietary management protocol). Similarly, SNMP proxy agents may be used to protect SNMP agents from redundant network management agents through the use of caches. Finally, SNMP proxy agents may be used to implement elaborate MIB access policies. The proxy agent daemon listens for SNMP queries and commands from logically remote network management stations, translates and retransmits those as appropriate network management queries or cache lookups, listens for and parses the responses, translates the responses into SNMP responses, and returns those responses as SNMP messages to the network management station that originated the transaction. The proxy agent daemon also emits SNMP traps to identi- fied trap receivers. The proxy agent daemon is archi- tected to make the addition of additional vendor- specific variables a straight-forward task. The proxy application comes complete with source code including a powerful set of portable libraries for generating and parsing SNMP messages and a set of command line utili- ties. MECHANISM Network management variables are made available for inspection and/or alteration by means of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). CAVEATS None. BUGS None known. LIMITATIONS This application is a template for proxy application writers.
Only a few of the many LanBridge 100 variables are sup- ported. HARDWARE REQUIRED System from Sun Microsystems, Incorporated. SOFTWARE REQUIRED Sun OS 3.5 or 4.x AVAILABILITY This is a commercial product available under license from: SNMP Research P.O. Box 8593 Knoxville, TN 37996-4800 (615) 573-1434 (Voice) (615) 573-9197 (FAX) Attn: Dr. Jeff Case
NAME query, ripquery KEYWORDS routing; IP; spoof; UNIX; free. ABSTRACT Query allows remote viewing of a gateway's routing tables. MECHANISM Query formats and sends a RIP request or POLL command to a destination gateway. CAVEATS Query is intended to be used a a tool for debugging gateways, not for network management. SNMP is the pre- ferred protocol for network management. BUGS None known. LIMITATIONS The polled gateway must run RIP. HARDWARE REQUIRED No restriction. SOFTWARE REQUIRED 4.3BSD UNIX or related OS. AVAILABILITY Available with routed and gated distributions. Routed may be obtained via anonymous FTP from, in file bsd- sources/src/network/routed.tar.Z. Gated may be obtained via anonymous FTP from Distribution files are in directory pub/gated.
NAME SERAG -- the Simple Event Reporting and Alarm Genera- tion tool KEYWORDS alarm, security; ethernet, IP; NMS, proprietary; UNIX. ABSTRACT The Simple Event Reporting and Alarm Generation (SERAG) collects error messages and other event reports from servers on a LAN. Any node with UDP/IP can be the source of such messages/reports. The logging of error messages is integrated with the audit trail facility of the Network Control Server (NCS) from 3COM. Alarms are generated on the NCS based on predefined conditions. Alarms may be sent to the console of the NCS, logged in a file, or routed via WAN to a service center. SERAG can automatically detect a predefined set of errors in the servers and generate alarms. The break- down of a server in the LAN may also result in alarm generation. SERAG creates an error log that can be used for post- testing analysis. MECHANISM The tool searches through the audit trail (error log) files for events specified by the user. The search may be constrained to specific nodes in the network and to a specific time frame. Events may be combined into conditions which are logical expressions (e.g., look for eventA and eventB and not eventC within time frame so and so). This is an interactive query facility to analyze the audit trail (error log). The user may also ask for such conditions to be checked at regular intervals, and specify routing of error mes- sages in case the condition is satisfied. The checking of such conditions is done by a daemon process running in the background. CAVEATS May impact the performance of the NCS if error logs are big, or if conditions are computationally complex. BUGS None known.
LIMITATIONS None reported. HARDWARE REQUIRED A workstation running UNIX. SOFTWARE REQUIRED Implemented in C (using lex and yacc) on a Sun 3/50. Also runs under Xenix. Should work with most versions of UNIX. AVAILABILITY Developed jointly by ELAB-RUNIT and Norsk Data: Tor Didriksen, Ole-Hjalmar Kristensen, Steinar Haug, Eldfrid Oefsti Oevstedal, Tor Staalhane ELAB-RUNIT N-7034 Trondheim Norway phone: +47 7 593000 fax : +47 7 532586 email: Commercially available from: Norsk Data A/S P.O. Box 25, Bogerud N-0621 Oslo 6 Norway ref: network management/security management/fault management phone: +47 2 627500 fax : +47 2 296796
NAME sma -- OSI System Management Agent KEYWORDS alarm, manager, status; OSI; UNIX; free. ABSTRACT The sma is a CMIP agent which runs on BSD UNIX and pro- vides access to management information on the operation of the ISODE transport layer (ISO Transport Protocol class 0). It also supports the sending of event reports. Activity can be recorded in a log file. MECHANISM The sma communicates with the active ISODE transport entities using UNIX UDP sockets in order to receive the management information which is made available to other manager processes via CMIP. CAVEATS None. BUGS None known. LIMITATIONS ISODE Transport Layer only supported at present. HARDWARE REQUIRED Developed on Sun3, tested on Sun3 and VAXStation. SOFTWARE REQUIRED The ISODE protocol suite, BSD UNIX. AVAILABILITY The sma and related tools, known as OSIMIS (OSI Manage- ment Information Service), are publicly available from University College London, England via FTP and FTAM. To obtain information regarding a copy send email to or call +44 1 380 7366.
NAME Sniffer KEYWORDS analyzer, generator, traffic; DECnet, ethernet, IP, NFS, OSI, ring, SMTP, star; eavesdrop; standalone. ABSTRACT The Network General Sniffer is a protocol analyzer for performing LAN diagnostics, monitoring, traffic genera- tion, and troubleshooting. The Sniffer protocol analyzer has the capability of capturing every packet on a network and of decoding all seven layers of the OSI protocol model. Capture frame selection is based on several different filters: protocol content at lower levels; node addresses; pattern matching (up to 8 logically-related patterns of 32 bytes each); and des- tination class. Users may extend the protocol interpretation capability of the Sniffer by writing their own customized protocol interpreters and linking them to the Sniffer software. The Sniffer displays network traffic information and performance statistics in real time, in user-selectable formats. Numeric station addresses are translated to symbolic names or manufacturer ID names. Network activities measured include frames accepted, Kbytes accepted, and buffer use. Each network version has additional counters for activities specific to that network. Network activity is expressed as frames/second, Kbytes/second, or per cent of network bandwidth utilization. Data collection by the Sniffer may be output to printer or stored to disk in either print-file or spread-sheet format. Protocol suites understood by the Sniffer include: Banyan Vines, IBM Token-Ring, Novell Netware, XNS/MS- Net (3Com 3+), DECnet, TCP/IP (including SNMP and applications-layer protocols such as FTP, SMTP, and TELNET), X Windows (for X version 11), NFS, and several SUN proprietary protocols (including mount, pmap, RPC, and YP). Supported LANs include: ethernet, Token-ring (4Mb and 16Mb versions), ARCNET, StarLAN, IBM PC Net- work (Broadband), and Apple Localtalk Network. MECHANISM
The Sniffer is a self-contained, portable protocol analyzer that require only AC line power and connection to a network to operate. Normally passive (except when in Traffic Generator mode), it captures images of all or of selected frames in a working buffer, ready for immediate analysis and display. The Sniffer is a standalone device. Two platforms are available: one for use with single network topologies, the other for use with multi-network topologies. Both include Sniffer core software, a modified network interface card (or multiple cards), and optional proto- col interpreter suites. All Sniffer functions may be remotely controlled from a modem-connected PC. Output from the Sniffer can be imported to database or spreadsheet packages. CAVEATS In normal use, the Sniffer is a passive device, and so will not adversely effect network performance. Perfor- mance degradation will be observed, of course, if the Sniffer is set to Traffic Generator mode and connected to an active network. BUGS None known. LIMITATIONS None reported. HARDWARE REQUIRED None. The Sniffer is a self-contained unit, and includes its own interface card. It installs into a network as would any normal workstation. SOFTWARE REQUIRED None. AVAILABILITY The Sniffer is available commercially. For information on your local representative, call or write: Network General Corporation 4200 Bohannon Drive Menlo Park, CA 94025 Phone: (415) 688-2700 Fax: 415-321-0855 For acquisition by government agencies, the Sniffer is
included on the GSA schedule.
NAME The SNMP Development Kit KEYWORDS manager, status; IP; NMS, SNMP; UNIX; free, sourcelib. ABSTRACT The SNMP Development Kit comprises C Language source code for a programming library that facilitates access to the management services of the SNMP (RFC 1098). Sources are also included for a few simple client applications whose main purpose is to illustrate the use of the library. Example client applications query remote SNMP agents in a variety of modes, and generate or collect SNMP traps. Code for an example SNMP agent that supports a subset of the Internet MIB (RFC 1066) is also included. MECHANISM The Development Kit facilitates development of SNMP- based management applications -- both clients and agents. Example applications execute SNMP management operations according to the values of command line arguments. CAVEATS None. BUGS Fixed in the next release. LIMITATIONS None reported. HARDWARE REQUIRED The SNMP library source code is highly portable and runs on a wide range of platforms. SOFTWARE REQUIRED The SNMP library source code has almost no operating system dependencies and runs in a wide range of environments. Certain portions of the example SNMP agent code are specific to the 4.3BSD implementation of the UNIX system for the DEC MicroVAX. AVAILABILITY The Development Kit is available via anonymous FTP from host The copyright for the
Development Kit is held by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and the Kit is distributed without charge according to the terms set forth in its code and documentation. The distribution takes the form of a UNIX tar file. Bug reports, questions, suggestions, or complaints may be mailed electronically to, although no response in any form is guaranteed. Dis- tribution via UUCP mail may be arranged by contacting the same address. Requests for hard-copy documentation or copies of the distribution on magnetic media are never honored.
NAME Snmp Libraries and Utilities from SNMP Research. KEYWORDS alarm, control, manager, map, routing, status; bridge, DECnet, ethernet, IP, OSI, ring, star; NMS, SNMP; DOS, UNIX, VMS; sourcelib. ABSTRACT The SNMP Libraries and Utilities serve two purposes: 1) to act as building blocks for the construction of SNMP-based agent and manager applications; and 2) to act as network management tools for network fire fighting and report generation. The libraries perform ASN.1 parsing and generation tasks for both network management station applications and network management agent applications. These libraries hide the details of ASN.1 parsing and genera- tion from application writers and make it unnecessary for them to be expert in these areas. The libraries are very robust with considerable error checking designed in. The several command line utilities include applications for retrieving one or many vari- ables, retrieving tables, or effecting commands via the setting of remote network management variables. MECHANISM The parsing is performed via recursive descent methods. Messages are passed via the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). CAVEATS None. BUGS None known. LIMITATIONS None reported.
HARDWARE REQUIRED This software has been ported to a wide range of sys- tems, too numerous to itemize. It includes worksta- tions, general purpose timesharing systems, and embed- ded hardware in intelligent network devices such as re- peaters, bridges, and routers. SOFTWARE REQUIRED C compiler, TCP/IP library from a variety of sources. AVAILABILITY This is a commercial product available under license from: SNMP Research P.O. Box 8593 Knoxville, TN 37996-4800 (615) 573-1434 (Voice) (615) 573-9197 (FAX) Attn: Dr. Jeff Case
NAME snmpask KEYWORDS manager, status; IP; NMS, SNMP; UNIX. ABSTRACT Snmpask is a network monitoring application which gath- ers specific information from a single network entity at regular intervals and stores this information into UNIX flat files. A report generation package is included in the NYSERNet SNMP Software Distribution to produce reports and graphs from the raw data. MECHANISM Snmpask uses SNMP to gather its information. The agent which must be queried and the variables to query for are specified in a configuration file. CAVEATS An SNMP agent must be running in the network entity being monitored in order for snmpask to be useful. BUGS None outstanding. They are fixed as reports come in. Report bugs to: LIMITATIONS SNMP polling is done synchronously. Only a single agent can be polled per snmpask process. Only 16 vari- ables can be requested per snmpask process. HARDWARE REQUIRED Developed on Sun 3/60, Sun 3/260, tested on a SPARCsta- tion I, DECstation, and a Solbourne 4/802. SOFTWARE REQUIRED Some UNIX variant or some other OS with a Berkeley Socket Compatibility Library. AVAILABILITY Snmpask is available in the NYSERNet SNMP Software Dis- tribution, which is licensed, copyrighted software. To obtain information regarding the package send mail to: or call +1 518-283-8860.
NAME snmpd KEYWORDS manager, status; IP; NMS, SNMP; UNIX. ABSTRACT Snmpd is an SNMP agent which runs on UNIX derivatives and answers network management queries from network management stations supporting SNMP. Snmpd also sup- ports the sending of SNMP traps. MECHANISM Snmpd conforms to SNMP as specified in RFC 1098. Cer- tain user configurable options are manipulated through a simple configuration file. CAVEATS UNIX does not support all of the MIB variables speci- fied in RFC 1066. Snmpd does the best it can to find the answers. BUGS None outstanding. They are fixed as reports come in. report bugs to: LIMITATIONS See CAVEATS. HARDWARE REQUIRED Developed on Sun 3/60, Sun 3/260, tested on a SPARCsta- tion I, DECstation, and a Solbourne 4/802. SOFTWARE REQUIRED Some UNIX variant. AVAILABILITY Snmpd is available in the NYSERNet SNMP Software Dis- tribution, which is licensed, copyrighted software. To obtain information regarding the package send mail to: or call +1 518-283-8860.
NAME snmpd -- an SNMP host/gateway agent daemon from SNMP Research. KEYWORDS manager, status; bridge, ethernet, IP, ring, star; NMS, SNMP; DOS, UNIX; sourcelib. ABSTRACT The snmpd agent daemon listens for and responds to net- work management queries and commands from logically remote network management stations. The agent daemon also emits SNMP traps to identified trap receivers. The agent daemon is architected to make the addition of additional vendor-specific variables a straight-forward task. The snmpd application comes complete with source code including a powerful set of portable libraries for generating and parsing SNMP messages and a set of com- mand line utilities. MECHANISM Network management variables are made available for inspection and/or alteration by means of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). CAVEATS None. BUGS None known. LIMITATIONS Only the operating system variables available without source code modifications to the operating system and device device drivers are supported. HARDWARE REQUIRED This software has been ported to a wide range of sys- tems, too numerous to itemize. It includes worksta- tions, general purpose timesharing systems, and embed- ded hardware in intelligent network devices such as repeaters, bridges, and routers. SOFTWARE REQUIRED C compiler, ".h" files for operating system.
AVAILABILITY This is a commercial product available under license from: SNMP Research P.O. Box 8593 Knoxville, TN 37996-4800 (615) 573-1434 (Voice) (615) 573-9197 (FAX) Attn: Dr. Jeff Case
NAME snmplookup KEYWORDS manager, status; IP; NMS, SNMP; UNIX. ABSTRACT Snmplookup is a network monitoring application that allows the interactive querying of a network entity. Snmplookup mimics nslookup, the DNS interactive query tool, in style and feel. MECHANISM Snmplookup uses SNMP to gather its information. The network entity to be queried and the variable to be retrieved can be entered from the command shell after snmplookup is invoked. CAVEATS An SNMP agent must be running on the network entity being monitored. BUGS None outstanding. They are fixed as reports come in. Report bugs to: LIMITATIONS See CAVEATS. HARDWARE REQUIRED Developed on Sun 3/60, Sun 3/260, tested on a SPARCsta- tion I, DECstation, and a Solbourne 4/802. SOFTWARE REQUIRED Some UNIX variant or some other OS with a Berkeley Socket Compatibility Library. AVAILABILITY Snmplookup is available in the NYSERNet SNMP Software Distribution, which is licensed, copyrighted software. To obtain information regarding the package send mail to: or call +1 518-283-8860.
NAME snmpperfmon KEYWORDS manager, status; IP; curses, NMS, SNMP; UNIX. ABSTRACT Snmpperfmon is a network monitoring application based on the Berkeley curses terminal graphics package and the Simple Network Management Protocol. The applica- tion monitors certain interface statistics from a sin- gle agent and displays them in tabular form on a stan- dard terminal screen. MECHANISM Snmpperfmon uses SNMP to gather its information. The agent to be queried is specified on the command line. CAVEATS An SNMP agent must be running in the network entity being monitored in order for snmpperfmon to be useful. BUGS None outstanding. They are fixed as reports come in. Report bugs to: LIMITATIONS SNMP polling is done synchronously. Only the predeter- mined (read "hard coded") interface statistics can be displayed. HARDWARE REQUIRED Developed on Sun 3/60, Sun 3/260, tested on a SPARCsta- tion I, DECstation, and a Solbourne 4/802. SOFTWARE REQUIRED Some UNIX variant or some other OS with a Berkeley Socket Compatibility Library. The "curses" library. AVAILABILITY Snmpperfmon is available in the NYSERNet SNMP Software Distribution, which is licensed, copyrighted software. To obtain information regarding the package send mail to: or call +1 518-283-8860.
NAME snmppoll KEYWORDS manager, status; IP; NMS, SNMP; UNIX. ABSTRACT Snmppoll is a network monitoring application which gathers specific information from a network at regular intervals and stores this information into UNIX flat files. A report generation package is included in the NYSERNet SNMP Software Distribution to produce reports and graphs of raw data collected via SNMP. MECHANISM Snmppoll uses SNMP to gather its information. The agents which must be queried and the variables to query for are specified in a configuration file. CAVEATS An SNMP agent must be running in the network entity being monitored in order for snmppoll to be useful. BUGS None outstanding. They are fixed as reports come in. Report bugs to: LIMITATIONS SNMP polling is done synchronously. HARDWARE REQUIRED Developed on Sun 3/60, Sun 3/260, tested on a SPARCsta- tion I, DECstation, and a Solbourne 4/802. SOFTWARE REQUIRED Some UNIX variant or some other OS with a Berkeley Socket Compatibility Library. AVAILABILITY Snmppoll is available in the NYSERNet SNMP Software Distribution, which is licensed, copyrighted software. To obtain information regarding the package send mail to: or call +1 518-283-8860.
NAME snmpquery KEYWORDS manager, status; IP; NMS, SNMP; UNIX. ABSTRACT Snmpquery is a network monitoring application which allows the simple query of a single network entity from the command line. MECHANISM Snmpquery uses SNMP to gather its information. The entity to be monitored and the variables to be retrieved must be specified on the command line. CAVEATS An SNMP agent must be running on the network entity being monitored. BUGS None outstanding. They are fixed as reports come in. Report bugs to: LIMITATIONS Only one network entity can be managed per invocation. HARDWARE REQUIRED Developed on Sun 3/60, Sun 3/260, tested on a SPARCsta- tion I, DECstation, and a Solbourne 4/802. SOFTWARE REQUIRED Some UNIX variant or some other OS with a Berkeley Socket Compatibility Library. AVAILABILITY Snmpquery is available in the NYSERNet SNMP Software Distribution, which is licensed, copyrighted software. To obtain information regarding the package send mail to: or call +1 518-283-8860.
NAME snmproute KEYWORDS manager, routing; IP; NMS, SNMP; UNIX. ABSTRACT Snmproute is a network monitoring application that allows the user to query for the entire routing table or a single routing table entry from a network entity. MECHANISM Snmproute uses SNMP to gather its information. The network entity to be queried and the destination net- work to be queried for must be specified on the command line. CAVEATS An SNMP agent must be running on the network entity being monitored. BUGS None outstanding. They are fixed as reports come in. Report bugs to: LIMITATIONS Only one network entity can be queried per invocation. HARDWARE REQUIRED Developed on Sun 3/60, Sun 3/260, tested on a SPARCsta- tion I, DECstation, and a Solbourne 4/802. SOFTWARE REQUIRED Some UNIX variant or some other OS with a Berkeley Socket Compatibility Library. AVAILABILITY Snmproute is available in the NYSERNet SNMP Software Distribution, which is licensed, copyrighted software. To obtain information regarding the package send mail to: or call +1 518-283-8860.
NAME snmpset KEYWORDS control, manager; IP; NMS, SNMP; UNIX. ABSTRACT Snmpset is a network management application that allows the alteration of a single variable in a specific agent. MECHANISM Snmpset uses SNMP to alter the agent variables. The agent to which the set is directed and the variable to alter must be specified on the command line. The user is prompted before any changes are made. CAVEATS An SNMP agent must be running in the network entity being managed in order for snmpset to be useful. In addition, a read-write community must be configured on the agent. BUGS None outstanding. They are fixed as reports come in. Report bugs to: LIMITATIONS Only one variable can be altered per invocation. HARDWARE REQUIRED Developed on Sun 3/60, Sun 3/260, tested on a SPARCsta- tion I, DECstation, and a Solbourne 4/802. SOFTWARE REQUIRED Some UNIX variant or some other OS with a Berkeley Socket Compatibility Library. AVAILABILITY Snmpset is available in the NYSERNet SNMP Software Dis- tribution, which is licensed, copyrighted software. To obtain information regarding the package send mail to: or call +1 518-283-8860.
NAME snmpsrc KEYWORDS manager, routing; IP; NMS, SNMP; UNIX. ABSTRACT Snmpsrc is a network monitoring application that starts at a specified router in the network and traces the path of a given destination network from the starting router. MECHANISM Snmpsrc uses SNMP to gather its information. The starting router and destination network must be speci- fied on the command line. CAVEATS An SNMP agent must be running on all of the routers in the path to the destination network in order for a com- plete path to be reported back to the user. The same SNMP community must also be configured in every SNMP agent in the path to the destination network. BUGS None outstanding. They are fixed as reports come in. Report bugs to: LIMITATIONS See CAVEATS. HARDWARE REQUIRED Developed on Sun 3/60, Sun 3/260, tested on a SPARCsta- tion I, DECstation, and a Solbourne 4/802. SOFTWARE REQUIRED Some UNIX variant or some other OS with a Berkeley Socket Compatibility Library. AVAILABILITY Snmpsrc is available in the NYSERNet SNMP Software Dis- tribution, which is licensed, copyrighted software. To obtain information regarding the package send mail to: or call +1 518-283-8860.
NAME snmpstat KEYWORDS manager, status; IP; NMS, SNMP; UNIX. ABSTRACT Snmpstat is a network monitoring application that gath- ers specific information from a network at regular intervals and stores this information into a commercial database. A report generation package is included in the NYSERNet SNMP Software Distribution to produce reports and graphs of raw data collected via SNMP. MECHANISM Snmpstat uses SNMP to gather its information. The agents which must be queried and the variables to query for are specified in a configuration file. CAVEATS An SNMP agent must be running in the network entity being monitored in order for snmpstat to be useful. BUGS None outstanding. They are fixed as reports come in. Report bugs to: LIMITATIONS SNMP polling is done synchronously. Currently, Ingres is the only commercial database supported. SQL is the query language being used. HARDWARE REQUIRED Developed on Sun 3/60, Sun 3/260, tested on a SPARCsta- tion I, DECstation, and a Solbourne 4/802. SOFTWARE REQUIRED Some UNIX variant or some other OS with a Berkeley Socket Compatibility Library. AVAILABILITY Snmpstat is available in the NYSERNet SNMP Software Distribution, which is licensed, copyrighted software. To obtain information regarding the package send mail to: or call +1 518-283-8860.