
Content for  TR 33.759  Word version:  19.0.0

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1  Scopep. 7

The present document identifies potential security and privacy issues and provides potential security solutions to support additional scenarios and requirements for UAV (Uncrewed Aerial Vehicle) and UAM (Urban Air Mobility) including:
  • identify potential security issues and provide solutions for the enhanced NEF services to support service exposure and interactions between MNOs and UTM functions, e.g. security impact of supporting multiple USS.
  • identify potential security and privacy issues related to network-assisted/ground-based mechanism for DAA (Detect And Avoid).
  • identify potential security and privacy issues related to no-transmit zones for UAVs.
Furthermore, the present document makes potential recommendations for possible normative work taking into consideration the conclusions of TR 23.700-59.

2  Referencesp. 7

The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of the present document.
  • References are either specific (identified by date of publication, edition number, version number, etc.) or non-specific.
  • For a specific reference, subsequent revisions do not apply.
  • For a non-specific reference, the latest version applies. In the case of a reference to a 3GPP document (including a GSM document), a non-specific reference implicitly refers to the latest version of that document in the same Release as the present document.
TR 21.905: "Vocabulary for 3GPP Specifications".
TR 23.700-59: "Study on architecture enhancements of UAS, UAV and UAM; Phase 3"
TS 23.256: "Support of Uncrewed Aerial Systems (UAS) connectivity, identification and tracking; Stage 2"
TS 33.256: "Security aspects of Uncrewed Aerial Systems"
TS 33.501: "Security architecture and procedures for 5G System"

3  Definitions of terms, symbols and abbreviationsp. 7

3.1  Termsp. 7

For the purposes of the present document, the terms given in TR 21.905 and the following apply. A term defined in the present document takes precedence over the definition of the same term, if any, in TR 21.905.

3.2  Symbolsp. 7


3.3  Abbreviationsp. 8

For the purposes of the present document, the abbreviations given in TR 21.905 and the following apply. An abbreviation defined in the present document takes precedence over the definition of the same abbreviation, if any, in TR 21.905.
Detect and Avoid
No-Transmit Zone
Urban Air Mobility
Uncrewed Aerial Vehicle
Unmanned Aerial System Traffic Management

4  Overview and Security Assumptionsp. 8

The TR 23.700-59 describes the enhancements to the architecture and features defined in TS 23.256 for supporting enhanced NEF service exposure, network-assisted/ground-based mechanism for Detect And Avoid (DAA) and no-transmit zones (NTZ) for UAVs. The TS 33.256 specifies the security procedures and features in support of the system architecture and features defined in TS 23.256.
The security assumptions are as follows:
  • The existing security mechanisms and procedures specified in TS 33.256 and TS 33.501 should be reused as much as possible for solutions.

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