
Content for  TR 36.786  Word version:  14.0.0

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2  Referencesp. 7

3  Definitions, symbols and abbreviationsp. 7

4  Backgroundp. 8

5  Common issues for V2V/V2X servicesp. 17

6  Deployment and co-existence studiesp. 29

7  Transmitter characteristicsp. 33

7.1  Multi-carrier operationp. 33

7.2  High power single-carrier operationp. 42

8  Receiver characteristicsp. 45

9  Other specification impacts (if applicable)p. 55

10  Performance requirementsp. 57

A  MPR simulation resultsp. 58

B  A-MPR simulation resultsp. 62

$  Change Historyp. 70

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