
Content for  TS 23.482  Word version:  19.0.0

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7  Identities and commonly used valuesp. 22

7.1  Generalp. 22

The common identities for SEAL and ADAES refer to TS 23.434 and TS 23.436 respectively. The following clauses list the additional identities and commonly used values for AIMLE Service.

7.2  AIMLE server IDp. 22

The AIMLE server ID uniquely identifies the AIML enablement server.

7.3  AIMLE client IDp. 22

The AIMLE client ID uniquely identifies the AIML enablement client.

7.4  ML repository IDp. 22

The ML repository ID uniquely identifies the ML-related repository function, which is used for storing the ML models and ML related information, as well as for serving as registry for the ML / FL members.

7.5  ML model IDp. 22

The ML model ID uniquely identifies the application-layer ML model.

7.6  FL member IDp. 22

The FL member ID uniquely identifies the participant entity in a Federated Learning process which is supported by AIMLE service.

7.7  AIMLE service areap. 22

The AIMLE service area is the area where the AIML Enablement server owner provides its AIML support services. The AIMLE service area can be expressed as a Topological Service Area (e.g., a list of TA), a Geographical Service Area (e.g., geographical coordinates) or both.

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