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TS 38.509
5G System —
Special Conformance Testing Functions for UE

V17.5.0 (PDF)  2024/03  75 p.
V16.6.0  2023/03  67 p.
V15.13.0  2022/06  40 p.
Mr. Thiruvathirai, Ramakrishnan

full Table of Contents for  TS 38.509  Word version:  17.5.0

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1  Scopep. 7

The present document defines for User Equipment (UE) those special functions and their activation/deactivation methods that are required in the UE for conformance testing purposes when the UE is connected to the 5G System (5GS) via its radio interface(s).
The document also describes the operation of these special functions when the 5GS capable UEs are connected via a non-5GS system e.g. E-UTRA FDD or TDD system.
Depending on the 5GS system's architecture some relevant for the UE for conformance testing special functions may be defined in TS 36.509.

2  Referencesp. 7

3  Definitions, symbols and abbreviationsp. 8

4  UE special conformance test functions overviewp. 9

5  UE special conformance test functions operationp. 10

5.1  Generalp. 10

5.2  Activation and deactivation of 5GS test mode bearers (UE test mode procedures)p. 11

5.3  Test loop functionsp. 12

5.4  UE Beamlock test Function (UBF)p. 37

5.5  UE SS-RSRPB per receiver branch reportingp. 39

5.6  UE Positioning test mode proceduresp. 41

5.7  NSSAI delete test functionp. 43

5.7.1  Generalp. 43

5.8  Set UAI test functionp. 44

5.9  NR Sidelink Packet Counter reporting procedurep. 45

5.10  Set UL Message test functionp. 47

5.10.1  Generalp. 47

5.11  UE Power Limit Function (UPLF)p. 47

5.12  MBMS Packet Counter reporting procedurep. 49

5.13  Set MUSIM UAI test functionp. 49

6  Test Mode Control message definitionsp. 50

6.1  Generalp. 50

6.2  Test mode messagesp. 51

6.3  Test loop messagesp. 51

6.4  Beamlock messagesp. 53

6.5  UE SS-RSRP per receiver branch reporting messagesp. 54

6.6  UE Positioning messagesp. 55

6.7  NSSAI delete messagesp. 56


6.9  NR SIDELINK PACKET COUNTER reporting messagesp. 59

6.10  SET UL MESSAGEp. 61

6.11  Power Limit messagesp. 61

6.12  UE TEST LOOP MODE C MBMS PACKET COUNTER reporting messagesp. 63


7  Variables, constants and timersp. 66

8  Electrical Man Machine Interface (EMMI)p. 67

A (Normative)  Pre-defined message containers used for testingp. 68

$  Change historyp. 72

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