
Content for  TR 23.700-06  Word version:  19.0.0

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5  Key Issuesp. 11

6  Solutionsp. 13

6.0  Mapping of solutions to key issuesp. 13

6.1  Solution #1: Architecture enhancements to support MWAB operationsp. 14

6.2  Solution #2: MWAB architecture and proceduresp. 18

6.3  Solution #3: N3 backhaul PDU session managementp. 24

6.4  Solution #4: MWAB authorization handlingp. 26

6.5  Solution #5: Authorization and Change of Authorization of a MWAB and configuration of a MWABp. 30

6.6  Solution #6: Reusing CAG mechanism for managing UE's access to MWAB-gNBp. 33

6.7  Solution #7: Architecture enhancement to support MWAB-gNB for SNPNp. 35

6.8  Solution #8: Provisioning of efficient mobility and service continuity when served by MWABp. 38

6.9  Solution #9: UE mobility handling due to MWAB mobilityp. 41

6.10  Solution #10: New solution to address mobility aspects of an MWABp. 48

6.11  Solution #11: Location services involving MWABp. 53

6.12  Solution #12: support of Emergency services for UEs via a MWABp. 58

6.13  Solution #13: Support of emergency calls in MWABp. 60

6.14  Solution #14: Graceful release of emergency services.p. 63

6.15  Solution #15: Protocol Stacks of backhaul link to support the N2/N3 interface for MWAB nodep. 65

6.16  Solution #16: Support for multiple backhaul PDU sessionsp. 66

7  Evaluationp. 68

8  Conclusionsp. 68

$  Change historyp. 73

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