
Content for  TS 32.161  Word version:  18.0.0

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A (Normative)  Jex grammarp. 18

A.1  EBNFp. 18

The grammar of Jex is specified using the Extended Backus-Naur Form (EBNF) notation defined in XML 1.0 [7], with the following addition:
  • Regular expressions can be specified using #'regEx'

A.2  EBNF for Jex basicp. 19

This appendix specifies the normative version of the complete EBNF for Jex basic.
ManyPaths ::= (JexBasicExpr "\n" | "\n" | ("&&" #'[^\n]*' "\n")) *
JexBasicExpr ::= AbsoluteLocationPath
AbsoluteLocationPath ::= '/' RelativeLocationPath
RelativeLocationPath ::= ChildAxisStep ('/' ChildAxisStep)*
ChildAxisStep ::= DataNodeNameTest Predicate? | AbbreviatedStep
DataNodeNameTest ::= DataNodeName | '*'
AbbreviatedStep ::= '.'
Predicate ::= '[' JexBasicPredicateExpr ']'
JexBasicPredicateExpr ::= MoiSelectorExpr | AttributeElementSelector
MoiSelectorExpr ::= 'id=' String
AttributeElementSelector ::= NonNegativeInteger
NonNegativeInteger ::= #'[0-9]+'
DataNodeName ::= #'[^"[\]=!<>\n]*'
String ::= '"' StringChar '"'
StringChar ::= #'[^"\/\b\f\n\r\t]*'

A.3  EBNF for Jex advancedp. 19

This appendix specifies the normative version of the complete EBNF for Jex advanced.
ManyPaths ::= (JexAdvancedExpr "\n" | "\n" | ("&&" #'[^\n]*' "\n")) *
JexAdvancedExpr ::= AbsolutePathExpr
AbsolutePathExpr ::= ('/' RelativePathExpr?)
RelativePathExpr ::= StepExpr ('/' StepExpr)*
StepExpr ::= ChildFilterExpr | ChildAxisStep
ChildFilterExpr ::= '(' UnionExpr ')'
UnionExpr ::= LocationPath ('|' LocationPath)*
LocationPath ::= AbsoluteLocationPath | RelativeLocationPath
AbsoluteLocationPath ::= '/' RelativeLocationPath
RelativeLocationPath ::= ChildAxisStep ('/' ChildAxisStep)*
ChildAxisStep ::= DataNodeNameTest Predicate? | AbbreviatedStep
DataNodeNameTest ::= '*' | DataNodeName
Predicate        ::= '[' JexAdvancedPredicateExpr ']'
AbbreviatedStep  ::= '.'
JexAdvancedPredicateExpr ::= OrExpr | AttributeElementSelector
AttributeElementSelector ::= NonNegativeInteger
OrExpr                   ::= AndExpr (' or ' AndExpr)*
AndExpr                  ::= AndOperandExpr (' and ' AndOperandExpr)*
AndOperandExpr  ::= ComparisionExpr | LocationPath | FunctionCall | '(' OrExpr ')' | 'not' '(' OrExpr ')'
ComparisionExpr ::= EqualityExpr | RelationalExpr
EqualityExpr   ::= LocationPath ('=' | '!=') (String
                                              | Number
                                              | true | false | null)
RelationalExpr ::= LocationPath ('<' | '>' | '<=' | '>=' ) Number
FunctionCall ::= FunctionName'('LocationPath','Argument')'
FunctionName ::= "contains"
Argument     ::= String
DataNodeName       ::= #'[^"[\]=!<>\n(),/]+'
String       ::= '"' StringChar '"'
StringChar         ::= #'[^"]*'
Number        ::= ( Minus )? NonNegativeInteger ( Fraction )? ( Exponent )?
DecimalPoint ::= '.'
Zero  ::= '0'
Digit0-9 ::= #'[0-9]+'
Digit1-9 ::= #'[1-9]+'
e ::= 'e' | 'E'
Exponent ::= e ( Minus | Plus )? Digit0-9+
Fraction ::= DecimalPoint Digit0-9+
NonNegativeInteger ::= Zero | ( Digit1-9 Digit0-9* )
Minus ::= '-'
Plus  ::= '+'
true               ::= 'true'
false              ::= 'false'
null               ::= 'null'

A.4  EBNF for Jex conditionsp. 20

This appendix specifies the normative version of the complete EBNF for Jex conditions.
ManyPaths ::= (JexConditionsExpr "\n" | "\n" | ("&&" #'[^\n]*' "\n")) *
JexConditionsExpr ::= JexAdvancedPredicateExpr
LocationPath ::= AbsoluteLocationPath | RelativeLocationPath
AbsoluteLocationPath ::= '/' RelativeLocationPath
RelativeLocationPath ::= ChildAxisStep ('/' ChildAxisStep)*
ChildAxisStep ::= DataNodeNameTest Predicate? | AbbreviatedStep
DataNodeNameTest ::= '*' | DataNodeName
Predicate        ::= '[' JexAdvancedPredicateExpr ']'
AbbreviatedStep  ::= '.'
JexAdvancedPredicateExpr ::= OrExpr | AttributeElementSelector
OrExpr         ::= AndExpr (' or ' AndExpr)*
AndExpr        ::= AndOperandExpr (' and ' AndOperandExpr)*
AndOperandExpr ::= ComparisionExpr | LocationPath | FunctionCall | '(' OrExpr ')' | 'not' '(' OrExpr ')'
ComparisionExpr ::= EqualityExpr | RelationalExpr
AttributeElementSelector ::= NonNegativeInteger
EqualityExpr   ::= LocationPath ('=' | '!=') (String
                                              | Number
                                              | true | false | null)
RelationalExpr ::= LocationPath ('<' | '>' | '<=' | '>=' ) Number
FunctionCall ::= FunctionName'('LocationPath','Argument')'
FunctionName ::= "contains"
Argument     ::= String
DataNodeName       ::= #'[^"[\]=!<>\n(),/]+'
String       ::= '"' StringChar '"'
StringChar         ::= #'[^"]*'
Number        ::= ( Minus )? NonNegativeInteger ( Fraction )? ( Exponent )?
DecimalPoint ::= '.'
Zero  ::= '0'
Digit0-9 ::= #'[0-9]+'
Digit1-9 ::= #'[1-9]+'
e ::= 'e' | 'E'
Exponent ::= e ( Minus | Plus )? Digit0-9+
Fraction ::= DecimalPoint Digit0-9+
NonNegativeInteger ::= Zero | ( Digit1-9 Digit0-9* )
Minus ::= '-'
Plus  ::= '+'
true               ::= 'true'
false              ::= 'false'
null               ::= 'null'

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