
Content for  TS 23.289  Word version:  19.4.0

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6  Application of functional models and deployment scenariosp. 33

6.1  Generalp. 33

This clause describes the application of the functional models described in clause 5. It also describes deployment scenarios that highlight some of the possible variations in the way that the functional models can be applied in different situations.

6.2  On-network architectural modelp. 34

6.2.1  On-network architectural model diagramp. 34

Figure 6.2.1-1 below is the on-network architectural model for the MC system solution, where the MC system provides one or more MC services via a single PLMN.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.289, Fig. 6.2.1-1: On-network architectural model

6.2.2  Application services layerp. 34  Overviewp. 34

The application services layer includes application functions of one or more MC services and any required supporting functions grouped into common services core.  Common services corep. 34

Common services core is composed of the functional entities described in the common functional model in clause 5.3.  MC servicesp. 34

MC services are composed of the functional entities described in the corresponding MC service functional models in clause 5.

6.2.3  SIP corep. 34

The SIP core provides rendezvous (contact address binding and URI resolution) and service control (application service selection) functions, as described in clause 5.3.

6.2.4  5GSp. 35

The 5GS provides data connectivity and services with QoS control for the support of MC service sessions.

6.2.5  UE 1p. 35

UE 1 is an MC service UE in on-network mode supporting data connectivity and application(s) related to one or more MC services over the 5GS, or an UE that acts as 5G ProSe UE-to-network relay, or both of the above. It is composed of the corresponding MC service functional entities described in clause 5.

6.2.6  UE 2 |R18|p. 35

UE 2 is a device using 5G ProSe UE-to-network relay, and supporting application(s) related to one or more MC services. It is composed of the corresponding MC service functional entities described in clause 5.

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