
Content for  TR 28.819  Word version:  18.0.0

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5  Conceptsp. 10

6  Use cases and solutions for automated delivery chainsp. 13

6.1  The operator is notified of the delivery of a new NF version from the NF supplierp. 13

6.2  Operational testingp. 14

6.3  Feature selectionp. 17

6.4  Test task and test case managementp. 18

6.6  Environment data collectionp. 19

6.7  Test orchestrationp. 19

6.8  Simulated testingp. 20

6.9  Test data analysisp. 20

6.10  Network function health analysisp. 21

7  Conclusions and recommendationsp. 22

A  Potential 3GPP management system involvement processp. 23

$  Change historyp. 24

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