
Content for  TR 36.881  Word version:  14.0.0

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2  Referencesp. 6

3  Definitions, symbols and abbreviationsp. 7

4  Study Objectivesp. 8

5  Overview of LTE latencyp. 8

6  Scenarios, Applications and Use Casesp. 14

7  Evaluation Structure and Assumptionsp. 15

8  Solutions for latency reductionp. 15

9  Performance Evaluationp. 20

9.1  Protocol evaluations on TTI reduction and Fast ULp. 20

9.1.1  Simulation 1: TCP slow-start behavior for FTP file download based on reduced TTI and reduced SR periodicity [4]p. 21

9.1.2  Simulation 2: Capacity and throughput gain with 0.5ms TTI [5]p. 24

9.1.3  Simulation 3: Throughput and packet download time with reduced latency in LTE [3]p. 26

9.1.4  Simulation 4: Latency evaluation results for TTI reduction and Fast UL [6]p. 27

9.1.5  Simulation 5: System Performance with TTI shortening [6]p. 34

9.1.6  Simulation 6: Evaluation results for TTI reduction [6]p. 44

9.1.7  Simulation 7: Performance evaluation of latency reduction enhancements [6]p. 46

9.1.8  Simulation 8: TTI reduction gain with additional L1/L2 overhead [6]p. 52

9.1.9  Simulation 9: Effect of UE and eNB processing times on TCP performance [6]p. 54

9.1.10  Simulation 10: System Performance Gain with TTI reduction [6]p. 58

9.1.11  Simulation 11: TTI reduction gain with additional L2 overhead [9]p. 60

9.1.12  Simulation 12: TTI reduction gain with additional L2 overhead [10]p. 61

9.2  Protocol evaluations on Contention based PUSCH transmissionp. 64

9.3  Handover latency [11]p. 74

9.4  Findings from system evaluations on TTI reduction and reduced processing timep. 74

9.5  Findings from link evaluations on TTI reduction and reduced processing timep. 76

9.5.1  sPDSCHp. 76

9.5.2  sPDCCHp. 76

9.5.3  sPUSCHp. 77

9.5.4  sPUCCHp. 77

10  Conclusionp. 77

A  Simulation assumptionsp. 79

B  System evaluation resultsp. 98

C  Link-level evaluation resultsp. 98

$  Change Historyp. 98

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