
Content for  TR 36.878  Word version:  13.0.0

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2  Referencesp. 6

3  Definitions, symbols and abbreviationsp. 6

4  Introductionp. 8

5  RRM and demodulation requirements enhancements under existing high speed scenariop. 9

6  RRM and demodulation requirements enhancements under identified high speed scenariosp. 32

6.1  Generalp. 32

6.2  Identified Scenariosp. 32

6.3  RRM requirements enhancements under identified high speed scenariosp. 38

6.4  Downlink performance enhancements under identified high speed scenariosp. 53

6.5  Uplink performance enhancements under identified high speed scenariosp. 78

7  Conclusionsp. 88

A  Mobility in Unidirectional SFN Deploymentp. 89

$  Change Historyp. 91

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