
Content for  TS 46.010  Word version:  18.0.0

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3  Functional description of the RPE-LTP codecp. 13

4  Codec homingp. 25

5  Computational details of the RPE-LTP codecp. 27

5.1  Data representation and arithmetic operationsp. 27

5.2  Fixed point implementation of the RPE-LTP coderp. 29

5.3  Fixed point implementation of the RPE-LTP decoderp. 39

5.4  Tables used in the fixed point implementation of the RPE-LTP coder and decoderp. 42

6  Digital test sequencesp. 43

A  Codec performancep. 53

B  Test sequence disksp. 62

$  Change Historyp. 63

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