Key Performance Indicators (KPI) emanate from strategic goals of enterprise, and cascade through the entire organization.
KPIs are specified through definition and measurement of key parameters of input/output of internal network system and/or maintenance & operation progress of an enterprise.
KPIs are primary metrics to evaluate process performance as indicators of quantitative management, and to measure progress towards the enterprise's goals.
Competition in the liberalized telecommunications markets and customer requirements for more complex services are leading to a greater emphasis on the provision of efficient customer service.
To achieve this goal, telecommunication operators have found the Service Level Agreement (SLA) solution.
In the Performance Management hierarchy, SLA is supported by KQI; KQI is supported by KPI; and KPI is supported by network performance data from Network Elements.
Performance measurements are specified in
TS 32.404,
TS 32.405,
TS 32.406,
TS 32.407,
TS 32.408,
TS 32.409 and
TS 52.402.
KPI definitions include high level KPIs that are common across GSM and UMTS etc and KPIs that are related to specific network techniques.
The present document specifies Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for GSM, UMTS, etc.
KPI definitions include high level KPIs that are:
common across GSM and UMTS networks; and
specific to network techniques such as GSM and UMTS networks.