
Content for  TS 38.181  Word version:  18.2.0

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A (Normative)  Reference measurement channelp. 192

B  Environmental requirements for the SAN equipmentp. 199

C  Test tolerances and derivation of test requirementsp. 200

D  Measurement system set-upp. 206

D.1  SAN type 1-H transmitterp. 206

D.2  SAN type 1-H receiverp. 209

D.3  SAN type 1-H, SAN type 1-O and SAN type 2-O transmitterp. 211

D.4  SAN type 1-H, SAN type 1-O and SAN type 2-O receiverp. 211


D.6  SAN type 1-H performance requirementsp. 214

D.7  SAN type 1-O and 2-O performance requirementsp. 216

E (Normative)  Characteristic of interfering signalp. 217

F (Normative)  Void

G (Normative)  Propagation conditionsp. 218

H (Normative)  In-channel Tx testp. 222

$  Change historyp. 229

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