
Content for  TS 26.132  Word version:  18.2.0

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10  Fullband telephony transmission performance test methods |R12|p. 117

10.1  Applicabilityp. 117

10.2  Overall loss/loudness ratingsp. 117

10.3  Idle channel noise (handset, headset and electrical interface UE)p. 118

10.4  Sensitivity/frequency characteristicsp. 119

10.5  Sidetone characteristicsp. 120

10.6  Stability lossp. 120

10.7  Acoustic echo controlp. 122

10.8  Distortionp. 122


10.10  Delayp. 122

10.11  Echo control characteristicsp. 124

10.12  Send speech quality and noise intrusiveness in the presence of ambient noisep. 124

10.13  Jitter buffer management behaviour (handset, headset and electrical interface UE) |R14|p. 125


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