
Content for  TS 23.007  Word version:  19.1.0

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11  Restoration of data in the SGSNp. 29

11.0  SGSN Failure |R8|p. 29

11.0.1  Gn/Gp SGSN failurep. 29

When an SGSN fails, it deletes all MM and PDP contexts affected by the failure. SGSN storage of subscriber data is volatile. Based on configuration data, the SGSN may send a Reset message to each of its associated VLRs. If a Reset message is sent, the VLR may mark all associations containing the restarted SGSN as unreliable. See TS 29.018. In the case of optional CAMEL interaction the failing SGSN shall invoke the CAMEL-GPRS-Exception procedure towards the GSM-SCFs.
If data or signalling, except GPRS attach and RA update, is received in an SGSN from an MS for which no MM context exists in the SGSN, the SGSN shall discard the data or signalling.
If an RA update request is received in an SGSN from an MS for which no MM context exists in the SGSN, or in the old SGSN for the inter-SGSN RA update case, the SGSN shall reject the RA update with an appropriate cause. In order to remain GPRS-attached, the MS shall then perform a new GPRS attach and should (re-)activate PDP contexts.
If a service request is received in a 3G-SGSN from an MS for which no MM context exists in the 3G-SGSN, the 3G-SGSN shall reject the service request with an appropriate cause. In order to remain GPRS-attached, the MS shall then perform a new GPRS attach and should (re-) activate PDP contexts.
When the SGSN receives a PDU Notification Request message for which no MM context exists, the SGSN returns a PDU Notification Response message to the GGSN with an appropriate cause (see clause "Unsuccessful Network-Requested PDP Context Activation Procedure" in TS 23.060), and the SGSN may search the MS by paging with the IMSI in the SGSN area. An MS that is paged for PS services with IMSI as the identifier shall perform a new GPRS attach and should (re-)activate PDP contexts.
When the SGSN receives a GTP-U PDU from the GGSN for which no PDP context exists, it shall discard the GTP-U PDU and send a GTP error indication to the originating GGSN.
When the SGSN receives a GTP-U PDU from the RNC for which no PDP context exists, the SGSN shall discard the GTP-U PDU and send a GTP error indication to the originating RNC.
When the SGSN receives a mobile-terminated SM from the SMS-GMSC for an IMSI unknown in the SGSN, it rejects the request.
When the SGSN receives a paging request over the Gs interface for an IMSI unknown in the SGSN and the SGSN has not completed recovery, the SGSN may page the MS for packet services with IMSI as identifier in the area specified by the location information provided by the MSC/VLR. If no such location information is provided, the SGSN may page the MS in the routeing areas corresponding to that MSC/VLR. After the MS performs a combined GPRS attach, the SGSN may continue serving the Gs interface paging request.

11.0.2  SGSN Failure using S4p. 30

When the SGSN receives a GTP-U PDU from the Serving GW for which no Bearer context exists, it shall discard the GTP-U PDU and send a GTP error indication to the originating Serving GW.
When the SGSN receives a GTP-U PDU from the MBMS GW for which no MBMS Point to Point Bearer context exists, it shall discard the GTP-U PDU and send a GTP Error Indication to the originating MBMS GW.
An S4-SGSN and an SGW supporting the optional network triggered service restoration procedure shall behave as specified in clause 25.
When the S4-SGSN which does not support the optional network triggered service restoration procedure as specified in clause 25 receives a Downlink Data Notification message for which no MM context exists, the S4-SGSN returns a Downlink Data Notification Acknowledge message to the Serving GW with an appropriate cause. The Serving GW shall delete the related Bearer context related to S4-SGSN; and if there is no ISR associated MME recorded on the related Bearer context the Serving GW shall also notify the PDN GW to delete the Bearer context.

11.1  Restart of the SGSNp. 30

After an SGSN restart, the SGSN deletes all MM, PDP, MBMS UE, and MBMS Bearer contexts affected by the restart.
When the GGSN detects a restart in an SGSN (see clause 18 "GTP-C based restart procedures") with which it has PDP context(s) activated and/or MBMS UE context(s), it shall delete all these PDP context(s) and/or MBMS UE context(s). When the GGSN detects a restart in an SGSN with which it has any MBMS Bearer context, it shall not delete the MBMS bearer context unless all SGSNs connected to the GGSN restart.
When the MBMS GW detects a restart in an SGSN (see clause 18 "GTP-C based restart procedures") with which it has at least one MBMS Bearer context, the MBMS GW should re-establish the active MBMS bearer services affected by the SGSN restart by initiating MBMS Session Start procedure(s) towards the restarted SGSN (or an alternative SGSN in the same SGSN pool). The MBMS GW shall encode the contents of the MBMS Session Start Request with the same contents as in the original MBMS Session Start Request (or as per the last MBMS Session Update Request received from the BM-SC if the original parameters were updated) with the following exceptions:
  • the MBMS GW shall set the "MBMS session re-establishment indication" flag to signal that this message is used to re-establish an MBMS session;
  • the MBMS GW may change the relative start time ("time to MBMS data transfer" parameter) to fasten the restoration of the MBMS service in UTRAN;
  • the MBMS GW should set the estimated session duration to a value corresponding to the remaining duration of the session.
The MBMS GW shall not delete the MBMS Bearer context unless all SGSNs/MMEs serving the MBMS bearer service and connected to the MBMS GW have restarted and the MBMS-GW does not support re-establishing MBMS bearer services after an SGSN restart.

11.2  Restoration Proceduresp. 31

11.2.1  Mobile terminated user data transmissionp. 31

When a Gn-SGSN receives a tunnel PDU for which no PDP context or MBMS Bearer Context exists it discards the tunnel PDU and sends an Error indication message to the originating GGSN.
An S4-SGSN and an SGW supporting the optional network triggered service restoration procedure shall behave as specified in clause 25.

11.2.2  Mobile terminated services requested by the MSC/VLRp. 31

When the SGSN receives a request for CS paging from an MSC/VLR for an IMSI unknown by the SGSN, if the "SGSN-Reset" indicator is set to "true", the SGSN sends the paging request with the location information provided by the VLR. If no such location information is provided, the SGSN should page for the MS in all the routeing areas corresponding to that SGSN.
If the "SGSN-Reset" indicator is set to "false" and the IMSI is unknown or the MS is marked as GPRS or non-GPRS detached by the SGSN, the paging request is rejected.
If the "SGSN-Reset" indicator is set to "false" and the IMSI is known and the MS is marked as GPRS and is non-GPRS attached by the SGSN, the paging request shall be sent to the MS.

11.2.3  Mobile terminated SMS over GPRSp. 31

Send Routing Information for MT SMS (SMS-GMSC -> HLR):
The HLR returns the SGSN number as for normal operation.
Send Information for MT SMS:
  • When the SGSN receives a mobile terminated SMS for an unknown MM context for the MS, or if the SGSN indicator "Subscriber Data Confirmed by HLR" is marked "Not Confirmed" it rejects the SMS request and returns a failure report with cause value "Unidentified Subscriber" to the SMS gateway MSC indicating unsuccessful delivery of the SMS. The Gateway MSC sends a "Report SM Delivery Status" request, with a cause of "Absent Subscriber", to the HLR. This causes the HLR to set the "Mobile Station Not Reachable for GPRS Flag" for the MS, as described in the Technical SpecificationsTS 23.040 and TS 29.002.
  • If the SGSN has the indicator "Subscriber Data Confirmed by HLR" set to "Confirmed", the SGSN handles the SMS request in the normal way.
The state of the indicator "Location Information Confirmed in HLR" does not affect the Mobile Terminated SMS procedure.

11.2.4  Mobile originated Routeing Area Updating or Attachp. 32

For attach, where the MS is unknown in the SGSN (i.e. the SGSN has no MM context for the MS) the SGSN creates an MM context for the MS and sets the indicators "Location Information Confirmed in HLR", "Subscriber Data Confirmed by HLR", "Location Information Confirmed by CSS" and "Subscriber Data Confirmed by CSS" to "Not Confirmed". If authentication is required, the SGSN retrieves authentication data. The SGSN then performs an "Update GPRS Location" to the HLR. If this is successful, the SGSN sets the indicators "Location Information Confirmed in HLR" and "Subscriber Data Confirmed by HLR" to "Confirmed". If the VPLMN supports Autonomous CSG Roaming and the HPLMN has enabled Autonomous CSG Roaming in the VPLMN, the SGSN may perform an "Update VCSG Location" to the CSS if the requested cell is a CSG/hybrid cell. If this is successful, the SGSN sets the indicators "Location Information Confirmed by CSS" and "Subscriber Data Confirmed by CSS" if the CSS has the valid CSG subscription data to "Confirmed".
For routing area update, where the MS is unknown in the SGSN (i.e. the SGSN has no MM context for the MS) or for inter-SGSN routing area update, where the MS is unkown in the old SGSN, the SGSN shall reject the RA update with an appropriate cause. In order to remain GPRS-attached, the MS shall then perform a new GPRS attach and should (re-)activate its PDP contexts.
If the SGSN has an MM context for the MS, and the indicators "Location Information Confirmed in HLR" or "Subscriber Data Confirmed by HLR" is set to "Not Confirmed" the SGSN performs an "Update GPRS Location" to the HLR. If this is successful, the SGSN sets the indicators "Location Information Confirmed in HLR" and "Subscriber Data Confirmed by HLR" to "Confirmed". If the indicators "Location Information Confirmed by CSS" or "Subscriber Data Confirmed by CSS" if the CSS has the valid CSG subscription data is set to "Not Confirmed", and the VPLMN supports Autonomous CSG Roaming and the HPLMN has enabled Autonomous CSG Roaming in the VPLMN, the SGSN may perform an "Update VCSG Location" to the CSS if the requested cell is a CSG/hybrid cell. If this is successful, the SGSN sets the indicators "Location Information Confirmed by CSS" and "Subscriber Data Confirmed by CSS" if the CSS has the valid CSG subscription data to "Confirmed".
If the SGSN has an MM context for the MS with the indicator "Subscriber Data Confirmed by HLR" marked "Confirmed" the originated transmission is handled in the normal way.
The SGSN retrieves subscriber data from the HLR by sending an "Update GPRS Location" request, which triggers one or more "Insert Subscriber Data" operations from the HLR.
The SGSN retrieves CSG subscriber data from the CSS by sending an "Update VCSG Location" request, which triggers one or more "Insert Subscriber Data" operations from the CSS if the CSS has the valid CSG subscription data.

11.2.5  Mobile originated LLC framep. 32

If an SGSN receives an LLC frame for which no MM context exists in the SGSN, and if the LLC frame does not contain an Attach Request or a Routeing Area Update Request signalling message, then the LLC frame shall be discarded. The MS may determine that the network is not responding and attempt to re-attach or eventually a periodic Routing Area Update message is sent by the MS which initiates the attach procedures.

11.2.6  Mobile originated Service Request |R11|p. 32

For service request, where the MS is unknown in the SGSN (i.e. the SGSN has no MM context for the MS), the SGSN shall reject the service request with an appropriate cause. In order to remain GPRS-attached, the MS shall then perform a new GPRS attach and should (re-)activate its PDP contexts.
If the SGSN has an MM context for the MS, and the indicators "Location Information Confirmed by CSS" or "Subscriber Data Confirmed by CSS" if the CSS has the valid CSG subscription data is set to "Not Confirmed", and the VPLMN supports Autonomous CSG Roaming and the HPLMN has enabled Autonomous CSG Roaming in the VPLMN, the SGSN may perform an "Update VCSG Location" to the CSS if the requested cell is a CSG/hybrid cell. If this is successful, the SGSN sets the indicators "Location Information Confirmed by CSS" and "Subscriber Data Confirmed by CSS" if the CSS has the valid CSG subscription data to "Confirmed".
The SGSN retrieves CSG subscriber data from the CSS by sending an "Update VCSG Location" request, which triggers one or more "Insert Subscriber Data" operations from the CSS if the CSS has the valid CSG subscription data.

11.3  Use of TLLIp. 33

After the SGSN has restarted but before the next authenticated radio contact the P-TMSI and TLLI known by the MS are invalid, as the P-TMSI was allocated before the SGSN restarted. The SGSN may request the MS to identify itself with the IMSI in order to make a relationship between the IMSI and the received old TLLI. The SGSN shall allocate a new P-TMSI for that MS.
If an MS identifies itself by a TLLI in an MS originating transmission, the SGSN proceeds as follows:
  1. The SGSN checks the routing area identity (RAI) of the previous routing area sent by the MS. If this previous RAI belongs to a different SGSN, the request is handled in the normal way.
  2. If the previous RAI belongs to the current SGSN, the status of the TLLI is checked.
    • If the P-TMSI derived from the TLLI was allocated after the SGSN restarted, and corresponds to a valid IMSI record, then the request is handled in the normal way.
    • If the P-TMSI derived from the TLLI was allocated before the SGSN restarted, or does not correspond to a valid IMSI record, then the SGSN requests the IMSI from the MS. If the MS returns an IMSI the SGSN proceeds in the normal way. If the MS does not return an IMSI the network aborts the originating transmission request or location registration procedure.

11.4  VLR associationsp. 33

All associations with VLRs affected by the restart of an SGSN are marked as unreliable and may be deleted. Based on configuration data, Reset messages may be sent on the Gs-interface to the VLRs served by the SGSN. If Reset messages are sent, the VLRs may mark all associations with the SGSN as unreliable by setting the restoration indicator "Confirmed by radio contact" to "Not Confirmed" for the MSs served by that SGSN. See TS 29.018. The associations will be re-initiated one by one by the SGSN at the next Routing Area update, or combined RA/LA update from each MS.

11.5  Restart of a peer node |R11|p. 33

11.5.1  SGW failurep. 33

When an SGSN detects that a peer SGW has failed with or without restart (relying on restart counter as specified in clause 18 "GTP-C based restart procedures" or implementation e.g. preconfigured path failure timer) it shall either:
  • as a default delete all PDN connection table data/MM bearer contexts associated with the peer node that has failed as well as freeing any internal SGSN resources associated with those PDN connections. The SGSN may optionally perform other implementation specific actions such as to clear external resources (e.g. Iu messages to clear UTRAN resources) or more advanced forms of restoration;
  • follow the procedures specified in clause 27 to restore the PDN connections affected by the SGW failure, if the SGSN and the PGW support these procedures.

11.5.2  MBMS-GW failure |R12|p. 33

The behaviour of an SGSN when it detects that a peer MBMS GW has restarted is described in clause 17A.1.

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