
Content for  TS 31.127  Word version:  17.2.0

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5  Subscription related testsp. 65

5.1  IMSI/TMSI handlingp. 65

5.1.1  UE identification by short IMSIp. 65

5.1.2  UE identification by short IMSI using a 2-digit MNCp. 65

5.1.3  UE identification by "short" TMSIp. 65

5.1.4  UE identification by "long" TMSIp. 65

5.1.5  UE identification by long IMSI, TMSI updating and key set identifier assignmentp. 65

5.1.6  UE identification by short IMSI when accessing E-UTRAN/EPCp. 65

5.1.7  UE identification by short IMSI using a 2-digit MNC when accessing E-UTRAN/EPCp. 67

5.1.8  UE identification after changed IMSI with service "EMM Information" not availablep. 69

5.1.9  UE identification by GUTI when using USIM with service "EMM Information" not availablep. 72

5.1.10  UE identification by GUTI when using USIM with service "EMM Information" availablep. 74

5.2  Access Control handlingp. 76

5.3  Handling subscription identifier privacy for 5Gp. 79

5.3.1  SUCI calculation by ME using null schemep. 79

5.3.2  SUCI calculation by ME using Profile Bp. 82

5.3.3  UE identification by SUCI during initial registration - SUCI calculation by USIM using profile Bp. 84

5.3.4  UE identification by SUCI in response to IDENTITY REQUEST messagep. 87

5.3.5  UE identification by SUCI in response to IDENTITY REQUEST message with T3519 timer expiryp. 90

5.3.6  UE identification by SUCI in response to IDENTITY REQUEST message and AUTHENTICATION REJECTp. 93

5.3.7  SUCI calculation by the ME using null scheme - missing parameters for subscription identifier privacy support by the USIMp. 95

5.3.8  UE identification by 5G-GUTI - Last Registered TAI stored on USIMp. 97

5.3.9  UE identification by 5G-GUTI - Last Registered TAI stored by MEp. 99

5.3.10  UE identification after SUPI is changedp. 101

5.3.11  SUCI calculation by ME using Profile Ap. 103

5.3.12  UE identification by SUCI during initial registration - SUCI calculation by USIM using profile Ap. 105

5.3.13  SUCI calculation by ME using null scheme- no Protection Scheme Identifier provisioned in the USIMp. 107

5.3.14  SUCI calculation by ME using null scheme - no Home Network Public Key for supported protection scheme provisioned in the USIMp. 109

5.3.15  SUCI calculation by ME using null scheme with the E-UTRAN/EPC UICCp. 110

5.3.16  SUCI calculation by ME using the lower priority protection scheme when the higher priority protection scheme is not supported by the MEp. 112

5.3.17  SUCI calculation by ME using Profile B with compressed Home Network Public Keyp. 115

5.4  Unified Access Control information handling for 5G-NRp. 117

5.4.1  Unified Access Control - Access identity 0, no access identities indicated by USIMp. 117

5.4.1A  Unified Access Control - Access identity 0, no access identities indicated by USIM, Access Category 8p. 120

5.4.2  Unified Access Control - Access Identity 1 - MPS indicated by USIMp. 123

5.4.2A  Unified Access Control - Access Identity 1 - MPS indicated by USIM, Access Category 8p. 126

5.4.3  Unified Access Control - Access Identity 1 - no MPS indication by USIM and SUPI not changedp. 130

5.4.4  Unified Access Control - Access Identity 1 - no MPS indication by USIM and SUPI is changedp. 134

5.4.5  Unified Access Control - Access Identity 2 - MCS indicated by USIMp. 138

5.4.5A  Unified Access Control - Access Identity 2 - MCS indicated by USIMp. 141

5.4.6  Unified Access Control - Access Identity 2 - no MCS indication by USIM and SUPI is not changedp. 144

5.4.7  Unified Access Control - Access Identity 2 - no MCS indication by USIM and SUPI is changedp. 148

5.4.8  Unified Access Control - Access Identities 11 and 15 indicated by USIMp. 152

5.4.8A  Unified Access Control - Access Identities 11 and 15 indicated by USIM, Access Category 8p. 155

5.4.9  Unified Access Control - Access Identities 12, 13 and 14 indicated by USIMp. 159

5.4.9A  Unified Access Control - Access Identities 12, 13 and 14 indicated by USIM, Access Category 8p. 162

5.4.10  Unified Access Control - Operator-Defined Access Categoryp. 166

5.4.11  Unified Access Control - Operator-Defined Access Categories, no change in SUPIp. 171

5.4.12  Unified Access Control - Operator-Defined Access Categories, SUPI changep. 177

5.5  Handling of operator controlled featuresp. 182

5.5.1  Display of registered 5G PLMN name from USIMp. 182

5.5.2  Display of registered 5G PLMN name from MEp. 186

5.6.4  UE identification after SUPI is changedp. 199

5.6.5  UE identification by SUCI during initial registration - SUCI calculation by ME using profile Ap. 202

5.6.6  UE identification by SUCI during initial registration - SUCI calculation by ME using profile Ap. 205

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