
Content for  TS 26.119  Word version:  18.0.0

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10  Device types and media profilesp. 23

10.1  Introductionp. 23

AR experiences may be running on a variety of devices which have different characteristics and capabilities. Certain capabilities may be common to several devices while other capabilities may be unique to a specific device. Therefore, the present specification enables interoperability by collecting the media capabilities and profiles, defined in clauses 6, 7, 8 and 9, per device type. The four device types defined are:

10.2  Device type 1: Thin AR glassesp. 24

10.2.1  Generalp. 24

As defined in clause 4.3.1, the thin AR glasses device type represents a type of device which is considered to be power-constrained and with limited computing power with respect to the other device types. These limitations typically come from the requirement to design a device with a small and lightweight form factor. Regarding rendering capacity, this device type is expected to rely on remote rendering to be able display complex scenes to the user. For example, such device type may run a split rendering session where the split rendering server delivers pre-rendered views of the scene. However, devices in this category can still operate without external support for applications that do not require complex rendering capabilities, for instance, text messaging, 2D video communication, etc. Lastly, the thin AR glasses offers AR experiences to the user via optical see-through display.

10.2.2  XR System supportp. 24

An XR Device complying to the thin AR glasses device has an XR System with at least the following capabilities as based on clause 6.1:
  • orientationTracking is 'true'
  • positionTracking is 'true'
  • Value 'additive' of the enumeration blendMode
  • Values 'monoscopic' and 'stereoscopic' of the enumeration viewConfigurationPrimary
  • Values 'view', 'local' and 'stage' of the enumeration referenceSpace
  • If swapchainSupported is 'true', numberSwapchainImages is equal to 2
  • Values 'projection' and 'quad' of the enumeration compositionLayer

10.2.3  Video capabilities supportp. 24

An XR Device complying to device type 1 shall support the following decoding capabilities from clause 7:
  • AVC-FullHD-Dec
  • AVC-FullHD-Dec-2
An XR Device complying to device type 1 shall support the following encoding capabilities:
  • AVC-FullHD-Enc
An XR Device complying to device type 1 should support the following decoding capabilities:
  • HEVC-FullHD-Dec
An XR Device complying to device type 1 should support the following encoding capabilities:
  • HEVC-FullHD-Enc

10.2.4  Audio/Speech capabilities supportp. 24

An XR Device complying to device type 1 device shall support the following decoding capabilities from clause 8:
  • EVS
  • AAC-ELDv2-Dec
An XR Device complying to device type 1 should support the following decoding capabilities:
  • IVAS
  • EVS
An XR Device complying to device type 1 may support the following decoding capabilities:
  • EVS-4
  • AAC-ELDv2-Dec-2
An XR Device complying to device type 1 shall support the following encoding capabilities:
  • EVS
An XR Device complying to device type 1 should support the following encoding capabilities:
  • IVAS
  • AAC-ELDv2-Enc

10.2.5  Scene Description capabilities supportp. 25

A device of type 1 should support glTF-based scene description as defined in clause 9.2.
If gltf-based scene description is supported, the following requirements and recommendation hold:
  • The SD-Rendering-gltf-Core capabilities should be supported.

10.3  Device type 2: AR glassesp. 25

10.3.1  Generalp. 25

As defined in clause 4.3.2, the AR glasses device type represents a type of device which is considered to have higher computation power compared to the thin AR glasses device type. As a result, this device type has higher rendering capacities and is generally expected to be capable of rendering scenes without external support, even though remote rendering is not precluded to lower the power consumption on the device or enable the display of scenes beyond the device's rendering capability. Lastly, the AR glasses offers AR experiences to the user via optical see-through display.

10.3.2  XR System supportp. 25

An XR Device complying to the AR glasses device type has offers XR System with at least the following capabilities from clause 6.1:
  • orientationTracking is 'true'
  • positionTracking is 'true'
  • Value 'additive' of the enumeration blendMode
  • Value 'stereoscopic' of the enumeration viewConfigurationPrimary
  • Values 'view', 'local' and 'stage' of the enumeration referenceSpace
  • If swapchainSupported is 'true', numberSwapchainImages is equal to 2
  • Values 'projection' and 'quad' of the enumeration compositionLayer

10.3.3  Video capabilities supportp. 26

An XR Device complying to device type 2 shall support the following decoding capabilities from clause 7:
  • AVC-UHD-Dec
  • AVC-UHD-Dec-4
  • HEVC-UHD-Dec
An XR Device complying to device type 2 shall support one of the following encoding capabilities:
  • AVC-FullHD-Enc
  • HEVC-FullHD-Enc
An XR Device complying to device type 2 should support the following decoding capabilities:
  • HEVC-UHD-Dec-4
  • UHD-Dec-4

10.3.4  Audio/Speech capabilities supportp. 26

An XR Device complying to device type 2 device shall support the following decoding capabilities from clause 8:
  • EVS
  • AAC-ELDv2-Dec
An XR Device complying to device type 2 should support the following decoding capabilities:
  • IVAS
  • EVS-2
An XR Device complying to device type 2 may support the following decoding capabilities:
  • EVS-4
  • AAC-ELDv2-Dec-2
An XR Device complying to device type 2 shall support the following encoding capabilities:
  • EVS
An XR Device complying to device type 2 should support the following encoding capabilities:
  • IVAS
  • AAC-ELDv2-Enc

10.3.5  Scene Description capabilities supportp. 27

A device of type 2 should support glTF-based scene description as defined in clause 9.2.
If gltf-based scene description is supported, the following requirements and recommendation hold.
  • The SD-Rendering-gltf-Core capabilities shall be supported
  • The SD-Rendering-gltf-ext1 capabilities should be supported
  • The SD-Rendering-gltf-ext2 capabilities may be supported
  • The SD-Rendering-gltf-interactive capabilities may be supported

10.4  Device type 3: XR phonep. 27

10.4.1  Generalp. 27

As defined in clause 4.3.1, the XR phone device type represents a type of device which corresponds to a smartphone with capacities and resources sufficient to offer AR experiences. As a result, this device type is capable of rendering scenes without external support. Lastly, the XR phone offers AR experiences to the user via video see-through display.

10.4.2  XR System supportp. 27

An XR Device complying to the XR phone device type offers an XR System with at least the following capabilities:
  • orientationTracking is 'true'
  • positionTracking is 'true'
  • Values 'opaque' and 'alpha_blend' of the enumeration blendMode
  • Values 'monoscopic' and 'stereoscopic' of the enumeration viewConfigurationPrimary
  • Values 'view', 'local' and 'stage' of the enumeration referenceSpace
  • If swapchainSupported is 'true', numberSwapchainImages equal to 2
  • Values 'projection' and 'quad' of the enumeration compositionLayer

10.4.3  Video capabilities supportp. 27

An XR Device complying to device type 3 shall support the following decoding capabilities from clause 7:
  • AVC-UHD-Dec
  • AVC-UHD-Dec-4
  • HEVC-UHD-Dec
  • HEVC-UHD-Dec-4
  • UHD-Dec-4
An XR Device complying to device type 3 shall support one of the following encoding capabilities:
  • AVC-UHD-Enc
  • HEVC-UHD-Enc
An XR Device complying to device type 3 should support the following decoding capabilities:
  • AVC-8K-Dec
  • HEVC-8K-Dec
  • 8K-Dec-8

10.4.4  Audio/Speech capabilities supportp. 28

An XR Device complying to device type 3 device shall support the following decoding capabilities from clause 8:
  • EVS
  • AAC-ELDv2-Dec
An XR Device complying to device type 3 should support the following decoding capabilities:
  • IVAS
  • EVS-2
An XR Device complying to device type 3 may support the following decoding capabilities:
  • EVS-4
  • AAC-ELDv2-Dec-2
An XR Device complying to device type 3 shall support the following encoding capabilities:
  • EVS
An XR Device complying to device type 3 should support the following encoding capabilities:
  • IVAS
  • AAC-ELDv2-Enc

10.4.5  Scene Description capabilities supportp. 28

A device of type 3 should support gltf-based scene description as defined in clause 9.2.
If gltf-based scene description is supported, the following requirements and recommendation hold.
  • The SD-Rendering-gltf-Core capabilities shall be supported
  • The SD-Rendering-gltf-ext1 capabilities should be supported
  • The SD-Rendering-gltf-ext2 capabilities should be supported
  • The SD-Rendering-gltf-interactive capabilities should be supported

10.5  Device type 4: XR HMDp. 28

10.5.1  Generalp. 28

As defined in clause 4.3.1, the XR HMD device type represents a type of device which corresponds to HMDs capable of offering at least AR experiences but not precluding other types of XR experiences. This device type is expected to be capable of rendering scenes without external support. Lastly, the XR phone offers AR experiences to the user via video see-through display.

10.5.2  XR System supportp. 29

An XR Device complying to the XR HMD device type offers an XR System with at least the following capabilities from clause 6.1:
  • orientationTracking is 'true'
  • positionTracking is 'true'
  • Value 'additive' or values 'opaque' and 'alpha_blend' of the enumeration blendMode
  • Values 'monoscopic' and 'stereoscopic' of the enumeration viewConfigurationPrimary
  • Values 'view', 'local' and 'stage' of the enumeration referenceSpace
  • If swapchainSupported is 'true', numberSwapchainImages is equal to 2
  • Values 'projection' and 'quad' of the enumeration compositionLayer

10.5.3  Video capabilities supportp. 29

An XR Device complying to device type 4 shall support the following decoding capabilities from clause 7:
  • AVC-UHD-Dec
  • AVC-UHD-Dec-4
  • HEVC-UHD-Dec
  • HEVC-UHD-Dec-4
  • UHD-Dec-4
An XR Device complying to device type 4 shall support one of the following encoding capabilities:
  • AVC-UHD-Enc
  • HEVC-UHD-Enc
An XR Device complying to device type 4 should support the following decoding capabilities:
  • AVC-8K-Dec
  • HEVC-8K-Dec
  • 8K-Dec-8

10.5.4  Audio/Speech capabilities supportp. 29

An XR Device complying to device type 4 device shall support the following decoding capabilities from clause 8:
  • EVS
  • AAC-ELDv2-Dec
An XR Device complying to device type 4 should support the following decoding capabilities:
  • IVAS
  • EVS-2
An XR Device complying to device type 4 may support the following decoding capabilities:
  • EVS-4
  • AAC-ELDv2-Dec-2
An XR Device complying to device type 4 shall support the following encoding capabilities:
  • EVS
An XR Device complying to device type 4 should support the following encoding capabilities:
  • IVAS
  • AAC-ELDv2-Enc

10.5.5  Scene Description capabilities supportp. 30

A device of type 4 should support gltf-based scene description as defined in clause 9.2.
If gltf-based scene description is supported, the following requirements and recommendation hold.
  • The SD-Rendering-gltf-Core capabilities shall be supported
  • The SD-Rendering-gltf-ext1 capabilities should be supported
  • The SD-Rendering-gltf-ext2 capabilities should be supported
  • The SD-Rendering-gltf-interactive capabilities should be supported

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