
Content for  TS 23.041  Word version:  18.6.0

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9.3  Parametersp. 55

9.3.1  Message-Identifierp. 55

This parameter identifies source/type of a CBS message and is passed transparently from the CBC to the MS/UE. Its format is defined in clause

9.3.2  Old-Serial-Numberp. 55

This parameter equates to the parameter - Serial Number sent between the BSC/RNC and the MS/UE. Its format is defined in clause
This parameter enables a particular existing CBS message, from the source/type indicated by the message identifier, to be identified.

9.3.3  New-Serial-Numberp. 55

This parameter equates to the parameter - Serial Number sent between the BSC/RNC and the MS/UE. Its format is defined in clause
This parameter enables CBS message change to be indicated since it is altered every time the CBS message is changed. The serial number identifies a particular CBS message, which may be several pages in length, from the source indicated by the message identifier.

9.3.4  Number-of-Pagesp. 55

This parameter enables the number of pages in the CBS message to be indicated.

9.3.5  Cell-Listp. 55

The cell-list identifies a sequence of one or more cells to which the primitives apply.
The following applies for GSM only:
The cells in the list are described in TS 48.008 and can be identified by the CBC or BSC in LAC and CI format or CI format only.
In addition (see TS 48.008) it is possible for the CBC to refer to all cells in a LAC or in a complete BSC. If supplied, the Cell-List parameter must refer to at least one cell.
The following applies for UMTS only:
  1. For CBS the cells are refered to as Service Areas. As described in TS 25.401 a Service Area Identifier (SAI) is used to uniquely identify an area consisting of one or more cells belonging to the same Location Area. Such an area is called a Service Area and can be used for indicating the location of a UE to the CN.
  2. The Service Area Code (SAC) together with the PLMN-Id and the LAC will constitute the Service Area Identifier.
    • SAI = PLMN-Id + LAC + SAC.
  3. The SAC is defined by the operator, and set in the RNC via O&M.
The following applies for E-UTRAN only:
  • The cells in the list are described in TS 36.413.
The following applies for NG-RAN only:
  • The cells in the list are described in TS 38.413.
Up  Cell-List sent from CBC to BSC/RNCp. 56

The CBC to BSC/RNC Cell-List contains a length parameter identifying the number of cell-identifications present in the list, a Cell-Id-Discriminator, which is common for all cell-identifications in the list, and a sequence of cell-identifications.
Description of list elements:
Parameter Presence
The Cell-Id-Discriminator has one of the following formats:
Format Description
LAC and CI in GSM;TS 48.008
CI only;TS 48.008
all cells in the BSC/RNC belonging to a certain Location Area;Example in 3GPP TR 03.49 [6]
all cells in the BSC;Example in 3GPP TR 03.49 [6]
SAI in UMTSTS 25.401
The Cell-identification is repeated for each cell included in the list. The Cell-List must refer to at least one cell.
Up  Cell-List sent from BSC/RNC to CBCp. 56

The BSC/RNC to CBC Cell-List contains a sequence of cell-identifiers as defined in clause 9.3.11. The Cell-List must contain at least one cell-identifier as defined in clause 9.3.11.

9.3.6  Channel Indicatorp. 56

The following applies for GSM only:
This parameter indicates the CB channel, which shall be used for broadcasting the data:
  • basic channel;
  • extended channel (supporting such a channel by the network or MSs is optional);

9.3.7  Categoryp. 57

This indicates the priority of the message:
  • High Priority: to be broadcast at the earliest opportunity.
  • Background: to be broadcast when no CBS messages of category "High Priority" or "Normal" are broadcast. The repetition period defines the minimum broadcast requirement.
  • Normal: to be broadcast according to the associated repetition period.
If the category is omitted, the default category implied is "Normal" message.

9.3.8  Repetition-Periodp. 57

This indicates the period of time after which broadcast of the CBS message should be repeated. The minimum period with which a CBS message consisting of one page may be broadcast over the air interface is a period of 1.883 s in GERAN. The minimum period with which a CBS message may be broadcast over the air interface in UTRAN is a period of 1 s.
The value of "Repetition-Period" shall be in the range 1 to 4095 for GERAN and in the range of 1 to 4096 for UTRAN, where each unit will represent the value of one minimum period.
In the event of a conflict where the BSS/RNS has more than one CBS message to send at the same time, the BSC/RNC shall decide the order of such CBS messages as an implementation matter.

9.3.9  No-of-Broadcasts-Requestedp. 57

This specifies the number of times the CBS message is to be broadcast.
The parameter may take any value up to 65535 (this maximum allows the CBS message to be broadcast approximately every 1.883 s for more than 24 h). If the parameter is set to 0 then the CBS message will be broadcast indefinitely (i.e. until the BSC receives an appropriate Kill-Message Request/Indication primitive).

9.3.10  No-of-Broadcasts-Completed-Listp. 57

This parameter is a list indicating the number of times that the CBS message (i.e. all pages of the CBS message) has been sent to each cell in the Cell-List for broadcast over the air interface.
The cells in the list are described as per clause 9.3.11.
Description of list elements:
Parameter Presence
Cell IdentifierM
The information above is repeated for the number of cells in the list.
To each cell in the list the information element No-of-Broadcasts-completed is associated. This information element is related to the particular referenced cell in the list and contains the number of times a CBS message (i.e. all pages of a CBS message) has been sent to this cell for broadcast. The No-of-Broadcasts-completed information element represents the number of full broadcasts made of a CBS message, and that the CBS message is being (or had been) broadcast.
The optional No-of-Broadcasts-Compl-Info information element may be supplied to indicate to the CBC one of the following cases:
  • overflow;
    the count of the number of full broadcasts made of a CBS message has overflowed, and that the CBS message is being (or had been) broadcast. The actual number of broadcasts completed is greater than the value indicated in the No-of-Broadcasts-completed information element;
  • unknown;
    indicates that there is no information regarding the number of broadcasts completed in the BSC/RNC for the CBS message with the old serial number. The value indicated in the No-of-Broadcasts-completed information element is undefined in this case.
The No-of-Broadcasts-Completed-List must contain at least one cell.

9.3.11  Cell-Identifierp. 58

The cell-identifier consists of a cell-id-discriminator and cell-identification pair.
Description of list elements:
Parameter Presence
The Cell-Id-Discriminator has one of the following formats:
Format Description
LAC and CI in GSMTS 48.008
CI onlyTS 48.008
SAI in UMTSTS 25.401
The BSC can use the 'LAC and CI' format for a cell identifier in any response to the CBC. The BSC may also use the 'CI only' format for a cell identifier when responding to a CBC primitive that had contained a cell with 'CI only' format for a cell identifier. The RNC uses the SAI format for a cell identifier in any response to the CBC.

9.3.12  Schedule-Periodp. 58

The following applies for GSM only:Indicates the DRX schedule period length, see TS 44.012.
The following values should be coded:
  • no DRX;
  • length of the schedule period.
If a schedule period length greater than 40 is used, the schedule message cannot be built entirely if more than 40 CBS messages have to be described in the period. Therefore, schedule period length shall be reduced to 40.

9.3.13  Reserved-Slotsp. 58

The following applies for GSM only:Indicates the number of slots marked as "free slots reading advised" in the schedule message and considered as reserved in a DRX schedule period for incoming high priority CBS messages, not scheduled in the current schedule period, see TS 44.012.
The spacing of the reserved slots is implementation dependent.
Reserved slots shall receive a 40 value at maximum, taking into account the constraint for schedule period length.

9.3.14  Failure-Listp. 59

This identifies the list of cells for which the BSC/RNC could not complete the request. The failure cause for each cell is indicated.
The cells in the list are described as per clause 9.3.11.
Description of list elements:
Parameter Presence
Cell IdentifierM
The information above is repeated for the number of cells that failed.
To each cell in the list the information elements Cause and, as an implementation option, Diagnostic are associated. These are related to the particular referenced cell in the list.
The Failure-List must contain at least one cell.

9.3.15  Radio-Resource-Loading-Listp. 59

A list of the predicted short term load of each cell in the list expressed as a percentage. The calculation of this percentage is an implementation matter. The load should reflect the number of used slots, and schedule messages and reserved slots must be taken into account. The cells in the list are described as per clause 9.3.11.
Description of list elements:
Parameter Presence
Cell IdentifierM
The information above is repeated for the number of cells in the list.
To each cell in the list the information element Radio-Resource-Loading is associated. This information element is related to the particular referenced cell in the list and contains the cells load.
Note that for cells with DRX the load caused by the schedule messages will be included in the Radio-Resource load.
The Radio-Resource-Loading-List must contain at least one cell.

9.3.16  Causep. 60

Indicates reason why the BSC/RNC was not able to interpret or execute the received primitive. The causes are given in Table 1.
Cause Reason
Parameter-not-recognizedSent when the recipient (CBC or BSC/RNC) was unable to act upon the primitive received due to an unrecognized parameter. A primitive should not be rejected only because a parameter is not recognized as this would prevent extensions to the service
parameter-value-invalid Sent when a failure occurred due to the value of a parameter being invalid, e.g. out of range, or in Write-Replace, the parameter "no of pages" does not equal the number of pages received
valid-CBS-message-not-identifiedSent when the BSC/RNC does not recognize the CBS message reference
cell-identity-not-validSent when the BSC/RNC does not recognize a cell Identity
unrecognized-primitiveSent when the BSC/RNC did not recognize the primitive at all
missing-mandatory-elementSent when a mandatory element is missing from the primitive
bss-capacity-exceededSent when a write-replace fails because the BSC/RNC cannot meet the requested repetition period or when the set-drx parameters cannot be applied because of the cell loading
GSM only [cell-memory-exceededSent when the local cell memory has been exceeded]
bss-memory-exceededSent when the BSS/RNS is unable to store a CBS message as the BSS/RNS memory has been exceeded
cell-broadcast-not-supportedSent when the CBCH/CBS related Radio Resource is not configured for a cell
cell-broadcast-not-operationalSent when the CBCH/CBS related radio resource is not available because of error conditions or due to maintenance activities
incompatible-DRX-parameterSent when the DRX parameter(s) cannot be applied.
GSM only [Extended-channel-not-supportedSent when a write-replace fails because the extended channel is not configured for a cell]
message-reference already-usedSent when the recipient (BSC/RNC) was unable to act upon the write_replace received due to a previous write_replace received with the same message_reference.
unspecified-errorSent when none of the above cause values apply

9.3.17  Diagnosticp. 60

Provides additional information associated with Cause parameter and may contain parameter which could not be interpreted/executed.

9.3.18  Data Coding Schemep. 60

This parameter identifies the alphabet or coding employed for the message characters and message handling at the MS/UE and is passed transparently from the CBC to the MS/UE. This parameter is defined in TS 23.038.

9.3.19  CBS-Message-Information-Page np. 60

This parameter is of a fixed length of 82 octets and carries up to and including 82 octets of user information. Where the user information is less than 82 octets, the remaining octets must be filled with padding (see TS 23.038).
The content of a CBS-Message-Information-Page is passed transparently from the CBC to the MS/UE.
In GSM the CBS-Message-Information-Page n becomes the 'Content of Message' parameter at the MS.
In UMTS and E-UTRAN, the CBS-Message-Information-Pages together with the associated CBS-Message-Information-Length parameter are broadcasted as a single unit over the radio inteface, and are part of 'CB Data' parameter at the UE.
In the case where the user information is GSM 7 bit default alphabet encoded, the appropriate padding characters and bit-fill are added to the end of the user information to complete the CBC-Message-Information-Page (see TS 23.038).
In the case where the user information is 8 bit encoded, the appropriate padding octets are added to the end of the user information to complete the CBC-Message-Information-Page (see TS 23.038).

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