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7  General message format and information elements codingp. 19

This clause describes a coding method for geographical area descriptions. A geographical area description is coded as a finite bit string. In the Figures, the bit string is described by octets from top downward and in the octet from left to right. Number encoding strings start with the most significant bit.

7.1  Overviewp. 19

A bit string encoding a geographical description shall consist of the following parts:
  • Type of Shape;
  • Shape Description.
Such a bit string is usually part of an information element. The structure of the information element (e.g., element identifier, length) depends on the protocol in which the message containing the description is defined and is specified in the protocol specification.
This organisation is illustrated in the example shown in Figure 4.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.032, Fig. 4: Example

7.2  Type of Shapep. 19

The Type of Shape information field identifies the type which is being coded in the Shape Description. The Type of Shape is coded as shown in Table 2a.
4 3 2 1
0 0 0 0Ellipsoid Point
0 0 0 1Ellipsoid point with uncertainty Circle
0 0 1 1Ellipsoid point with uncertainty Ellipse
0 1 0 1Polygon
1 0 0 0Ellipsoid point with altitude
1 0 0 1Ellipsoid point with altitude and uncertainty Ellipsoid
1 0 1 0Ellipsoid Arc
1 0 1 1High Accuracy Ellipsoid point with uncertainty ellipse
1 1 0 0High Accuracy Ellipsoid point with altitude and uncertainty ellipsoid
1 1 0 1High Accuracy Ellipsoid point with scalable uncertainty ellipse
1 1 1 0High Accuracy Ellipsoid point with altitude and scalable uncertainty ellipsoid
other valuesreserved for future use

7.3  Shape descriptionp. 20

The shape description consist of different elements.

7.3.1  Ellipsoid Pointp. 20

The coding of a point is described in Figure 5.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.032, Fig. 5: Shape description of a point
S: Sign of latitude
Bit value 0: North
Bit value 1: South
Degrees of latitude
Bit 1 of octet 4 is the low order bit
Degrees of longitude
Bit 1 of octet 7 is the low order bit

7.3.2  Ellipsoid Point with uncertainty Circlep. 21

Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.032, Fig. 6: Shape description of an ellipsoid point with uncertainty circle

7.3.3  Ellipsoid Point with uncertainty Ellipsep. 22

Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.032, Fig. 6a: Shape description of an ellipsoid point with uncertainty ellipse
Orientation of major axis
angle in degrees between the major axis and north
(0 = north, 90 = east, values of 180 and above are not used)

7.3.3a  High Accuracy Ellipsoid point with uncertainty ellipsep. 23

Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.032, Fig. 7.3.3a-1: Shape description of a high accuracy ellipsoid point with uncertainty ellipse
High Accuracy Degrees of Latitude:
Bit 8 of octet 2 is the high order bit.
Bit 1 of octet 5 is the low order bit.
High Accuracy Degrees of Longitude:
Bit 8 of octet 6 is the high order bit.
Bit 1 of octet 9 is the low order bit.
Orientation of major axis:
angle in degrees between the major axis and north
(0 = north, 90 = east, values of 180 and above are not used).

7.3.3b  High Accuracy Ellipsoid point with scalable uncertainty ellipsep. 24

Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.032, Fig. 7.3.3b-1: Shape description of a high accuracy ellipsoid point with uncertainty ellipse
High Accuracy Degrees of Latitude:
Bit 8 of octet 2 is the high order bit.
Bit 1 of octet 5 is the low order bit.
High Accuracy Degrees of Longitude:
Bit 8 of octet 6 is the high order bit.
Bit 1 of octet 9 is the low order bit.
Orientation of major axis:
angle in degrees between the major axis and north
(0 = north, 90 = east, values of 180 and above are not used).
U: Uncertainty Range
Bit value 0
High Accuracy default uncertainty range used.
Bit value 1
High Accuracy Extended Uncertainty Range used.

7.3.4  Polygonp. 25

Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.032, Fig. 7: Shape description of a polygon
The number of points field encodes in binary on 4 bits the number n of points in the description and ranges from 3 to 15.

7.3.5  Ellipsoid Point with Altitudep. 26

The coding of an ellipsoid point with altitude is described in Figure 8.
Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.032, Fig. 8: Shape description of an ellipsoid point with altitude
D: Direction of Altitude
Bit value 0
Altitude expresses height
Bit value 1
Altitude expresses depth
Bit 1 of octet 9 is the low order bit

7.3.6  Ellipsoid Point with altitude and uncertainty ellipsoidp. 27

Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.032, Fig. 9: Shape description of an ellipsoid point with altitude and uncertainty ellipsoid

7.3.6a  High Accuracy Ellipsoid point with altitude and uncertainty ellipsoidp. 28

Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.032, Fig. 7.3.6a-1: Shape description of an High Accuracy Ellipsoid point with altitude and uncertainty ellipsoid
High Accuracy Degrees of Latitude:
Bit 8 of octet 2 is the high order bit.
Bit 1 of octet 5 is the low order bit.
High Accuracy Degrees of Longitude:
Bit 8 of octet 6 is the high order bit.
Bit 1 of octet 9 is the low order bit.
High Accuracy Altitude:
Bit 6 of octet 10 is the high order bit.
Bit 1 of octet 12 is the low order bit.
Orientation of major axis:
angle in degrees between the major axis and north
(0 = north, 90 = east, values of 180 and above are not used).

7.3.6b  High Accuracy Ellipsoid point with altitude and scalable uncertainty ellipsoidp. 29

Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.032, Fig. 7.3.6b-1: Shape description of a High Accuracy Ellipsoid point with altitude and uncertainty ellipsoid
High Accuracy Degrees of Latitude:
Bit 8 of octet 2 is the high order bit.
Bit 1 of octet 5 is the low order bit.
High Accuracy Degrees of Longitude:
Bit 8 of octet 6 is the high order bit.
Bit 1 of octet 9 is the low order bit.
High Accuracy Altitude:
Bit 6 of octet 10 is the high order bit.
Bit 1 of octet 12 is the low order bit.
Orientation of major axis:
angle in degrees between the major axis and north
(0 = north, 90 = east, values of 180 and above are not used).
HU: Horizontal Uncertainty Range
Bit value 0
High Accuracy default uncertainty range used.
Bit value 1
High Accuracy Extended Uncertainty Range used.
VU: Vertical Uncertainty Range
Bit value 0
High Accuracy default uncertainty range used.
Bit value 1
High Accuracy Extended Uncertainty Range used.

7.3.7  Ellipsoid Arcp. 30

Reproduction of 3GPP TS 23.032, Fig. 10: Shape description of an Ellipsoid arc
Inner radius:
Bit 8 of octet 8 is the high order bit.
Bit 1 of octet 9 is the low order bit.

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