
Content for  TS 36.108  Word version:  18.6.0

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3  Definitions, symbols and abbreviationsp. 10

4  Generalp. 15

5  Operating bands and channel arrangementp. 18

6  Conducted transmitter characteristicsp. 23

6.1  Generalp. 23

6.2  Satellite Access Node output powerp. 23

6.3  Output power dynamicsp. 23

6.4  Transmit ON/OFF powerp. 23

6.5  Transmitted signal qualityp. 24

6.6  Unwanted emissionsp. 25

6.7  Transmitter intermodulationp. 28

7  Conducted receiver characteristicsp. 28

8  Conducted performance requirementsp. 33

9  Radiated transmitter characteristicsp. 39

9.1  Generalp. 39

9.2  Radiated transmit powerp. 39

9.3  OTA Satellite Access Node output powerp. 40

9.4  OTA output power dynamicsp. 40

9.5  OTA transmit ON/OFF powerp. 41

9.6  OTA transmitted signal qualityp. 41

9.7  OTA unwanted emissionsp. 42

9.8  OTA transmitter intermodulationp. 44

10  Radiated receiver characteristicsp. 45

11  Radiated performance requirementsp. 51

A (Normative)  Reference measurement channelsp. 53

B (Normative)  Error Vector Magnitudep. 58

C (Normative)  Characteristics of the interfering signalsp. 64

D (Normative)  Propagation conditionp. 65

$  Change historyp. 66

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