
Content for  TR 29.909  Word version:  18.0.0

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2  Referencesp. 6

3  Definitions, symbols and abbreviationsp. 7

4  The status of Diameter in 3GPPp. 7

5  Proposed alternatives rules for identified problemsp. 9

5.1  Generalp. 9

5.2  Item 1: Setting of "M" bit on 3GPP defined AVPsp. 10

5.3  Item 2: Re-use of AVPsp. 10

5.4  Item 3: Version handlingp. 11

5.5  Item 4: Setting of a new Application-Idp. 14

5.6  Item 5: New Values to an existing enumerated AVPp. 16

5.7  Item 6: Re-use of commands in new applicationsp. 17

6  Conclusionp. 18

A  Roaming Infrastructurep. 19

B (Normative)  Diameter routing extensionsp. 23

$  Change Historyp. 24

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