
Content for  TS 26.132  Word version:  18.2.0

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2  Referencesp. 13

3  Definitions, symbols and abbreviationsp. 15

4  Interface Definitionsp. 17

5  Test configurationsp. 18

6  Test conditionsp. 38

7  Narrowband telephony transmission performance test methodsp. 39

7.1  Applicabilityp. 39

7.2  Overall loss/loudness ratingsp. 39

7.3  Idle channel noise (handset, headset and electrical interface UE)p. 44

7.4  Sensitivity/frequency characteristicsp. 45

7.5  Sidetone characteristicsp. 48

7.6  Stability lossp. 50

7.7  Acoustic echo controlp. 51

7.8  Distortionp. 52


7.10  Delay |R11|p. 55

7.11  Echo control characteristics |R11|p. 63

7.12  Send speech quality and noise intrusiveness in the presence of ambient noise |R11|p. 66

7.13  Jitter buffer management behaviour (handset, headset and electrical interface UE) |R14|p. 70

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