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E (Normative)  Procedure for sub-domain allocation |R6|p. 152

When a 3GPP member company identifies the need for a new sub-domain name of "", that 3GPP member company shall propose a CR to this specification at the earliest available meeting of the responsible working group for this TS. The CR shall propose a new sub-domain name. The new sub-domain proposed shall be formatted in one of the formats as described in the following table.
Sub-domain Format Intended Usage
<service_id>.mnc<MNC>.mcc<MCC> (see notes 1 and 2) Domain name that is to be resolvable by network nodes only. This format inherently adds protection to the identified node, in that attempted DNS resolutions instigated directly from end user equipment will fail indefinitely.
<service_id>.mnc<MNC>.mcc<MCC> (see notes 1 and 2) Domain name that is to be resolvable by UEs and/or network nodes. This format inherently adds global resolution capability, but at the expense of confidentiality of network topology.
<service_id>.mnc<MNC>.mcc<MCC> (see notes 1 and 2) Domain name for UNI interface that is to be resolvable by UEs that are connected to an inter-PLMN IP network that has no connectivity to the Internet.
This format inherently adds resolution capability for UEs in closed IP networks e.g. IPX.
<service_id>.mcc<MCC> (see notes 1 and 2) Domain name in the visited country that is to be resolvable by UEs and/or network nodes, which is not specific to an individual operator.
<service_id>.nid<NID>.mnc<MNC>.mcc<MCC> (see notes 1 and 3) Domain name of a Stand-alone non-public network that is to be resolvable by network nodes only. This format inherently adds protection to the identified node, in that attempted DNS resolutions instigated directly from end user equipment will fail indefinitely.
Care should be taken when choosing which format a domain name should use. Once a format has been chosen, the responsible working group shall then check the CR and either endorse it or reject it. If the CR is endorsed, then the responsible working group shall send an LS to the GSMA NG with TSG-CT in copy. The LS shall describe the following key points:
  • the context
  • the service
  • intended use
  • involved actors
  • proposed new sub-domain name
GSMA NG will then verify the consistence of the proposal and its usage within the domain's structure and interworking rules (e.g. access to the GRX/IPX Root DNS servers). GSMA NG will then endorse or reject the proposal and inform the responsible working group (in 3GPP) and also TSG CT. It is possible that GSMA NG will also specify, changes to the newly proposed sub-domain name (e.g. due to requested sub-domain name already allocated).
It should be noted that services already defined to use the ".gprs" domain name will continue to do so and shall not use the new domain name of ""; this is to avoid destabilising services that are already live.

$  Change historyp. 154

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