
Content for  TS 36.112  Word version:  18.0.0

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4  General Test Conditions and Declarationsp. 9

5  Operating Bands and Channel Arrangementp. 19

6  Conformance Tests for LMU RF Requirementsp. 25

6.1  Generalp. 25

6.2  Reference sensitivity levelp. 25

6.3  Dynamic rangep. 26

6.4  In-channel selectivityp. 27

6.5  Adjacent channel selectivity (ACS) and narrow-band blockingp. 28

6.6  Blockingp. 30

6.7  Receiver spurious emissionsp. 32

6.8  Receiver intermodulationp. 34

7  Conformance Tests for UL RTOA Measurement Time Requirementsp. 35

8  Conformance Tests for UL RTOA Measurement Accuracy Requirementsp. 41

A  Reference measurement channelp. 47

B  Propagation conditionsp. 53

C  Characteristics of the interfering signalsp. 54

D  Environmental requirements for the LMU equipmentp. 55

E  General Rules for statistical testingp. 57

F  Test tolerances and derivation of test requirementsp. 58

G  Measurement system setupp. 61

$  Change historyp. 67

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