
Content for  TR 36.814  Word version:  9.2.0

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2  Referencesp. 7

3  Definitions, symbols and abbreviationsp. 7

4  Introductionp. 8

5  Support of wider bandwidthp. 8

6  Uplink transmission schemep. 10

7  Downlink transmission schemep. 12

8  Coordinated multiple point transmission and receptionp. 15

9  Relaying functionalityp. 19

9A  Heterogeneous deploymentsp. 22

10  Evaluation of techniques for Advanced E-UTRAp. 23

A  Simulation modelp. 58

A.1  Link simulation scenariosp. 58

A.2  System simulation scenariosp. 58

A.3  Evaluation assumptions for IMT-Ap. 88

A.4  Detailed simulation resultsp. 91

B  Channel models (Informative)p. 92

$  Change Historyp. 105

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