
Content for  TS 38.181  Word version:  18.2.0

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3  Definitions of terms, symbols and abbreviationsp. 19

3.1  Termsp. 19

3.2  Symbolsp. 22

3.3  Abbreviationsp. 23

4  General test conditions and declarationsp. 24

4.1  Measurement uncertainties and test requirementsp. 24

4.2  Requirement reference pointsp. 31

4.3  Satellite Access Node classesp. 32

4.4  Regional requirementsp. 32

4.5  SAN configurationsp. 33

4.6  Manufacturer declarationsp. 35

4.7  Test configurationsp. 42

4.8  Applicability of requirementsp. 44

4.9  RF channels and test modelsp. 46


4.11  Reference coordinate systemp. 57

4.12  Format and interpretation of testsp. 58

5  Operating bands and channel arrangementp. 59

6  Conducted transmitter characteristicsp. 59

6.1  Generalp. 59

6.2  Satellite Access Node output powerp. 59

6.3  Output power dynamicsp. 61

6.4  Transmit ON/OFF powerp. 62

6.5  Transmitted signal qualityp. 63

6.6  Unwanted emissionsp. 65

6.7  Transmitter intermodulationp. 72

7  Conducted receiver characteristicsp. 72

7.1  Generalp. 72

7.2  Reference sensitivity levelp. 73

7.3  Dynamic rangep. 74

7.4  In-band sensitivity and blockingp. 76

7.5  Out-of-band blockingp. 77

7.6  Receiver spurious emissionp. 79

7.7  Receiver intermodulationp. 79

7.8  In-channel selectivityp. 79

8  Conducted performance characteristicsp. 81

8.1  Generalp. 81

8.2  Performance requirements for PUSCHp. 83

8.2.1  Performance requirements for PUSCH with transform precoding disabledp. 83

8.2.2  Performance requirements for PUSCH with transform precoding enabledp. 85

8.2.3  Performance requirements for UL timing adjustmentp. 87

8.2.4  Performance requirements for PUSCH repetition Type Ap. 90

8.2.5  Performance requirements for PUSCH with DMRS bundlingp. 92

8.3  Performance requirements for PUCCHp. 94

8.3.1  Performance requirements for PUCCH format 0p. 94

8.3.2  Performance requirements for PUCCH format 1p. 96

8.3.3  Performance requirements for PUCCH format 2p. 100

8.3.4  Performance requirements for PUCCH format 3p. 103

8.3.5  Performance requirements for PUCCH format 4p. 105

8.3.6  Performance requirements for multi-slot PUCCHp. 107

8.4  Performance requirements for PRACHp. 111

9  Radiated transmitter characteristicsp. 114

9.1  Generalp. 114

9.2  Radiated transmit powerp. 114

9.3  OTA SAN output powerp. 115

9.4  OTA output power dynamicsp. 117

9.5  OTA transmit ON/OFF powerp. 119

9.6  OTA transmitted signal qualityp. 120

9.7  OTA unwanted emissionsp. 124

9.7.1  Generalp. 124

9.7.2  OTA occupied bandwidthp. 124

9.7.3  OTA Adjacent Channel Leakage Power Ratio (ACLR)p. 126

9.7.4  OTA out-of-band emissionsp. 129

9.7.5  OTA transmitter spurious emissionsp. 130

9.8  OTA transmitter intermodulationp. 133

10  Radiated receiver characteristicp. 133

10.1  Generalp. 133

10.2  OTA sensitivityp. 134

10.3  OTA reference sensitivity levelp. 136

10.4  OTA dynamic rangep. 139

10.5  OTA in-band selectivity and blockingp. 141

10.6  OTA out-of-band blockingp. 144

10.7  OTA receiver spurious emissionsp. 146

10.8  OTA receiver intermodulationp. 146

10.9  OTA in-channel selectivityp. 147

11  Radiated performance requirementsp. 150

11.1  Generalp. 150

11.2  OTA performance requirements for PUSCHp. 152

11.2.1  Performance requirements for PUSCH with transform precoding disabledp. 152

11.2.2  Performance requirements for PUSCH with transform precoding enabledp. 156

11.2.3  Performance requirements for UL timing adjustmentp. 159

11.2.4  Performance requirements for PUSCH repetition Type Ap. 162

11.2.5  Performance requirements for PUSCH with DMRS bundlingp. 165

11.3  OTA performance requirements for PUCCHp. 167

11.3.1  Performance requirements for PUCCH format 0p. 167

11.3.2  Performance requirements for PUCCH format 1p. 170

11.3.3  Performance requirements for PUCCH format 2p. 175

11.3.4  Performance requirements for PUCCH format 3p. 180

11.3.5  Performance requirements for PUCCH format 4p. 182

11.3.6  Performance requirements for multi-slot PUCCH formatp. 185

11.4  OTA performance requirements for PRACHp. 189

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