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F  Usage of the GitLab repository |R19|p. 82

F.1  Generalp. 82

The OpenAPI content developed by 3GPP is stored on a Git-based repository named "5G_APIs", accessible at the following URL:
This Annex documents usage guidelines of this repository that should be considered by delegates and Rapporteurs of 3GPP Technical Specifications.

F.2  Creation of private branchesp. 82

Creating private branches on the "5G_APIs" repository is allowed, but the following guidelines should be observed:
  1. Private branches should be created only if really needed; note that each Forge GitLab user has a private repository at his/her disposition, where private testing can be done without interfering with the official 3GPP repository. E.g.<username>; using these private repositories also has the advantage that the tests done by each delegate are, by default, not visible to other users (unless the repository is explicitly made "public" by the owner)
  2. The name of private branches created on the "5G_APIs" repository should be always prefixed by the username (or common name) of the delegate that creates it, and should be as different as possible to the official draft branch names (e.g. "john-testing-r18")
  3. The life span of private branches should be as short as possible (ideally, not more than a few days), and they should be deleted as soon as the testing is done. Again, for tests that require longer persistence, the approach of using private repositories mentioned in bullet a) should be preferred.
  4. The private branch can be deleted, e.g., by selecting the "Repository → Branches" option on the left navigation menu of the GitLab web interface, which shows an overview af all branches in the "5G_APIs" repository; once the branch to be deleted is found on the list of active or stale branches, it can be deleted by clicking on the "trash" icon on the rightmost side of the branch information line.

F.3  Creation of personal repositoriesp. 83

Any user of the "5G_APIs" repository can create personal repositories on 3GPP GitLab, e.g. in order to perform private tests. The following steps should be followed:
  1. Navigate to the URL of your personal space:<username>
    (Replace <username> with your ETSI Online - EOL - user identity)
  2. On the top navigation bar, go to the "+" icon, and select "New project/repository" in the drop-down menu
  3. Select "Create blank project"
    • Enter a project name
    • In the project URL, after "", select your user name (do NOT select "all", if that option is available for you)
    • In "Project slug", enter the path segment name that you will use for your project URL (by default it is constructed based on the project name entered above, but you can change it)
    • Keep the Visibility Level as "private" and the rest of options with their default settings
    • Press "Create project"
  4. Once the project/repository is created, the user can create as many branches as desired, and upload files to it, same as done with the "5G_APIs" (or any other) repository
  5. By repeating steps 2-4, a user can create as many private repositories as needed

$  Change historyp. 84

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