
Content for  TS 29.305  Word version:  18.0.0

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A  IWFs for the support of SMS capable MMEs or SGSNs |R11|p. 69

A.1  Generalp. 69

A.2  IWF related to the SGd/Gdd interfaces between MME/SGSN and central SMS functionsp. 69

A.2.1  Introductionp. 69

A.2.2  General considerationsp. 69

A.2.3  Interworking scenariosp. 70

A.2.4  The mapping of proceduresp. 71

A.2.5  The mapping of parametersp. 75

A.3  IWF related to the S6c interface between HSS and central SMS functionsp. 82

A.4  IWF related to the S6a/S6a+D interface between MME and HSSp. 90

A.4.1  Introductionp. 90

A.4.2  Interworking scenariop. 90

A.4.3  General considerationsp. 90

A.4.4  The mapping of proceduresp. 91

A.4.5  The mapping of parametersp. 99

$  Change Historyp. 104

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