Reference | Parameter description |
[R-5.4.2-002] of TS 22.280 | Maximum number of simultaneous MCVideo group calls (Nc4). |
[R-5.4.2-003] of TS 22.280 | Maximum number of video transmissions (Nc5) in a group. |
Reference | Parameter description |
Subclause 5.2.3 of TS 23.280 | Relay service (Y/N). |
Subclause 5.2.3 of TS 23.280 | List of allowed relayed MCVideo groups and their relay service code (as specified in TS 23.303) (optional) (see NOTE). |
> MCVideo group ID. | |
> Relay service code (as specified in TS 23.303). | |
When the value of the parameter Relay service is N, this parameter and its child parameters are not needed.
Reference | Parameter description | MCVideo UE | Rec. admin UE
Replay UE
(NOTE 8) |
MCVideo Server | Configuration management server | Rec. server | MCVideo user database |
Subclause 5.2.11 of TS 23.280 | MCVideo identity (MCVideo ID) | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
TS 33.180 | KMSUri for security domain of MCVideo ID (see NOTE 1) | Y | Y | Y | Y | ||
Subclause 5.2.11 of TS 23.280 | Pre-selected MCVideo user profile indication (see NOTE 2) | Y | Y | Y | Y | ||
Subclause 5.2.11 of TS 23.280 | MCVideo user profile index | Y | Y | Y | Y | ||
Subclause 5.2.11 of TS 23.280 | MCVideo user profile name | Y | Y | Y | Y | ||
[R-6.13.4-002] of TS 22.280 |
User profile status (enabled/disabled) | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
[R-6.9-003] of TS 22.280 |
Authorised to create and delete aliases of an MCVideo user and its associated user profiles. | Y | Y | ||||
[R-6.9-003] of TS 22.280 |
Alphanumeric aliases of user | Y | Y | Y | Y | ||
[R-5.9-001] of TS 22.280 |
Participant type of the user | Y | Y | Y | Y | ||
[R-5.3-002], [R-5.9-001], [R-5.16.2-001], [R-5.16.2-002] of TS 22.280 |
User's Mission Critical Organization (i.e. which organization a user belongs to) | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
[R-5.2.2-003] and [R-6.6.3-002] of TS 22.280 | Authorisation to create a group-broadcast group (see NOTE 7) | Y | Y | ||||
[R-5.2.2-003] and [R-6.6.3-002 of TS 22.280 | Authorisation to create a user-broadcast group (see NOTE 7) | Y | Y | ||||
[R-] of TS 22.280 | Authorised to activate MCVideo emergency alert | Y | Y | Y | Y | ||
[R-] of TS 22.280 | Automatically trigger a MCVideo emergency communication after initiating the MCVideo emergency alert | Y | Y | Y | Y | ||
[R-] [R-] of TS 22.280 |
Group used on initiation of an MCVideo emergency group call (see NOTE 5) | Y | Y | Y | Y | ||
[R-], [R-] of TS 22.280 |
Recipient for an emergency private MCVideo call (see NOTE 5) | ||||||
> MCVideo ID | Y | Y | Y | Y | |||
TS 33.180 | > KMSUri for security domain of MCVideo ID (see NOTE 1) | Y | Y | Y | Y | ||
[R-] of TS 22.280 | Authorisation to cancel an MCVideo emergency alert | Y | Y | Y | Y | ||
[R-] of TS 22.280 | Authorised to activate an MCVideo ad hoc group emergency alert | Y | Y | Y | Y | ||
[R-] of TS 22.280 | Authorisation to cancel an MCVideo ad hoc group emergency alert | Y | Y | Y | Y | ||
[R-] of TS 22.280 | Authorised to set up an MCVideo group call using the ad hoc group used for the alert | Y | Y | Y | Y | ||
Authorised to receive the participants information of an MCVideo ad hoc group emergency alert | N | Y | Y | Y | |||
Authorised to modify the list of participants and criteria for an MCVideo ad hoc group emergency alert | Y | Y | Y | Y | |||
[R-] of TS 22.281 | Authorisation to modify the video settings of the transmitted video stream of another MCVideo User | Y | Y | Y | Y | ||
[R-] of TS 22.281 | Authorisation to renegotiate a codec during a video transmission. | Y | Y | Y | Y | ||
[R-] of TS 22.281 | Authorisation to remotely control the video capabilities or parameters for a camera on an MCVideo UE | Y | Y | Y | Y | ||
[R-] of TS 22.281 | Authorisation to remotely control the video capabilities or parameters of a remote MCVideo UE | Y | Y | Y | Y | ||
[R-] of TS 22.281 | Authorisation to receive and display the capabilities of a remote MCVideo UE | Y | Y | Y | Y | ||
[R-] of TS 22.281 | Authorisation to remotely activate another MCVideo User's camera | Y | Y | Y | Y | ||
[R-] of TS 22.281 | Authorisation to push a video to another MCVideo user. | Y | Y | Y | Y | ||
[R-] of TS 22.281 | Authorisation to enable and to disable the automatic sending of notification to a second MCVideo User that a video is being pushed to a third MCVideo User | Y | Y | Y | Y | ||
[R-] of TS 22.281 | List of MCVideo users for whom to receive notifications about video being pushed to them | Y | Y | Y | Y | ||
> MCVideo IDs | |||||||
[R-] of TS 22.281 | List of specific video categories to receive (see NOTE 3) | Y | Y | Y | Y | ||
> Video categories | |||||||
[R-6.7.3-007] of TS 22.280 | List of user(s) who can be called in MCVideo private call | ||||||
> MCVideo ID | Y | Y | Y | Y | |||
> User info ID | Y | N | Y | Y | |||
> ProSe discovery group ID | Y | N | Y | Y | |||
> Presentation priority relative to other users and groups (see NOTE 4) | Y | Y | Y | Y | |||
TS 33.180 | > KMSUri for security domain of MCVideo ID (see NOTE 1) | Y | Y | Y | Y | ||
[R-6.7.3-007] of TS 22.280 | Authorised to make a private video call towards users not included in "list of user(s) who can be called in MCVideo private call" | Y | Y | Y | Y | ||
[R-] of TS 22.281 | List of category tags | ||||||
> Video category tag | Y | Y | Y | Y | |||
[R-] of TS 22.281 | Authorization to query MCVideo client | Y | Y | Y | Y | ||
[R-] of TS 22.281 |
List of category tags that authorized to query MCVideo client | ||||||
> Video category tag for query | Y | Y | Y | Y | |||
[R-] of TS 22.281 |
List of geography areas that authorized to query MCVideo client | ||||||
> Geography area to query | Y | Y | Y | Y | |||
[R-] of TS 22.281 | Authorization to perform video adaptation | Y | Y | Y | Y | ||
[R-5.1.7-002] and
[R-] and [R-] of TS 22.280 |
Priority of the user (see NOTE 6) | Y | Y | Y | |||
[R-6.15.4-001…010] and
[R-] of TS 22.280 |
User is a target for recording | Y
(NOTE 10) | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
[R-6.15.4-001…010] and
[R-] of TS 22.280 |
Recording server address (URI) (NOTE 9) | Y
(NOTE 10) | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
If this parameter is absent, the KMSUri shall be that identified in the initial MC service UE configuration data (on-network) configured in Table A.6-1 of TS 23.280.
As specified in TS 23.280, for each MCVideo user's set of MCVideo user profiles, only one MCVideo user profile shall be indicated as being the pre-selected MCVideo user profile.
If this list is blank then this implies that all video categories are acceptable for the MCVideo user.
The use of this parameter by the MCVideo UE is outside the scope of the present document.
This parameter is used for the emergency communication and also used as a target of the emergency alert request. At most one of them is configured; i.e. emergency communication will go to either a group or a user. If both are not configured the MCVideo user's currently selected group will be used.
The use of the parameter is left to implementation.
This parameter applies to temporary broadcast groups built from regrouping mechanism. This authorisation automatically sets the originator of the temporary group as the only transmitting party.
This is the recording admin UE and/or replay UE of a user who is authorized to set this MCVideo user as target for recording and/or authorized to replay this MCVideo user's recordings.
If this parameter is absent, the recording server URI shall be that identified in the initial MC service UE configuration data (on-network, TS 23.280 Table A.6-1) or in the initial recording and replay UE configuration data (on-network, TS 23.280 Table A.10-1).
NOTE 10:
These parameters, when provided to an MCVideo UE, are relevant only for recording administrators and replay users.
Reference | Parameter description | MCVideo UE | Rec. admin UE
Replay UE
(NOTE 9) |
MCVideo Server | Configuration management server | MCVideo user database |
[R-5.1.5-002], [R-5.10-001], [R-6.4.7-002], [R-6.8.1-008], [R-6.7.4-002] of TS 22.280 |
List of on-network MCVideo groups for use by an MCVideo user | |||||
> MCVideo Group ID | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
> Application plane server identity information of group management server where group is defined | ||||||
>> Server URI | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
> Application plane server identity information of identity management server which provides authorization for group (see NOTE 1) | ||||||
>> Server URI | Y | Y | Y | Y | ||
TS 33.180 | > KMSUri for security domain of group (see NOTE 4) | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
> Presentation priority of the group relative to other groups and users (see NOTE 2) | Y | Y | Y | Y | ||
Subclause 5.2.5 of TS 23.280 | List of groups user implicitly affiliates to after MCVideo service authorization for the user | |||||
> MCVideo Group ID | Y | Y | Y | Y | ||
[R-6.4.2-006] of TS 22.280 | Authorisation of an MCVideo user to request a list of which MCVideo groups a user has affiliated to | Y | Y | Y | ||
[R-] of TS 22.280 |
Authorisation to change affiliated groups of other specified user(s) | Y | Y | Y | ||
[R-] of TS 22.280 |
Authorisation to recommend to specified user(s) to affiliate to specific group(s) | Y | Y | Y | ||
[R-6.6.1-004] of TS 22.280 | Authorisation to perform regrouping | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
[R-6.7.2-001] of TS 22.280 | Presence status is available/not available to other users | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
[R-6.7.2-002] of TS 22.280 |
List of MCVideo users that MCVideo user is authorised to obtain presence of | |||||
> MCVideo IDs | Y | Y | Y | Y | ||
[R-] of TS 22.280 |
Authorisation of a user to cancel an emergency alert on any MCVideo UE of any user | Y | Y | Y | ||
[R-6.13.4-001] of TS 22.280 | Authorisation for an MCVideo user to enable/disable an MCVideo user | Y | Y | Y | ||
[R-6.13.4-005], [R-6.13.4-006], [R-6.13.4-007] of TS 22.280 |
Authorisation for an MCVideo user to (permanently /temporarily) enable/disable a UE | Y | Y | Y | ||
[R-7.14-003] of TS 22.280 |
Authorization for manual switch to off-network while in on-network | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
[R-5.1.5-004] of TS 22.280 | Limitation of number of affiliations per user (Nc2) | N | Y | Y | Y | |
[R-] of TS 22.280 |
List of MCVideo users whose selected groups are authorized to be remotely changed | |||||
> MCVideo ID | Y | Y | Y | Y | ||
[R-] of TS 22.281 |
Period after which MCVideo data on a MCVideo UE is to be deleted if no action is taken by an authorized MCVideo user | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
[R-] of TS 22.281 | Maximum number of simultaneous video streams that can be received (see NOTE 3) | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
[R-] of TS 22.281 | Authorisation to automatically receive video communications | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
[R-] of TS 22.281 | Authorisation to automatically receive emergency video streams | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
[R-] of TS 22.281 | Authorisation to automatically receive imminent peril video streams | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
[R-] of TS 22.281 | List of MCVideo groups for which video can be automatically/mandatorily received | |||||
> MCVideo group IDs | Y | Y | Y | Y | ||
[R-] of TS 22.281 | Authorisation to request to override an active MCVideo transmission | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
[R-] of TS 22.281 | Authorisation to select MCVideo transmissions that can be overridden | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
[R-] of TS 22.281 | Authorisation to allow MCVideo private communications to override or not to override active MCVideo group communications | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
[R-5.2.8-006] of TS 22.281 |
Maximum length of time of a single video transmission | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
[R-6.7.3-007a] of TS 22.280 | List of user(s) from which MCVideo private calls can be received | |||||
> MCVideo ID | Y | Y | Y | Y | ||
> Presentation priority relative to other users and groups | Y | Y | Y | Y | ||
TS 33.180 | > KMSUri for security domain of MCVideo ID | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
[R-5.9a-012] of TS 22.280
[R-5.9a-013] of TS 22.280 |
Authorised to request association between active functional alias(es) and MCVideo ID(s) | Y | Y | Y | ||
Subclause 5.2.9 of TS 23.280 | List of partner MCVideo systems in which this profile is valid for use during migration | |||||
Subclause 5.2.9 of TS 23.280 | > Identity of partner MCVideo system | Y | N | Y | Y | |
Subclause 10.1.1 of TS 23.280 | > Access information for partner MCVideo system (see NOTE 5) | Y | N | Y | Y | |
[R-] and
[R-] of TS 22.280 |
List of groups the client affiliates/de-affiliates when criteria is met | |||||
> MCVideo Group ID | Y | Y | Y | Y | ||
>> Criteria for affiliation (see NOTE 7) | Y | Y | Y | Y | ||
>> Criteria for de-affiliation (see NOTE 7) | Y | Y | Y | Y | ||
>> Manual de-affiliation is not allowed if the criteria for affiliation are met | Y | Y | Y | Y | ||
[R-] of TS 22.280 | List of groups the client affiliates after receiving an emergency alert | |||||
> MCVideo Group ID | Y | Y | Y | Y | ||
>> Manual de-affiliation is not allowed if the criteria for affiliation are met | Y | Y | Y | Y | ||
[R-5.9a-012] of TS 22.280 | Authorised to take over a functional alias from another MCVideo user | N | Y | Y | Y | |
List of functional alias(es) of the MCVideo user | ||||||
[R-5.9a-005] of TS 22.280 | > Functional alias | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
[R-5.9a-018] of TS 22.280 | >> MCVideo server trigger criteria for activation (see NOTE 6) | N | Y | Y | Y | |
[R-5.9a-018] of TS 22.280 |
>> MCVideo server trigger criteria for de-activation (see NOTE 6) | N | Y | Y | Y | |
[R-5.9a-019] of TS 22.280 | >> MCVideo client trigger criteria for activation (see NOTE 6) | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
[R-5.9a-019] of TS 22.280 | >> MCVideo client trigger criteria for de-activation (see NOTE 6) | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
>> Manual de-activation is not allowed if the criteria are met (see NOTE 6) | Y | Y | Y | Y | ||
[R-5.10-001b] of TS 22.280 | Maximum number of successful simultaneous MCVideo service authorizations for this user (see NOTE 8) | N | Y | Y | Y | |
[R-5.9a-020] of TS 22.280 | List of functional aliases to which private calls are allowed when using a certain functional alias | |||||
> Used functional alias | Y | Y | Y | Y | ||
>> List of functional aliases which can be called | ||||||
>>> Functional alias | Y | Y | Y | Y | ||
[R-5.9a-021] of TS 22.280 | List of functional aliases from which private calls can be received when using a certain functional alias | |||||
> Used functional alias | N | Y | Y | Y | ||
>> List of functional aliases from which calls can be received | ||||||
>>> Functional alias | N | Y | Y | Y | ||
Ad hoc group call authorizations | ||||||
[R-] of TS 22.280 | > Authorised to initiate ad hoc group call | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
[R-] of TS 22.280 | > Authorised to participate in ad hoc group call | Y | Y | Y | Y | |
> Authorised to initiate emergency ad hoc group call | Y | Y | Y | Y | ||
> Authorised to initiate imminent peril ad hoc group call | Y | Y | Y | Y | ||
> Authorised to receive the participants information of ad hoc group call | N | Y | Y | Y | ||
> Authorised to modify the list of participants and criteria for an ad hoc group call | Y | Y | Y | Y | ||
> Authorised to release ongoing ad hoc group calls | Y | Y | Y | Y | ||
If this parameter is not configured, authorization to use the group shall be obtained from the identity management server identified in the initial MC service UE configuration data (on-network) configured in Table A.6-1 of TS 23.280.
The use of this parameter by the MCVideo UE is outside the scope of the present document.
The parameter can be set to an unlimited number of simultaneous streams received that can be received.
If this parameter is absent, the KMSUri shall be that identified in the initial MC service UE configuration data (on-network) configured in Table A.6-1 of TS 23.280.
Access information for each partner MCVideo system comprises the list of information required for initial UE configuration to access an MCVideo system, as defined in Table A.6-1 of TS 23.280
The criteria may consist of conditions like the location of the MCVideo user, local time etc.
The criteria may consist of conditions such as the location of the MCVideo user or the active functional alias of the MCVideo user.
If configured, this value has precedence over the system level parameter "maximum number of successful simultaneous service authorisations" in Table A.5-2. If not configured, the corresponding parameter from Table A.5-2 shall be used.
This is the recording admin UE and/or replay UE of a user who is authorized to set this MCVideo user as target for recording and/or authorized to replay this MCVideo user's recordings.
Reference | Parameter description | MCVideo UE | MCVideo Server | Configuration management server | MCVideo user database |
[R-7.6-004] of TS 22.280 |
List of off-network MCVideo groups for use by an MCVideo user | ||||
> MCVideo Group IDs | Y | N | Y | Y | |
> Application plane server identity information of group management server where group is defined | |||||
>> Server URI | Y | N | Y | Y | |
> Application plane server identity information of identity management server which provides authorization for group (see NOTE 1) | |||||
>> Server URI | Y | N | Y | Y | |
TS 33.180 | > KMSUri for security domain of group (see NOTE 3) | Y | N | Y | Y |
> Presentation priority of the group relative to other groups and users (see NOTE 2) | Y | N | Y | Y | |
[R-7.12-003] of TS 22.280 |
Authorization for off-network services | Y | N | Y | Y |
Subclause 7.18.1 | User info id (as specified in TS 23.303) | Y | N | Y | Y |
If this parameter is not configured, authorization to use the group shall be obtained from the identity management server identified in the initial MC service UE configuration data (on-network) configured in Table A.6-1 of TS 23.280.
The use of this parameter by the MCVideo UE is outside the scope of the present document.
If this parameter is absent, the KMSUri shall be that identified in the initial MC service UE configuration data (on-network) configured in Table A.6-1 of TS 23.280.
Reference | Parameter description | MCVideo UE | MCVideo Server | Group management server |
[R-5.12-001] of TS 22.280 | >> Media confidentiality and integrity protection (see NOTE) | Y | Y | Y |
[R-5.12-001] of TS 22.280 | >> Transmission control confidentiality and integrity protection (see NOTE) | Y | Y | Y |
[R-5.12-001] of TS 22.280 | >> Group media protection security material (see NOTE) | Y | N | Y |
[R-] of TS 22.281 | >> List of allowed sets of video codecs and related information in order of preference | |||
[R-] of TS 22.281 | >>> Video codecs | Y | Y | Y |
[R-] of TS 22.281 | >>> List of allowed video resolution | |||
>>>> Video resolutions | Y | Y | Y | |
[R-] of TS 22.281 | >>> List of allowed video frame rates | |||
>>>> Video frame rates | Y | Y | Y | |
[R-] of TS 22.281 | >> Allowed video modes | |||
>>> Urgent real time mode allowed | N | Y | Y | |
>>> Non-urgent real time mode allowed | N | Y | Y | |
>>> Non real time mode allowed | N | Y | Y | |
[R-] of TS 22.281 | >> Active video mode (urgent real time mode, non urgent real time mode, non real time mode) | Y | Y | Y |
[R-] of TS 22.281 | >> Allowed maximum simultaneous MCVideo transmitting group members | N | Y | Y |
Security mechanisms are specified in TS 33.180.
Reference | Parameter description | MCVideo UE | MCVideo Server | Group management server |
[R-6.4.5-003] of TS 22.280 |
>> Authorisation of a user to request a list of affiliated members of a group | Y | Y | Y |
[R-6.2.2-001], [R-], [R-] of TS 22.280 |
>> Priority of the group | N | Y | Y |
[R-] of TS 22.281, [R-5.2.1-001] of TS 22.280 | >> List of group members which are allowed to transmit video (see NOTE) | |||
>>> MCVideo ID | Y | Y | Y | |
This parameter sets the authorization to transmit video in pre-arranged groups used in broadcast calls.
Reference | Parameter description | MCVideo UE | MCVideo Server | Group management server |
Subclause | >> Indication of whether the UE shall use single arbitrator approach or self arbitration approach. | Y | N | Y |
[R-] of TS 22.281 | >> Allowed maximum number of simultaneous transmissions (N9) | Y | Y | Y |
Subclause 7.1.3 | >> Default ProSe Per-Packet priority (as specified in TS 23.303) values | |||
>>> MCVideo group call signalling | Y | N | Y | |
>>> MCVideo group call media | Y | N | Y | |
>>> MCVideo emergency group call signalling | Y | N | Y | |
>>> MCVideo emergency group call media | Y | N | Y | |
>>> MCVideo imminent peril group call signalling | Y | N | Y | |
>>> MCVideo imminent peril group call media | Y | N | Y |
Reference | Parameter description | MCVideo UE | MCVideo Server | Configuration management server |
[R-5.2.2-001] of TS 22.280 | Levels of group hierarchy for group-broadcast groups (Bc1) | Y | Y | Y |
[R-5.2.3-001] of TS 22.280 | Levels of user hierarchy for user-broadcast groups (Bc2) | Y | Y | Y |
[R-5.7-002] of TS 22.280 | Minimum length (Nc3) of an alphanumeric identifier (i.e. alias) assigned by an MCVideo administrator. | Y | N | Y |
Reference | Parameter description | MCVideo UE | MCVideo Server | Configuration management server |
[R-5.12-001] of TS 22.280 | Protect confidentiality of signalling (see NOTE 1) | Y | Y | Y |
[R-5.12-001] of TS 22.280 | Protect integrity of signalling (see NOTE 1) | Y | Y | Y |
[R-5.12-001] of TS 22.280 | Use signalling protection between MCVideo servers (see NOTE 1) | N | Y | Y |
[R-5.12-001] of TS 22.280 | Use transmission control protection between MCVideo servers (see NOTE 1) | N | Y | Y |
[R-5.10-001a] of TS 22.280 | Maximum number of successful simultaneous service authorizations of clients from a user | N | Y | Y |
List of functional alias identities | ||||
[R-5.9a-005] of TS 22.280 | > Functional alias | N | Y | Y |
[R-5.9a-005] of TS 22.280 | >> Limit number of simultaneous activations | N | Y | Y |
[R-5.9a-005] of TS 22.280 | >> This functional alias can be taken over | N | Y | Y |
List of users who can activate this functional alias | ||||
[R-5.9a-005] of TS 22.280 | >>> MCVideo ID | N | Y | Y |
[R-5.9a-016] of TS 22.280 | Communication priority (see NOTE 2) | N | Y | Y |
Ad hoc group call configurations | ||||
[R-] of TS 22.280 | > Support of ad hoc group call (enabled/disabled) (see NOTE 3) | Y | Y | Y |
[R-] of TS 22.280 | > Maximum number of participants allowed to participate in an ad hoc group call | Y | Y | Y |
[R-] of TS 22.280 | >Hang timer for ad hoc group call | N | Y | Y |
> Maximum duration for ad hoc group call | Y | Y | Y | |
> List of preferred video codecs for ad hoc group call | Y | Y | Y | |
Security mechanisms are specified in TS 33.180.
The usage of this parameter by the MCVideo server is up to implementation.
If the support for ad hoc group call is disabled by the MC system then all other configurations related to ad hoc group call are not applicable.
Reference | Parameter description | MCVideo UE | MCVideo Server | Configuration management server |
[R-7.6-001], [R-7.6-002], [R-7.6-003] of TS 22.280 | Default ProSe Per-Packet priority (as specified in TS 23.303) values | |||
> MCVideo private call signalling | Y | N | Y | |
> MCVideo private call media | Y | N | Y | |
> MCVideo Emergency private call signalling | Y | N | Y | |
> MCVideo Emergency private call media | Y | N | Y | |
Subclause | Periodicity interval (in seconds) of Capability announcement (see NOTE) | Y | N | Y |
If the value of the periodicity interval is set to zero, the capability announcement is not sent.