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RFC 1000

Request For Comments reference guide

Pages: 149
Obsoletes:  0999
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ToP   noToC   RFC1000 - Page 1
Network Working Group                                        J. Reynolds
Request for Comments: 1000                                     J. Postel
                                                             August 1987

Obsoletes: RFCs 084, 100, 160, 170, 200, 598, 699, 800, 899, 999



   This RFC is a reference guide for the Internet community which
   summarizes of all the Request for Comments issued between April 1969
   and March 1987.  This guide also categorizes the RFCs by topic.


   This RFC Reference Guide is intended to provide a historical account
   by categorizing and summarizing of the Request for Comments numbers 1
   through 999 issued between the years 1969-1987.  These documents have
   been crossed referenced to indicate which RFCs are current, obsolete,
   or revised.  Distribution of this memo is unlimited.

THE ORIGINS OF RFCS - by Stephen D. Crocker

   The DDN community now includes hundreds of nodes and thousands of
   users, but once it was all a gleam in Larry Roberts' eye.  While much
   of the development proceeded according to a grand plan, the design of
   the protocols and the creation of the RFCs was largely accidental.

   The procurement of the ARPANET was initiated in the summer of 1968 --
   Remember Vietnam, flower children, etc?  There had been prior
   experiments at various ARPA sites to link together computer systems,
   but this was the first version to explore packet-switching on a grand
   scale.  ("ARPA" didn't become "DARPA" until 1972.)  Unlike most of
   the ARPA/IPTO procurements of the day, this was a competitive
   procurement. The contract called for four IMPs to be delivered to
   UCLA, SRI, UCSB and The University of Utah.  These sites were running
   a Sigma 7 with the SEX operating system, an SDS 940 with the Genie
   operating system, an IBM 360/75 with OS/MVT (or perhaps OS/MFT), and
   a DEC PDP-10 with the Tenex operating system.  Options existed for
   additional nodes if the first experiments were successful.  BBN won
   the procurement in December 1968, but that gets ahead of this story.

   Part of the reason for selecting these four sites was these were
   existing ARPA computer science research contractors.  The precise
   usage of the ARPANET was not spelled out in advance, and the research
   community could be counted on to take some initiative.  To stimulate
   this process, a meeting was called during the summer with
   representatives from the selected sites, chaired by Elmer Shapiro
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   from SRI.  If memory serves me correctly, Jeff Rulifson came from
   SRI, Ron Stoughton from UCSB, Steve Carr from Utah and I came from
   UCLA. (Apologies to anyone I've left out; records are inaccessible or
   lost at this point.)  At this point we knew only that the network was
   coming, but the precise details weren't known.

   That first meeting was seminal.  We had lots of questions -- how IMPs
   and hosts would be connected, what hosts would say to each other, and
   what applications would be supported.  No one had any answers, but
   the prospects seemed exciting.  We found ourselves imagining all
   kinds of possibilities -- interactive graphics, cooperating
   processes, automatic data base query, electronic mail -- but no one
   knew where to begin.  We weren't sure whether there was really room
   to think hard about these problems; surely someone from the east
   would be along by and by to bring the word.  But we did come to one
   conclusion: We ought to meet again.  Over the next several months, we
   managed to parlay that idea into a series of exchange meetings at
   each of our sites, thereby setting the most important precedent in
   protocol design.

   The first few meetings were quite tenuous.  We had no official
   charter.  Most of us were graduate students and we expected that a
   professional crew would show up eventually to take over the problems
   we were dealing with.  Without clear definition of what the host-IMP
   interface would look like, or even what functions the IMP would
   provide, we focused on exotic ideas.  We envisioned the possibility
   of application specific protocols, with code downloaded to user
   sites, and we took a crack at designing a language to support this.
   The first version was known as DEL, for "Decode-Encode Language" and
   a later version was called NIL, for "Network Interchange Language."
   When the IMP contract was finally let and BBN provided some definite
   information on the host-IMP interface, all attention shifted to
   low-level matters and the ambitious ideas for automatic downloading
   of code evaporated.  It was several years before ideas like remote
   procedure calls and typed objects reappeared.

   In February of 1969 we met for the first time with BBN.  I don't
   think any of us were prepared for that meeting.  The BBN folks, led
   by Frank Heart, Bob Kahn, Severo Ornstein and Will Crowther, found
   themselves talking to a crew of graduate students they hadn't
   anticipated.  And we found ourselves talking to people whose first
   concern was how to get bits to flow quickly and reliably but hadn't
   -- of course -- spent any time considering the thirty or forty layers
   of protocol above the link level.  And while BBN didn't take over the
   protocol design process, we kept expecting that an official protocol
   design team would announce itself.

   A month later, after a particularly delightful meeting in Utah, it
   became clear to us that we had better start writing down our
ToP   noToC   RFC1000 - Page 3
   discussions.  We had accumulated a few notes on the design of DEL and
   other matters, and we decided to put them together in a set of notes.
   I remember having great fear that we would offend whomever the
   official protocol designers were, and I spent a sleepless night
   composing humble words for our notes.  The basic ground rules were
   that anyone could say anything and that nothing was official.  And to
   emphasize the point, I labeled the notes "Request for Comments."  I
   never dreamed these notes would distributed through the very medium
   we were discussing in these notes.  Talk about Sorcerer's Apprentice!

   Over the spring and summer of 1969 we grappled with the detailed
   problems of protocol design.  Although we had a vision of the vast
   potential for intercomputer communication, designing usable protocols
   was another matter.  A custom hardware interface and custom intrusion
   into the operating system was going to be required for anything we
   designed, and we anticipated serious difficulty at each of the sites.
   We looked for existing abstractions to use.  It would have been
   convenient if we could have made the network simply look like a tape
   drive to each host, but we knew that wouldn't do.

   It was clear we needed to support remote login for interactive use --
   later known as Telnet -- and we needed to move files from machine to
   machine.  We also knew that we needed a more fundamental point of
   view for building a larger array of protocols.  Unfortunately,
   operating systems of that era tended to view themselves as the center
   of the universe; symmetric cooperation did not fit into the concepts
   currently available within these operating systems.  And time was
   pressing: The first IMP was due to be delivered to UCLA September 1,
   1969, and the rest were scheduled at monthly intervals.

   At UCLA we scrambled to build a host-IMP interface.  SDS, the builder
   of the Sigma 7, wanted many months and many dollars to do the job.
   Mike Wingfield, another grad student at UCLA, stepped in and offered
   to get interface built in six weeks for a few thousand dollars.  He
   had a gorgeous, fully instrumented interface working in five and one
   half weeks.  I was in charge of the software, and we were naturally
   running a bit late.  September 1 was Labor Day, so I knew I had a
   couple of extra days to debug the software.  Moreover, I had heard
   BBN was having some timing troubles with the software, so I had some
   hope they'd miss the ship date.  And I figured that first some
   Honeywell people would install the hardware -- IMPs were built out of
   Honeywell 516s in those days -- and then BBN people would come in a
   few days later to shake down the software.  An easy couple of weeks
   of grace.

   BBN fixed their timing trouble, air shipped the IMP, and it arrived
   on our loading dock on Saturday, August 30.  They arrived with the
   IMP, wheeled it into our computer room, plugged it in and the
ToP   noToC   RFC1000 - Page 4
   software restarted from where it had been when the plug was pulled in
   Cambridge.  Still Saturday, August 30.  Panic time at UCLA.

   The second IMP was delivered to SRI at the beginning of October, and
   ARPA's interest was intense.  Larry Roberts and Barry Wessler came by
   for a visit on November 21, and we actually managed to demonstrate a
   Telnet-like connection to SRI.

   With the pressure to get something working and the general confusion
   as to how to achieve the high generality we all aspired to, we punted
   and defined the first set of protocols to include only Telnet and FTP
   functions.  In particular, only asymmetric, user-server relationships
   were supported.  In December 1969, we met with Larry Roberts in Utah,
   and suffered our first direct experience with "redirection".  Larry
   made it abundantly clear that our first step was not big enough, and
   we went back to the drawing board.  Over the next few months we
   designed a symmetric host-host protocol, and we defined an abstract
   implementation of the protocol known as the Network Control Program.
   ("NCP" later came to be used as the name for the protocol, but it
   originally meant the program within the operating system that managed
   connections.  The protocol itself was known blandly only as the
   host-host protocol.)  Along with the basic host-host protocol, we
   also envisioned a hierarchy of protocols, with Telnet, FTP and some
   splinter protocols as the first examples.  If we had only consulted
   the ancient mystics, we would have seen immediately that seven layers
   were required.

   The initial experiment had been declared an immediate success and the
   network continued to grow.  More and more people started coming to
   meetings, and the Network Working Group began to take shape.  Working
   Group meetings started to have 50 and 100 people in attendance
   instead of the half dozen we had had in 1968 and early 1969.  We held
   one meeting in conjunction with the Spring Joint Computer Conference
   in Atlantic City in 1971.  In October 1971 we all convened at MIT for
   a major protocol "fly-off".  Representatives from each site were on
   hand, and everyone tried to log in to everyone else's site.  With the
   exception of one site that was completely down, the matrix was almost
   completely filled in, and we had reached a major milestone in

   The rapid growth of the network and the working group also led to a
   large pile of RFCs.  When the 100th RFC was in sight, Peggy Karp took
   on the task of indexing them.  That seemed like a large task then,
   and we could have hardly anticipated seeing more than a 1000 RFCs
   several years later.

   Where will it end?  The network has the exceeded all estimates of its
   growth.  It has been transformed, extended, cloned, renamed and
   reimplemented.  I doubt if there is a single computer still on the
ToP   noToC   RFC1000 - Page 5
   network that was on it in 1971.  But the RFCs march on.  Maybe I'll
   write a few words for RFC 10,000.


   The RFCs are categorized into several broad groups and within these
   groups are subdivided by topic.  For example, the RFCs relating to
   file transfer are in 5 (Applications) c (File Transfer).

   1.  Administrative

      1a.  Assigned Numbers RFCs

         997, 990, 960, 943, 923, 900, 870, 820, 790, 776, 770, 762,
         758, 755, 750, 739, 717, 604, 503, 433, 349, 322, 317, 204,
         179, 175, 167.

      1b.  Official Protocols RFCs

         991, 961, 944, 924, 901, 880, 840, 694, 661, 617, 582, 580,
         774 - Internet Protocol Handbook Table of Contents

      1c.  Meeting Notes and Minutes

         898 - Gateway Special Interest Group Meeting Notes
         808, 805, 469 - Computer Mail Meeting Notes
         910, 807 - Multimedia Mail Meeting Notes
         585 - ARPANET Users Interest Working Group Meeting
         549, 396, 282, 253 - Graphics Meeting Notes
         371 - International Computer Communications Conference
         327 - Data and File Transfer Workshop Notes
         316 - Data Management Working Group Meeting Report
         164, 131, 116, 108, 101, 082, 077, 066, 063, 037, 021 - Network
               Working Group Meeting

      1d.  Meeting Announcements and Group Overviews

         828 - Data Communications:  IFIP's International "Network" of
         631 - Call for Papers:  International Meeting on Minicomputers
               and Data Communication
         584 - Charter for ARPANET Users Interest Working Group
         537 - Announcement of NGG Meeting
         526 - Technical Meeting - Digital Image Processing Software
         504 - Workshop Announcement
         483 - Cancellation of the Resource Notebook Framework Meeting
         474, 314, 246, 232, 134 - Network Graphics Working Group
ToP   noToC   RFC1000 - Page 6
         471 - Announcement of a (Tentative) Workshop on Multi-Site
               Executive Programs
         461 - Telnet Meeting Announcement
         457 - TIPUG
         456 - Memorandum
         454 - File Transfer Protocol Meeting Announcement
         453 - Meeting Announcement to Discuss a Network Mail System
         374 - IMP System Announcement
         359 - The Status of the Release of the New IMP System (2600)
         343, 331 - IMP System Change Notification
         324 - RJE Protocol Meeting
         323 - Formation of Network Measurement Group (NMG)
         320 - Workshop on Hard Copy Line Graphics
         309 - Data and File Transfer Workshop Announcement
         299 - Information Management System
         295 - Report of the Protocol Workshop
         291, 188, 173 - Data Management Meetings
         245, 234, 207, 188, 173, 140, 116, 099, 087, 085, 075, 043, 035
               - Network Working Group Meetings
         222 - System Programmer's Workshop
         212 - NWG Meeting on Network Usage
         157 - Invitation to the Second Symposium on Problems in the
               Optimization of Data Communication Systems
         149 - The Best Laid Plans...
         147 - The Definition of a Socket
         111 - Pressure from the Chairman
         048 - A Possible Protocol Plateau
         046 - ARPA Network Protocol Notes

      1e.  Distribution List

         402, 363, 329, 303, 300, 211, 168, 155 - ARPA Network Mailing
         069 - Distribution List Change for MIT
         052 - Updated Distribution List

      1f.  Policies

         980 - Protocol Document Order Form
         952, 810, 608 - Host Table Specification
         945 - A DoD Statement on the NRC Report
         902 - ARPA-Internet Protocol Policy
         849 - Suggestions for Improved Host Table Distribution
         678 - Document Formats
         602 - The Stockings Were Hung by the Chimney With Care
         115 - Some Network Information Center Policies on Handling
         053 - An Official Protocol Mechanism
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      1g.  Request for Comments Administrative

         999, 899, 800, 699 - Requests for Comments Summary
         825 - Request for Comments on Requests for Comments
         629 - Scenario for Using the Network Journal
         628 - Status of RFC Numbers and a Note on Pre-assigned Journal
         598, 200, 170, 160, 100, 084 - RFC Index

      1h.  Bibliographies

         829 - Packet Satellite Technology Reference Sources
         290 - Computer Network and Data Sharing: A Bibliography
         243 - Network and Data Sharing Bibliography

      1i.  Other

         637 - Change of Network Address for SU-DSL
         634 - Change in Network Address for Haskins Lab
         616 - Latest Network Maps
         609 - Statement of Upcoming Move of NIC/NLS Service
         590 - MULTICS Address Change
         588 - London Node is Now Up
         551 - NYU, ANL, and LBL Joining the Net
         544 - Locating On-Line Documentation at SRI-ARC
         543 - Network Journal Submission and Delivery
         518 - ARPANET Accounts
         511 - Enterprise Phone Service to NIC From ARPANET Sites
         510 - Request for Network Mailbox Addresses
         432 - Network Logical Map
         423, 389 - UCLA Campus Computing Network Liaison Staff for APRA
         421 - A Software Consulting Service for Network Users
         419 - MIT-DMS on Vacation
         416 - The ARC System will be Unavailable for Use During
               Thanksgiving Week
         405 - Correction to RFC 404
         404 - Host Address Changes Involving Rand and ISI
         403 - Desirability of a Network 1108 Service
         386 - Letter to TIP Users - 2
         384 - Official Site IDENTS for Organizations in the ARPA
         381 - Three Aids to Improved Network Operation
         356 - ARPA Network Control Center
         334 - Network Use on May 8
         305 - Unknown Host Numbers
         301 - BBN IMP No. 5 and NCC Schedule for March 4, 1972
         276 - NIC Course
         249 - Coordination of Equipment and Supplies Purchase
ToP   noToC   RFC1000 - Page 8
         223 - Network Information Center Schedule for Network Users
         185 - NIC Distribution of Manuals and Handbooks
         154 - Exposition Style
         136 - Host Accounting and Administrative Procedures
         118 - Information Required for Each Service Available to the
         095 - Distribution of NWG/RFC's Through the NIC
         016 - MIT

   2.  ARPANET Host to Host Protocol

      2a.  Network Control Protocol

         801 - NCP/TCP Transition Plan
         773 - Comments on NCP/TCP Mail Service Transition Strategy
         714 - A Host/Host Protocol for an ARPANET-type Network
         689 - Tenex NCP Finite State Machine for Connections
         663 - A Lost Message Detection and Recovery Protocol
         636 - TIP/TENEX Reliability Improvements
         635 - An Assessment of ARPANET Protocols
         534, 516, 512 - Lost Message Detection
         492, 467 - Proposed Change to Host-Host Protocol
               Resynchronization of Connection Status
         489 - Comment on Resynchronization of Connection Status
         425 - "But my NCP Costs $500 a day..."
         210 - Improvement of Flow Control
         197 - Initial Connection Protocol - Revised
         176 - Comments on Byte Size for Connections
         165 - A Proferred Official Initial Connection Protocol
         147 - The Definition of a Socket
         142 - Time-out Mechanism in the Host-Host Protocol
         132, 124, 107, 102 - Output of the Host-Host Protocol Glitch
               Cleaning Committee
         129 - A Request for Comments on Socket Name Structure
         128 - Bytes
         117 - Some Comments on the Official Protocol
         072 - Proposed Moratorium on Changes to Network Protocol
         068 - Comments on Memory Allocation Control Commands (CEASE,
               ALL, GVB, RET) and RFNM
         065 - Comments on Host-Host Protocol Document Number 1
         060 - A Simplified NCP Protocol
         059 - Flow Control-Fixed Versus Demand Allocation
         058 - Logical Message Synchronization
         057, 054 - An Official Protocol Proffering
         056 - Third Level Protocol
         055 - A Prototypical Implementation of the NCP
         050, 049, 048, 047, 046, 045, 044, 040, 039, 038, 036, 033 -
               New Host-Host Protocol
ToP   noToC   RFC1000 - Page 9
         042 - Message Data Types
         023 - Transmission of Multiple Control Messages
         022 - Host-Host Control Message Formats
         018 - Comments Re: Host-Host control link
         015 - Network Subsystem for Time Sharing Hosts
         011 - Implementation of the Host-Host Software Procedures in
         009, 001 - Host Software
         008 - ARPA Network Functional Specifications
         005 - DEL
         002 - Links

      2b.  Initial Connection Protocol

         202 - Possible Deadlock in ICP
         197 - Initial Connection Protocol - Revised
         161 - A Solution to the Race Condition in the ICP
         151, 148, 143, 127, 123 - A Proferred Official ICP
         150 - The Use of IPC Facilities
         145 - Initial Connection Protocol Control Commands
         093 - Initial Connection Protocol
         080 - Protocol and Data Formats
         066 - 3rd Level Ideas and Other Noise

   3.  Internet Level

      3a.  Internet Protocol

         815 - IP Datagram Reassembly Algorithms
         791, 760 - Internet Protocol (IP)
         781 - A Specification of the Internet Protocol IP Timestamp

      3b.  Internet Control Message Protocol

         792, 777 - Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)

      3c.  Gateway Protocols

         985 - Requirements for Internet Gateways
         975 - Autonomous Confederations
         970 - On Packet Switches With Infinite Storage
         911 - EGP Gateway under Berkeley Unix
         904, 890, 888, 827 -  Exterior Gateway Protocol
         875 - Gateways, Architectures, and Heffalumps
         823 - Gateway Gateway Protocol
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      3d.  Other

         986 - Working Draft - Guidelines for the Use of Internet-IP
               Addressing in the ISO Connectionless-Mode Network
         981 - An Experimental Multiple-Path Routing Algorithm
         963 - Some Problems with the Specification of the Military
               Standard Internet Protocol
         950 - Internet Standard Subnetting Procedure
         947 - Multi-Network Broadcasting Within the Internet
         940, 917, 925, 932, 936, 922 - Internet Subnets Protocol
         925, 917, 826 - Multi-LAN Address Resolution Protocol
         919, 922 - Broadcasting Internet Datagrams
         891 - DCN Local-Network Protocols
         871 - A Perspective on the ARPANET Reference Model
         831 - Backup Access to the European Side of SATNET
         817 - Modularity and Efficiency in Protocol Implementation
         816 - Fault Isolation and Recovery
         814 - Name, Addresses, Ports, and Routes
         796 - Address Mapping
         795 - Service Mappings
         730 - Extensible Field Addressing

   4.  Host Level

      4a.  User Datagram Protocol

         768 - User Datagram Protocol

      4b.  Transmission Control Protocol

         983 - ISO Transport Services on Top of the TCP
         964 - Some Problems with the Specification of the Military
               Standard Transmission Control Protocol
         896 - Congestion Control in IP/TCP Internetworks
         889 - Internet Delay Experiments
         879 - The TCP Maximum Segment Size and Related Topics
         872 - TCP-ON-A-LAN
         817 - Modularity and Efficiency in Protocol Implementation
         816 - Fault Isolation and Recovery
         814 - Name, Addresses, Ports, and Routes
         794 - Pre-Emption
         793, 761, 675 - Transmission Control Protocol
         721 - Out of Band Control Signals in a Host to Host Protocol
         700 - A Protocol Experiment

      4c.  Transaction Protocols and Distributed Operating Systems

         955 - Towards a Transport Service for Transaction Processing
ToP   noToC   RFC1000 - Page 11
         938 - Internet Reliable Transaction Protocol Functional and
               Interface Specification
         908 - Reliable Data Protocol
         722 - Thoughts on Interactions in Distributed Services
         713 - MSDTP -- Message Services Data Transmission Protocol
         712 - A Distributed Capability Computing System DCCS
         708 - Elements of a Distributed Programming System
         707 - A High-Level Framework for Network-Based Resource Sharing
         684 - A Commentary on Procedure Calling as A Network Protocol
         677 - The Maintenance of Duplicate Databases
         674 - Procedure Call Documents--Version 2
         672 - A Multi-Site Data Collection Facility
         671 - A Note on Reconnection Protocol
         645 - Network Standard Data Specification Syntax
         615 - Proposed Network Standard Data Pathname Syntax
         610 - Further Datalanguage Design Concepts
         592 - Some Thoughts on System Design to Facilitate Resource
         578 - Using MIT-MATHLAB MACSYMA From MIT-DMS Muddle - An
               Experiment in Automated Resource Sharing
         515 - Specifications for Datalanguage, Version 0/9
         500 - The Integration of Data Management Systems on a Computer
         441 - Inter-Entity Communication - An Experiment
         437 - Data Reconfiguration Service at UCSB
         203 - Achieving Reliable Communication
         076 - Connection-by-Name: User-Oriented Protocol
         062 - A System for Interprocess Communication in a Resource
               Sharing Computer Network
         061 - A Note on Interprocess Communication in a Resource
               Sharing Computer Network
         051 - Proposal for a Network Interchange Language
         031 - Binary Message Forms in Computer Networks
         005 - DEL
         001 - Host Software

      4d.  Other

         998, 969 - NETBLT: A Bulk Data Transfer Protocol
         988 - Host Extensions for IP Multicasting
         979 - PSN End-to-End Functional Specification
         966 - A Multicast Extension to the Internet Protocol
         869 - Host Monitoring Protocol
         741 - Specifications for the Network Voice Protocol NVP
         643 - Cross Net Debugger
         162 - NETBUGGER3
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   5.  Application Level

      5a.  Telnet Protocol

         854, 764 - Telnet Protocol Specification
         818 - The Remote User Telnet Service
         801 - NCP/TCP Transition Plan
         782 - A Virtual Terminal Management Model
         764 - Telnet Protocol Specification
         728 - A Minor Pitfall in the Telnet Protocol
         688 - Tentative Schedule for the New Telnet Implementation for
               the TIP
         681 - Network Unix
         600 - Interfacing an Illinois Plasma Terminal to the ARPANET
         596 - Second Thoughts on Telnet Go-Ahead
         595 - Some Thoughts in Defense of the Telnet Go-Ahead
         593 - Telnet and FTP Implementation Schedule Change
         576 - Proposal for Modifying Linking
         570 - Experimental Input Mapping Between NVT ASCII and UCSB
               Online System
         562 - Modifications to the Telnet Specification
         559 - Comments on the New Telnet Protocol and Its
         529 - A Note on Protocol Synch Sequences
         513 - Comments on the New Telnet Specifications
         495 - Telnet Protocol Specification
         466 - Telnet Logger/Server for Host LL-67
         461 - Telnet Meeting Announcement
         452 - Telnet Command at Host LL
         435 - Telnet Issues
         426 - Reconnection Protocol
         393 - Comments on Telnet Protocol Changes
         377 - Using TSO Via ARPA Network Virtual Terminal
         357 - An Echoing Strategy for Satellite Links
         355, 346 - Satellite Considerations
         340 - Proposed Telnet Changes
         339 - MLTNET - A "Multi-Telnet" Subsystem for TENEX
         328 - Suggested Telnet Protocol Changes
         318 - Ad Hoc Telnet Protocol
         216 - Telnet Access to UCSB's On-Line System
         215 - NCP, ICP, and Telnet: The Terminal IMP Implementation
         206 - A User Telnet Description of an Initial Implementation
         205 - NETCRT - A Character Display Protocol
         190 - DEC PDP-10 - IMLAC Communication System
         158 - Proposed Telnet Protocol
         139 - Discussion of Telnet Protocol
         137 - Telnet Protocol - A Proposed Document
         135, 110 - Conventions for Using an IBM 2741 Terminal as a User
               Console for Access to Network Server Hosts
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         103 - Implementation of Interrupt Keys
         097 - A First Cut at a Proposed Telnet Protocol
         091 - A Proposed User-User Protocol
         015 - Network Subsystem for Time Sharing Hosts

      5b.  Telnet Options

         946 - Telnet Terminal Location Number Option
         933 - Output Marking Telnet Option
         930 - Telnet Terminal Type Option
         927 - TACACS User Identification Telnet Option
         885 - Telnet End of Record Option
         884 - Telnet Terminal Type Option
         861 - Telnet Extended Options - List Option
         860 - Telnet Timing Mark Option
         859 - Telnet Status Option
         858 - Telnet Suppress Go Ahead Option
         857 - Telnet Echo Option
         856 - Telnet Binary Transmission
         855 - Telnet Option Specifications
         854 - Telnet Protocol Specifications
         779 - Telnet Send-Location Option
         749 - Telnet SUPDUP-OUTPUT Option
         748 - Telnet Randomly-Lose Option
         736 - Telnet SUPDUP Option
         735 - Revised Telnet Byte Macro Option
         734 - SUPDUP Protocol
         747 - Recent Extensions to the SUPDUP Protocol
         746 - The SUPDUP Graphics Extension
         732 - Telnet Data Entry Terminal Option
         731 - Telnet Data Entry Terminal Option
         729 - Telnet Byte Macro Option
         727 - Telnet Logout Option
         726 - Remote Controlled Transmission and Echoing Telnet Option
         719 - Discussion on RCTE
         718 - Comments on RCTE from the Tenex Implementation Experience
         703, 702, 701 - Survey of New-Protocol Telnet Servers
         698 - Telnet Extended ASCII Option
         679 - February, 1975, Survey of  New-Protocol Telnet Servers
         669 - November 1974, Survey of New-Protocol Telnet Servers
         659 - Announcing Additional Telnet Options
         658 - Telnet Output Line Feed Disposition
         657 - Telnet Output Vertical Tab Disposition Option
         656 - Telnet Output Vertical Tab Stops Option
         655 - Telnet Output Form Feed Disposition Option
         654 - Telnet Output Horizontal Tab Disposition Option
         653 - Telnet Output Horizontal Tab Stops Option
         652 - Telnet Output Carriage Return Disposition Option
         651 - Revised Telnet Status Option
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         587 - Announcing New Telnet Options
         581 - Corrections to RFC 560 - Remote Controlled Transmission
               and Echoing Telnet Option
         563 - Comments on the RCTE Telnet Option
         560 - Remote Controlled Transmission and Echoing Telnet Option

      5c.  File Transfer Protocol

         987 - Mapping Between X.400 and RFC 822
         959, 542, 354, 265, 172, 114 - The File Transfer Protocol
         949 - FTP Unique-Named Store Command
         913 - Simple File Transfer Protocol
         906 - Bootstrap Loading Using TFTP
         822 - Standard for the Format of ARPA Internet Text Messages
         821, 788 - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
         783, 768, 764 - The TFTP Protocol Revision 2
         775 - Directory Oriented FTP Commands
         743 - FTP Extension: XRSQ/XRCP
         737 - FTP Extension: XSEN
         697 - CWD Command of FTP
         691 - One More Try on the FTP
         686 - Leaving Well Enough Alone
         683 - FTPSRV -- Tenex Extension for Paged Files
         678 - Document File Format Standards
         662 - Performance Improvement in ARPANET File Transfers from
         640 - Revised FTP Reply Codes
         630 - FTP Error Code Usage for More Reliable Mail Service
         624 - Comments on the File Transfer Protocol
         614 - Response to RFC 607 - Comments on the FTP
         607 - NIC-21255 Comments on the File Transfer Protocol
         573 - Data and File Transfer - Some Measurement Results
         571 - Tenex FTP Problem
         535 - Comments on File Access Protocol
         532 - The UCSD-CC Server-FTP Facility
         520 - Memo to FTP Group (Proposal for File Access Protocol)
         506 - An FTP Command Naming Problem
         505 - Two Solutions to a File Transfer Access Problem
         501 - Un-Muddling "Free File Transfer"
         487 - Host-Dependent FTP Parameters
         486 - Data Transfer Revisited
         480 - Host-Dependent FTP Parameters
         479 - Use of FTP by the NIC Journal
         478 - FTP Server-Server Interaction - II
         475 - FTP and the Network Mail System
         468 - FTP Data Compression
         463 - FTP Comments and Response to RFC 430
         458 - Mail Retrieval via FTP
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         454 - File Transfer Protocol - Meeting Announcement and a New
               Proposed Document
         448 - Print Files in FTP
         438 - FTP Server-Server Interaction
         430 - Comments on File Transfer Protocol
         418 - Server File Transfer Under TSS/360 at NASA/Ames Research
         414 - File Transfer Protocols (FTP): Status and Further
         412 - User FTP Documentation
         385 - Comments on the File Transfer Protocol (RFC 354)
         310  - Another Look at Data and File Transfer Protocols
         294 - The Use of "Set Data Type" Transaction in the File
               Transfer Protocol
         281 - A Suggested Addition to File Transfer Protocol
         269 - Some Experience with File Transfer
         264, 171 - The Data Transfer Protocol
         250 - Some Thoughts on File Transfer
         242 - Data Descriptive Language for Shared Data
         238 - Comments on DTP and FTP Protocols
         163 - Data Transfer Protocols
         141 - Comments on RFC 114 (A File Transfer Protocol)
         133 - File Transfer and Error Recovery

      5d.  Domain Name System

         974 - Mail Routing and the Domain System
         973 - Domain System Changes and Observations
         953, 811, 810 - HOSTNAME Protocol
         921, 897 - Domain Name System Implementation Schedule
         920 - Domain Requirements
         883 - Domain Names - Implementation and Specification
         882 - Domain Names - Concepts and Facilities
         881 - The Domain Names Plan and Schedule
         830 - A Distributed System for Internet Name Service
         819 - The Domain Naming Convention for Internet User
         799 - Internet Name Domains
         756 - The NIC Name Server -- A Datagram-Based Information
         752 - A Universal Host Table

      5e.  Mail and Message Systems

         994, 983 - PCMAIL: A Distributed Mail System
         977 - Network News Transfer Protocol
         976 - UUCP Mail Interchange Format Standard
         974 - Mail Routing and the Domain System
         934 - Proposed Standard for Message Encapsulation
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         915 - Network Mail Path Service
         886 - Proposed Standard for Message Header Munging
         850 - Standard for Interchange of USENET Messages
         841 - Specification for Message Format for Computer Based
               Message Systems
         822 - Standard for the Format of ARPA Internet Text Messages
         821 - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
         806 - Specification for Message Format for Computer Based
               Message Systems
         780, 772 - Mail Transfer Protocol
         786 - Mail Transfer Protocol - ISI TOPS-20 MTP-NIMAIL Interface
         785 - Mail Transfer Protocol - ISI TOPS-20 File Definitions
         784 - Mail Transfer Protocol - ISI TOPS-20 Implementation
         771 - Mail Transition Plan
         763 - Role Mailboxes
         757 - A Suggested Solution to the Naming, Addressing, and
               Delivery Problem for ARPANET Message Systems
         754 - Out-of-Net Host Addresses for Mail
         753 - Internet Message Protocol
         751 - Survey of FTP Mail and MLFL
         733 - Standard for the Format of ARPA Network Text Messages
         724 - Proposed Official Standard for the Format of ARPA Network
         720 - Address Specification Syntax for Network Mail
         706 - On the Junk Mail Problem
         680 - Message Transmission Protocol
         644 - On the Problem of Signature Authentication for Network
         577 - Mail Priority
         574 - Announcement of a Mail Facility at UCSB
         561 - Standardizing Network Mail Headers
         555 - Responses to Critiques of the Proposed Mail Protocol
         539, 524 - A Proposed Mail Protocol
         498 - On Mail Service to CCN
         491 - What is "Free"?
         475 - On FTP and the Network Mail System
         458 - Mail Retrieval via FTP
         333 - A Proposed Experiment with a Message Switching Protocol
         278, 224, 221, 196 - A Mail Box Protocol

      5f.  Facsimile and Bitmaps

         809 - UCL Facsimile System
         804 - Facsimile Formats
         803 - Dacom 450/500 Facsimile Date Transcoding
         798 - Decoding Facsimile Data From the Rapicom 450
         797 - Bitmap Formats
         769 - Rapicom 450 Facimile File Format
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      5g.  Graphics

         965 - A Format for a Graphical Communication Protocol
         553 - Draft Design for a Text/Graphics Protocol
         493 - Graphics Protocol
         401 - Conversion of NGP-0 Coordinates to Device Specific
         398 - UCSB Online Graphics
         387 - Some Experiences in Implementing Network Graphics
               Protocol Level 0
         351 - Information Form for the ARPANET Graphics Resources
         336 - Level 0 Graphics Input Protocol
         296 - DS-1 Display System
         292 - Graphics Protocol - Level 0 only
         285 - Network Graphics
         268 - Graphics Facilities Information
         199 - Suggestions for a Network Data-Telnet Graphics Protocol
         192 - Some Factors Which a Network Graphics Protocol Must
         191 - Graphics Implementation and Conceptualization at ARC
         186 - A Network Graphics Loader
         184 - Proposed Graphic Display Modes
         181, 177 - A Device Independent Graphical Display Description
         178 - Network Graphics Attention Handling
         125, 086 - Proposal for a Network Standard Format for a Data
               Stream to Control Graphics Display
         094 - Some Thoughts on Network Graphics

      5h.  Data Management

         304 - A Data Management System Proposal for the ARPA Network
         195 - Data Computers - Data Descriptions and Access Language
         194 - The Data Reconfiguration Service - Compiler/Interpreter
               Implementation Notes
         166 - Data Reconfiguration Service - An Implementation
         144 - Data Sharing on Computer Networks
         138 - Status Report on Proposed Data Reconfiguration Service
         083 - Language-Machine for Data Reconfiguration

      5i.  Remote Job Entry

         740, 599, 589, 325, 189, 088 - CCN Network Remote Job Entry
               Program - NETRJS
         725 - An RJE Protocol for a Resource Sharing Network
         499 - Harvard's Network RJE
         490 - Surrogate RJS for UCLA-CCN
         477, 436 - Remote Job Service at UCSB
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         407 - Remote Job Entry
         368 - Comments on "Proposed Remote Job Entry Protocol"
         360 - Proposed Remote Job Entry Protocol
         338 - EBCDIC/ASCII Mapping for Network RJE
         307 - Using Network Remote Job Entry
         283 - NETRJT - Remote Job Service Protocol for TIPS
         105 - Network Specification for Remote Job Entry and Remote Job
               Output Retrieval at UCSB

      5j.  Time

         958, 957, 956 - Network Time Protocol
         868 - Time Server Protocol
         867 - Daytime Protocol
         778 - DCNET Time Server Protocol
         738 - Time Server
         685 - Response Time in Cross-network Debugging
         034 - Some Brief Preliminary Notes on the ARC Clock
         032 - Some Thoughts on SRI's Proposed Real Time Clock
         028 - Time Standards

      5k.  Other

         978 - Voice File Interchange Protocol (VFIP)
         972 - Password Generator Protocol
         954, 812 - Whois Protocol
         951 - Bootstrap Protocol
         937, 918 - Post Office Protocol
         931, 912 - Authentication Service
         913 - Simple File Transfer Protocol
         909 - Loader Debugger Protocol
         891 - DCN Local Net Protocol
         887 - Resource Location Protocol
         866 - Active Users Protocol
         865 - Quote of the Day Protocol
         864 - Character Generator Protocol
         863, 361, 348 - Discard Protocol
         862, 361, 347 - Echo Protocol
         821, 822 - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
         783 - Trivial File Transfer Protocol
         767 - Document Formats
         759 - Internet Message Protocol
         742 - Finger Protocol
         734 - SUPDUP Protocol
         726 - Remote Controlled Transmission and Echoing Telnet Option
         666 - Specification of the Unified User-Level Protocol
         621 - NIC User Directories at SRI-ARC
         569 - Network Standard Text Editor
         470 - Change in Socket for TIP News Facility
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         451 - Tentative Proposal for a Unified User Level Protocol
         098, 079 - Logger Protocol
         029 - Note in Response to Bill English's Request for Comments

   6.  Program Documentation

      6a.  General

         496 - A TNLS Quick Reference Card is Available
         494 - Availability of MIX and MIXAL in the Network
         488 - NLS Classes at Network Sites
         485 - MIS and MIXAL at UCSB
         431 - Update on SMFS Login and Logout
         411 - New Multics Network Software Features
         409 - TENEX Interface to UCSB's Simple-Minded File System
         399 - SMFS Login and Logout
         390 - TSO Scenario Batch Compilation and Foreground Execution
         382 - Mathematical Software on the ARPA Network
         379 - Using TSO at CCN
         373 - Arbitrary Character Sets
         350 - User Accounts for UCSB On-Line System
         345 - Interest Mixed Integer Programming (MPSX on 360/91 at
         321 - CBI Networking Activity at MITRE
         317 - Official Host-Host Protocol Modification: Assigned Link
         311 - New Console Attachments to the UCSB Host
         251 - Weather Data
         223 - Network Information Center Schedule for Network Users
         217 - Specification Changes for OLS, RJE/RJOR, and SMFS
         174 - UCLA-Computer Science Graphics Overview
         122 - Network Specifications for UCSB's Simple-Minded File
         121 - Network On-Line Operators
         120 - Network PL1 Subprograms
         119 - Network FORTRAN Subprograms
         074 - Specifications for Network Use of the UCSB On-Line System

   7.  Network Specific

      7a.  ARPANET

         878, 851, 802 - The ARPANET 1822L Host Access Protocol
         852 - The ARPANET Short Blocking Feature
         789 - Vulnerabilities of Network Control Protocols: An Example
         716 - Interim Revision to Appendix F of BBN 1822
         704 - IMP/Host and Host/IMP Protocol Change
         696 - Comments on the IMP/HOST and HOST/IMP Protocol Changes
         695 - Official Change in Host-Host Protocol
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         692 - Comments on IMP/Host Protocol Changes
         690 - Comments on the Proposed Host/IMP Protocol Changes
         687 - IMP/Host and Host/IMP Protocol
         667 - BBN Host Ports
         660 - Some Changes to the IMP and the IMP/Host Interface
         642 - Ready Line Philosophy and Implementation
         638, 633 - IMP/TIP Preventive Maintenance Schedule
         632 - Throughput Degradation for Single Packet Message
         627 - ASCII Text File of Hostnames
         626 - On a possible Lockup Condition in IMP Subnet due to
               Message Sequencing
         625 - On Line Hostnames Service
         623 - Comments on On-line Host Name Service
         622 - Scheduling IMP/TIP Down Time
         620 - Request for Monitor Host Table Updates
         619 - Mean Round-Trip Times in the ARPANET
         613 - Network Connectivity: A Response to RFC 603
         611 - Two Changes to the IMP/Host Protocol
         606 - Host Names On-Line
         594 - Speedup of Host-IMP Interface
         591 - Addition to the Very Distant Host Specification
         568, 567 - Cross-Country Network Bandwidth
         548 - Hosts Using the IMP Going Down Message Specification
         547 - Change to the Very Distant Host Specification
         533 - Message-ID Numbers
         534 - Lost Message Detection
         528 - Software Checksumming in the IMP and Network Reliability
         521 - Restricted Use of IMP DDT
         508 - Real-Time Data Transmission on the ARPANET
         476, 434 - IMP/TIP Memory Retrofit Schedules
         449, 442 - The Current Flow-Control Scheme for IMPSYS
         447, 445 - IMP/TIP Preventive Maintenance Schedule
         417 - LINK Usage Violation
         410 - Removal of the 30-second Delay When Hosts Come Up
         406 - Scheduled IMP Software Releases
         395 - Switch Settings on IMPs and TIPs
         394 - Two Proposed Changes to the IMP-HOST Protocol
         369 - Evaluation of ARPANET Services (January through March,
         335 - New Interface-IMP/360
         312 - Proposed Change in IMP-to-Host Protocol
         297 - TIP Message Buffers
         280 - A Draft Set of Host Names
         274 - Establishing a Local Guide for Network Usage
         271 - IMP System Change Notification
         270 - Correction to the BBN Report No. 1822
         263 - "Very Distant" Host Interface
         254 - Scenarios for Using ARPANET Computers
         247 - Proffered Set of Standard Host Names
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         241 - Connecting Computers to NLC Ports
         239 - Host Mnemonics Proposed in RFC 226
         237 - The NIC's View of Standard Host Names
         236 - Standard Host Names
         233 - Standardization of Host Call Letters
         230 - Toward Reliable Operation of Minicomputer-based Terminals
               on a TIP
         229 - Standard Host Names
         228 - Clarification
         226 - Standardization of Host Mnemonics
         218 - Changing the IMP Status Reporting
         213 - IMP System Change Notification
         209 - Host/IMP Interface Documentation
         208 - Address Tables
         073, 067 - Proposed Change to Host/IMP Spec to Eliminate
         071 - Reallocation in Case of Input Error
         070 - A Note On Padding
         064 - Getting Rid of Marking
         041 - IMP/IMP Teletype Communication
         025 - No High Link Numbers
         019 - Two Protocol Suggestions to Reduce Congestion at
               Swap-Bound Nodes
         017a, 017 - Some Questions Re: HOST-IMP Protocol
         012 - IMP-HOST Interface Flow Diagrams
         007 - HOST-IMP Interface
         006 - Conversation with Bob Kahn

      7b.  Internet Protocol On Networks

         948 - Two Methods for the Transmission of IP Datagrams Over
               IEEE 802.3 Networks
         907 - Host Access Protocol
         903 - A Reverse Address Resolution Protocol
         895 - A Standard for the Transmission of IP Datagrams over
               Experimental Ethernet Networks
         894 - A Standard for the Transmission of IP Datagrams over
               Ethernet Networks
         893 - Trailer Encapsulations
         891 - Internet Protocol on DC Networks
         877 - A Standard for the Transmission of IP Datagrams Over
               Public Data Networks
         826 - Address Resolution Protocol
         796 - Address Mappings
         795 - Service Mappings

      7c.  Host Front End Protocols

         929, 928, 705, 647 - Host-Front End Protocol
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      7d.  Other

         935 - Reliable Link Layer Protocols
         916 - Reliable Asynchronous Transfer Protocol
         914 - Thinwire Protocol
         824 - The Cronus Virtual Local Network

   8.  Measurement

      8a.  General

         573 - Data and File Transfer - Some Measurement Results
         557 - Revelations in Network Host Measurements
         546 - Tenex Load Averages for July 1973
         462 - Responding to User Needs
         415 - TENEX Bandwidth
         392 - Measurement of Host Costs for Transmitting Network Data
         352 - TIP Site Information Form
         308 - ARPANET Host Availability Data
         286 - Network Library Information System
         274 - Establishing a Local Guide for Network Usage
         214, 193 - Network Checkout
         198 - Site Certification - Lincoln Labs
         182 - Compilation of List of Revelant Site Reports
         180 - File System Questionnaire
         156 - Status of the Illinois Site (Response to RFC 116)
         153 - SRI ARC-NIC Status
         152 - SRI Artificial Intelligence Status Report
         126 - Ames Graphics Facilities at Ames Research Center
         112 - User/Server Site Protocol Network HOST Questionnaire
         104 - Link 191
         106 - USER/SERVER Site Protocol Network Host Questionnaire

      8b.  Surveys

         971 - A Survey of Data Representation Standards
         876 - Survey of SMTP Implementations
         848 - Who Provides the "Little" TCP Services?
         847 - Summary of Smallberg Surveys
         844 - Who Talks ICMP, too?  Survey of 18 February 1983
         846, 845, 843, 842, 839, 838, 837, 836, 835, 834, 833, 832 -
               Who Talks TCP?
         787 - Connectionless Data Transmission Survey/Tutorial
         703, 702, 701, 679, 669 - Survey of New-Protocol Telnet Servers
         565 - Storing Network Survey Data at the Datacomputer
         545 - Of What Quality be the UCSB Resource Evaluators?
         530 - A Report on the SURVEY Project
         523 - SURVEY is in Operation Again
         519 - Resource Evaluation
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         514 - Network Make-Work
         464 - Resource Notebook Framework
         460 - NCP Survey
         459 - Network Questionnaire
         450 - Multics Sampling Timeout Change
         446 - Proposal to Consider a Network Program Resource Notebook
         096 - An Interactive Network Experiment to Study Modes of
               Access to the Network Information Center
         090 - CCN as a Network Service Center
         081 - Request for Reference Information
         078 - NCP Status Report: UCSB/Rand

      8c.  Statistics

         996 - Statistics Server
         618 - A Few Observations on NCP Statistics
         612, 601, 586, 579, 566, 556, 538, 522, 509, 497, 482, 455,
               443, 422, 413, 400, 391, 378 - Traffic Statistics
         603, 597, 376, 370, 367, 366, 362, 352, 344, 342, 332, 330,
               326, 319, 315, 306, 298, 293, 288, 287, 267, 266 -
               Network Host Status
         550 - NIC NCP Experiment
         388 - NCP Statistics
         255, 252, 240, 235 - Site Status

   9.  Network Experience and Demonstrations

      9a.  General

         968 - 'Twas the Night Before Start-up
         967 - All Victims Together
         573 - Data and File Transfer - Some Measurement Results
         527 - ARPAWOCKY
         525 - MIT-Mathlab Meets UCSB-OLS
         439 - PARRY Encounters the Doctor
         420 - CCA ICC Weather Demo
         372 - Notes on a Conversation with Bob Kahn on the ICCC
         364 - Serving Remote Users on the ARPANET
         302 - Excercising the ARPANET
         231 - Service Center Standards for Remote Usage - A User's View
         227 - Data Transfer Rates (RAND/UCLA)
         113 - Network Activity Report: UCSB and Rand
         089 - Some Historic Moments in Networking
         004 - Network Timetable
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   10. Site Documentation

      10a.  General

         30, 27, 24, 16, 10, 3 - Documentation Conventions

   11. Other Standards

      11a.  ANSI

         570 - Experimental Input Mapping Between NVT ASCII and UCSB
               Online System
         183 - The EBCDIC Codes and Their Mapping to ASCII
         020 - ASCII Format for Network Interchange

      11b.  CCITT

         987 - Mapping Between X.400 and RFC 822
         874 - A Critique of X.25

      11c.  NRC

         942 - Transport Protocols for Department of Defense Data
         939 - Executive Summary of the NRC Report on Transport
               Protocols for Department of Defense Data Networks

      11d.  ISO

         995 - End System to Intermediate System Routing Exchange
               Protocol for Use in Conjunction with ISO 8473
         994 - Final Text of DIS 8473, Protocol for Providing the
               Connectionless Mode Network Service
         982 - Guidelines for the Specification of the Structure of the
               Domain Specific Part (DSP) of the ISO Standard NSAP
         941 - Addendum to the Network Service Definition Covering
               Network Layer Addressing
         926 - Protocol for Providing the Connectionless-Mode Network
         905 - ISO Transport Protocol Specification (ISO DP 8073)
         892 - ISO Transport Protocol
         873 - The Illusion of Vendor Support
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   12. Never Issued

      12a.  Never Issued

         014, 026, 092, 159, 201, 220, 244, 248, 257, 258, 259, 260,
         261, 262, 272, 275, 277, 279, 284, 337, 341, 358, 375, 380,
         383, 397, 424, 427, 428, 444, 465, 481, 484, 502, 507, 517,
         536, 540, 541, 554, 558, 564, 572, 575, 583, 605, 639, 641,
         646, 648, 649, 650, 664, 665, 668, 670, 673, 676, 682, 693,
         709, 710, 711, 715, 723, 853.
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   RFC     Author       Date        Title
   ---     ------       ----        -----

   999     Westine      Mar 87      Requests For Comments Summary

      A summary of the Request for Comments Documents from RFC 900-999.

   998     Lambert      Mar 87      NETBLT:  A Bulk Data Transfer

      This document is a description of and a specification for the
      NETBLT protocol.  It is a revision of the specification published
      in RFC-969.  NETBLT (NETwork BLock Transfer) is a transport level
      protocol intended for the rapid transfer of a large quantity of
      data between computers.  It provides a transfer that is reliable
      and flow controlled, and is designed to provide maximum throughput
      over a wide variety of networks.  Although NETBLT currently runs
      on top of the Internet Protocol (IP), it should be able to operate
      on top of any datagram protocol similar in function to IP.

      This document is published for discussion and comment, and does
      not constitute a standard.  The proposal may change and certain
      parts of the protocol have not yet been specified; implementation
      of this document is therefore not advised.

   997     Reynolds     Mar 87      Internet Numbers

      This memo is an official status report on the network numbers used
      in the Internet community.  As of 1-Mar-87 the Network Information
      Center (NIC) at SRI International has assumed responsibility for
      assignment of Network Numbers and Autonomous System Numbers.  This
      RFC documents the current assignments of these numbers at the time
      of this transfer of responsibility.

   996     Mills        Feb 87      Statistics Server

      This RFC specifies a standard for the ARPA Internet community.
      Hosts and gateways on the DARPA Internet that choose to implement
      a remote statistics monitoring facility may use this protocol to
      send statistics data upon request to a monitoring center or
      debugging host.

   995     ANSI         Apr 86      End System to Intermediate System
                                    Routing Exchange Protocol for use in
                                    conjunction with ISO 8473.

      This Protocol is one of a set of International Standards produced
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      to facilitate the interconnection of open systems.  The set of
      standards covers the services and protocols required to achieve
      such interconnection.

      This Protocol is positioned with respect to other related
      standards by the layers defined in the Reference Model for Open
      Systems Interconnection (ISO 7498) and by the structure defined in
      the Internal Organization of the Network Layer (DIS 8648).  In
      particular, it is a protocol of the Network Layer.  This Protocol
      permits End Systems and Intermediate Systems to exchange
      configuration and routing information to facilitate the operation
      of the routing and relaying functions of the Network Layer.

   994     ANSI         Mar 86      Final Text of DIS 8473, Protocol for
                                    Providing the Connectionless Mode
                                    Network Service

      This Protocol Standard is one of a set of International Standards
      produced to facilitate the interconnection of open systems.  The
      set of standards covers the services and protocols required to
      achieve such interconnection.

      This Protocol Standard is positioned with respect to other related
      standards by the layers defined in the Reference Model for Open
      Systems Interconnection (ISO 7498).  In particular, it is a
      protocol of the Network Layer.  This Protocol may be used between
      network-entities in end systems or in Network Layer relay systems
      (or both).  It provides the Connectionless-mode Network Service as
      defined in Addendum 1 to the Network Service Definition Covering
      Connectionless-mode Transmission (ISO 8348/AD1).

   993     Clark        Dec 86      PCMAIL:  A Distributed Mail System
                                    for Personal Computers

      This document is a discussion of the PCMAIL workstation-based
      distributed mail system.  It is a revision of the design published
      in NIC RFC 984.  The revision is based on discussion and comments
      from a variety of sources, as well as further research into the
      design of interactive PCMAIL clients and the use of client code on
      machines other than IBM PCs.  As this design may change,
      implementation of this document is not advised.

   992     Birman       Nov 86      On Communication Support for
                                    Fault-Tolerant Process Groups

      This memo describes a collection of multicast communication
      primitives integrated with a mechanism for handling process
      failure and recovery.  These primitives facilitate the
      implementation of fault-tolerant process groups, which can be used
ToP   noToC   RFC1000 - Page 28
      to provide distributed services in an environment subject to
      non-malicious crash failures.

      Here, we argue that the form of "best effort" reliability provided
      by host groups may not address the requirements of those
      researchers who are building fault tolerant software.  Our basic
      premise is that reliable handling of failures, recoveries, and
      dynamic process migration are important aspects of programming in
      distributed environments, and that communication support that
      provides unpredictable behavior in the presence of such events
      places an unacceptable burden of complexity on higher level
      application software.  This complexity does not arise when using
      the fault-tolerant process group alternative.

   991     Reynolds     Nov 86      Official ARPA-Internet Protocols

      This RFC identifies the documents specifying the official
      protocols used in the Internet.  Comments indicate any revisions
      or changes planned.  This memo is an official status report on the
      numbers used in protocols in the ARPA-Internet community.  This
      memo obsoletes RFCs 961, 944, 924, 901, 880, 840, 694, 661, 617,
      582, 580, 552.

   990     Reynolds     Nov 86      Assigned Numbers

      This Network Working Group Request for Comments documents the
      currently assigned values from several series of numbers used in
      network protocol implementations.  This memo is an official status
      report on the numbers used in protocols in the ARPA-Internet
      community.  This memo obsoletes RFCs 960, 943, 923, 900, 870, 820,
      790, 776, 770, 762, 758, 755, 750, 739, 717, 604, 503, 433, 349,
      322, 317, 204, 179, 175, 167.

   989     Linn         Feb 87      Privacy Enhancement for Internet
                                    Electronic Mail:  Part I:  Message
                                    Encipherment and Authentication

      This RFC suggests a proposed protocol for the Internet community
      and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements.  This
      RFC is the outgrowth of a series of IAB Privacy Task Force
      meetings and of internal working papers distributed for those
      meetings.  This RFC defines message encipherment and
      authentication procedures, as the initial phase of an effort to
      provide privacy enhancement services for electronic mail transfer
      in the Internet.  It is intended that the procedures defined here
      be compatible with a wide range of key management approaches,
      including both conventional (symmetric) and public-key
      (asymmetric) approaches for encryption of data encrypting keys.
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      Use of conventional cryptography for message text encryption
      and/or authentication is anticipated.

      Privacy enhancement services (confidentiality, authentication, and
      message integrity assurance) are offered through the use of
      end-to- end cryptography between originator and recipient User
      Agent processes, with no special processing requirements imposed
      on the Message Transfer System at endpoints or at intermediate
      relay sites. This approach allows privacy enhancement facilities
      to be incorporated on a site-by-site or user-by-user basis without
      impact on other Internet entities.  Interoperability among
      heterogeneous components and mail transport facilities is

   988     Deering      Jul 86      Host Extensions for IP Multicasting

      This memo specifies the extensions required of a host
      implementation of the Internet Protocol (IP) to support
      internetwork multicasting.  This specification supersedes that
      given in RFC 966, and constitutes a proposed protocol standard for
      IP multicasting in the ARPA-Internet.  The reader is directed to
      RFC 966 for a discussion of the motivation and rationale behind
      the multicasting extension specified here.

   987     Kille        Jun 86      Mapping Between X.400 and RFC 822

      The X.400 series of protocols have been defined by CCITT to
      provide an Interpersonal Messaging Service (IPMS), making use of a
      store and forward Message Transfer Service.  It is expected that
      this standard will be implemented very widely.  This document
      describes a set of mappings which will enable interworking between
      systems operating the X.400 protocols and systems using RFC 822
      mail protocol or protocols derived from RFC 822.  This RFC
      suggests a proposed protocol for the ARPA-Internet community, and
      requests discussion and suggestions for improvements.

   986     Callon       Jun 86      Working Draft -- Guidelines for the
                                    Use of Internet-IP addressing in the
                                    ISO Connectionless-Mode Network

      This RFC suggests a method to allow the existing IP addressing,
      including the IP protocol field, to be used for the ISO
      Connectionless Network Protocol (CLNP).  This is a draft solution
      to one of the problems inherent in the use of "ISO-grams" in the
      DoD Internet.  Related issues will be discussed in subsequent
      RFCs.  This RFC suggests a proposed protocol for the ARPA-Internet
      community, and requests discussion and suggestions for
ToP   noToC   RFC1000 - Page 30
   985     Mills        May 86      Requirements for Internet Gateways

      This RFC summarizes the requirements for gateways to be used on
      networks supporting the DARPA Internet protocols.  While it
      applies specifically to the National Science Foundation research
      programs, the requirements are stated in a general context and are
      believed applicable throughout the Internet community.  The
      purpose of this document is to present guidance for vendors
      offering products that might be used or adapted for use in an
      Internet application.  It enumerates the protocols required and
      gives references to RFCs and other documents describing the
      current specification.  Suggestions and comments on this document
      are welcomed and can be sent to Dave Mills (Mills@D.ISI.EDU) or
      Dave Farber (Farber@HUEY.UDEL.EDU).

   984     Clark        May 86      PCMAIL: A Distributed Mail System
                                    for Personal Computers

      This document is a preliminary discussion of the design of a
      personal-computer-based distributed mail system.  Pcmail is a
      distributed mail system that provides mail service to an arbitrary
      number of users, each of which owns one or more personal computers
      (PCs).  The system is divided into two halves.  The first consists
      of a single entity called the "repository".  The repository is a
      storage center for incoming mail.  Mail for a Pcmail user can
      arrive externally from the Internet or internally from other
      repository users.  The repository also maintains a stable copy of
      each user's mail state.  The repository is therefore typically a
      computer with a large amount of disk storage. It is published for
      discussion and comment, and does not constitute a standard.  As
      the proposal may change, implementation of this document is not

   983     Cass         Apr 86      ISO Transport Services on Top of the

      This memo describes a proposed protocol standard for the
      ARPA-Internet community.  The CCITT and the ISO have defined
      various session, presentation, and application recommendations
      which have been adopted by the international community and
      numerous vendors.  To the largest extent possible, it is desirable
      to offer these higher level services directly to the
      ARPA-Internet, without disrupting existing facilities.  This
      permits users to develop expertise with ISO and CCITT applications
      which previously were not available in the ARPA-Internet.  The
      intention is that hosts within the ARPA-Internet that choose to
      implement ISO TSAP services on top of the TCP be expected to adopt
      and implement this standard.  Suggestions for improvement are
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   982     ANSI         Apr 86      Guidelines for the Specification of
                                    the Structure of the Domain Specific
                                    Part (DSP) of the ISO Standard NSAP

      This RFC is a draft working document of the ANSI "Guidelines for
      the Specification of the Structure of the Domain Specific Part
      (DSP) of the ISO Standard NSAP Address".  It provides guidance to
      private address administration authorities on preferred formats
      and semantics for the Domain Specific Part (DSP) of an NSAP
      address.  This RFC specifies the way in which the DSP may be
      constructed so as to facilitate efficient address assignment.
      This RFC is for informational purposes only and its distribution
      is unlimited and does not specify a standard of the ARPA-Internet.

   981     Mills        Mar 86      An Experimental Multiple-Path
                                    Routing Algorithm

      This document introduces wiretap algorithms, a class of
      experimental, multiple routing algorithms that compute
      quasi-optimum routes for stations sharing a packet-radio broadcast
      channel.  The primary route (a minimum-distance path), and
      additional paths ordered by distance, which serve as alternate
      routes should the primary route fail, are computed.  This
      prototype is presented as an example of a class of routing
      algorithms and data-base management techniques that may find wider
      application in the Internet community.  Discussions and
      suggestions for improvements are welcomed.

   980     Jacobsen     Mar 86      Protocol Document Order Information

      This RFC indicates how to obtain various protocol documents used
      in the DARPA research community.  Included is an overview of the
      new 1985 DDN Protocol Handbook and available sources for obtaining
      related documents (such as DOD, ISO, and CCITT).

   979     Malis        Mar 86      PSN End-to-End Functional

      This memo is an updated version of BBN Report 5775, "End-to-End
      Functional Specification".  It describes important changes to the
      functionality of the interface between a host and the PSN (Packet
      Switch Node), and should be carefully reviewed by anyone involved
      in supporting a host on either the ARPANET or MILNET.  The new
      End-to-End Protocol (EE) is being developed in order to correct a
      number of deficiencies in the old End-to-End Protocol, to improve
      its performance and overall throughput, and to better equip the
      Packet Switch Node (also known as the IMP) to support its current
      and anticipated host population.
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   978     Reynolds     Feb 86      Voice File Interchange Protocol

      The purpose of the Voice File Interchange Protocol (VFIP) is to
      permit the interchange of various types of speech files between
      different systems in the ARPA-Internet community.  Suggestions for
      improvement are encouraged.

   977     Kantor       Feb 86      Network News Transfer Protocol

      NNTP specifies a protocol for the distribution, inquiry,
      retrieval, and posting of news articles using a reliable
      stream-based transmission of news among the ARPA-Internet
      community.  NNTP is designed so that news articles are stored in a
      central database allowing a subscriber to select only those items
      he wishes to read.  Indexing, cross-referencing, and expiration of
      aged messages are also provided. This RFC suggests a proposed
      protocol for the ARPA-Internet community, and requests discussion
      and suggestions for improvements.

   976     Horton       Feb 86      UUCP Mail Interchange Format

      This document defines the standard format for the transmission of
      mail messages between computers in the UUCP Project.  It does not
      however, address the format for storage of messages on one
      machine, nor the lower level transport mechanisms used to get the
      date from one machine to the next.  It represents a standard for
      conformance by hosts in the UUCP zone.

   975     Mills        Feb 86      Autonomous Confederations

      This RFC proposes enhancements to the Exterior Gateway Protocol
      (EGP) to support a simple, multiple-level routing capability while
      preserving the robustness features of the current EGP model.  The
      enhancements generalize the concept of core system to include
      multiple communities of autonomous systems, called autonomous
      confederations.  Discussion and suggestions for improvement are

   974     Partridge    Jan 86      Mail Routing and the Domain System

      This RFC presents a description of how mail systems on the
      Internet are expected to route messages based on information from
      the domain system.  This involves a discussion of how mailers
      interpret MX RRs, which are used for message routing.
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   973     Mockapetris  Jan 86      Domain System Changes and

      This RFC documents updates to Domain Name System specifications
      RFC-882 and RFC-883, suggests some operational guidelines, and
      discusses some experiences and problem areas in the present

   972     Wancho       Jan 86      Password Generator Protocol

      This RFC specifies a standard for the ARPA-Internet community.
      The Password Generator Service (PWDGEN) provides a set of six
      randomly generated eight-character "words" with a reasonable level
      of pronounceability, using a multi-level algorithm.  Hosts on the
      ARPA-Internet that choose to implement a password generator
      service are expected to adopt and implement this standard.

   971     DeSchon      Dec 85      A Survey of Data Representation

      This RFC is a comparison of several data representation standards
      that are currently in use.  The standards discussed are the CCITT
      X.409 recommendation, the NBS Computer Based Message System (CBMS)
      standard, DARPA Multimedia Mail system, the Courier remote
      procedure call protocol, and the SUN Remote Procedure Call
      package.  No proposals in this document are intended as standards
      for the ARPA-Internet at this time.  Rather, it is hoped that a
      general consensus will emerge as to the appropriate approach to a
      data representation standard, leading eventually to the adoption
      of an ARPA-Internet standard.

   970     Nagle        Dec 85      On Packet Switches With Infinite

      The purpose of this RFC is to focus discussion on a particular
      problem in the ARPA-Internet and possible methods of solution.
      Most prior work on congestion in datagram systems focuses on
      buffer management.  In this memo, the case of a packet switch with
      infinite storage is considered.  Such a packet switch can never
      run out of buffers.  It can, however, still become congested.  The
      meaning of congestion in an infinite-storage system is explored.
      An unexpected result is found that shows a datagram network with
      infinite storage, first-in-first-out queuing, at least two packet
      switches, and a finite packet lifetime will, under overload, drop
      all packets.  By attacking the problem of congestion for the
      infinite-storage case, new solutions applicable to switches with
      finite storage may be found.  No proposed solutions this document
      are intended as standards for the ARPA-Internet at this time.
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   969     Clark        Dec 85      NETBLT: A Bulk Data Transfer

      This RFC has been replaced by RFC 998.  This is a preliminary
      discussion of the Network Block Transfer (NETBLT) protocol.
      NETBLT is intended for the rapid transfer of a large quantity of
      data between computers.  It provides a transfer that is reliable
      and flow controlled, and is structured to provide maximum
      throughput over a wide variety of networks.  This description is
      published for discussion and comment, and does not constitute a
      standard.  As the proposal may change, implementation of this
      document is not advised.

   968     Cerf         Dec 85      'Twas the Night Before Start-up'

      This memo discusses problems that arise and debugging techniques
      used in bringing a new network into operation.

   967     Padlipsky    Dec 85      All Victims Together

      This RFC proposes a new set of RFCs on how the networking code is
      integrated with various operating systems.  It appears that this
      topic has not received enough exposure in the literature. Comments
      and suggestions are encouraged.

   966     Deering      Dec 85      A Multicast Extension to the
                                    Internet Protocol

      This RFC defines a model of service for Internet multicasting and
      proposes an extension to the Internet Protocol (IP) to support
      such a multicast service.  Discussion and suggestions for
      improvements are requested.

   965     Aguilar      Dec 85      A Format for a Graphical
                                    Communication Protocol

      This RFC describes the requirements for a graphical format on
      which to base a graphical on-line communication protocol, and
      proposes an Interactive Graphical Communication Format using the
      GKSM session metafile.  We hope this contribution will encourage
      the discussion of multimedia data exchange and the proposal of

   964     Sidhu        Nov 85      Some Problems with the Specification
                                    of the Military Standard
                                    Transmission Control Protocol

      The purpose of this RFC is to provide helpful information on the
      Military Standard Transmission Control Protocol (MIL-STD-1778) so

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