
Content for  TR 36.826  Word version:  11.3.0

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2  Referencesp. 8

3  Definitions, symbols and abbreviationsp. 8

4  General assumptionsp. 9

5  Methodologyp. 10

6  System scenariosp. 10

6.1  Coexistence simulation casesp. 11

6.2  System layoutp. 14

6.3  Cell selectionp. 18

6.4  Antenna patterns and directionsp. 18

6.5  Propagation Models and MCLp. 19

6.6  Power controlp. 22

6.7  Interferencep. 24

6.7.1  Downlinkp. 25

6.7.2  Uplinkp. 25

6.8  Traffic assumptionsp. 26

6.9  Performance measuresp. 30

7  Resultsp. 32

8  Backhaul link requirementsp. 37

8.1  Transmitterp. 37

8.2  Receiverp. 40

8.3  Performancep. 44

8.4  RRM aspectsp. 47

9  Access link requirementsp. 47

9.1  Transmitterp. 47

9.2  Receiverp. 51

9.3  Performancep. 53

9.4  RRM aspectsp. 54

10  Conformance test aspectsp. 55

10.1  Performance requirements for access link requirementsp. 55

10.2  Demodulation of R-PDCCHp. 56

10.2.1  FDDp. 56

10.2.2  TDDp. 66

A  Propagation models for relay demodulation requirementsp. 77

B  Reference Measurement Channelp. 81

C  Physical Channel Set-up for conformance testsp. 84

$  Change historyp. 86

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